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Would Christians Be As Violent As Muslims If Their Religion Was Threatened?

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posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

If you folks would cut the GOP and the political hard-right loose, you'd have my appreciation.

yeh and I'd love it if you would cut the Progressive Christian socialism too. It has no place in real Christianity and is not the original message.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by Destiny10
reply to post by NorEaster

Who knows what they will do? I am one and I can tell you if someone is going to force me to teach my kids their way instead of my way I would tell them to take a hike. Let them have their own kids, I say. Any parent is going to want to take to arms if they feel their children are under threat.

No one cares what you teach your kids. No one. The premise wasn't that someone's trying to force you to teach your kids anything. It was that the information itself is causing massive migration - willing migration - away from theism. Specifically Christian theism. No persecution at all.

As for the rest of us who are done rearing children, we are fully prepared to die at the hand of cruel people. Why is it that the atheists always forget the cruelty of the atheist leaders of the 20th century? They killed plenty of Christians back then. Some would argue to the tune of millions if you put the Soviets and China together. And let's not forget the pagan and hedonist Hitler who killed Jews out of paranoia. He hated God.

This is crap. Thomas Jefferson was an Atheist. So was Benjamin Franklin. Atheists don't kill as a result of their disbelief in your god. If they do kill, their disbelief in your god has nothing at all to do with it. If they do good, their disbelief in your god has nothing to do with it either. Their disbelief in your god isn't a motivator for them. The few radicalized atheists that do draw attention are no different than the radicalized Christians and the radicalized Muslims that also draw attention with their crazy activities.

Don't know why you Atheist types feel so threatened, you have a lot less to worry about than we do.

No one wants to be a societal pariah. In the US, being an atheist isn't much different - in most average people's minds - than being inherently evil and untrustworthy. The cultural programming has been ongoing for almost 200 years, and has really ramped up since the GOP turned Christianity into a political litmus test back in 1980.

edit on 4/2/2013 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by NorEaster

If you folks would cut the GOP and the political hard-right loose, you'd have my appreciation.

yeh and I'd love it if you would cut the Progressive Christian socialism too. It has no place in real Christianity and is not the original message.

I see. Feed the poor and all that "camel through the eye of a needle" nonsense wasn't from Jesus' own lips then. Read your bible there Jethro.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by NorEaster

The last decade or so has made the secular community feel a bit under siege

Excuse my not buying into this victimhood spin. It is the seculars who have laid siege against all expressions of Christianity, choosing to force the removal of various symbols, such as the Ten Commandments, and even the crèche and Nativity on Christmas Eve. Nope, not buyin it.

Maybe what you are feeling is actually the pushback from decades even a century of hatred and oppression against the religious peoples by Communists, atheists, seculars.
edit on 2-4-2013 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

Secularims isn't the problem unless you want to live in a religious country. Isn't that why nations like israel and iran get a bad reputation? Actually iran tolerates jews quite a bit more than israel tolerates muslims and both are quite a bit non-secular, eventhough israel does not admit to being non-secular.

In religious nations the minorities get oppressed whether it be gays, religious minorities or atheists. That is why secularism is best.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by NorEaster
Maybe you folks that frequent this forum can help settle an argument I'm having with a friend of mine. She says that if Atheists acquired information that could literally transform the way that people who live in the modern world perceive religion - and Christianity in particular - and began to succeed in peeling off impressive numbers of theists from (specifically) Christianity as a result of the powerful nature of that information, that there'd be no overtly aggressive reaction from any Christian groups against the Atheists whose information campaign had transformed the public debate. I say that there would be an overtly aggressive reaction, and that these Atheists would be in grave danger.

What do you folks think would be the reaction. I'm aware that there are about 30 million Evangelical Christians living in the US alone. Who knows how many other kinds of Christians there are, but as I see it, the violence potential primarily exists within the ranks of the 30 million or so Evangelicals. Hell, if even .01% decide that their god has approved of the elimination of these Atheists - preventing the damnation of millions as a direct result of their elimination - that's still 30,000 potential Christian jihadists from this one society alone.

Now, keep in mind that what I'm talking about is a real game changer, as far as what these Atheists possess. Not the usual Richard Dawkins drivel. Serious information that's crumbling the Christian credibility from one end of the globe to the other.

