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The mind-blowing game-changer you can't unsee.

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posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by Thundersmurf

reply to post by Arbitrageur

Thanks for that guys, very interesting. I did indeed watch the video, and I do see how such an optical illusion is possible. That said, I still have questions.

Firstly, it would seem that in order for such an effect to be achieved, you need a high level of overexposure, as evidenced by the video; when he's creating the effect, you can see that his mock tether is extremely bright/overexposed, even more so than what is seen in the tether video. The object in question in this thread doesn't seem to be overexposed at all, at least in the gif in question. Secondly, to create the effect, he's also using a transparent piece of filament that he's backlighting with the green laser. This is not at all similar to the plasma wave that is being ejected from the sun. Consequently, I don't think what's shown in the video is quite analogous to what we're seeing in the gif.

Additionally, while I do see how such an effect is possible, I don't think it is sufficient to explain everything that is seen in the tether video, for instance the vectoring changes that some of the "ice particles" make, curved flight paths, etc... I have heard this explained as being caused by the thrust from the orbital maneuvering system, but I don't buy that as it does not sufficiently explain why all objects are not uniformly affected.

For instance, at 1:40 of this video, in the lower right corner, you can see one of the objects make a marked u-turn, while at the same time other objects are moving in different directions. Similar vectoring changes are seen throughout the video.

Again, thanks for bringing that video to my attention, but I'm not convinced that what is shown in that video is wholly sufficient to explain what we're seeing in the OP's gif, or in the tether video either. What say you debunkanistas?

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by ExquisitExamplE
Again, thanks for bringing that video to my attention, but I'm not convinced that what is shown in that video is wholly sufficient to explain what we're seeing in the OP's gif, or in the tether video either. What say you debunkanistas?
True there are some differences, but also some similarities. both are dealing with lights instead of "objects". And both involve trying to figure out what is going on in 3d by looking at a 2d image, so they have that much in common. I think the same special effects guy could duplicate what we see here if asked to, in a similar fashion.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 03:28 AM
I may be late on pointing ths out. I get what your saying and you presented a great case with the keyboard example but the sun didn't rotate with the camera. I will go back to reading and let you guys discuss it. I'm far from qualified to guess at whats being presented.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

I think the differences are marked enough to warrant my skepticism. I'd be interested to hear eriktheawful from page 3 and 4's opinion on all this, as it seemed like he had some degree of knowledge in the field.

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
I think the same special effects guy could duplicate what we see here if asked to, in a similar fashion.

Perhaps. Anyway, thanks for your candor.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 03:45 AM
Some of those images of the object appear to show a notch or gap in the sphere.
This object known as the 'sphere within a sphere' by Arnaldo Pomodoro, is on display In the Vatican Gardens and at the United Nations headquaters in New York amongst several other locations. The versions do seem to differ somewhat but all show a resemblance to the SOHO anomaly.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 03:49 AM
While making another .gif, I stumbled upon a single frame (I don't like to use these, but with five minutes between images, it's the best I could do) which showed some sort of debris over the top of one of the objects (at the top right of the screen.) Notwithstanding the fact that the objects may or may not be partially translucent, the speck of debris very much looks unfaded when compared to other debris in the .gif; it definitely looks like it is between the object and the camera thus showing that the object is not an artifact.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by LordofSirius

Earlier you said that you used the pine cone to view Nibiru. I can only assume you are referring the type of substance that is generated naturally in the pineal gland, what some refer to as "The Spirit Molecule". If that is the case, or even if it's not, I'd be interested to hear your description of your experience viewing Nibiru.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by HiramA

Excellent, thank you I just wanted to verify that with you.

Well there it is then, anyone trying to debunk this is going to have a very hard time in my opinion. Thanks for the hard work you have put into this and I look forward to seeing you school some more people on this. Some of your replies have been genius.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by HiramA

Are my questions invalid or answerable? Don't mean to pry, and I'm not super smart in this subject, but I have an idea. Would you mind answering the questions I asked since you are extremely adamant in this thread.

Originally posted by KnowledgeSeeker81
I just have a few questions if you care to enlighten me

1st image,
These anomalies appear to be complete, incomplete, and intertwining all at the same time. There are several of them apparently, all larger than jupiter and all in equal proportion. Jupiter is visible with the naked eye at 5.2 au. How is it that the objects should apparently be 4x that size from our distance, but are not visible to the naked eye?

2nd image
I think the anomalies you are talking about are the things towards the top of the image that kinda look like saucers? If so, how is it they are top lit and bottom shadowed? Shouldn't it be the exact opposite if the source of light is beneath them? I've never faced the sun and had a distinct shadow in FRONT of me. Also why does this image lack the corona?

