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Cops: Okla. Teens Killed Baseball Player 'for Fun'

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posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by silo13
This is just the beginning, this time it just happen to be an Australian, there is black on white crime most everyday now and with no jobs and no future it will just get worse.

Black youth unemployment rate is above 50%,along with living in poverty anyway I would imagine boredom has a lot to do with it although in this case I don't believe that for a minute.

Someone from Australia mentioned boycotting America.....I agree, if I was not an American I would not have any reason to come her, damn sure most large cities.

Nothing will get done because no one really cares, there is a general consensus in America that things take care of least in the past.

Marxism is the word of the day, chaos and more chaos to keep things so bad THEY can get away with anything no matter the collateral damage.

Just my opinion.

edit on 21-8-2013 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 06:59 PM

Black youth unemployment rate is above 50%,along with living in poverty anyway I would imagine boredom has a lot to do with it although in this case I don't believe that for a minute.
reply to post by Battleline

Here is why they don't have jobs:

It May Now Pay More to Be on Welfare Than Get an Entry-Level Job in These 34 States
Aug. 21, 2013 10:36am Becket Adams
f it paid better to stay at home and not work, what would you do? That’s a question being asked in more than 30 states.

Thirty-four states and the District of Columbia have made it more attractive to seek welfare benefits than entry-level employment, according to a new report from the libertarian Cato Institute.

“One of the single best ways to climb out of poverty is taking a job, but as long as welfare provides a better standard of living than an entry-level job, recipients will continue to choose it over work,” said Michael Tanner, senior policy analyst and study co-author.

This is Obama's way of enacting "reparations" for his people. Give them more money than the people that break their backs working to pay taxes to give to those bums who don't WANT to work, and then they can go out and kill white people for fun. Let's call it the way it is, no PC, just the truth. Am I enraged? You bet your $$$ I am. The only thing this poor victim did was to be born WHITE.

On another note: Where are Al Sharpton, Obama, and all the other race-baiters, that screamed about Travon? Awfully quiet, aren't they?

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 07:16 PM
Anyone that doesn't think that this murder could be considered racially motivated needs to look at the twitter feed of James Edwards, he says flat out that he hates white people in one tweet and claims he's knocced [sic] out 5 woods (white people for those that aren't familiar with the slang) since the Zimmerman verdict.

If the Zimmerman case can be considered racially motivated, then this case is easily 100 times more so, since we have one of the killers stating in his own words that he hates white people.

Meanwhile, the entire world is aware of this case, yet the deputy press secretary of the White House claims that he is not familiar with it.

Where is the President on this? Where are the the race-baiting pros, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton? Toure'? Chris Rock? Oprah? Spike Lee, would you like to tweet out their home addresses? Samuel Jackson, would you like to spout some more vitriol so the world knows how angry you are? Utter silence, I mean, it's not like anything needs to be said, right? It was only a white guy that got killed, after all, it's not like he had any kind of future to look forward to, right? He doesn't mean as much, we was just "some white guy."

No, this is just a simple murder case, that's all. No racial motivation here, why is that? Well, that is impossible, since the perpetrators aren't white, and as we all know, the only people capable of committing a crime based on race are white people.


posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 07:25 PM
What I think that is more disturbing and wrong is that the family members of the suspects are maintaining the innocence of the young men, those who did not fire the weapon. They are quick to start blaming everyone else, how society is wrong, how their brother and son are innocent and should not be punished. Yet they failed to realise that these three suspects, did not have to pick up a weapon, did not have to go out, did not have to seek out a victim and then commit an act of violence that ended a life.

Nor are they seeing the bigger picture that acts like these do not do well for the country, and could lead to further damage to the fragile relations with other countries, like Australia. And what is more unbelievable is that the government of the USA is not reacting at all, seeming to have no comment or even looking to try to send sympathy to the family of the dead person, while the Prime Minister of Australia is stating outrage and anger over this incident. I wonder why is it that the US Federal Government is showing indifference, and the Australian Government is showing indigenation?

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by ButterCookie

Little "n's", Buttercookie? What does the n stand for?