As what can be labelled an Evangelical Christian, I will say that there will be some who will rise in violence. But that's sort of a poor argument in my opinion. Any group that is threatened in any way will have a portion that results to violence.

Just have to throw in that being a Christian doesn't automatically mean that we are for some kind of theocracy.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

That sort of flat out dismissal, when countered with overwhelming revelation, often races quickly to inappropriate levels of belligerence and emotionalism.

'overwhelming revelation', just in the past day or two since I last replied I watched a 3 separate documentaries on archaeological finds related to... Noah and his families settlement after the flood, and the astronomical observatory set up to mark many calendar phenomenon by them in Armenia, 2000 petra-glyphs in a sheltered area of neighboring mountain range telling the story of the fall of man (Adam, Eve, the serpent and the Tree in Eden) and the flood and with the animals, Ebla tablets confirming multiple Biblical person in the OT their names and cities names confirmed

There is 'overwhelming revelation' coming out all the time that the Bible is the truth for anyone who cares to look for it. Most of these finds are paradigm shifting in their reach. For me they are merely just another confirmation I would expect to see. Every month there is new info out on archaeology that confirms the Bible history, or scientific understanding that shows irreducible complexity and the limits of DNA, cosmology, biology, chemistry that required supernatural intervention.

What kind of evidence can possibly arise that would destroy Christianity and reverse 10's of thousands of examples that confirm the Bible???

Aliens? No....the 'aliens' that supposedly already visit people here have already been exposed as fallen angels of Lucifer, confirmed by decades of research by groups within western intelligence agencies (e.g the Collins Elite group for instance) and over a hundred testimonies exposing them in CE4 experiences. believe in beings from other planets but the 'real' ones aren't allowed to influence the goings on here on Earth and would not want to come here while we are subject to sin still

How about some other kind of super-natural saviour? Prophecies of Revelation already tell us to expect this to happen, we already have much detailed description of what this false Christ will do (who will just be Satan in disguise), the order that things will happen, the participants on Earth involved ect ect many many specifics. Prophecies in the Bible have gone as planned, hundreds and hundreds of them...for a Christian who knows prior prophecy fulfillment, can understand future prophecy, knows science and archaeology....there is nothing that can show Christianity to be a lie.

You might very well have an 'overwhelming revelation' (as miracles will be performed by Satan) when the false Christ presents himself who will lead many Christians and the world won't mean the revelation (that this is God) is actually true though. In the miracles of healing Satan will perform He won't ever be able to create and attach a limb for someone that has lost a leg or arm for instance.
there is many references in this thread to Christianity being violent in the past like the Crusades....Biblical prophecies points out the Vatican being given its power from Satan...any violence done by Catholics (Crusades, Inquisition ect) then true Christianity washes its hands from this because it did not come from God.
edit on 2-4-2013 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by NorEaster

The last decade or so has made the secular community feel a bit under siege

Excuse my not buying into this victimhood spin. It is the seculars who have laid siege against all expressions of Christianity, choosing to force the removal of various symbols, such as the Ten Commandments, and even the crèche and Nativity on Christmas Eve. Nope, not buyin it.

Maybe what you are feeling is actually the pushback from decades even a century of hatred and oppression against the religious peoples by Communists, atheists, seculars.
edit on 2-4-2013 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

Secularims isn't the problem unless you want to live in a religious country. Isn't that why nations like israel and iran get a bad reputation? Actually iran tolerates jews quite a bit more than israel tolerates muslims and both are quite a bit non-secular, eventhough israel does not admit to being non-secular.

In religious nations the minorities get oppressed whether it be gays, religious minorities or atheists. That is why secularism is best.

hmm don't Christians get made fun of and largely shunned to labelled crazy in America? I don't think the solution is as simple as "a Secular Nation" or "a religious nation." All nations will have some form of religious philosophy behind it. Even America has one, and it's not Christianity.

The positive thing about secularism is that it does promote a sort of equality that many world governments lack. At the same time, its far more conducive to the capitalistic mindset which really plays right into the hands of the mighty elite bankers who want entrepreneurs to essentially do the dirty work for creating a global order.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

Amen brother

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by FaceLikeTheSun
Just have to throw in that being a Christian doesn't automatically mean that we are for some kind of theocracy.

