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What if Nazis were still here...

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posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:03 PM
So this theory is a very dark one. It is that the Nazis, like legitimate Nazis, not neo-Nazi groups, are behind a lot of current events like The Patriot Act, Homeland Security, even 9/11.

The basic idea is that the Nazis (legitimate Nazis) are causing unrest around the world while simultaneously using the U.S. as the cornerstone of their Fourth Reich.

Here is an article I found discussing Nazi sleeper cells. It mentions them existing throughout Europe, but never mentions them being found and eliminated.

The Nazis hatched plans for a “Fourth Reich” by planting sleeper cells in post-war Europe to destabilise governments, secret MI5 files show.

The meeting, in a district called Deisenhofen, included 15 representatives from countries to the West of Germany, including Italy, and they were apparently told about a “great plan of promoting post-war unrest.”

In the report, released by the National Archives, Mordrelle told his interrogators: “The speaker then proceeded to relate how ample funds had already been planted in South America, mainly in the Argentine, and would become available for financing agents in due course.

“In order to have ‘bankers’ who could distribute this money, certain trustworthy key men had already been sent to live in Spain and Switzerland.”

The agents were to lie low for a “certain period after the end of the war in Europe” and at a given time were to start organising “national movements” which would be “thoroughly in keeping with the traditions of each country but which would all preach anti-Bolshevism and stir up unrest culminating in civil war.”

“If the cult of anti-Bolshevism were not particularly popular, then any other sore point, such as the burden of supporting an army of occupation or of having to cede territory might be seized on,” Mordrelle told his interrogators.

The main purpose, he said, was “to make the Allies’ post-war task as hard as possible so that the Nazi party could, in time, reappear in a suitable disguise and build up a fourth Reich.”

The cardinal rule was that no movement was to make any mention of its pro-Nazi sentiments or to indulge in anti-Semitic propaganda. “Each movement should also strive to create different slogans, methods of approach to the public, initiation ceremonies, ranks, etc, in order to lessen the risk of the affinity between movements being suspected,” the report said.

Well, Obama did have slogans and banners and stuff that, to be quite honest, were reminiscent of the Nazis.

It could be more than coincidence. Hitler was known to be a great artist in his political affairs, and was very excited about things like banners and slogans.

If there is a real Nazi connection here, maybe Obama's campaign actually came from a Nazi playbook with cultural ties. Maybe he knows, maybe he doesn't.

The Nazis apparently planned a three-layered organisation that included a “shutzgemeinschaft” outside Europe that would direct “high policy”, second layer that would make policy and a first layer that carried out “moral propaganda work” for the various movements.

Mi5 Files: Nazis Planned 4th Reich in Post-War Europe

Well this would be a three-layered organization, with the top layer making the real policies, the middle layer embedding these policies into other things in order to make them seem positive, and the third layer carrying them out. This seems oddly... familiar.

And this... “shutzgemeinschaft”... would be outside of Europe? Like where? The U.S.? And what is a “shutzgemeinschaft”?

According to Google Translate, it is a protection community, whatever that means.

The Muslim groups which today threaten the West with terrorism, subversion and insurgency are not only “fascist” in the broad sociological sense, but can trace their literal historical origins to Nazism and its genocidal ambitions.

The ideology of the Islamists whose ranks today include not only al-Qaeda but also Hamas and Hezbollah, originated with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, which was founded in 1928 by Sheikh Hassan al-Banna. The Muslim Brotherhood finds not just its roots, but much of its symbolism, terminology, and political priorities deep within the heart of Nazi fascism.

Jihad's Nazi Connections

This would explain why Obama is supporting this movement, if he was an actual Nazi agent, or working with a Nazi sleeper cell. Also, if you think about it, let's include the Bush Administration. It would completely make sense then, why the Administration was friends with the Bin Laden family.

I voted for Obama. But I also went to see him speak and was a bit freaked out. I'm not saying he is a Nazi because I don't like him, honestly, I just was reading a bunch of stuff and it clicked. That is why this is in Skunk Works.

I do like Obama, he is very charismatic and says pretty things.

