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God does not exist.

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posted on Mar, 31 2013 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Cabin
The thing is, there are so many religions and Gods created, temples and churches are built for all of them, and most of them claim some kind of heaven/hell. Although what will happen other religions? Religions which are much older than the Christian, are often considered not "real religions"? It simply does not make sense for me. Are all the people who lived before Christ in hell because they did not believe in the real god, but into Zeus, Ra or Odin?

Everyone who has faith in a non-Christian religion will be sent to Sheol a.k.a hell.

Note: Sheol was once a paradise. Before the death of Christ all spirits would reside in Sheol awaiting Judgement. When Christ died on the cross he took the paradise part and good spirits with him to a new world / dimension.

Now Sheol is a replica of this world except its got nothing to smile about.

Every spirit in Sheol prior to Jesus Christ would have got a chance to seek forgiveness from YHWH by being born again as a mortal. This is where 'past lifetimes' come into play. Many people never repent and just keep dying and being born again, over and over again.

posted on Mar, 31 2013 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by Angle

Yes you are completely right, the mind will search forever and by its searching will only create more ground for it to search, so it goes on searching for eternity, so i guess you could say that in a certain way the mind CAN comprehend infinity, but it can only do it one section at a time, and since infinity has infinite sections, you will only go round and round the wheel of life never getting anywhere.
But the heart on the other hand can fully embrace the Lord our God, it can fathom him entirely, and don't ask me how, because although i might be able to explain it better than others due to the gift of my dear friend the spider (being able to explain things clearly using words, to 'weave the web' of the written word so to speak that is the gift of my beloved spiritual spider) my explanation would still be from the mind, and would only explain one strand of the truth no matter how lucidly written.

You took a risk my friend and it was a brave one, but it was worth it if even one person has glimpsed a beam of the light of wisdom through your words. I must say I was utterly gobsmacked that so many people completely missed what you were saying and came to defend God, when really you were professing his name and his truth, it is only an advertisement of their lack of understanding about the one they claim to follow and another example of how ignorance tightens its grip on ATS every minute that passes.
Its funny, Christ was murdered by those who claimed to follow the way of the Lord, and he was murdered for the crime of professing the Lords truth, how twisted and backwards must the minds of these be? And here i have seen proof that if Christ were to return today, he would not be recognised by these afflicted sons of satan and would probably be murdered again for such a kindness as trying to drive these sickened hordes out of their self-perpetuated misery.... the words from the bible "ye are a stubborn and stiff-necked people" come to mind.... well there's just no winning sometimes haha, but I guess we just need to have faith in our Beloved Lord who is the kind friend of all living things, though they mostly choose to turn their faces away from him.

posted on Mar, 31 2013 @ 05:13 PM
Let us say then, that in a certain way and from a certain perspective, it would not be lie to say that God does not exist, but it wouldn't exactly be the truth either. God is doing something even more 'real' so to speak, than existing. If something exists, it can exist at one point and not exist at another but what if something neither exists nor doesn't exist? it is unshakeable in its position, it is a refined state of being beyond the fluctuation of the opposites which allow us humans to define something as being 'there' or 'not there', unfortunately we don't have a word like 'exist' to describe that state of being, but we do have these words: God, Yahweh, Allah, Krishna, Infinity, Perfect Vacuum, Eternity, Everything, Nothing, and my personal favourite, the true name of God: AUM or AMEN.

The atheist doesn't realise that were it not for the Lord God, he wouldn't even be able to move his lips to deny his truth, the very ability of us to think the thought 'im an atheist, god isnt real' is proof of his existence.

Einstein has proven that movement is impossible, but the Lord Our God moves everything, though ever still.

And for all you 'you shall burn in the fires of hell for all eternity' types, I say this, we are in hell right now, because as long as you go on and on with desiring sex, food, drink and drugs and all other worldly things, you yourself have tied the final knot and hammered in the last bolt to the coffin of your freedom. You can leave hell whenever you want, but because of your OWN pride and determination for self satisfaction YOU KEEP YOURSELF LOCKED IN HELL, and so yes, if you never relent, if you never renounce, then you will remain trapped forever in sorrow, but it is YOUR choice. The second you decide to live your life for the sake of others, whether you think in your mind 'im an atheist' or not, you have burst through the fiery gates and are making your way to paradise, thats why there are probably more atheists that will go to heaven, and more so called religious people that are in hell. I tell you something, sometimes it is necessary for a person to be an atheist for a time, it proves that they are seeking their own answers, and if you truly have faith in God then you will know that if they seek the truth earnestly they will eventually arrive at the same answers you did, no matter how much you say 'you will burn in hell' to get them to believe, it doesnt matter if they dont FEEL Gods love and his truth in their own hearts, and sometimes to do that they have to leave the dogma of religion only to find the true religion of the true God, and when they do that they will see that organised religion is only a shadow of a forgotten truth, and also that many atheists hold Gods love close to their hearts even though they dont know it because the church has confused its meaning, so they wouldnt use those words but the fact remains the same that a lot of them are very close to God, so in that way they are not atheists, what I hate is when people throw the baby out with the bathwater, and then many atheists, although their hearts are in the right place, cant ever find the next step in their journey because they have discarded the truth of the texts simply because of the hypocrisy of the so called believers of the texts. I used to be an atheist too, and if theres one thing i learned from my journey its that the church, and all churches of all 'religions' are the enemy of the one true God. You can find the truth in the bible, koran bhagavad gita etc etc, but you are unlikely to find it from a priest or imam or the like. And in conclusion I will say this:

