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What is this?: Forcing sensations down spine to make goosebumps

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posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 12:08 PM
I always wondered whats up with the goosebumps sensations, but i learned it has to do with Kundalini awakening and body response to it. Cant remember details atm but it kinda made sense to me.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Thought Provoker[/]

hahahahahaahha i think the bosses are in the dungeons man. Like the sphinx, Jordan Petra, Temples in Mexico and other locations. We just need to find the right quest giver like you are suggesting. Maybe we need to find an item that will unlock our talent tree. Without that item sure we have a mana pool but nothing to really use it on.

Essentially we are like pokemon that ran out of PP and never fainted, but never went to the pokecenter either. Just uses struggle. And us vibrating is us using struggle because we don't have a bubblebeam or a vine wipe to use. Very frustrating.

So assuming that we were destined to form a guild. We need to find someone. Ideally like the headmaster from Fable if we can find his real life counterpart we would have a much better chance of establishing a base. Any thoughts on this?

Also i agree, We cannot lend very much XP to other players on ATS but we can tell them clues. Its like talking to an npc with vital information. So my question is. Where is the quest giver?

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 04:04 PM
Hi- I have been able to create the types of sensations that the OP is talking about since I was about 15. Got into meditation & OBE research. What we perceive as "multi-dimensional awareness".

One sensation I have always been able to create is a buildup of some type of energy just behind & below the solar plexus. I build it, then release & "pulse" it through my entire body, including legs and arms. It feels like a rushing warmth- very pleasureable. I have no idea what this is, but I have always been able to do it.

After I injured my back about 6 yrs ago or so I began to have pinched nerves in my back, tingling at a certain spot. I found that using meditation I could send a ball of some type of energy down my spine from the back of my head, & cause the tingling to stop- it feels like something clearing a path. I have done this many times, & now I never get the pinched nerve sensations at all at that spot!

Now I need to work on the sciatic pain. Not sure what/where to target.

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 05:52 PM
OMG I made a post about this like a year ago but nobody had any answers for me! Maybe because I didn't post it in the grey area??? I was trying to figure out if anybody else had it, and what I could do to trigger it because it feels so good. I was asking if anybody had youtube videos or anything for that to trigger this particular feeling. I usually got it when I was in college listening to a proffessor who spoke in a calm monotone voice. The subject material didn't matter, as when I listened to them and the feeling got triggered it felt too good to pay attention to the class or it would go away if I started thinking about something else. Sometimes it gets triggered by watching certain things on TV with people that had the same voice. I've more than once watched the same hour long infomercial at 3am just because the guys voice was so calm and soothing like my old college professors lol and it was just some guy selling books that'll teach you how to make money or something
Anybody have any of those videos that can trigger it? It's awesome to finally know that other people understand!

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 04:09 PM
yeah im not exactly sure what it is but its interesting. Im sure there are research facilities for this.

i think i heard of one in Vancouver.

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 04:29 PM
I've been able to enact these "over-zero" sessions since I've been very young. Relaxing to the point of the feeling of floating then "push it" beyond relaxation. It gives me headaches a few hours later, sometimes, if I "stay there" too long. The body starts to object with mild convulsions and twitching. The mind starts impressing to "stop immediately" and it gets uncomfortable after just a few seconds.

I don't get anything positive out of doing it so I haven't for decades.

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by tkwasny

If you just let it trickle tho without trying to force as much as you can. You can sustain it for a very very long time. And the sensations that feel good stay. About the headaches. That can happen if you try forcing it for to long. Since it has something to do with nerves in your neck leaking some chemical that washes over the body when its dropped and forces goosebumps to appear.

Its a method to keep us warm, but i imagine this energy can be used for other things as well. I believe that this may have something to do with healing energy. But all energy comes at a sacrifise. You might feel good momentairly but you are burning energy and after you are done you will feel exhausted.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 01:26 PM
I do it, always have. I assumed everyone did. There's nothing strange about it that I know of, nor do I have any injuries or conditions (that I know of!).

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by demonhauntedworld
I do it, always have. I assumed everyone did. There's nothing strange about it that I know of, nor do I have any injuries or conditions (that I know of!).

A small percentage of the population can do this. I'm sure it has something to do with blood circulation as well.

I think its possible to learn other techniques from this one. I think it relates to forcing blood to your hands. Which can be used to heal people. It is well documented and known that if you can rush the blood to your hands for abnormal blood flow. It allows people to channel the same energies into people who can't do it. Which would take away pain, make it less severe. Or cure them. People like us can excel at touch therapy where as normal people will only get to a certain point. Because the blood circulation is key.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 11:15 PM
Hey I was finally able to listen to some of the videos now that I wasn't at work... And the haircut video is dead on... The sensation is best compared to the artificial "industrial" tingles you get in the same area when you take certain stimulants, only the REAL feeling is better then the fake one you might experience on ADHD meds. I'm at the crappy point in my life where I'm taking certain medications that "dull" down those senses making it absolutely imposible to trigger it (you must be sober), like anti anxiety meds, pain medication etc...

