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Are You Buying The Anti-Muslim Propaganda?

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posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 05:42 PM
Muslims are no different than any other creed, race – whatever; they have their bad apples as well. I know plenty of Muslims and they are all very much decent people.

Just because the KKK claims to be Christian – do all minority races despise Christians for that reason? Of course not; same applies for Islam.

I have a very good customer that happens to be Muslim and he was talking with my Muslim co-workers about the movie. Granted none of them nor I had seen it nor do any of us plan on it. Anyways, they were more upset with the behavior of their fellow rioting Muslims than the film itself – that should say everything.

Honestly all the hateful Muslims are a product of 17-18th century British (among other) interests – this is where most of the violent interpretations stem from. From what the Muslims I know tell me most of what the extremists believe is a gross misinterpretation; this can be compared to the people in the hills of West Virginia that handle snakes as a religious right because they interpret verses differently . Ignorance and misinterpretation can have catastrophic consequences.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 05:44 PM
I like this thread .


posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 05:47 PM

That word only exists for the stupid, to anyone with a brain who makes up their own mind it is simply "an argument fro or con"

I have to be honest

While I certainly prefer no one to die, I am PRO policy that one way or another keeps Islam on a decline/non migratory to my part of the world/ actively repressed

Propaganda, a degree, I don't know that a bomb guarantees it's use, it is slightly unfair to assume it does.

MY ISSUE is demographics and that is valid, is it "Intent" is it a true "war" organized against the West, sometimes Yes, mostly No

None the less... I don't want America becoming more religious conservative, I don't want them in our VOTE, I don't want them in my kids school, I don't want my neighborhood rules affected by their presence nor stores nor anything else

You mention the NAZIS

Even though i'm Jewish, even though I know there was no plot within the Jewish population or if there was it was a small handful... I UNDERSTAND completely the German actions. (okay could have done it without gas chambers) none the less

I Know why... it wasn't a banking conspiracy any more than this is about terrorism

It was SIMPLE a small list of why Jews got treated bad and why I personally don't want islam around and IT's the SAME list and it's a fair list of reasons.

1: The group in question does not date, inter marry or assimilate and it changes the social break down you live in excluding you from the "mating process" or limiting your odds within it...

2: The group or culture in question separates from the society at large by, language, custom and belief, will not eat the same foods, work the same days, observe common social norms

3: The group in question attempts to then change your behavior and customs and lifestyle to suit there needs and his marginalizes and even CRIMINALIZES YOU

That's all there was in regards to Germans being led against Jews, that is all there is in regards to westerners being led against islam

I don't want Orthodox Jews in any real numbers around me either and it sucks quite enough that there are real numbers of highly religious Christians to contend with within the vote as it is..

Do I care what we do to keep them back?

No, even when it's immoral

Why? I like Christmas...even though Jewish lol, I like xmas as an American holiday, I want to see lights... I also like Booze sometimes, I Like eggnog on xmas... I Like, Eggnog and Rum, Christmas parties and in particular that once a year moment where I happen to be under the mistletoe toe and randomly some pretty girl that liked me all year kisses me by surprise while drinking my egg nog and rum and she is wearing a sexy little elf skirt and there is a big Pig cooking outside.

Just an example...

I don't want gay marriage to go away, I want to go out on the weekends, I like sexy empowered women, Good Movies, Dance Music.... and a lot of things


Whatever reasons they feel this is needed are fine in my book... maybe the truth sounds trite? It probably does.

But I have ONE life to live and I want to enjoy it, study SCIENCE and LIVE and No, they wont "Americanize" over time, not my life time, not my kids...

So to hell with them... Propaganda? Whatever... I have my feelings by choice. My choice of how I wish to live and numbers and demographics don't lie. It's as just a war as ever there could be... OUR WAY OF LIFE is under threat. I don't feel the need for an excuse.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 05:48 PM
I think this is being propagandized to the hilt! Your point that Germans did not hate jewish people overnight, it was a slowly developed hate by propaganda, is the perfect example.

With that said, it's not just the western world propagandizing. The islamic world is doing the same. 20 years ago, they did not all hate us, but they've accomplished a deep seeded hate for us now. Of course we helped it along fairly well invading all their countries and "helping" them to decide what is best for them.

