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Do you want to secede?

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posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by pirhanna
reply to post by tport17

Yes, please.
Austin wants to secede from the rest of Texas - the part infested with the ignorant masses.

Yes you signed it or you just agree with it?

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by KhufuKeplerTriangle
We need to vote on "Most Likely to Secede" for the 2012 Yearbook.


I can't count the number of people I have seen writing about states succeeding.

Have you signed the petition?

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by captaintyinknots

2)Secession WILL NOT happen. Period. Unless this small, LOUD minority wants to start a civil war (and quickly get killed), it will not happen

Who is going to kill them?

That would involve getting up off the couch and turning off reality tv, and stop creating threads how awesome the current government is.

You know they use to call that work.

To me seems those who want to secede have nothing to worry about with the majority of troops overseas.

Problem is there are a lot of fatties who shun intelligence.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by severdsoul

Sometimes I just can't help myself.

When I see an absurd amount of threads on the same subject it makes my neck muscles twitch, causing me to click the thread.

You might even call it an involuntary bodily function.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by watchitburn

Honestly, it does the same for me. I almost didn't post because of that. I almost posted in general discussion but figured it would get moved.

I truly do want to hear why people signed the petition. My guess is the majority saw the link on Facebook from their Uncle Frank and signed their name to it. I want to hear some real answers.
edit on 14-11-2012 by tport17 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by tport17

You're probably right.

If I wasn't on active duty, and I actually had a State I identified as home, I would most likely sign it. If for no other reason than to try and throw a wrench in the works.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by tport17

Do you want to secede?

Absolutely not.

This sort of silliness is no different than Cher or Michael Moore saying they will leave America if Bush got reelected.

Just a lot of unnecessary drama and sour grapes.

It's the Democratic process and I respect the choices of my other fellow Americans.

If people have a problem with the Democratic process and voting rights of other Americans they should just outright leave. They are counter to the freedoms this Country represents.

- Lee

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by watchitburn

*LOL* I think we all get that way from time to time.

Maybe we should get a grant and study this effect, lets
see if we get 50 Million, i bet as a group we can come
up with the reason this happens.

*lol* Who's with me.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by tport17

I gotta be honest. I think the states would be just fine without DC draining them dry to blow trillions.

I'm not signing a petition though.
They will be on terrorist watch lists and no fly lists before Obama gets back onto the golf course.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 07:05 PM
Hell yes , i will pack up and move to the first state that will say good by to this bankrupt in more ways than one democracy and establish a new republic . You can not unscramble an egg just like you cant fix stupid. It time to separate from the stupid and ignorant among us. Let them support and defend themselves.
Its time

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by tport17

I truly do want to hear why people signed the petition.

Im from Texas, yes I signed it. Its symbolic of my disgust with DC, nothing more.
Absolutely nothing will come out of this, just let it die already.
Another thing, would I pack up and leave this country If I were able? Yes, I would.
If I were financially able, I would be somewhere like Panama by this weekend.
Maybe after my youngest gets out of highschool,
edit on 11/14/2012 by Juggernog because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by pirhanna
reply to post by tport17

Yes, please.
Austin wants to secede from the rest of Texas - the part infested with the ignorant masses.

I highly doubt it. Texas is what makes Austin..Austin..places like Dallas and Houston is what make Austin a gem.
If Austin does anything, it should block residents from California and NY & NJ from coming in.
You can't try to take the Texas out of Austin, wtf.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 07:23 PM
No, I don't think secession is the answer.

I said this in another thread but I feel it is worth repeating.

If these people would put as much effort into creating "real" petitions, something might get done.

How about a petition for term limits in the House and Senate? more "career" politicians.

How about a petition to stop private lobbyist meetings? It has to be in an open meeting, observed and documented.

How about a petition to stop corporate subsidies to profitable companies?

How about a petition to overturn "Citizen's United" and stop the Superpacs and 501C4's?

How about a petition to recall all of Congress and Senate after the term limits are in place?

The right to petition is a first Amendment right...and this is how we choose to use it? Tantrums and expressions of blind rage? How about using the Right for what it is there for...a unified voice telling our servants and representatives what we want and expect them to do.

More people will sign the petitions I mentioned above long before they will betray their nation and cry like spoiled children.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 07:32 PM
Voting , petitions, don't waste anymore time. This election should of proved to everyone that it wont work. We are not free and no where in history has freedom been gained or won at the ballot box

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 07:33 PM
People who tag this phenomenon as "sour grapes" are either not in tune with the vast interior of the nation or they are wishful thinking. It isn't crying and whining. It is an expression of disgust and protest. Why don't they petition for term limits? Against lobbying efforts? Because they know damn well it would do no good.
It's obvious no one thinks a petition to secede will go anywhere. It is a protest. A vocalization that they are dissatisified.

When communists and sheep vocalized their unhappiness last year, they damaged and hurt small businesses and cost taxpayers millions in damages. At least these folks had the decency not to do that.

Of course they are risking putting themselves on some sort of list. But half the people on ATS are probably on that list already anyway.

