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Bet you didn't learn this in school - Cure Cancer in 3 minutes!

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posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 03:49 AM
reply to post by Sankari

To me I will soon believe that it was a stone deposit that was eroded with the ultrasound than a form of energy healing (if the images are indeed true).

I do however have consider valid some forms of "faith healing" (magic) but more in the real of what is possible with hypnosis, it will not cure cancer but it can reduce pain, affect mood, behaviors and even internal body chemistry in a myriad of ways that can promote general health.

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by covertpanther

I agree to an extent that you can help prevent cancer by eating correctly etc but only HELP PREVENT.

People (and animals) have always contacted cancer since time immemorial so foods and environment aren't the be all and end all.

Oh, and see my post earlier as to why the alkaline theory is incorrect.

The whole "cancer thrives in an acid environment" came about when it was discovered that cancer cells produced an acidic environment as a by-product of their metabolism.
It wasn't that they metabolised because the environment was acidic.
People have put 2+2 together and have come up with tomato.
edit on 4/6/13 by Pardon? because: Italics

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by Pardon?

I very much disagree with what you said. Sure you seem to beleive to yourself that you know the nature of cancer - but its obvious you do not know the nature of the human body.

I have a feeling you are one on the societal diet huh? Correct me if I'm wrong here..

I am vegan, I get exercise through jogging and workout. I practise mental patterns and skills to keep a healthy brain, as well as meditation to keep the body at balance.

One who does not truely treat their native-earth body naturely; cannot TRUELY understand the body in the first place. If they are on the societal diet, they are on an artificial diet. "You are what you eat". Food affects your mind, and brain patterns as well as your heart and all your cells. Also your chakra points, but for the sake of athiests and those who dont understand them, Ill leave it at that.

What you put in your mouth, your blackhole, all your lower organs, cells and chakras must take in as well. If its not good, then you are treating the lower region of your body like a garbage can - thus increasing chances of illness or cancer. IF you are a smoker, you are treating your lower organs and cels like a nasty power-plant, and therfore increasing chances of illness or cancer.

Your talk of earlier humans and cancer couldnt be very accurate - you reference me to a link of humanity and cancer prior to 300 years ago - and I will be gladly to take this back. But I do not beleive that an alkalized human body, with a conscious and trained mind/spirit could ever have cancer come over them.

Since I went vegan I have more energy, im stronger (even though I lost weight), I heal much faster ("pain" goes away MUCH quicker).. I used to have chronic headaches, and I RARELY get them. . I could go on all day of the benefits, and preventing cancer from ever existing would be just one.


I will make a long term bet that I will out live you and any other societal diet ingesting human by many years. The results from being a vegan are very impressive and only ONE who actually takes this path ca experience and understand it. You feel the changes inside your body, in your muscle, your bone, your mind, your heart. . Stop talking about stuff you havent experienced. Or keep listneing to society reference what is good for you

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by covertpanther

I will make a long term bet that I will out live you and any other societal diet ingesting human by many years. The results from being a vegan are very impressive and only ONE who actually takes this path ca experience and understand it. You feel the changes inside your body, in your muscle, your bone, your mind, your heart. . Stop talking about stuff you havent experienced. Or keep listneing to society reference what is good for you

Please be careful, at that height if you fall off that horse you won't out-live anyone.

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by covertpanther

But I do not beleive that an alkalized human body, with a conscious and trained mind/spirit could ever have cancer come over them.

What is an "Alkalized human body"? Please be as specific as possible.

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Tuttle
Can this dangerous and idiotic misinformation not be moved to the Hoax section?, pretty reckless to be honest.

Actually this might be Government Disinformation promoted to discredit the Real natural remedies out there that might cure cancer and other diseases. make a video that looks, sounds awesome but is easy to debunk and people will leave the natural remedy movement in droves.

As someone who did study health and nutrition to cure disease for over 20 years ( natural hygiene ) I know there are tons of natural remedies that do work most of the time better than any pharmaceutical . The industry is Pissed about this information continuing to spread. It effects it cuts into the profits.

it's just like them hating on electronic cigarettes as a quit smoking remedy - that cuts into a 100 billion dollar a year world wide pharmaceutical industry that only has a track record of 6 percent. The e-cigs have a track record of over 60 percent.

BTW.. look up ANY FDA approved Drug - they Only have to have a margin slightly better than placebo to be approved and deemed effective. I challenge any doctors or those who THINK they know to debunk this - they cant and they wont.
edit on 4-6-2013 by JohnPhoenix because: sp

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by Carreau

Thank you for looking out for a brother - but i assure you with my will - I will be more then okay

You take care my friend, learn to treat your body like a temple - you will live and change in ways you once before wouldnt understand. Thigns must be experienced, they cant just be understood as ideas in the mind.

When the body, its organs, the heart, cells, your blood, brain and MIND is all functioning the way it was CREATED TO - the entity that operates that body will change into higher states or clarity and consciousness. And things like illness, cancer, injury etc.. Will not even be in the back of ones mind.


posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by DenyObfuscation

Higher PH level.

The opposite of acidic, when the body is cleansed, the organs, blood, heart, brain and cells are getting exactly what they were created to intake.

