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North Korea warns U.S. forces of "destruction" ahead of war drills

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posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by sparky31
Well here is one American that knows, DPRK would not for one second hesitate to use Nukes, Bio, or Chem WMD's, in the first opening shots, not just at er on the 38th but on Seoul.
The other is China the Unknown, will they wont they come to the aid of the DPRK. This does leave a lot up in the air, and no one is wanting to find out, ok Un and the DPRK is willing and waiting , no make that itching too. Un reminds me of a Hitler Jr, will kill others in the name of farther land, Un in the name of his farther and fathers farther, any need to know what the " A match for a hundred" is or "Songun"? If you know this then you know your enemy well, If not well then here is a must read to help you understand their way of war, policy, society, and mentality. It is not what you think it is, think China or Russia where Socialist? not even close as DPRK truly is,, or at least in their minds. Happy reading one part that should be remembered by all if nothing else what DPRK is , from the link

The songun doctrine has created a belief system in which
the public must follow the military because the military is
always right. It is no longer the Korean Workers’ Party
that leads the way, neither is it the government that assumes
the role of leadership.
an other fact that should be on ones mind, think you bad enough to take a DPRK one on one think again[

Now the philosophy of songun is attempting to integrate
the three components of human existence, the body-mindspirit.
Here, as before, the notion of an ideal personhood is
being created, but this time with three elements: one becomes
ideally developed through the attainment of martial
art (body), education and training in the arts and sciences
(mind), and devotion to a sense of mission for life (spirit).
The curriculum for education, in both the military and civilian
sectors, is designed to promote all three.
how many in our armed forces are trained to kill in less than 30 sec in hand to hand ?, they know how by age 10, pros by age 16 trained killers by age 18, DPRK is not Iraq nor Afghanistan DPRK has in their minds be waiting for the war to get hot for 60 years, they do not play Xbox nor surf the net, they train, train, and more train day and night and when their not training their teaching the next gen, to do the same kill, obey, teach.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 01:28 AM
The timing seems odd on this one.

It has not been only a few days ago that the USA announced heated statements about China hacking, and that it will be met with sanctions.

I believe NK is China's mouthpiece, able to say things China wants to say, but cant due to diplomatic reasons.

Do not underestimate NK, Seoul would be razed to the ground if the missiles started flying.

1.1 Million active.
8.2 Million on reserve.

Source : Global Firepower

Blood would literally flow in rivers when this thing kicks off.

Lets say China, NK and Iran have a staged and well oiled plan? (is it so far fetched?)

Lets say that plan was to start a major conflict.

While we and other western nations are trying to deal with it, our old nemesis the bear comes in the back door.

Could this not happen? are you sure?

We are all spread pretty thin. A few decisive defeats and because of our already shaky legs, we might actually have problems on our hands, s our weak kneed allies fold or run or capitulate, or worse, switch sides.

is it all that far fetched?

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:07 AM
Far fetched?
there is Sooo much global conflict right now,.makes it hard to tell which one is the right
fight.. Always in the back of my mind is the quote " all the world is a stage"

and movies like "War inc. or Warlord" which are funded by people like George Soros..

Iran, north Korea and countries like them have been barking for years,.. but nothing ever
seems to come from them.. although they "Seem" to be working much closer together these days..
and the recent nuke test may be a potential concern for a reality check to the future to their rise in destructive
powers..I hope it either kicks off soon so it can be squashed and over with or we can get someone in the lead that
has had enough of pointless threats.. and stop the madness of evil this world seems to be draining into.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:34 AM
The USA has been practicing killing enemies for a long time. This blatant threat is the start of a war if you ask me. Perhaps exactly what the USA tricked them into doing. For now, if the NK even lob one little missile or bomb or even shoot at us from a fishing vessel they will be pulverized so freaking fast it would be like a grape under a tank tread or more like a mouse being squished by a train locomotive.
If you think hard about current events the NK have gotten away with thumbing their noses at the world as we are distracted in Middle East Iran etc. This has put fudge on our face that needs cleaned off.

Now that stuff in Iraq, Afghan is slowing down we can pulverize the living crap out of that regime in probably only a week to totally obliterate them. Kill all his family, murder his whole army from stealth bomber raids, roll in there and "save" those starving people. Then Iran and the world would see that they better listen to the USA, Canada Europe and the rest of the civilized world when they say STOP.
I think NK is over in less than a month. IMO they fell right into a trap.
edit on 24-2-2013 by WormwoodSquirm because: spelling

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by Ben81

First you seem to be defending NK, which is pretty hard to agree with. Second you can't really call us hypocritical nor compare our bases in SK with NK putting bases in our surrounding countries as we have been in SK since the Korean war, it's not like we just started these thing and just started supporting SK against the north.

I can't see it starting a world war. China tolerates NK because they are a buffer between the west and China and have cheap labor. Last time NK started foaming at the mouth China actually distanced themselves a bit.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by lnfideI

I don't think the US is spread as thin as people always say.
It's not like WW2 where we had soldiers all through Europe and then on the other side of the world in Asia.

I don't think there is much chance for that kind of alliance. I could see North Koreans defecting by the tens of thousands to SK, but most probably to China. That includes soldiers.
edit on 24-2-2013 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by AkumaStreak

The reason I used that comparison, is because although I am aware of the difference between a parent and a state, the scale of the oppression and the horror inflicted on the North Korean people, by its state, is singular, and enormous, to the point of making lesser infringements seem irrelevant.

Of course I am aware that ANY infringement will cause individuals involved with it, or affected by it, levels of hardship and sorrow. I would not seek to belittle any of that. But one placed beside the other, is clearly larger as an issue than the other.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 08:16 AM

If your side ignites a war of aggression by staging the reckless joint military exercises

reckless? says the country setting off nukes...