To fully unite with the Lord, get to paradise and find enlightenment, you must eradicate the ego, everything you think you are must dissolve in the immovable KNOWLEDGE of what you are, that it is implied so strongly that the question does not even need to be asked. You are the infinite nothingness/everythingness. But consider this, if you are religious, then you consider your religion part of who you are, you identify your ego with the IDEA of infinity, and so the ego will never die, and you will never reach infinity, so you might ask me 'if religion wont lead us to God what will?' and i would say, not religion, nor any other thing and i would refer you to the OP. NOTHING WILL LEAD US TO GOD. And i dont mean by this, that we will never get to God, what I mean is that contemplation, realisation and application of the divine utterly full and complete no-thing-ness will lead you to the Infinite Domain of our Almighty Beloved Friend and Creator. 0 is indivisible, Infinity is indivisible, 0 is Infinity, Infinity is 0.

Amen. And happy easter sunday everyone. A great day for this conversation

posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by Blue Shift

I think we explained this now. No hard feelings your way Blue Shift.

posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by simplyLOVE

Yes, it wouldn't be a lie to say "God does not exist" but that is then when the within of something we all have within is observed. But when we say this: "God does not exist" and when we mean what we've explained, there must come an explanation with it with what is meant, right, otherwise... ->

Thx for your posts simplyLove. I was beginning to not understand what I wrote anymore

English also isn't my mothertongue so sometimes, just sometimes thread can get really complicated. But even if it were my mothertongue, they still could be complicated.

It was the day for discussing this yeah, you came at the right moment.

God is awesome!

posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by Angle
God is hated, God is denied, God is mocked and ridiculed, but God does not exist.

Also, the reality of a spirit one does not call existence, so it does not exist.

It is reality, but it does not exist.

You phrase Your question as if we humans are all knowing and infinite.

Do you observe and do you know everything there is?

posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 03:48 AM

Originally posted by spy66

Originally posted by Angle
God is hated, God is denied, God is mocked and ridiculed, but God does not exist.

Also, the reality of a spirit one does not call existence, so it does not exist.

It is reality, but it does not exist.

You phrase Your question as if we humans are all knowing and infinite.

Do you see questions where there are none? (don't worry about it, just answer them)

Originally posted by spy66
Do you observe and do you know everything there is?

Sure (when I interpretate your question as I should, and that is not as you meant it.)

posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by Angle

Do you see questions where there are none? (don't worry about it, just answer them)

Only we form questions because we are not all knowing or all observing.

Sure (when I interpretate your question as I should, and that is not as you meant it.)

Try answering both With honesty.

posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 04:55 AM
I did answer them with honesty. Thx.

posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by Angle

Answer me this: How can God not exist if the infinite exists?

Was creation of finite random?

If Your answer is yes. Do you understand what a constant is?

posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by spy66
reply to post by Angle

Answer me this: How can God not exist if the infinite exists?

You mean, 'when' the infinite exists, don't you?
And did you mean infinite or eternity?

Originally posted by spy66
Was creation of finite random?

Is there any difference if it where created randomly or not? No, there ISn't.

posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by spy66

Answer me this: How can God not exist if the infinite exists?

If the infinite exists, then there is just as much "God"-less space as there is space with "God" present. Now, if we're talking infinity here, then conceivably that "God"-less space is infinite as well as the space with "God" present. Still with me? Good. If there's is infinite "God"-less space and infinite "God" space then how do they coexist?

Answer me that.

Was creation of finite random?

Explain that question more clearly, please.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by Angle

God exists and will be known to man in future.

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by spiritoftruth111

God exists and will be known to man in future.

I have never found confidence and emotional basis to be a suitable or even desirable replacement for fact, except in one case: when there is no other choice. But this is not such a case.

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