The water supply in the majority of cities is mineralized, PH f'd up and un balanced. .. This affects the organic body. Sugar, salt, fat, dead meat (and meat in general) should not be daily consumptions for a human body as they have negative effects on not just the organs, brain, blood, cells and heart - but the MIND of the indivudal.

Well cartman. .. Think in terms of being NATURAL rather a product of society. This will come more clear to you. Sure you were borned and always lived in society - but you were also born on a biological planet, in a ever expansive galaxy, with a mind and emotional complex that is un known to most of humanity.

So yea...
Goodluck my friend, stay healthy

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by covertpanther

Well first of all let me congratulate you on being a vegan, you must be so proud of yourself.
Wait, of course you are! You've told us!

Secondly, what I know about cancer isn't a belief, it's fact. And those facts have been proven and tested. If they hadn't and were in any way open to doubt I wouldn't have stated them. That's not my "thing". I don't do conjecture and supposition.

Thirdly here's a nice link about an Egyptian mummy which was found to have prostate cancer
2200 Mummy had Prostate Cancer

Here's a concise piece giving the history of cancer (naturally all the statements are backed up in a verifiable manner).
History of Cancer

Now they took me all of 2 minutes to find but I'll happily look further for you if you ask nicely.
It's entirely up to you what you wish to believe but for me I can't "believe" stuff, I have to "know" stuff.

I certainly don't know everything about cancer and I would never pretend to but I would say I know and understand a huge amount more than the average man on the street due to my background and level of research understanding.

I won't take you up on your bet as I find it quite offensive.

What I will say is that I've seen plenty of people who can't believe how they've got cancer as they have lived as healthily as possible.
Like I said, foods can only at best help prevent certain types of cancer. They can't stop or cure it. I'm yet to see irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

edit on 5/6/13 by Pardon? because: syntax

edit on 5/6/13 by Pardon? because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Bt they haven't suppressed e-cigs have they? They're freely available.
Just like they haven't suppressed any cancer "cures".

What tends to happen in the world of medical research is that a study will be published suggesting this does that.
The study will then be able to be reviewed by peers who will either agree or disagree with the study based upon the methodology, results gathering and conclusions etc. If the study is then found to be robust, generally there will be a further study performed to back up the data and to prove the results etc weren't a one-off.
If on the other hand the study is found to be lacking in a certain area, this will be pointed out too. It's then up to the creators of the study to review how and what they've done and return with a more robust attempt which will then go through the same procedure.
What tends to happen though with some "scientific" people is that they refuse to acknowledge the input of their peers and start crying that "everyone is out to get me!". This is standard procedure in the world of "alternative cures" (I purposely called it alternative CURES as some alt therapies have some benefits but generally when it's called a cure, it's bogus).

Pubmed and other study repositories are littered with single studies showing this cures that etc etc and if you trawled through it (as I often do) you would find it hard to believe why there was any illness at all in the world. But what Pubmed doesn't show is the post-publication interpretation of these studies and that's the important bit.

When there is a promising study, you can bet your life on the fact that "big pharma" et al will know about it.
What they will do however is not suppress the study but actually BUY the rights and/or patent to it.
That's how they make money. Not so much in the development of a drug or therapy but in fine-tuning it and marketing it.
I've seen it happen many times and I've seen certain individuals become extremely rich because of it too (sadly not me though).

So when I hear about cures etc being suppressed it would make me cry if it didn't make me laugh.

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by covertpanther

Higher PH level.

Is that as specific as you can be? How would one accomplish this?

What would you consider to be the optimum level of alkalosis? Should I shoot for a Ph level of say, 10? What are we measuring the Ph level of here, blood or something else?

I often hear that cancer can't exist in an "alkaline" environment but I've never heard this explained in a reasonable manner. To my understanding, if I were moderately successful in an attempt to "alkalize" my body I win a trip to the ER. If I'm wildly successful I win a spot at the morgue.

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

it's just like them hating on electronic cigarettes as a quit smoking remedy - that cuts into a 100 billion dollar a year world wide pharmaceutical industry that only has a track record of 6 percent. The e-cigs have a track record of over 60 percent.

Agreed, although the figures in the UK and Eurozone are closer to 10% success rate for Pharma offerings, like patches, gums, inhalers, and drugs, against a proven success rate of around 85% (Plus) for Ecigs in helping to quit tobacco and STAY off tobacco for a year or more.

The fact is, like Vaccines, Pharma products simply don't work in any where near the percentages needed to claim efficacy...they simply don't.

11% -15% efficacy would be a vaccine producers idea of a wet dream of a virtually never reaches the higher figures.

The same is true of their 'give up smoking' products, around 10% efficacy is the prevailing figures for people who use them and stay off tobacco for a year or longer.

A sorry figure i'm sure most people would agree.

85% + for Ecigs, means Ecigs are roughly 850%, (plus or minus a few %) or in plain language, you're almost 10 times more likely to give up smoking tobacco for a year or longer using an Ecig and eliquid to help you do it, than anything pushed on us by professional drug dealers...and the Ecig route is a hell of a lot cheaper financially too.

