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Hugo Chavez dies after cancer battle

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posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 06:10 PM

Hugo Chavez dies after cancer battle

All politics aside...

To the family of Mr. Chavez, my genuine sympathies. Having lost a close family member to cancer, I can identify with the loss.

To the people of Venezuela, I wish you well and god speed in recovering from this loss. We, the people of the US, have known the feeling of losing beloved leaders. Two Kennedys and a King still resonates within us.

I hope that... for just a moment, we can set aside nationalism and politics to show some respect and accept the same between two nations.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

You really need to at least glance at the other side of an issue once in a while. Chavez rejected Obama after Obama's second year, almost as harshly as he rejected Bush, but go ahead and maintain your ignorance. Chavez spit in the face of the elite, in his own country and the global elite, the so called NWO... the people you claim to despise yet cheer on in your complete ignorance.

Feels good to take comfort in the sorrow of others eh?
edit on 5-3-2013 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by Kali74

Personal applause for Redoubt and Kali74 for two great responses!

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 06:24 PM
The papers here in Denmark has a rather biased attitude towards his death.

Here is a picture from one paper, "Ekstra Bladet"

It immediately gives you the impression he is some kind of clown or wacko, atleast it does do me.

And then all the articles go on about the same phrase:

Hugo Chavez was in many western government offices considered a nutjub, and a provocateur.

He surrounding himself with bad friends, such as Syria's president Bashar al-Assad, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Libya's deceased leader Muammar Gaddafi.

When he spoke, he often went for his arch-enemy, USA, and said it loud, which many of his allied was thinking.

Most legendary is perhaps his remarks about the "smelling sulfur" at the podium, which Chavez spoke about just after the recent US president George W. Bush had been speaking.

edit on 5/3/2013 by kloejen because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by xuenchen

You really need to at least glance at the other side of an issue once in a while. Chavez rejected Obama after Obama's second year, almost as harshly as he rejected Bush, but go ahead and maintain your ignorance. Chavez spit in the face of the elite, in his own country and the global elite, the so called NWO... the people you claim to despise yet cheer on in your complete ignorance.

Feels good to take comfort in the sorrow of others eh?
edit on 5-3-2013 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

it's a shame that people actually believe all that malarkey

here's some new updates from Vice president Nicolas Maduro (commie #2):

The President had been undergoing treatment for cancer since June 2011

Vice president Nicolas Maduro made the announcement on television

Claimed the socialist leader had been 'infected by imperialist enemies' (
) (typical)

Had been in 'very delicate' condition after developing respiratory infection

Returned from treatment in Cuba last month but has not been seen since

News comes just hours after two US officials expelled from country

Maduro claimed they planned to destabilise the country with military leaders

Daily_ Mail story



Hugo Chavez death: Live Report

edit on Mar-05-2013 by xuenchen because:

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

The only shame I see is you cheering on the lapdogs of the Global Elite and your utterly disgusting disrespectful joy at the grief of others.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 07:02 PM

Awash in oil wealth, Venezuela throughout the twentieth century enjoyed its own kind of exceptionalism, avoiding the extremes of left-wing radicalism and homicidal right-wing anticommunism that overtook many of its neighbors. In a way, the country became the anti-Cuba. In 1958, political elites negotiated a pact that maintained the trappings of democratic rule for four decades, as two ideological indistinguishable parties traded the presidency back and forth (sound familiar?). Where the State Department and its allied policy intellectuals isolated and condemned Havana, they celebrated Caracas as the end point of development. Samuel Huntington praised Venezuela as an example of “successful democratization,” while another political scientist, writing in the early 1980s, said it represented the “only trail to a democratic future for developing societies…a textbook case of step-by-step progress.”

We know now that its institutions were rotting from the inside out. Every sin that Chávez was accused of committing—governing without accountability, marginalizing the opposition, appointing partisan supporters to the judiciary, dominating labor unions, professional organizations and civil society, corruption and using oil revenue to dispense patronage—flourished in a system the US held up as exemplary.

Petroleum prices began to fall in the mid-1980s. By this point, Venezuela had grown lopsidedly urban, with 16 million of its 19 million citizens living in cities, well over half of them below the poverty line, many in extreme poverty. In Caracas, combustible concentrations of poor people lived cut off from municipal services—such as sanitation and safe drinking water—and hence party and patronage control. The spark came in February 1989, when a recently inaugurated president who had run against the IMF said that he no choice but to submit to its dictates. He announced a plan to abolish food and fuel subsidies, increase gas prices, privatize state industries and cut spending on health care and education.