I think most of those who signed would be quite happy if the federal government stopped acting in an illegal and abusive manner. Just restore the Constitution and I'd be happy.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 08:20 PM
I singed the one for Missouri.

I am a retired Army Officer – worked in Special Forces and Military Intelligence. I don’t think my patriotism is in question.

Let them put me on a list, I could care less I already display about 100% of the behaviors that DHS says might indicate I am a domestic terrorist.

Veteran - check
Distrust of US Federal Government - check
100+ guns - check
1 year of food in storage - check
15K rounds of ammo - check
Special Forces training - check
Federal Explosives License - check
Constitutionalist - check
Pays for things in (gasp) cash - check
Concealed Carry holder - check
Visits "prepper" websites - check
Conspiracy theorist - check

I don’t fly anywhere anyway. I have everything I need on my 100+ acres of land.

The reason I signed the petition is that I feel the federal government neither respects my particular conservative values nor respects the rights of the States and the residents thereof to govern ourselves based on those values.

Used to be that the 50 States all had very different laws voted on and codified by their citizens – laws that worked for them and represented their values and wishes. However, now because the West and Left coasts respectively have large urban centers along with the overreaching and shameless influence of the federal government and their local Senators and Representatives who are not satisfied with representing their own people but feel they must influence the rest of the nation as well we can all revel in their values.

What works fiscally for a large densely populated urban State doesn’t necessarily work for a rural dispersed population. That doesn’t even take into consideration the morays and values and vast difference in societal norms of the two vastly different kinds of living.

The bottom line for me is that while 8 million people who live in a similar geopolitical region with similar climate and population density and lifestyle might truly share enough common ground to govern themselves 310 million people dispersed in urban and rural settings with disparate costs of living and climates and sets of challenges and issues cannot.

This is what the federal government is trying to do – homogenize the 310 million people into one large body; however, the challenge is that people don’t want to be governed by individuals who don’t share their values. They resent it. Just look at how much outrage there was Bush won by the Left and West coast liberals… As much if not more so as we red flyovers resent being stewarded by Obama and his Marxist cronies. It’s ok – time to part ways we had a good run.

The country has become too diverse to share common ground. It’s ok, like two people in a relationship grow apart over time so have we. I don’t think anyone where I live shares Obama’s vision for America’s future. I’d say that even includes Democrats. People here simply think the relationship we have with the federal government is no longer in our best interest.

We live with a balanced budget, low property taxes, high personal freedom index (there are still smoking sections in our restaurants), and all we see in the future is being put on the hook to bail out the free spending States IL, CA etc. who have spent more than they make so that they could pander to the liberal feel good base. It will come, they won’t be allowed to fail – we will get stuck with the federal tax hikes and bills for decisions we didn’t make and wouldn’t make.

Would you stay married to a man or woman who spent more than he made for years on end borrowing money so he could indulge his dependant friends knowing that you would ultimately be on the hook if he could no longer borrow more money and pay his portion of the family bills – I think not.

That is the relationship the red States have with the blue States.

Bottom line is the US has become so big it can do nothing but fail. If you try to be all things to everyone eventually you will be nothing to anyone.

Do I completely trust my State government – not really but I think that 1/8,000,000th of a share is worth more than 1/310,000,000th of a share.

edit on 14/11/2012 by Golf66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by captaintyinknots

2)Secession WILL NOT happen. Period. Unless this small, LOUD minority wants to start a civil war (and quickly get killed), it will not happen

Who is going to kill them?

That would involve getting up off the couch and turning off reality tv, and stop creating threads how awesome the current government is.

You know they use to call that work.

To me seems those who want to secede have nothing to worry about with the majority of troops overseas.

95% of active forces are in the US. Not counting Reseves and the Guard. I have no idea how this myth of US force all being over seas comes from but, I suppose it is easier to repeat myths than it is to do a little research or what they used to call work.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 08:35 PM
While it's a... romanitc notion of sorts, it won't happen because there are too many people sucking off the federal government tit. Medicare, food stamps and social security would all cease once a state suceeds. Not to mention federal funds for schools and recuced cost lunches, education grants... the list is endless.

So in Texas, every citizen who depends on those entitlement programs would be royally hacked off...

The feds have done their job well. In one way or another we are all dependent on them or at the very least have many relatives and friends who are. The % of those who take nothing from the feds is about 0.

That being said, the whole thing is meant to send a message "HEY... we think you SUCK".

As as aside, the guy who started the Texas one goes to UT and is an engineering student. My son knows him personally. Nice guy. Not a whack-o.
edit on 14-11-2012 by davjan4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 08:44 PM
It seems, the people that want secede just want federal authority to have its limits.
It's like saying, yeah we will take your money & pay our taxes into the system, but your tsa, NDAA, sopa, and unconstitutional regulations will not be upheld in our state.

So maybe the petition should be worded to "limit federal jurisdiction over/in a state"

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 08:54 PM
I want each state to have their own form of government, with a small centralized government to unite us that provides a handful of basic things such as defense and protection of our rights. Oh wait....

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