I agree. My wife is a devout Catholic, and we agree on the ideological basics of caring for the poor, respecting honesty and honorable character, and wanting goodness to win out in the end. We don't agree on how reality came into existence, but I'd never require her to embrace my view of things. She doesn't require that I reject the beliefs that I have either, and I never make her attend Sunday mass by herself. I actually enjoy the services, since the house band is really good at her parish.

Not all Christians are theocrats, but we all know that 10s of millions of dollars are donated and spent each year to push for theocratic changes in our society. Yes, there is also secular millions being spent to counter this, but what would you expect? No pushback at all?

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 10:14 PM
Apparently, the answer is "Yes"

ATS thread

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by NorEaster

If you folks would cut the GOP and the political hard-right loose, you'd have my appreciation.

yeh and I'd love it if you would cut the Progressive Christian socialism too. It has no place in real Christianity and is not the original message.

There is no socialism in america. Come on why do you say outlandish stuff? Out of control liberalism does not socialism make. The workers do not control the means of production in america. Any dumbass can figure that much out for themselves.

As for progressivism I WISH there was progressivism. Perhaps the stock market speculators would stop their insider trading schemes and warmongers would have less wars to look forward to. It is a common saying in america that america needs at least one war per decade to sustain itself since it has outsourced manufacturing to third world nations. Zero manufacturing means we have a 100% service industry...well I am exaggerating a bit since you like to do the same. The petrodollar myth is the ONLY THING keeping america floating and his highness Obama printing more money to keep the welfare complex alive. Without WC there would have been a revolution by now.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by JesuitGarlic
reply to post by NorEaster

That sort of flat out dismissal, when countered with overwhelming revelation, often races quickly to inappropriate levels of belligerence and emotionalism.

'overwhelming revelation', just in the past day or two since I last replied I watched a 3 separate documentaries on archaeological finds related to... Noah and his families settlement after the flood, and the astronomical observatory set up to mark many calendar phenomenon by them in Armenia, 2000 petra-glyphs in a sheltered area of neighboring mountain range telling the story of the fall of man (Adam, Eve, the serpent and the Tree in Eden) and the flood and with the animals, Ebla tablets confirming multiple Biblical person in the OT their names and cities names confirmed

Eden and Noah is Armenia?
Confirmed and everything, eh?


There is 'overwhelming revelation' coming out all the time that the Bible is the truth for anyone who cares to look for it. Most of these finds are paradigm shifting in their reach. For me they are merely just another confirmation I would expect to see. Every month there is new info out on archaeology that confirms the Bible history, or scientific understanding that shows irreducible complexity and the limits of DNA, cosmology, biology, chemistry that required supernatural intervention.

Dude, you're being a cartoon version of a Christian with this foolishness. It's junk like this that makes people think you guys are nuts.

What kind of evidence can possibly arise that would destroy Christianity and reverse 10's of thousands of examples that confirm the Bible???

Again....this is the stuff that kills your credibility.

Aliens? No....the 'aliens' that supposedly already visit people here have already been exposed as fallen angels of Lucifer, confirmed by decades of research by groups within western intelligence agencies (e.g the Collins Elite group for instance) and over a hundred testimonies exposing them in CE4 experiences. believe in beings from other planets but the 'real' ones aren't allowed to influence the goings on here on Earth and would not want to come here while we are subject to sin still

How about some other kind of super-natural saviour? Prophecies of Revelation already tell us to expect this to happen, we already have much detailed description of what this false Christ will do (who will just be Satan in disguise), the order that things will happen, the participants on Earth involved ect ect many many specifics. Prophecies in the Bible have gone as planned, hundreds and hundreds of them...for a Christian who knows prior prophecy fulfillment, can understand future prophecy, knows science and archaeology....there is nothing that can show Christianity to be a lie.