Only problem tonight was that because of my messed up body I had to take these medications and couldn't hold off. Therefore I was only able to truely enjoy it before my medicine makes me completely dull to it.

Just know that stimulants give you that fake feeling and that it takes a few days to get it back to where your body can trigger it naturally. I have a feeling it has to do with norepinephrine and dopamine, and if you include meds that release those chemicals at the same time giving you that fake feeling because of their structural similarity it will kill it for awhile.

It's kinda like being hypnotized. I have never been but imagine this is what it would be like.
The body's natural chemicals are way better than what we've made in labs...

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

I've had this on and off and on in my life but today I attribute it to peri menopause. It could be as has been said a pinched nerve but also something within you opening up (this is much more mysterious and fun to work with). Try to use it to your advantage and embrace it to see if you can take it further. I've had this exact thing - a shiver up my spine and my entire body feels a need to shake it off. It has bothered me so am glad I'm not alone on this. I have also had what literally feels like a "short in the electrical system". That's what woke me up at 4:00 am. it was like a buzzing in a part of my spine and hand - like a sharp quick electrical short. I don't know how else to describe it. Ugh! Ill be watching to see if others are experiencing this and thanks for sharing.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Swing80s
Hey I was finally able to listen to some of the videos now that I wasn't at work... And the haircut video is dead on... The sensation is best compared to the artificial "industrial" tingles you get in the same area when you take certain stimulants, only the REAL feeling is better then the fake one you might experience on ADHD meds. I'm at the crappy point in my life where I'm taking certain medications that "dull" down those senses making it absolutely imposible to trigger it (you must be sober), like anti anxiety meds, pain medication etc...

Only problem tonight was that because of my messed up body I had to take these medications and couldn't hold off. Therefore I was only able to truely enjoy it before my medicine makes me completely dull to it.

Just know that stimulants give you that fake feeling and that it takes a few days to get it back to where your body can trigger it naturally. I have a feeling it has to do with norepinephrine and dopamine, and if you include meds that release those chemicals at the same time giving you that fake feeling because of their structural similarity it will kill it for awhile.

It's kinda like being hypnotized. I have never been but imagine this is what it would be like.
The body's natural chemicals are way better than what we've made in labs...

oh i totally agree with you on this. And i believe what you are describing here is some of the things going on for sure! but as with all things. Its usually a web of triggers. What you have found here is defently a peice of the puzzle.

Now figuring out what we can do with it. This is where the studying comes in. And yes i am sober ( well as for medications go) I don't drink but i smoke. Non cigs. lol. But that's obviously not the cause of this. Iv had this since i was young. But yes i had ADHD and ADD really bad ADHD actually. Super energetic. I could work out and run around and everywher without ever getting tired.

I actually didnt even know what it felt like get tired when i was kid.. lol i knew sore muscles but was never tired.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Dianec
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

I've had this on and off and on in my life but today I attribute it to peri menopause. It could be as has been said a pinched nerve but also something within you opening up (this is much more mysterious and fun to work with). Try to use it to your advantage and embrace it to see if you can take it further. I've had this exact thing - a shiver up my spine and my entire body feels a need to shake it off. It has bothered me so am glad I'm not alone on this. I have also had what literally feels like a "short in the electrical system". That's what woke me up at 4:00 am. it was like a buzzing in a part of my spine and hand - like a sharp quick electrical short. I don't know how else to describe it. Ugh! Ill be watching to see if others are experiencing this and thanks for sharing.

yeah i experience shorting. I have muscle twitches but they don't bother me anymore. I find that when my muscles are twitching, its not really a bad thing in my case because i think it builds muscle? Anyways its not that often a couple times a week a muscle in my arm or my leg with twich or somewher else lol. Its not painful its just kind of annoying when it happens for 5 minutes lol. Could be a problem but i don't really care im 21 so if i die im young. And if i don't die im young. lol.

But yeah theres defently some charge i can feel. It pumps chemicals into my body. OH OH OH also. I wanted to ask this if anyone else had this ability.
Can you guys smell sick people? And i don't mean just any sickness. Can you define the sickness when you smell it? Like so often il be in front of someone with a cold and they are just gettting over it not showing any signs. And il get that smell, and that taste in my throat. and il ask, are you feeling okay? And I always get a weird look.... But i just HAVE to ask people. Its like.... i don't even think about it i just ask.
And sometimes people are stunned and look at me strange because i just * guessed* they were sick by chance and with what. lol.

But each ilness has its own smells and taste. I know when someone has STDs, is carrying the flu, Has the cold. Tho i cannot identify all ilness obviously. I can spot sick people most of the time. Cancer tho, is always this subtle feeling. Which is why its so hard to detect.

(post by Ca52andra removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: WillowWisp

I used to send the chills down my back as a kid to watch the hair on my arms go straight up as my body tried to warm itself. I used to show this to my classmates to their great amusement. Now, 57 years later I just tried it and I can still do it. No injuries to any part of me.
Guess I'll go home and freak out my kids with this.
Thanks for the memories!