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 08:37 AM
war is inevetibre

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 09:15 AM
They do this every year. I was out there in 1997 loaded in a CH-47 on the deck of carrier ready to become a "body bag" landing on North Korean shores after their stupid threats. Every year it's the same training exercise, and every year North Korea threatens to blow the US up.

edit on 24-2-2013 by Jason88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 09:34 AM
I went to school with Kim Jong-Un in Switzerland in the 90's. Let's just say that he would have done a better job of running that country as a young teen than his father. Maybe he's changed for the worse since then, but based on my personal experience, I saw it as a positive when he replaced his father. Back then he was just a normal kid in an extraordinary circumstance.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 10:00 AM
This is just standard North Korean posturing. They threaten a retaliatory strike then it turns out to be just a training exercise as advertised next thing you know "USA cowards back down in fear from the great might of North Korea and it's glorious leader" Kim Jong Un has all the power he needs and is worshipped by most of his subjects and he needs to keep the propaganda machine rolling. They fire one shot and that's all it will take for a UN sanctioned US/South Korean invasion of the north, they wouldn't last a week.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by Hendrick99
I went to school with Kim Jong-Un in Switzerland in the 90's. Let's just say that he would have done a better job of running that country as a young teen than his father. Maybe he's changed for the worse since then, but based on my personal experience, I saw it as a positive when he replaced his father. Back then he was just a normal kid in an extraordinary circumstance.

Intriguing that you knew this boy, and to be honest I wouldn't be too surprised to
find the NSA calling round to have a chat with you about profiling lil 'un

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by Hendrick99

If he was shaping up well back then, and behaving like this now, then he must be under an AWFUL lot of political pressure. I wonder if he might be a potential defector at some point, because honestly the way you describe him is utterly different to the way he appears on the world stage right now.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
I find this OP, and for that matter, North Korea, to be full of massive fail...

Supporting North Korea is like cheering Charles Manson, or creating a shrine to Ed Gein.

Cheering on North Korea is accepting that they are a sovereign nation, and, just like any other sovereign nation, have every right to their own defence in any manner they deem necessary. If they start a war of aggression, wipe them off the map with extreme prejudice. No quarter. This goes for every nation on this planet.

Where this despicable, fearful, paranoid pre-emptive mentality came from I do not know but never ever forget a few things... Sauce for the goose is good for the gander, Karma is a Bitch and there is ALWAYS someone tougher (if not technologically more advanced...Vietnam ring a bell?).

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 11:06 AM
Why aggression?
Why not try for peace?

NOBODY is right here. (I mean countries)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by discordantone

I agree, all sovereign nations have the right to self defence. What they do not have the right to do, is mistreat thier people, abuse thier neighbors, threaten violence with every single nation who has tried to petition them to treat thier people better, and then whine when they get sanctions and are surrounded by the forces of the free world.

The government of North Korea deserve no sympathy what so bloody ever.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by TrueBrit

I guess it boils down to perception.

In practice, there is little difference between the North Koreans who will incarcerate their citizens, kill them, force conscription and keep them in poverty (comparatively speaking between rich and poor) and the US where all of the same things have happened or are happening.

The US has also OK'd killing it's own citizens in the open now. There are thousands of upper class people that work next to the lowest of lower class people without a second thought to their existence or plight. The USA has also has used conscription and started a war against it's own people. Also, I've lost count of how many headlines have hit the news where the USA is demanding or warning somebody of something.

Considering the Koreans (N and S) are still in a state of war with one another, any attack at this point is simply a continuation of war, not a declaration of it.

I do not support or have sympathy for the NK government. I do, however, recognise their right to defensive weaponry as they see fit. Use those weapons to start a war and everything changes. Their internal politics are none of our business. How they run their show internally is none of our business. Our internal politics and how we run our show, conversely, is none of their business.

Just to quickly address the whining thing... the USA whined to the WTO because even though they had a agreement with Canada via NAFTA over softwood lumber, they wanted an even better deal for themselves. The WTO ruled in Canada's favour so the logical thing to do, in the mind of the USA, was to keep 5 BILLION in illegal tariffs. That money, even after a subsequent agreement between Canada and the US because the US refused to abide by either NAFTA or the WTO ruling, has yet to be returned to us. NK is certainly not alone where whining is concerned.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by discordantone
reply to post by TrueBrit

Just to quickly address the whining thing... the USA whined to the WTO because even though they had a agreement with Canada via NAFTA over softwood lumber, they wanted an even better deal for themselves. The WTO ruled in Canada's favour so the logical thing to do, in the mind of the USA, was to keep 5 BILLION in illegal tariffs. That money, even after a subsequent agreement between Canada and the US because the US refused to abide by either NAFTA or the WTO ruling, has yet to be returned to us. NK is certainly not alone where whining is concerned.

I honestly have no idea what you meant putting this in here.

I am talking about the whining of CIVIL RIGHTS activists in the US, who really and honestly have nothing very much to complain about there when compared with the HELL that is life in NK.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by TrueBrit

And I am saying that when it comes to the internal affairs of another nation, no matter who they are, or what they are doing internally, it is not our business to intervene unless invited to do so by whichever nation is in question.

The example I used was to show that the US can and does do unethical things which goes against their own word then complains about it.

edit: I agree, the US civil rights movement has nothing to complain about when compared to NK overall. However, considering the US is a nation founded, built and promoted on their freedoms and constitution, the civil rights folks have every reason to complain about the loss of the things that the country have held dear since it's inception. (they can shove the overly sensitive Poli-Cor based complaints, though).
edit on 24/2/13 by discordantone because: .

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