Department of Homeland Security: American presidents have before now referred to the US as "the nation" or "the republic," and to the nation's policies as "domestic." By 1930 Nazi propagandists referred to Germany not as "the nation" or "the republic" - which it was - but rather as "the Heimat" - "the Homeland"

"Heimat is a German word which has no satisfactory equivalent in other languages. It denoted the region where one has been born and remains rooted.... Longing to be in the Heimat causes the incurable disease of Heimweh" - Ernstine Bradley (born and raised in Germany)

2007 The White House by May 2007 had started to criminalize free speech in new ways. Journalists have been arrested and released after a warning, editors are being treated the same way.

1930s Germany started to crack down on anyone who did not agree with the Nazi philosophy. Journalists were arrested and released after a warning, editors were treated the same way. Anyone criticizing the Nazi party or any official of the party was subject to arrest, torture, and trial not in a German court but by tribunal outside the normal judicial system

Random Forum

See, a lot of these policies started under the Bush Administration, so really blaming Obama only would be a mistake - but blaming Obama and Bush both would be more precise, or possibly, a third party that has been in charge for a while.

This is an extremely dark topic, sorry to bring it up, but it unfortunately makes way more sense... I've been freaked out about this ever since making the connection.

Does anyone else have anything to add to it? Or you know criticisms?
edit on 19-8-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by darkbake

I'll say in absolute serious terms...You're not the only one to have thought down this path and in recent years too.

I tend to want to leave this topic about there except to say I can't see a reason to point to for why it couldn't have happened and been maintained quietly all this time.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:10 PM
The Nazis are on the moon...

edit on 19-8-2013 by ausername because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by darkbake

Operation Paperclip is one, there are also Christian Fascists who want to build a theocratic government here but they lacked a Hitler, and America is heading toward the the path of the Weimar Republic

Then again It's not surprising the Nazis infiltrated the US government and simply adapted to the environment by using different scapegoats
edit on 19-8-2013 by starwarsisreal because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by wrabbit2000
reply to post by darkbake

I'll say in absolute serious terms...You're not the only one to have thought down this path and in recent years too.

Yeah, thanks Wrabbit, that is what I was thinking.

And before, I was under the impression that it was just kind of happening, like people making the same mistakes, I never thought it was real Nazis following their playbook until a few days ago. And it's kind of chilling. Nazis are not good.

But I made the connection when I realized that 9/11 was coordinated with conspiracy propaganda blaming it on the Jews, and also, that there has been a lot of anti-banker sentiment, if both hands were being played by the same player, then ouch.

It is a good subject to leave alone. I'm not sure much could be done about Nazis.
edit on 19-8-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:19 PM
The Bush's are eyeball deep in Nazism...
edit on 19-8-2013 by coastlinekid because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by coastlinekid

Wow, that is true. I had forgotten. With their family's ties to both Nazism and Bin Laden, this gets kind of intense.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by darkbake

Well we have those loyal to the Constitution and the ideas of the Founding Fathers who would fight the Nazis ala the Patriots here and across America

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by darkbake

Guess someone needs to break this news to you; the Nazi's are deader than door-nails.

I believe it's now the Zionists, who've taken it upon themselves to fill those soulless jack boots.

It was nothing more than dark self-serving energy back then, as-well-as it is now.

edit on 19-8-2013 by seasoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:24 PM
All kidding aside, if the label "Nazi" can be attached to evil and ignorance then Nazis are still everywhere.

They have never gone away, nor ever will... They can never again organize and attain power over a nation and army under the label "Nazi" ... But does it really matter what we call it?

Sieg Heil

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by seasoul

Well, what if the Nazis want us to think it is the Zionists behind their plans? And the Nazis did make it into the C.I.A.

WASHINGTON — A secret history of the United States government’s Nazi-hunting operation concludes that American intelligence officials created a “safe haven” in the United States for Nazis and their collaborators after World War II, and it details decades of clashes, often hidden, with other nations over war criminals here and abroad.

Perhaps the report’s most damning disclosures come in assessing the Central Intelligence Agency’s involvement with Nazi émigrés. Scholars and previous government reports had acknowledged the C.I.A.’s use of Nazis for postwar intelligence purposes.

But this report goes further in documenting the level of American complicity and deception in such operations. The Justice Department report, describing what it calls “the government’s collaboration with persecutors,” says that O.S.I investigators learned that some of the Nazis “were indeed knowingly granted entry” to the United States, even though government officials were aware of their pasts. “America, which prided itself on being a safe haven for the persecuted, became — in some small measure — a safe haven for persecutors as well,” it said.