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 07:03 PM
I've had this since I was young. It usually triggered by someone doing something nice for me. Especially if it's done with method and care.

There was a thread about it on here a while ago. There was a youtube video of someone cleaning a pc keyboard that could set it off. Will try to find the links and edit them in. :~)

edit on 26-1-2015 by pot8er because: (no reason given)

ATS Rgread:
edit on 26-1-2015 by pot8er because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 12:52 AM

originally posted by: pot8er
I've had this since I was young. It usually triggered by someone doing something nice for me. Especially if it's done with method and care.

There was a thread about it on here a while ago. There was a youtube video of someone cleaning a pc keyboard that could set it off. Will try to find the links and edit them in. :~)


ATS Rgread:

Had this 'ability' since I was kid of about 12, definately not a pinched nerve either. Not sure what it's useful for apart from buzzy-sensations though.

Can 'heat' be generated using it? The sensation only lasts a few seconds.

(post by Ca52andra removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:06 PM
Ah. Let me gather my thoughts... and welcome to ATS

Many things can set it off, sensations, sounds, etc.

The only external stimulus I know of that will set mine off is being really, really impressed with some fantastic piece of music, or some heart-rendingly poignant scene in a movie, or some awe-inspiring passage from a book (even if it's a book I wrote myself, sometimes). It's like my body is saying "Respect." No, not my body, unless it's the light body; it's... the closest sensation I can relate it to would be all of my internal organs vibrating really, really fast, but only for - hang on, measuring it - about five seconds max. Then it just fades away, like "something" gets tired and has to rest, but it recovers very quickly. Yet nothing physical is actually vibrating; it's just energy, non-localized, like a bubble swelling up from inside. And I have no idea what to do with it.

We sound like such freaks, don't we...

This other thing is brought on by force of will. I can do it anytime, anywhere, regardless of external stimuli or not.

Exactly. 100% right with you there. I don't experience it as collecting just under my skin, though. It billows outward from the core, starting near the center of the skull and sort of flushing downwards to the diaphragm in a few milliseconds, and about a quarter-second later it zips up my arms and (into? out of?) the hands. But sometimes, it starts near the diaphragm and zips upwards instead, like it reversed polarity. If I try to hold it "on" longer than it wants to be on, it fills my entire body and I start feeling like a struck lightning rod, twitching and pulsing everywhere. Sometimes there's a sound, too, like the rumble of an approaching tornado but rather quiet. It is vibrational, but the frequency is so high I can't even estimate it. You know how if you keep a muscle fully-tensed-up for a long time, it starts sort of quivering as it gets weaker until it just fails? It's that kind of vibration. The whole thing feels like clenching inner muscles that don't actually exist, and they squeeze something through me that isn't physical.

I am convinced, have been since childhood, that there is a reason for this, that it has a function. I have not experimented much, but have never found it to be useful for anything.

Y'know, I can't even remember when I first felt it; it might have been childhood. I've always been weird. I have experimented much... and have, like you, found no use for it. It's just A Thing That Is. But it can't be useless, I refuse to believe it. There's some reason for it. Power surges are used to power things. In fact...

In fact, there is one effect I'm just noticing, probably because I've been playing with it so much while typing this: I feel a lot more energetic than usual right now, and it's that same kind of "spiritual energy" feeling. Like I just drank eleven pots of coffee, let's say. It's constant, continuous, and I'm not having to do anything to maintain it. It might be like... like drinking a health potion in a video game. Or mana, maybe. A way to self-refresh and -rejuvenate? A built-in soul-energy recharger? Could that be it?

Or mayyyyyybe... maybe, because we're so fascinated with this weird Thing inside us, we're sort of driven to use it, which exercises it. We're making it strong now so we can better use it later, once its purpose finally becomes clear. Divine kegels? Could that be it?

Please start experimenting. Trigger it and hold it and see how long it lasts, do that for like fifteen minutes, and then just relax and see if you feel the coffee. Kinda getting a tiny headache too, though... also like too much caffeine...

How is your health, by the way? I have a suspicion that this Whatever just might be preserving my health despite my best efforts to destroy it.
(Those emoticons are just way too huge.) Smoker, a bit overweight, almost 50, rare fast food though. My blood pressure is perfect, my cholesterol isn't too high, I'm not going bald, no signs of diabetes or cancer or any of that. Just imagine if everyone had this ability... I wonder if it could be taught... but of course, if we started teaching people how to heal themselves from within, it wouldn't be more than a month before they'd Vince Foster us. What a great time to be alive.
edit on Oct 2nd 2019 by Djarums because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 09:33 PM
I know what you're talking about OP, as I started a short thread on it some time ago. I came up with an idiot's guide of sorts for some peculiar meditative practice. (Because if I can create that sensation, then just about anyone should by following the same practice.)

I think if you do it right, you can get pretty buzzed and feeling warm/fuzzy without ever needing any drugs. I wouldn't be too surprised if it's a way of getting some auto-induced dopamine in the brain.

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