I think the illuminati is doing a fabulous job! They make a plan and they stick to it!
edit on 20-9-2012 by SunnyDee because: (no reason given)

+3 more 
posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by detachedindividual

MY distrust of Muslims has nothing to do with "propaganda" and everything to do with their actions world wide. I see a lot more anti-Christian propaganda in the main stream than anything else.

Tell me, if they're such a small minority as you say, why hasn't the majority don't something about them? You don't see radical Christians or Jews blowing # up and killing people world wide, because the majority shuts that sort of behavior down. You're so desperate to apologize for these radicals that you ignore reality. It's depressing.

edit on 20-9-2012 by PvtHudson because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by detachedindividual

I'll bet that the majority of those who starred it have completely ignored the fact that the extremists violently protesting are the minority.

Hummm... It seems that the Western, non Muslim, extremists must be a much, much, smaller minority than their counterparts in the Middle East, and North Africa. I don't recall any of them attacking embassies, rioting, or killing Muslim representatives. I'm pretty sure something like that would have made ATS headlines.

Your finger is pointing the wrong direction. Considering the actions that you "completely ignored", in close to thirty countries, it seems that the "Muslim Extremists" ARE NOT such a small minority anymore.

I gave him a star, not because I "completely ignored the fact that the extremists violently protesting are the minority", but because you WILLFULLY, and CONSISTENTLY, IGNORE THE OBVIOUS.

See ya,
edit on 20-9-2012 by BenReclused because: Typo

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 05:54 PM
and lol

before it's even posted... Our "way of life" is not so grand, we have our problems, excess is an issue, corruption exists and we have a long, long road ahead of us before we can brag they way we do.

I am NOT throwing America F yeah nonsense out there, we have PLENTY of faults

But i'd rather die than live completely under an imaginary god, be told what to eat and wear never have choice in Love, throw science under the table and even my mindless entertainment taken too...

and yeah, that's Islam, I figure our system is in many ways caught in the 17th century

beats the living poo out of being caught in the 9th century

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 05:54 PM
No, I don't buy any of it. However, the constant media barrage is hard to ignore, and it does plant seeds.

My daughter started dating a man of Muslim faith, and I have to admit, my first reaction was to be uncomfortable. I started thinking of that movie with Sally Field in which she marries a Muslim, and he steals their daughter and takes her back to the Middle East. I imagined my daughter in a burka, trapped at home. All the stereotypes we are fed subtlely were flooding my brain.

Then I met the guy. A really lovely person, very westernized, cultured, intelligent, and handsome. He treats her very well. I felt guilty for all the weird things I was thinking and worrying about, and then realized that I had been a victim of our idiot mainstream media all this time, since September 11, 2001.

I think it is easy to "dehumanize the enemy", as they say in war psychology, when you are not face to face with them, to look them in the eye, and see that they are the same as you...Same fears, same likes, same thoughts.

I often think that, in wartime, before we decide somebody is evil and needs to die, that we should spend 24 hours with them first. See them with their families, their children, their parents, their friends. Get to know them first. Then, if we still decide they're evil, go ahead and bombs away.

I'm pretty sure the casualty rate in wars would go down to almost zero, and the only ones deserving bombs would probably be the politicians who order the killing.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 05:55 PM
Sigh...why would the nazis hate artists when Adolf Hitler himself was an artist?

But yes, there is anti-muslim hatred going on that is racist and bigoted, so I agree with that point.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by FissionSurplus
No, I don't buy any of it. However, the constant media barrage is hard to ignore, and it does plant seeds.

My daughter started dating a man of Muslim faith, and I have to admit, my first reaction was to be uncomfortable. I started thinking of that movie with Sally Field in which she marries a Muslim, and he steals their daughter and takes her back to the Middle East. I imagined my daughter in a burka, trapped at home. All the stereotypes we are fed subtlely were flooding my brain.

Then I met the guy. A really lovely person, very westernized, cultured, intelligent, and handsome. He treats her very well. I felt guilty for all the weird things I was thinking and worrying about, and then realized that I had been a victim of our idiot mainstream media all this time, since September 11, 2001.

I think it is easy to "dehumanize the enemy", as they say in war psychology, when you are not face to face with them, to look them in the eye, and see that they are the same as you...Same fears, same likes, same thoughts.

I often think that, in wartime, before we decide somebody is evil and needs to die, that we should spend 24 hours with them first. See them with their families, their children, their parents, their friends. Get to know them first. Then, if we still decide they're evil, go ahead and bombs away.