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by Happy1

Ah I know what your talking about, I have run into some like that and even lived among the more ghetto areas and types, most of them are literally just idiots. Yet they are just a product of there environments no matter how rotten they are, you working in the prison system probably noticed by now that some things are the way they are because they are made that way, that to is just a grind machine which in some ways helps create the whole atmosphere.

I have even hung out with people like that, when I was a teenager my family used to life in these apartments, and sometimes at night the gangstas used to go shooting in the park which was in the back of apartments, I even knew some of them and been a night or two down there when they were shooting at random things in the dark and drinking. One time when I came home from school I even went miles around a group of them just to reach were I lived all because I knew and something told me that if I walked by them, there was one guy there who I seen around from time to time, exactly like the guys your talking about, and lets just say things may have gotten heated, especially seeing that he had like 5 of his friends around. Another time my and my friend sin though now he wants to be known as twoshiitz, were playing basketball when the same guy almost got his head blown off by another more hardcore type, who was playing with us.

This guy was huge, tattooed up everywere, and his skin was pockmarked as well, you could even see the heroin holes in his arms though he stooped doing that years ago, he just showed up one day while we were playing basketball said he got out of prison and was looking for my friends older brother as they used to be buddies back in the day. So we started playing baskeketball and out comes mister bad ass, he said something and the guy said something and the guy acted like he was going to pull his gun when the older gansta from the group comes out grabs him by his shoulders and literally drags him away. And yup you guessed it the older guy knew who the guy playing basketball with us was and he was scared #less of him. So ya I know a bit of and about people like this and there lifestyle and even the wanabe gansta types.

# even a guy I hanged around with for a time or two ended up in prison, all because one time he and some other guy were talking and by accident a bit of spit flew from the other guys mouth onto him. His response was to take out a knife and cut his throat, off course he ended up in prison, the guy used to work for a retail store and sometimes would come to school with a backpack full of videogames were he stole right from the truck or the back storage area were he used work, not only that but sold drugs and other things in school, but hey this is the same school were the security got busted for selling drugs to the students as well, but other then that he actually was pretty popular at the school, was even in the soccer team they had. For all i know the guy is still in jail or out or in the system getting sucked dry or who knows, he could be rich and successful by now or anything in between, he once said that was his goal in life. That or become a porn star, and yes the dude had plenty of girlfriends.

Lets not forget these type of people also make lots of money for the system and those who work on it, once in they literally like indentured slaves to the system, which in a lot of cases is why they get out. Not because they have changed or any of that, but because they know that they will eventually find the $$$ to pay the monthly fees and for there lawyers in turn and the courthouses as well, in many ways the whole thing is just one big rigged clownhouse were everybody is getting something from it. So ya its not going to change, and not because they cant change, but because its a way of life, one palm greases the other and everybody gets something out of it.

Again its not really as simple as people think or its played out on the media. Monsters and Zombies eh, so what else is new on planet earth? You kill one man they call you a murderer, you kill millions they call you a conqueror, you destabilize entire populations and they call you a society builder, you steal a few dollars they call you a thief, you steal billions they call you and entrepreneur and are to big to fail. So yes these kids have there role models to look up to, some of which they can only dream of, even the rappers they listen to wish they were as big. But yes something must be done about all this and the cycles it creates, however that's not my job, I am sure they got others who's job it is.
The responsibility always gets passed on just like the $$ always gets passed on. I just try to keep things sane withing my own environment and area and go from there. Because the issues are not only manifold but deceptively so.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by Freenrgy2

Yep, you are a good intentioned, but poorly misinformed nazi. The poor in the slums are the bottom of the gene pool? Wow. Instead of adjusting the economic and social disparities that makes a slum a slum and a poor person poor, resulting in greater chance of ignorance and crime, your solution is to limit slum residents multiplying.


posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 08:02 PM

They are quick to start blaming everyone else, how society is wrong, how their brother and son are innocent and should not be punished. Yet they failed to realise that these three suspects, did not have to pick up a weapon, did not have to go out, did not have to seek out a victim and then commit an act of violence that ended a life.
reply to post by sdcigarpig

I wonder where they get that from? It sounds like Obama speaking.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

Regardless. They made a choice. I grew up poor, in a very poor community, and I worked my $$$ off, both in school, and after school working two jobs, so that I could get to college and get out of the situation. They chose a different path. It is pure BS to blame where they grew up. It was their choice to fail to do something positive to change the situation, and now an innocent boy is dead. It pi$$es me off.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by OneManArmy

Originally posted by Gazrok

The "thug culture" is what is to blame here. These kids should all get the death penalty. No rehab possibilities here. The moment they are out, they'll kill again and again until caught again.