Three days of rioting and looting spread through the capital, an event that both marked the end of Venezuelan exceptionalism and the beginning of the hemisphere’s increasingly focused opposition to neoliberalism. Established parties, unions and government institutions proved entirely incapable of restoring legitimacy in austere times, committed as they were to upholding a profoundly unequal class structure.

Chávez emerged from the ruin, first with a failed putsch in 1992, which landed him in jail but turned him into a folk hero. Then in 1998, when he won 56 percent of the vote as a presidential candidate. Inaugurated in 1999, he took office committed to a broad yet vague anti-austerity program, a mild John Kenneth Galbraith-quoting reformer who at first had no power to reform anything. The esteem in which Chávez was held by the majority of Venezuelans, many of them dark-skinned, was matched by the rage he provoked among the country’s mostly white political and economic elites. But their maximalist program of opposition—a US-endorsed coup, an oil strike that destroyed the country’s economy, a recall election and an oligarch-media propaganda campaign that made Fox News seem like PBS—backfired. By 2005, Chávez had weathered the storm and was in control of the nation’s oil, allowing him to embark on an ambitious program of domestic and international transformation: massive social spending at home and “poly-polar equilibrium” abroad, a riff on what Bolívar once called “universal equilibrium,” an effort to break up the US’s historical monopoly of power in Latin America and force Washington to compete for influence.

The Nation

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
Well I am sure the oil barons will now can go back and take away what they lost from their oil assets when Chavez too over and kick them out of the country

Occurs US government will make sure that if the Venezuelan new government wants anything to do with the US "benefits" they will have to pay back retribution from the loses.

What a nice future for Venezuela if the want to be "firends of the US", time to get Venezuela back in debt with the central banks.

Yep, and over the last couple days I noticed some very strong rhetoric concerning Iran. Just about the last loose end of potential slaves under the corporate banner of Amerika. Land of the free. Cough....

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by Kali74

I know Chavez story, and so the story and struggles of Venezuela, but he was vilified more than ever because the oil control that US barons lost when he took over the nation.

Also because he refuse to have Venezuela under the Central banks that US control.

Sadly the people in Venezuela that were complaining the most were the opposing parties and once elite that ruled the nation with the blessing of the US as long as the Venezuelan oil was free flowing in the hands of US private interest.

Is going to be a site to watch how the opposition will be funded over the borders in order for the old elite to get back the nation and open up again the Oil for the old barons to take back.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Apollumi

We are going to see some revolts soon, some riots, protest and with a weak government without Chavez very soon the elite opposition will take control of the nation thanks to some outside "help".

Occurs this will be in the news as the "people fight and for the peoples victory" the only victorious if such a internal revolution happens will the private interest that will be taking over, regardless of the many deaths it will be call "liberation".

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by marg6043

It's palpable in the messages of condolence. Especially in Obama's... Our sympathy to the family and the people, we hope now that he's dead we can resume installing puppets that let us do whatever we want.

Loose translation

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 07:44 PM
Wishing his family strength in dealing with the loss of a Loved 1. These Global politics are so confusing and can be extremely misleading therefore 1 shall not dive nor take a stance. However as a CREATOR Creation in transition 1 wishes he the best in his guidance upon his journey...


posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 07:45 PM
Here's the great Chavez at work.....

He still may be alive and sipping french wine somewhere!!!!!

Analyst estimates Chávez’s family fortune at around $2 billion

Surprise Surprise

what a "commie" he IS

Criminal Justice International Associates (CJIA), a risk assessment and global analysis firm in Miami, estimated in a recent report that the Chávez Frías family in Venezuela has “amassed a fortune” similar to that of the Castro brothers in Cuba.

According to Jerry Brewer, president of CJIA, “the personal fortune of the Castro brothers has been estimated at a combined value of around $2 billion.”

“The Chávez Frías family in Venezuela has amassed a fortune of a similar scale since the arrival of Chávez to the presidency in 1999,” said Brewer in an analysis published in their website.

Brewer said that Cuba is receiving about $5 billion per year from the Venezuelan treasury and in oil shipments and other resources.

“We believe that organized bolivarian criminal groups within the Chávez administration have subtracted around $100 billion out of the nearly $1 trillion in oil income made by PDVSA since 1999.”