I'm pretty sure the casualty rate in wars would go down to almost zero, and the only ones deserving bombs would probably be the politicians who order the killing.

Any immigrant westernized is a westerner... people who judge on color or race alone stink, really dumb people.

But the truth is the westernization occurs at best at 10% per generation, if the group is coming from a local over multiple generation with a hardcore set of beliefs your looking at complete cultural change, there are Religious conservatives in this country going on 6,8,10 generations that are barely removed from puritans... Romney actually made it to a Presidential ticket for the Love of God if he exists may he help us all lol...

We need a NEW influx of this mentality? By Millions and millions possibly a 4-5 generation long trend?

Oh Hell No!

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 06:13 PM
It is just the totalitarian and violence purveying spirit to use other's acts of violence or totalitarianism as justifications to become the same and commit the same acts.

It is a result of ignorance essentially, because had they realized the real solutions to our problems are through diplomacy and compassion, rather than violence and hatred, we would be on the road to recovery rather than the road to tyranny.

Also I am afraid many people associate the word "Muslim" with a skin color/race. Which is quite frustrating as it has no bearing on reality at all and is an indicator of the level of intellectual articulation we are dealing with here.

Of course I do not condone any violent acts as a result of political ideology, no matter who they are emanating from. Just because a few people are psychopathic lunatics doesn't justify all of us becoming psychopathic lunatics as a result. Instead we should all apply common sense and our understanding of human rights in order to find applicable solutions to our cultural or political crisis at hand.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by detachedindividual

EXCELLENT thread! I love how you did the quotes! I really thought they were Nazi quotes. Perfectly illustrated!

Do I buy the Anti-Muslim propaganda? Not in the LEAST! Not even a little bit. I don't care how many times I get called a Muslim apologist or how I appear to the haters here, I will NOT buy the BS. Islam is no different than any other religion. People who hate and kill for political purposes, using the disguise of religion, will not convince me to hate any religion. Ever.

I think since 9/11 (the first one) some nefarious faction in the US has been subtly (and not-so-subtly) programming the people to have a target for their frustration and anger. The goal is to control, the tool is fear. People get frustrated and angry when they're afraid. They have more doubt and are more suspicious of others - about people who are different than they are. That makes it easier to divide a nation and control them.

Just think of the power we, the people, could have if we joined together... This nefarious faction knows that and is appealing to our fear to keep us from doing so.

"Social control is best managed through fear." MICHAEL CRICHTON, State of Fear

"Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death."
- Adolf Hitler

“What luck for rulers that men do not think”
- Adolf Hitler

"Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way around, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise."
- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

“The bigger the lie, the more inclined people will be to believe it”
- Adolf Hitler

The propagandized do not realize that they have bought propaganda, hook, line and sinker. They think they have the "truth". They think their fears are justified. Because they have been told that they are. And here in the US, we've always been kind of "wary" of other races, because we've been taught to be. It's a constant effort to throw off the programming that we have gotten about race. It's understandable that people fall for propaganda. It's the easier path. Hatred feeds itself. To reject the propaganda takes work.

United we Stand... Divided we fall. -Aesop

Witness the fall...

edit on 9/20/2012 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 06:14 PM
islam is the death cult, the most destructive and perverse ideology in human history.

It is devoted to the murder or subjugation of all non-muslims.

This is incontrovertible fact.

There is no racism at play here, because islam is not a race.

It is a totalitarian political ideology that promises never-ending murder and terror until islam is the only "religion" left.

Every nation-state or people that has EVER existed near a muslim country has suffered horribly from it. It doesn't take propaganda to learn that islam is quite possibly the greatest threat ever to civilization.

And virtually all of the quotes in the OP are accurate, balanced and measured. They are not inflammatory rhetoric nor the product of propaganda. Especially the one about mohammed. He truly was a genocidal maniac, rapist of children, thief, and arch-terrorist. These are facts.

The OP mentions study of history, yet seems to have little to no understanding of pre- or WWII Germany nor of Islam.

There is no way to study the history of islam and/or read the koran and conclude anything other than that it is a totalitarian political ideology dedicated to murder and terror.

For a forum that is all about 'deny ignorance' this OP is surely bizarre.

Originally posted by detachedindividual
After all of the discussions on ATS over the last week, I worry that there is a massive change in public sentiment taking place.

