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NY newspaper that outed gun owners hires armed guards

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posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by timetothink
Oh, this s rich......

Sweet sweet justice, I love it when karma works so fast!

Sad thing is, they probably don't even get the irony of it.

Nail on head.
They are that obtuse.
Idealism is often blind.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 10:42 PM
OK....I've been trying to reply to this thread for the last two hours, but I just now, stopped laughing long enough to type...

Why do these people not get it? Even when they seem to get it, they don't get it...

I wonder what the statistics are for gunshop robberies during normal buainess hours, vs. all other similar robberies? I know criminals like to hit places with a cache of easily flipped merchandise, or a bank, to avoid the whole fencing deal, all together, but...

I worked at a pawn & gun store for 3 years.! We handled a lot of cash and had many valuable things lying around. But we all carried openly, while on the clock! Everyone of the stores in our area that sell guns, does the same!

The bad guys would rob the quickie marts, and an occasional bank, but never once did they walk into a store around here, where the employees and owners were packing, and try to rob us! Maybe there is something to the whole "guns deter crime" philosophy, after all!

The media outlet in the OP, seems to think so....!!!

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 02:58 AM
It just proves they know they cannot rely on the system anymore
than we could, as always its the same ole do i say not as i do
type of thing, heck that's even used in religion, god says don't
murder, proceeds to murder maim and kill lmao.

No one wants to follow the rules, they just want to make sure
your forced to, the problem i see here is all those people who
own guns cant afford an armed guard...... they should make
the news station pay for every single one of the peoples names
they published to have an armed guard for a month or two
until this blows over.........
edit on 3-1-2013 by bloodreviara because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by bloodreviara

Also they should pay for armed guards for the families in those areas who Dont keep guns,as criminals may see them as "soft targets". And not for a limited time period either-but till those folks DO decide to get a gun to defend themselves.Otherwise,from here on out.America is the most litigious society in the world.Im highly surprised they're not being sued by many individuals already.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 04:50 AM
In case anyone missed it, this is the link to Chris Fountain's blog post:

Sauce for the goose

Some of the comments are pretty interesting.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by JarheadFidelis
I read this yesterday on an internet news site. Talk about hypocrisy! Demonizing gun owners and treating them as criminals, yet hiring armed security when your address is posted? I guess they didnt like having to walk in the gun owners shoes. Imagine that.

Professionals with guns and yahoos with guns are 2 pair of shoes. The consitution talks of an armed militia. It should be the national militia association instead of the NRA, where rifles are a tool surrounded by training and a clear goal, not a toy.
edit on 3-1-2013 by Merinda because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by Merinda

You do know that the NRA is one of the most prolific training organizations in the country, right? They have Eddie Eagle to teach kids about leaving guns alone. They have hunter safety and gun basics classes for teens. They have pistol, shotgun, and rifle "first steps" classes, they have defense in the home classes, defense outside of the home classes, they have advanced rifle and shotgun classes, they have training classes for military and police officers, they have a badge reward system that encourages gun owners to hone and practice their skills, they also hold some of the most prestigious marksmanship competitions in the country.

The NRA actually takes training and responsibility extremely seriously. The media never tells you that side of the story though. They never tell you that the NRA helped pass the strict 1968 gun laws. Their version was so strict congress told them to tone it down. They recently helped pass a law that gives states negative and positive incentives for compliance with supplying NICS records. They helped get Project Exile running in Richmond, VA. That program put over 240 federal firearm law offenders in jail in the first year and lead to the confiscation of over 400 illegally owned guns. They also helped lobby congress for the money to expand the program to other states. The NRA has also run repeated editorials (for over a decade) calling for federal prosecutors to actually enforce existing laws.

The funny thing, the Congressional Black Caucus called the NRA racist for supporting the program. They said it unfairly targeted blacks in inner cities. Now these same congressmen want to strip blacks in inner cities of their ability to fight back against crime. Don't lock up the criminals, and don't give people a means to fight back. Who is looking out for the common person again?