3rd image
I don't see it, what are we looking for? If its that saucer looking thing in the top-middle-left, again why is it top lit and bottom shadowed? Other than that I don't see anything, please feel free to point it out clearly.

4 image/slideshow
Again, what are we looking at? I see small white dots that I assume are planets come and go in this time lapse, as would be expected given they orbit the sun. These anomalies you refer to remain unmoved. Did the satellites remain still? Did these anomalies move in perfect sync with these satellites? One of those 2 questions absolutely must be true for your claims to be valid. Either the satellites are stationery or the anomalies are in PERFECT sync with them.

5th image/rotation
After looking at your pics on page 3 your individual pics show this anomaly, it does indeed move in the individual pics, along with concurring reference points in the corona, it clearly is either orbiting uniformly with SEVERAL other anomalies, including the satellites themselves, or a camera artifact. There is a distinct and persistent object in those samples, bottom right of each there is a darkened upside down V patch of space, its the same spot in each pic. So how long of a time lapse was this one?

Also last question, asking again because this is the pertinent one, how is it this object should be visible 4x the size of Jupiter , yet no one has seen it, ever. You can stare at the sun with simple methods, like we used to in grade school to watch eclipses with a couple pieces of construction paper. We can also view the transit of Venus this way, but we cant see Jupiter sized object next to the sun?

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by eriktheawful

Official sources.

No such thing, only the illusion in place, and your misconception that it is real.. Nice argument though, but it doesn't hold water in today's corrupt society. If multi-national corporations with an agenda can buy out politicians, what makes your scientists any different?

Food for thought.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

In that sense we can only assume you are one of them since you promote "them"

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 04:31 AM
Looks like someone else found out about this last month.

Also check around 2:00 in the video, shows the large object from 2 sides.

edit on 21-8-2013 by roncoallstar because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by HiramA
Guess what was just taken down?

If you Google this, you won't find it on

lucky for you, I kept a copy.

See anything?

If only the library of Alexandria had had a backup.

A simple Google search confirms that it hasn't been taken down.

FreezePage Copy @ 05:23 EDT
Original Image on NASA Page (still up)

NASA isn't wasting it's time monitoring a thread on a conspiracy forum. Don't flatter yourself. And how can NASA attempt a cover-up if that very same evidence is in the public domain? You simply don't have a strong case here.
edit on 21-8-2013 by RUInsane because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-8-2013 by RUInsane because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-8-2013 by RUInsane because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 04:34 AM
reply to post by KnowledgeSeeker81

I'm not exactly sure what you are attempting to infer here. Care to clarify what you mean by 'I'm promoting them and I am one of 'them'"?

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by KnowledgeSeeker81
reply to post by HiramA

Are my questions invalid or answerable? Don't mean to pry, and I'm not super smart in this subject, but I have an idea. Would you mind answering the questions I asked since you are extremely adamant in this thread.

Originally posted by KnowledgeSeeker81
I just have a few questions if you care to enlighten me

1st image,
These anomalies appear to be complete, incomplete, and intertwining all at the same time. There are several of them apparently, all larger than jupiter and all in equal proportion. Jupiter is visible with the naked eye at 5.2 au. How is it that the objects should apparently be 4x that size from our distance, but are not visible to the naked eye?

2nd image
I think the anomalies you are talking about are the things towards the top of the image that kinda look like saucers? If so, how is it they are top lit and bottom shadowed? Shouldn't it be the exact opposite if the source of light is beneath them? I've never faced the sun and had a distinct shadow in FRONT of me. Also why does this image lack the corona?

3rd image
I don't see it, what are we looking for? If its that saucer looking thing in the top-middle-left, again why is it top lit and bottom shadowed? Other than that I don't see anything, please feel free to point it out clearly.

4 image/slideshow
Again, what are we looking at? I see small white dots that I assume are planets come and go in this time lapse, as would be expected given they orbit the sun. These anomalies you refer to remain unmoved. Did the satellites remain still? Did these anomalies move in perfect sync with these satellites? One of those 2 questions absolutely must be true for your claims to be valid. Either the satellites are stationery or the anomalies are in PERFECT sync with them.

5th image/rotation
After looking at your pics on page 3 your individual pics show this anomaly, it does indeed move in the individual pics, along with concurring reference points in the corona, it clearly is either orbiting uniformly with SEVERAL other anomalies, including the satellites themselves, or a camera artifact. There is a distinct and persistent object in those samples, bottom right of each there is a darkened upside down V patch of space, its the same spot in each pic. So how long of a time lapse was this one?

Also last question, asking again because this is the pertinent one, how is it this object should be visible 4x the size of Jupiter , yet no one has seen it, ever. You can stare at the sun with simple methods, like we used to in grade school to watch eclipses with a couple pieces of construction paper. We can also view the transit of Venus this way, but we cant see Jupiter sized object next to the sun?