I'm speaking from first hand experience here...i was a lifelong tobacco smoker, 30 - 40 a day, every day...tried will power alone, didn't work..tried everything from Pharma to help me kick the filth, patches, gums, inhalers, even tried the pharma 'heart attack' drugs but nothing helped.

Tried Ecigs once and have never looked back...Neither me nor my wife (she was a lifelong smoker too, although smoked about half the number of cigs than i did) have NOT smoked a single solitary cigarette for almost 2 and a half years, and nor will we.

Ecigs are fantastic, produce NO smoke, NO tar, NO secondhand smoke (of course) and are THE SINGLE most effective device to use to help you switch your nicotine delivery method from smoking deadly and poisonous Tobacco to vapour containing nicotine (or use a nicotine free juice to simply get the vapour).

Ecigs simply WORK...Pharma products DO NOT.

If Ecigs dissapeared tomorrow, millions more people around the world will go back to smoking (great news for Big Tobacco and Big Pharma) and many of them will go on to contract serious and in many cases deadly illnesses and diseases as a result. (great news AGAIN for big pharma) Bad news for the individuals and the taxpayers.

Bin the Pharma rubbish and start giving out 'quit kits' based on a basic Ecig like the 'eGo' and a months supply of nicotine ejuice of 24 -36mg strength (use stronger nic to start with and gradually reduce it as you go)...millions more people will give up tobacco and give it up forever if they did.

edit on 5-6-2013 by MysterX because: added text

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 07:06 AM
I don't like Big Pharma anymore than you, but these natural "cures" are dangerous. There is a bonus to healthy eating and many Oncologists are including this advice while in treatment. But, to say this or that herb or other natural treatment will cure cancer, is just lying to the patient. My wife is an Oncology R.N with 20 years experience and has seen, far too often, the result of people trying these types of treatments. On Death's door, they come to the hospital as their last hope, after all that stuff has failed, their money gone to some quack. The result is a slow, agonizing death, with their loved ones standing around suffering along with them.

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by Pardon?

Thirdly here's a nice link about an Egyptian mummy which was found to have prostate cancer 2200 Mummy had Prostate Cancer

That's hardly surprising considering high ranking AE lifestyles. But it's not representative of the AE masses to use that one case as the status quo of the period.

High ranking AE's used Tobacco, coc aine and hallucinogenics among other substances, including many that are mutagenic in nature, that we know today can lead to cell mutations that we call cancer.

IOW, the habits of elite AE's were not the norms of the general population, so cannot be cited as proof of general cancers that affected people of the period, since 99.99% of people didn't have access to what the elites got up to.

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by DAVID64
The result is a slow, agonizing death, with their loved ones standing around suffering along with them.

So no real difference to the Pharma offerings then.

There are plenty of people online who have used both conventional pharma 'treatments' and unconventional cures, who testify that the unconventional treatments cured their children or other family members, only for conventional treatments like Chemo and radiation to kill them.

A Police officer went to court to testify to such, when his young daughters brain was litterally cooked by pharma Chemo and radiation, and the poor thing died a miserble and agonising death.

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by MysterX

No, not always. My Dad died of lung cancer, but ignored the symptoms till it was too late. By the time he finally went to the Dr, it had spread too much to be treated effectively. On the other hand, my Mom went to the Dr for check ups on a regular basis, got diagnosed early and is still alive and healthy. As I said, healthy eating and life style can help tremendously, but Drs still don't know why some go in to spontaneous remission, as could be the case with some claiming to be cured by natural methods. Please don't get me wrong, I am not, in any way, sticking up for Big Pharma. Just trying to point out that there are hoaxers, charlatans and gold diggers out there who will give you a "cure", take your money and be long gone when you die of their "treatment".

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by DAVID64

Sorry about your Dad & Mum David, often when we're debating or speculating on these issues, it's all too easy to forget there are real people, being directly affected by this.

I understand what you're saying, and agree there are always exceptions to every rule.

Hope your Mum stays healthy.

posted on Jun, 6 2013 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by MysterX

I'd say there is.
I've known (and thankfully still know) several people whose cancers have been successfully treated by "conventional" methods either as children or adults and have been cancer free for a very long time (for several decades in one case).

I do not know of any verifiable case where someone is cancer free after trying an alternative therapy.
Although I have read many testimonials and case studies ...... (I hope the sarcasm in that line is duly noted).

The one thing that cancer sufferers lack most of all is time.
The sooner treatment is started, the better the outcome.
From my experience all alternative cancer therapies do is reduce that time and give false hope.

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

Your video was removed for being a scam. Ouch. debunked.

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by Oannes
Everyone bing search: Is cancer a fungus? The information was shocking to say the least. I've always had a feeling that "cancer" was cause by a fungus. This information has been extremely suppressed. The foods we eat have amazing power to heal any condition deemed "incureable" by the medical establishment. They're not interested in cures,only profits. Your immune system is vital in order to stay healthy. Chemo was never designed to heal anyone.

Except it's 100% known what cancer is, and it's not a fungus. We have cultures of cancer cells, what they are is very well known. How can anyone believe that?

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