You might very well have an 'overwhelming revelation' (as miracles will be performed by Satan) when the false Christ presents himself who will lead many Christians and the world won't mean the revelation (that this is God) is actually true though. In the miracles of healing Satan will perform He won't ever be able to create and attach a limb for someone that has lost a leg or arm for instance.
there is many references in this thread to Christianity being violent in the past like the Crusades....Biblical prophecies points out the Vatican being given its power from Satan...any violence done by Catholics (Crusades, Inquisition ect) then true Christianity washes its hands from this because it did not come from God.
edit on 2-4-2013 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

You're exactly the kind of Xtian that I'd expect to eventually flip out when your drivel is completely busted as the kind of craziness it is.

Hell, I could easily have you climbing over the table after me if we met in open debate - and within 30 minutes. You'd be completely driven to wring my neck long before I was done with you. All I'd need is a half hour of killing off your "facts" one by one in front of an audience. You'd forget all about murder being against the law, let alone against Christian teachings.

edit on 4/2/2013 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by CranialSponge
Apparently, the answer is "Yes"

ATS thread

What timing!!!



Thanks everyone for your indulgence. No more wondering, and it looks like I won the argument.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

I would also preempt the common Christer response to my comment about the KKK being a Christian organization.

If you study these hate groups and learn who runs the show you will see that it is the Jesuit General of the Catholic church. They run the Nation of Islam (Fruit of Islam) corresponding group as well. The Vatican is not Christian, it is Satanic (the bible says so and history tells the same tale). Any 'Christians' involved in KKK are more like wolves in sheep's clothing or morons.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by NorEaster

Originally posted by CranialSponge
Apparently, the answer is "Yes"

ATS thread

What timing!!!



Thanks everyone for your indulgence. No more wondering, and it looks like I won the argument.

No need to thank me.

Just send beer.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by FaceLikeTheSun

hmm don't Christians get made fun of and largely shunned to labelled crazy in America? I don't think the solution is as simple as "a Secular Nation" or "a religious nation." All nations will have some form of religious philosophy behind it. Even America has one, and it's not Christianity.

Yes to some extent because the liberals have more say/pull than the conservatives do.

The positive thing about secularism is that it does promote a sort of equality that many world governments lack. At the same time, its far more conducive to the capitalistic mindset which really plays right into the hands of the mighty elite bankers who want entrepreneurs to essentially do the dirty work for creating a global order.

Republicans use/pawn the religious people to get votes from them, when in reality all they care for is their big business sponsors who finance the party and their campaigns. Unless republicans play the religious card as much as possible they would never win any election. They also pawn the gun crowd with the second amendment.

The "elite" bankers(more like satanic scum) own the entire operation(both liberals and conservatives) and it hardely makes any difference to them who wins. I think the bankers prefer liberals a bit more though as they are easier to squeeze into accepting globalism. Both neo-liberals and neo-conservatives are big time globalists!

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by watchitburn

Islam is not the fastest growing religion heading for extinction by the truth alone, the religion of the garden of 1st Eden with the opened book at the end is the fastest growing religion.

People in Islam are held by ransom and spiritual bondage led by the their teachers who have not got the truth but in a snare at the end.

Euge Groove - Faithful Central

edit on 3-4-2013 by sevens8 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

If you study these hate groups and learn who runs the show you will see that it is the Jesuit General of the Catholic church. They run the Nation of Islam (Fruit of Islam) corresponding group as well.

Please expand on this, if needs be start a new thread I do know that they are connected to Japanese right-wing organization the Kokuryūkai or the Black Dragon Society going back pre- WW ll to this day,but the Jesuit angle I haven't a clue.

edit on 3-4-2013 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 12:45 AM
guess you issed the whole holy war , witch burning, lies, deceit and child molestation that been going on for 2k years lol


posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 12:51 AM
Some good advise for the terrorist from Enoch(religion)

Enoch Chapter 94,

2 And to certain men of a generation shall the paths of violence and of death be revealed,
And they shall hold themselves afar from them,
And shall not follow them.

3 And now I say unto you the righteous:
Walk not in the paths of wickedness, nor in the paths of death,
And draw not nigh to them, lest ye be destroyed.

4 But seek and choose for yourselves righteousness and an elect life,
And walk in the paths of peace,
And ye shall live and prosper.

whats so evil about that advise.
edit on 3-4-2013 by sevens8 because: (no reason given)

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