They're ALL the same

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 07:48 PM
Didn't care for his politics, but one has to feel some respect for a man who wasn't afraid to stand up to the United States with such flair...

Saw this on CNN and said "wha.....?????" How do you "infect someone with cancer"??? It's not a virus....

The announcement of Chavez's death came hours after Maduro met with the country's top political and military leaders about Chavez's worsening health condition and suggested someone may have deliberately infected Chavez with cancer.

Hugo Chavez is dead

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

Well that is too bad, perhaps if he has been a puppet to the US private interest elite his fortune would have have been 4 or more times that amount, darn he lost a lot of money when he became an "enemy of the US elite in charge"

I think compare to the politicians in Congress his fortune is probably in the ranks of the poorest in Congress.

Soon US will make sure that the assets to his fortune will be frozen to pay for retribution.
edit on 5-3-2013 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by Kali74

Well said.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 08:01 PM
Regardless of how one may feel about President Chavez' politics, ethics or methods, he was first and foremost a fellow human being; one who endured a difficult and painful illness.

There are people out there who have lost a father, brother, son, family member or respected/beloved leader and they are grieving. To those people I extend my deepest and most respectful sympathy.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 09:28 PM
Hugo Chavez may have been a very bad man in many regards, but I cannot believe ANYTHING told to me by the mainstream corporate media, especially since corporate America hates Socialism and has led a 100 year campaign against it, considering socialistic ideals directly conflicts with their profit motive. Everything I know is taken from compromised sources. Now I know there are many with personal stories of abuse, and these certainly cannot be discarded. He did callout the elite though which I respect. We know George Bush is evil and guilty of crimes against humanity, so anyone who calls out his atrocities - as Chavez did - deserves a second look. It seems he was far from perfect, and we cannot deny his changing his country's constitution to stay in power, but I think he recognized the system for what it was. Where the evil lies.

I also find it somewhat curious, as I do not believe in coincidence, that an hour or so before the news broke of Chavez's death there were the reports of 2 US consulate members being ousted from the country for trying to overthrow/destabilize the government.

I just finished reading Dr. Mary's Monkey by Ed Haslem having to do with the viruses being worked on in and around New Orleans in the late 50s and early 60s by Dr. Alton Oschner, Dr. Mary Sherman, and Judyth Baker, among many others. If the account is to be believed (I believe it) our medical establishment unwittingly unleashed cancer into the populous after growing polio vaccines on the liver, I believe, of monkeys, creating a mutation - SV40, or Simian virus 40.

While hurrying to develop a vaccine for this coming cancer epidemic, some believe there were others who decided to go in the opposite direction and use this virus to weaponize cancer. Dr. Oschner, an incredibly influential man, helped create INCA - the Information Council of the Americas - a decidedly anti-Communist, anti-Castro organization that had many sticky and sketchy connections - from multinational corporations, to the CIA, to Mr. Lee Oswald himself.

My point is that there is a long history of the American government doing these types of things in the name of empire and hegemony. IF Chavez was given cancer, it would fit with the modus operandi of these shadowy entities.

CIAGypsy: I suggest you read the book and do some more research. For years they denied that cancer could not be caused by viruses, but this has been disproven for the most part, and especially with the outbreak of Human papillomavirus which is giving young women cervical cancer... If you believe the official line, of course. Gotta sell those vaccines somehow!!
edit on 5-3-2013 by PatriotGames2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-3-2013 by PatriotGames2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by PhoenixOD
Wasnt a thread about this dumped into the hoax bin a few days ago??

id be annoyed if my thread was trashed and then its contents confirmed a few days later.

edit on 5-3-2013 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

Too bad it was HOAXed, there were some choice comments in there.

lynxpilot left a good one:

You think he's what your press has painted him to be. What he really is might be a little bit different. Every south or central american leader in the last 50 years has been vetted by the CIA and if they didn't pass muster, they've been ousted. Chavez was one of the only ones besides Castro who managed to evade the CIA coup d'etat when it seemed like he wasn't going to cooperate with lining the pockets of overseas bankers and oil barons. He probably did more for Venzuelans than any south or central american leader has done for their people in history.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 10:43 PM
Wait, what!?

Today at lunch, I was reading a thread about this.....
and the dude said "within 24 hours" it will be announced.
This happened before the official announcement.

I said to myself... oh no, not again.
How many times has this (said to have) happened already?
Dozens? Shoddy reporting? I was waiting for it to fade away, but no....

ATS Thread

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