The report also examines the case of Arthur L. Rudolph, a Nazi scientist who ran the Mittelwerk munitions factory. He was brought to the United States in 1945 for his rocket-making expertise under Operation Paperclip, an American program that recruited scientists who had worked in Nazi Germany. (Rudolph has been honored by NASA and is credited as the father of the Saturn V rocket.)

Nazis Were Given Safe Haven in the U.S. - NY Times

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by darkbake

The report also concluded that the number of Nazis who made it into the United States was almost certainly much smaller than 10,000, the figure widely cited by government officials.

The Justice Department has resisted making the report public since 2006. Under the threat of a lawsuit, it turned over a heavily redacted version last month to a private research group, the National Security Archive, but even then many of the most legally and diplomatically sensitive portions were omitted. A complete version was obtained by The New York Times.

New York Times

This shows that there has been an ongoing Nazi hunting operation in the U.S. to weed out the Nazis that did, in fact, infiltrate - but the report that was released was heavily censored. Maybe there were embarrassing findings in there?

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by darkbake

reply to post by seasoul

I believe you are right to a point,... the true zionist agenda has adopted many Nazi positions and has morphed into this neo-nazi-zionist-facsist cabal...

Zen Gardner has spoken much about this...

remember, self-preservation above all...

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by ausername
All kidding aside, if the label "Nazi" can be attached to evil and ignorance then Nazis are still everywhere.

Well, I kind of agree with you, I'm just exploring the possibility of legitimate Nazis in this thread, like ones that actually have family or direct cultural ties being behind some of the extremely sketchy policies we have been seeing lately.

Also, this is in Skunk Works. But some key Nazi techniques include social Darwinism, which means creating some kind of "Master Race," and the merciless killing of innocents for simply being weak.

Nazism is also heavily anti-religious, possibly because religion traditionally promotes being kind, and, well, not killing the weak off.

There are many different kinds of evil out there, but Nazism is the worst. There is no rest in Nazism unless you are dead -
edit on 19-8-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by darkbake

I'm not sure much could be done about Nazis.

The whole world saw what it took the first time around. If, in some chance, this line of thinking has merit? They'd be much harder this time until the public hits breaking points.

After all, they'd have (may have) actually done what many many a Preacher has cracked jokes about for the Devil. They made the world believe they didn't exist as their greatest trick.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by wrabbit2000

The whole world saw what it took the first time around. If, in some chance, this line of thinking has merit? They'd be much harder this time until the public hits breaking points.

They made the world believe they didn't exist as their greatest trick.

That... is scary. But it was kind of mentioned as part of their main strategy in the first article I posted, where two of their main rules for setting up the Fourth Reich were not mentioning Antisemitism and not mentioning ties to Nazi Germany, so it would follow their mode of operation precisely.
edit on 19-8-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:44 PM

The whole world saw what it took the first time around. If, in some chance, this line of thinking has merit? They'd be much harder this time until the public hits breaking points.

The Nazis have their strategy down so well that by the time the public hits a breaking point, it is much too late for anything to be done about it in the countries under Nazi control. It would take an outside invasion to stop.

Hopefully I'm wrong on every count.
edit on 19-8-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by darkbake

I don't see any cold-blooded Nazis around today, but I sure as hell see lots of cold-blooded Zionists strategically imposing their will on nations.

What country has so carefully placed itself at the eye of the storm, at the eye of the "war on terror?"

edit on 19-8-2013 by seasoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by darkbake

Yeah..and that raises something else too. If, again, this held water? It means the very real Neo-Nazi groups all these years in various nations have been tolerated but would never ..ever.. have been allowed to go much beyond what they have done the real thing.

Kinda like how the loyal brown shirts that made it all possible? Were among the first to die. It'd be true ...deep... evil we'd be speculating on having organization and presence.

I gotta say, you picked the right forum and tone for the thread.

@ Seasoul

Write Jonathan Pollard a note about how the US doesn't bust Israeli spies or their agents, when caught. He's not hard to find. He's still an inmate, last I heard, in a US Federal prison. They pretty much took him off the gate of the Israeli Embassy. It'd be funny if he hadn't done so much damage in the position he reached.
edit on 19-8-2013 by wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:49 PM
They still are here.

The Zionists of today is the Nazi of yesterday...thus ashkeNAZI (ZIAN).

Its actually so scandalous no one will ever believe it...thus it succeeds.

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