Thug culture being to blame yes, killing all the kids for the misguidance that society provided them?


I do not believe in the death penalty, the main reason I do not is because of the vast miscarriage of justice that pervades the US(and most other) legal system.

The fact in this is although all 3 went out to "kill someone" only one person pulled the trigger, one person is actually the murderer, 2 are accessories to murder.

Should they go to prison for life?

The murderer YES.
The accessories no.

They should at least be given a chance to show remorse and repent for their crime over a long jail sentence.

There is a recurring trend going on right now, it essentially boils down to a lack of direction or good moral guidance, there is a lack of ambition, kids without ambition, feeling like failures in a f$%ked up world where they have no place to succeed, succumb to the base animal instincts within all of us that are manipulated by a mass media of movies, tv, games, music, "news", gossip, celebrity, "Do what thou wilt", survival of the fittest, material wealth being the definition of success, the glorification of criminal activity, material wealth being the definition of success, that fear equals respect, material wealth being the definition of success, to get the girls and get that money, greed is good, MATERIAL WEALTH BEING THE DEFINITION OF SUCCESS.

This is in no way a gun control debate, its the collective mentality of our "civilized" society that needs to be debated.

Thank you, one man army. You hit the bulls eye right there. No matter what some parents do in the little time they have to be parents vs. working their buts off, the kids will do whatever the f*ck they want. They spend most time outside with other kids, they spend most of their off time in front of the tv, videogames, their idols are rich musicians that glorify drug dealing, loose women, money and the waste of it on clothing, cars, and more drugs. The most influential people teach them about ME ME ME ME ME. The most popular and highly marketed video games center around shooting/ slicing foes dead. Educational standards are consistently lowered.

And people want to just execute them? Publicly? And what does the public get from this execution? Satisfaction? Revenge? Justice? Now what happens when the next batch of misguided, messed up young folk come around? Kill them publicly too?

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 08:15 PM
Before these animals had their racist tweets exposed and their try hard gang bangers photos shown, I was fine with thinking this wasn't racially motivated, well almost, I figured that their random decision to shoot someone wasnt so random that it could of been another black guy.

It was always going to be a white guy, and it was always going to be in the back. Because that's what cowards do.

Hang them up and lynch them I say.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by ButterCookie
N's as I will call them, are not "black people". They are a whole different subculture, consisiting mainly of blacks, that take the race's because of N's that many people of other races look at blacks in shame...

So for OneManArmy and Badguy, know that you will never 'waiver' my message. N's exist, and for you to try to silence the messenger clearly places you in the same category.

for N's are the ones who snitched on the runaway slaves.
edit on 21-8-2013 by ButterCookie because: (no reason given)

Buttercookie, you are a clear racist, and that's it. The idea of calling the bad members's of a race a horribly racist name that was originally and presently allocated for the whole race is low minded and stupid within itself. A black person is horribly behaved so he's a n*gger? But the parents that tries there best with the time they have are good black people? What qualifies you or any one else to take this horrible word that was used for the whole race, and just allocate it for the bad members of the race? How is it's original status and use adjusted for the bad members? You have any names for the bad members of the white race? Or how about the Asians? Or the middle eastern and latino races? Do the bad members of the those races have their own racist names? Or all they all n*ggers also?

No one should take your racist troll behind seriously, buttercookie.... no one

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by HanzHenry

Originally posted by Antipathy17

Originally posted by silo13

A young Australian man who was in the US on a baseball scholarship is dead because three bored teenagers decided to kill somebody for fun. Police say a 17-year-old has confessed to the murder and two accomplices, ages 15 and 16, are also in custody.

The link goes on to say these murderers will be tried as adults but not face the death penalty.


My God where is all this hate coming from. I just don't get it. My mind is blown at this point. Or maybe that's my heart that's blown, I don't know. I just don't know.