If you've studied history, you know what this is about. The German population didn't just wake up one day with a hatred of all Jewish people, all gay people, artists, writers and poets. They were CONDITIONED to hate, they were lied to, coerced, bombarded and brainwashed into viewing millions of people as enemies - worthy of killing.

It didn't matter what the individual had done, or not done, all were deemed to be worthy of attack.

Take a look at the following, and tell me whether you think these quotes are from Nazis about their enemies, or people today, in our countries, speaking about all Muslim people...

I've removed identifying words, to give you a challenge, but the sentiment is unchanged.

History says [REMOVED] was a pedophile, a murderer, a savage, an idolator, a rapist, a thief, illiterate, a liar

Can you work out which of these above quotes are from Germans in WW2?

Wait for it...

None of them are, they are all taken from posts on ATS, most from the same thread, all from individuals attacking Islam and Muslim people in general.

These people are not attacking the minority who protested or acted violently, they are attacking millions of people, combining them all into one group to hate. It doesn't matter if the Muslim person is moderate, gay, a poet, a thinker, man woman or child, these opinions are expressed against ALL MUSLIMS.

We have groups of people in our western nations now planning a counter protest against all Muslim protests. We have the same people screaming about their own freedoms, attacking the freedoms of others because a minority abuse them.

There are large numbers of complete idiots currently planning to attack the freedoms of others in their country, for protesting against the freedoms they have. This is an insane circle of hypocrisy, with both sides of the protesting crowds guilty of complete and utter stupidity.

What concerns me is that the number of those falling for this propaganda war is rising. It might have started out with the knuckle-dragging white-power neo Nazi, but it has quickly spread. Normally the posters on ATS are more rational than this, but I fear that this is a microcosm of what might be happening out in the real world away from forums.

We have several xenophobic groups planning to protest or show the pathetic little YouTube video in the coming months. We have warnings that radical Islamic groups are likely to increase in number in response to both the original video and the coming clashes in the streets. Likewise, it's reasonable to assume that racist and nationalist groups will also increase their numbers as a result of this.

We are walking into a storm, people are buying the polarization, people are willingly falling for the crusade mentality. And some people - some nations - will benefit greatly while they watch us all fall.

I welcome the discussion, but can we please keep this limited to discussion about the polarization of nations and people, who is responsible, what people are experiencing and personal perceptions? We've had enough discussion about the film, the cartoons and the protests outside of our nations.

I intend this thread to be a discussion about how this is going to play out, whether you think you are falling for the propaganda (whoever is responsible) and what you plan to do about it.

Please leave your opinions of religious groups at the door, it's not welcome in this discussion.
edit on 20-9-2012 by Spooky1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by detachedindividual

Because the main point of the topic is not Islam, it's the polarization of people based on false ideas about a minority group.

Think about the Nazis in WW2 and how they managed to convince millions of German citizens to hate Jewish people, gay people, intellectuals, the press...

Do you get it now?.

Did the Jews actually do the atrocities they were accused of? What exactly is the "false ideas" that we have about Radical Islam?

I'm not against Islam but the Radical Strain of Islam is and will continue to cause major problems if the majority of Muslim people don't step up to the plate. You can spin it as bad propaganda, but explain to my why there are murders of diplomats and sacking of embassies ect..... over a silly youtube video or a cartoon? I didn't see the Jews killing German diplomats over the cartoons and such that they had put against them pre WWII?

Islam must take care of the issue of it's Radical brethren, they are ultimately the cause of this modern rise of Radicalism in the region. Turning a blind eye to it will not suffice.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by penninja

That word only exists for the stupid, to anyone with a brain who makes up their own mind it is simply "an argument fro or con"

Actually everything can be construed as technically "propaganda" because it is propagation of ideas. Good or bad or indifferent, it's all the same at the core. Propagation.

So you are patently wrong because the "stupid" have less words in their repertoire whereas the "smart" have a larger and more versatile vocabulary which to rely upon for communication purposes.

Sorry to nitpick but I cannot stand aside while someone tries to strike words out of the dictionary simply based on one's opinions. My diction capacity will not be limited as a result of insults or ridicule.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by pavil

Originally posted by detachedindividual

Because the main point of the topic is not Islam, it's the polarization of people based on false ideas about a minority group.

Think about the Nazis in WW2 and how they managed to convince millions of German citizens to hate Jewish people, gay people, intellectuals, the press...

Do you get it now?.