I apologize for the delay. I have been wanting to address your questions for some time now.

1- I think the objects might only be visible in the near UV. As for them fading in and out, I think this has to do with their level of illumination from the sun as well as any effluence escaping above them.

2- There may be other objects behind them reflecting light onto them. It may also be an effect best left for an optical physicist to describe. It may also be that a stream of plasma is curling around them. As for the corona, it can fluctuate wildly, over relatively short intervals. A five minute pause between images seems to be normal (during an event.)

This image (it is big so you may have to click on it to get full view) shows what looks like a transparent disc seemingly riding (or sucking) on a flare. Look for the double-chevron bow wave/reflection. It also looks like it may have come flying out of the corona as there appears to be a hole. This might be reaching a bit, but it would explain many things. This is not a typical image and I don't yet know what equipment was used to take this, or even if it is an artist's conception. The resolution is enviable, though. It makes you wonder what the folks at NASA can see that we cannot.

3- I will post a .gif showing 8 or more objects and I may have to revert to using red arrows to point them out. I'm not sure how it will turn out after .gif compression.

4- I'm not sure I understand what you mean here. I'll have to get back to you.

5- I'll include this answer with #4.

Thanks for your questions, sorry I couldn't do better for now.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by RUInsane

I got a forbidden message when I first tried to see it again. Another member informed me that it was indeed still up, and that it may have just been down temporarily (for any number of reasons - including my typing skills.)

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by eriktheawful

Official sources.

No such thing, only the illusion in place, and your misconception that it is real.. Nice argument though, but it doesn't hold water in today's corrupt society. If multi-national corporations with an agenda can buy out politicians, what makes your scientists any different?

Food for thought.

I agree with that. Climate change comes to mind. Scientists are prone to the same weaknesses as everybody else, and the same control.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by HiramA
reply to post by RUInsane

I got a forbidden message when I first tried to see it again. Another member informed me that it was indeed still up, and that it may have just been down temporarily (for any number of reasons - including my typing skills.)

I see. Sorry if I seemed rude. But to address one of your points. I think if NASA were attempting to hide evidence, such photos simply wouldn't be in the public domain. It's counter-intuitive. That's what classification is for.

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by eriktheawful

Official sources.

No such thing, only the illusion in place, and your misconception that it is real.. Nice argument though, but it doesn't hold water in today's corrupt society. If multi-national corporations with an agenda can buy out politicians, what makes your scientists any different?

Food for thought.

I agree that scientists can be pressured politically. However, a case for that hasn't been made here. Until we have compelling evidence, such claims remain speculation. However, there are institutional pressures that discourage researchers from engaging the UFO subject seriously.
edit on 21-8-2013 by RUInsane because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 04:55 AM
reply to post by RUInsane

Perhaps, but maybe it's giving us just enough rope to hang ourselves with. Maybe it slipped through, maybe they didn't notice it, maybe they would have used it to debunk a story in the future...

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by ExquisitExamplE
reply to post by LordofSirius

Earlier you said that you used the pine cone to view Nibiru. I can only assume you are referring the type of substance that is generated naturally in the pineal gland, what some refer to as "The Spirit Molecule". If that is the case, or even if it's not, I'd be interested to hear your description of your experience viewing Nibiru.

I'd be more than happy to do this in detail but here may not be the right thread to do that.
The OP has gone to some length making his presentation so I would not like to detract from that.
I have also not made enough posts to be able to answer the private messages I already received about this.
Here is a very brief summary of my Nibiru experience.

Yes, the pine cone is an obvious pointer at the 'secret' of the pineal gland. A few years ago whilst researching the Nibiru story I had an experience during dreamtime that acted as a catalyst or activation for what turned out to be part of my main mission whilst incarnate here. I was shown quite vivid Images of a golden spacecraft/planet, it was unlike anything I had experienced before, not your usual dream. The morning after I was surfing the web and came across pictures of the Cortile della Pigna in the Vatican gardens. Whilst scrolling through I saw the sphere within a sphere object and almost fell off my chair. It was exactly what I had been shown in my dream. I was almost overcome by a very strange energy in my body. I felt a strong connection to this object that I could not explain. Shortly after I began to experience telepathic communication with Federation sources, including a 'team' member located on/in Nibiru.
Through Information I received from these contacts and by using so called accelerator Images from the Ashtar Command I was able to locate and use a teleport facility in order to travel to Nibiru and work with my team there.
This was the beginning of an adventure that almost defies description.
As I initially stated, I would be glad to share more details but do not wish to hijack this thread or seem disrespectful in any way.
If it is deemed appropriate the I would certainly answer any questions.
I beleive the OP's Images do indeed show the Flagship Nibiru along with her system.

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