They should be eligible for the death penalty and that they‘re not? The poor guy who was brutally murdered really did die in vain.

Those murderers should by hung. Period.


As much as we want to say it's parenting, we have to look and the ideas presented here by fellow ATS members. Whole societies are being manipulated. Just think. How did we go from what looked like a peaceful nation to one that love... GTA, Lady gaga, ghetto'ness, etc. We are only human, corruption lives in all of us but are we feeding it?

Our environment changes us regardless of whether we acknowledge or resist. We are impacted by that which we are in contact with. Listen to gangster music long enough, and it will impact your subconscious. Same with anything.

there is a conspiracy about how CCA and the rap music 'overlords' decided to turn the music from fun and jovial to something violent that condones illegal activity.. around 1989-1992 time frame.
edit on 21-8-2013 by HanzHenry because: years

Some one recently told me about that conspiracy, and i dont doubt it one bit. What is CCA?

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by AlphaHawk

These boys are better of then they would be about 125 years ago. Back then, a person shooting a man in the back almost certainly got the person hung in the town square within about 2 weeks.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by HanzHenry
fact number 1 .. being less than 7% of the American population, young black males commit HALF of ALL violent crimes in the US

fact number 2 .. pointing this out is racist.

so, as with ANY problem humanity has EVER HAD, we try and ID the threat, which is the first step in noticing a PATTERN.

fact number 3 .. genetic predisposition combined with young male body chemistry.. oops, that is racist too.

seems to me, doctors, researchers, dna experts, etc.. ALL AGREE THAT GENETICS PLAYS A HUGE ROLE!!

fact number 4 .. because many blacks walk around thinking their ancestors were the only slaves, or at the least that theirs are the only ones deserving compensation. somehow DNA and genetic predisposition...racism


So you ascribe to the thinking that racist eugenicists used back in the day when they and the government were working to eliminate poor people, non-whites, and the physically and mentally disabled? Coolz...

Oh, and that most of the black population reside in low income areas and poorly infrastructured areas, which after several generations will definitely produce foot criminals... but that doesn't matter to you, i guess.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by bigman88
reply to post by Freenrgy2

Yep, you are a good intentioned, but poorly misinformed nazi. The poor in the slums are the bottom of the gene pool? Wow. Instead of adjusting the economic and social disparities that makes a slum a slum and a poor person poor, resulting in greater chance of ignorance and crime, your solution is to limit slum residents multiplying.


You got it bud. Its called responsible reproduction. Weed the little turds out of the gene pool, because all those damn social programs have just worked wonders now haven't they.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 08:44 PM
The simple fact is that these young men did not fear the consequences of their actions.
There was a very good chance that they would not have been caught and they knew this to be true.
The electric chair should be a very real possibility for this crime but its not.
If you commit a felony using a gun and are convicted, you die within 3 months.
That would stop alot of gun crime.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 08:45 PM
Having taught at a public college, I always get a kick out of all of these politicians, like Obama, and many members of Congress of both parties, supporting public education in word, but sending their kids to the best, most expensive private schools. It certainly speaks of the hypocrisy of these clowns, doesn't it?

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

Regardless. They made a choice. I grew up poor, in a very poor community, and I worked my $$$ off, both in school, and after school working two jobs, so that I could get to college and get out of the situation. They chose a different path. It is pure BS to blame where they grew up. It was their choice to fail to do something positive to change the situation, and now an innocent boy is dead. It pi$$es me off.

Some people do make it out the hood and become something? Bu most don't. Just like most kids in rich or well off neighborhoods make something of themselves, but just a few are too lazy or stupid and continue monkeying around, or even get into crime and drugs despite all the opportunities and funding.

Its the environment, bud.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
Having taught at a public college, I always get a kick out of all of these politicians, like Obama, and many members of Congress of both parties, supporting public education in word, but sending their kids to the best, most expensive private schools. It certainly speaks of the hypocrisy of these clowns, doesn't it?

I don't want obamas kids going to school with my kid.
That's to big of a target for some nut job and i don't want my kid in the crossfire.
But I do understand your point. Schooling, social security, health care.
That's a long list of hypocrisy for us regular people to swallow.

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