Did the Jews actually do the atrocities they were accused of? What exactly is the "false ideas" that we have about Radical Islam?

I'm not against Islam but the Radical Strain of Islam is and will continue to cause major problems if the majority of Muslim people don't step up to the plate. You can spin it as bad propaganda, but explain to my why there are murders of diplomats and sacking of embassies ect..... over a silly youtube video or a cartoon? I didn't see the Jews killing German diplomats over the cartoons and such that they had put against them pre WWII?

Islam must take care of the issue of it's Radical brethren, they are ultimately the cause of this modern rise of Radicalism in the region. Turning a blind eye to it will not suffice.

Freedom of speech...

There is a very good "way of life" factor.... one few would argue is not worth fighting for.

As a guy calling myself Pen-Ninja... well so far no one has bothered me within this system, fair enough reason to fight in my book.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 06:20 PM
It is truly depressing to read this thread and see so many seemingly intelligent people think that any negative opinions toward islam, the death cult, are the product of propaganda.

It is this kind of opinion that can literally result in the subversion and eventual destruction of the western world.

Thankfully many people are waking up to the existential threat posed by the death cult of islam.

Back when I was younger and very naive regarding islam, and a constant defender of it (much like many of the ignorant posts in this thread), I read the koran in order to get ammunition against people I felt were the victims of baseless propaganda.

What I found in reading the koran (and then re-reading it) is that it is a vile, hate-filled tome that commands nothing other than endless violence and misery. Studying the history of islam merely reinforced this.

If anything, the western media and western governments are criminally negligent in not informing people of the existential threat posed by islam, and by permitting muslims to immigrate.

edit on 20-9-2012 by Spooky1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-9-2012 by Spooky1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by penninja

Um....What's your point? To not allow immigrants to practice their religious beliefs? You've basically slammed Puritans, Mormons and Muslims. I don't have an issue with any of them.

If you want things to stay the same way, you're in the wrong universe, because the only thing guaranteed in this life is change.

You might say I'm pro-human. If somebody is a direct threat to me, that's a different matter. People peacefully practicing their religion is none of my fricking business, nor is it yours.

Can't you see that we're being brainwashed into hating people based on their religious beliefs, in order to justify illegal and immoral wars?

Yes, my daughter's boyfriend is "westernized", but he stil practices the faith of his family. This is true of many immigrants. My parents were immigrants. I was raised with a "live and let live" mentality.

I can think of a lot of Christians who are ridiculously hard-core (since I live in the Bible Belt), but I do not lump all Christians in the same vein, because not everybody is a religious zealot.

You are entitled to your opinion, but I have to admit, it is a disappointing one. You are exactly what the OP is talking about.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by penninja

That word only exists for the stupid, to anyone with a brain who makes up their own mind it is simply "an argument fro or con"

Actually everything can be construed as technically "propaganda" because it is propagation of ideas. Good or bad or indifferent, it's all the same at the core. Propagation.

So you are patently wrong because the "stupid" have less words in their repertoire whereas the "smart" have a larger and more versatile vocabulary which to rely upon for communication purposes.

Sorry to nitpick but I cannot stand aside while someone tries to strike words out of the dictionary simply based on one's opinions. My diction capacity will not be limited as a result of insults or ridicule.

Strike out of the dictionary?

Not my intent, just saying it is "subjective"

1.information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.
2.the deliberate spreading of such information, rumors, etc.
3.the particular doctrines or principles propagated by an organization or movement.

All i'm saying is "rumors" don't exist for those who can research, ideas can't be enforced when you have a mind of your and information is either True or False in most cases when you choose to investigate the subject matter and have the tools to do so.

Not "denying" the word exists, just saying it can not work if you have even half a brain

So no... the "propaganda" does not work on me, I know 90% is utter trash

None the less for reasons of my own i choose to ignore that fact

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by SpaceMonkeys
I find the timing of this quite convenient whilst the war drums are starting to beat louder at Iran.
Take a look at the comments in the video on youtube, they are extremely venomous from both muslims and non-muslims.
In fact look at the comments on the russia today videos on youtube who are reporting on the protests.
As always, I think a very clever game is being played to plant the seeds of what's coming.
We are like putty in tptb hands.

Yea, we are putty and with those buying into the agenda, they are being mould now. I wonder whats the final result of this war and who benefits from it. As far as I can see - both will become ash.

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