Educate yourself before attacking.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 09:16 AM
This gun vs anti-gun argument is getting boring and pointless. This story is a great example of why. EVERYONE IS PRO-GUN UNDER THE RIGHT CIRCUMSTANCES! You can spout idealistic bullsh!t all day about guns being so dangerous and unnecessary, but if there's even the remotest chance you'll be exposed to any violence, NOBODY will choose to be defenseless. Unless you have a death wish, when the armed marauding gangs show up to get you, you'll make Charleton Heston fist pump in his grave.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 09:20 AM
What security firm did they hire? We the people should petition that firm to drop business ties with the newspaper company. If I had a firm and they called me I would have told them I don't want they're business.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by Merinda

It also says "a right to free speech". Doesn't mention: E-mail, phones, internet.......... See how easy that game is.

The law is not hard to understand. The founding fathers understood that not everyone was a s smart as they were. They wrote the laws so children could understand them.

RANT - It amazes me when people are so quick to throw away other peoples rights. You do not like the right and choose not to enjoy it? Terrific. I think the government should be able to conduct walkthroughs of any house they choose. Just to be on the safe side and limit criminals ability to hide. Oh wait, you don't want open access to YOUR house? Thought not. (just ranting - not directed at anyone in paticular)
edit on 3-1-2013 by 200Plus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by XTexan
What security firm did they hire? We the people should petition that firm to drop business ties with the newspaper company. If I had a firm and they called me I would have told them I don't want they're business.

They can have the guards if they want, but they need to come out and admit that the only way to defend ourselves from bad guys with guns is to have more good guys with guns.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Murgatroid
In case anyone missed it, this is the link to Chris Fountain's blog post:

Sauce for the goose

Some of the comments are pretty interesting.

Thanks for the link. I'm glad that people speak out against this ridiculous stunt they pulled.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 11:43 AM
NY Senate

Its a shame that we need another law for something that should be common sense.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 11:45 AM
Will the paper be publishing the names and addresses of the guards they hired? Assuming they are registered gun owners, of course.

If not, maybe the people that posted the addresses of the newspaper staff could publish the names and addresses of the guards as well.
edit on 3-1-2013 by VictorVonDoom because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by whatsecret

Irony isn't over-rated!

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by whatsecret

are they ARMED, or do they have maps to people´s houses with their names?

they deserve to have to keep them there for the rest of its existence as a journal. I hope they have to pay them up the ass too.

edit on 3-1-2013 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by whatsecret

It is a shame, but awesome this is being done in light of the retards we are surrounded by.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 01:29 PM
I've mentioned on here before that one of my good friends is a retired NYPD detective. He lives right up in that general neck of the words for the counties they burned with publishing details for the CCW permit holders. It's not important if he's IN one of those counties and under the circumstances.... nothing I'd share specifically anyway. However, he's had quite a bit to say about the reaction up there. The newspaper is getting a hard hard lesson in what it means to attack without thinking or even attempting to think through their actions.

now I hope absolutely no harm comes to anyone working for the paper, especially since no direct harm has actually come from their publishing the names....that I've heard yet anyway. However, I don't believe they considered the fact that in a state like New Jersey for example, CCW isn't the easiest thing in the world to get.

In fact...I'm fairly certain they didn't consider at all, one VERY important fact. A good % of those in a state like New Jersey who are permitted? Are COPS ...retired cops, parole/probation officials, corrections officers and..well, you get the idea. Going to war with that segment of society was about the DUMBEST thing they ever could have done. Let that be a lesson long as no actual physical harm comes.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

a good friend of mine lives and works in that area as a LEO. I grew up there.

He, and from what he told me, his co workers are PISSED about this. They go to great lengths to hide their identity and their home address and that of their families. My buddy was fine, but some co workers in other precincts did have their relatives names and addresses published. Some have REALLY obvious last names that certain criminal elements will remember. They were not too happy.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 02:04 PM
OMG the IRONY, haha. They feel it's okay to hire guards with guns to protect them, but they do not feel that the people who cannot afford to hire guards should be allowed to protect themselves and their families in the same manner. My mind is effectively blown right now, just from the sheer hypocrisy and idiocy. These people are just total morons, pushing their agenda, and holding everyone else to standards they themselves refuse to meet. Fail.

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