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Recent Badnarik interview (need media player) This is awesome

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posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 02:31 PM
He could change American politics forever...

Which is why the gop and dnc are terrified of him and the libertarian party.

If you make negative comments about bush in an auditorium which is now considered a free speech zone, you will get handcuffed. This is a tactic Joseph Stalin used to use.

How are we supposed to change this if we're not happy with the way government is working.
1st ammendment protects you so that you can make political setiments and comments, however, many people aren't being protected.

Badnarik got arrested for showing up at the Bush and Kerry debate, this debate was funded by public taxes, it wasn't private, it's wasn't privately funded.

if bush and kerry were so sophistacted, they shouldn't be afraid of a constitutional scholar from Texas, they are terrified of his answers, they can't argue with his platform, bush and kerry's answers are indefensible, badnarik could shatter the death grip the dnc and gop have on american politics.

Watch the interview:

or if the link isn't working go to:
It's the first link under "e-tv schedule"

ps: the police didn't understand why they had to hand cuff two presidential candidates. They simply did not understand, but were told to.

Badnarik explains here how he is working from the ground up.

Remember Alan Keyes a member of the Gop

was a gop candidate for prez and was denied access to his own debates, republicans kept a republican out because he was a strict constitutional interpreter and was much libertarian in his thinking, it's not the party that they are opposing, it's the ideas.... The idea's of freedom.

This is not just a joke, people should be very concerned about this.

[edit on 14-10-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 02:34 PM
your link does not seem to be working?
right on truLies you got it going

[edit on 14/10/2004 by Sauron]

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 02:41 PM
I just posted the wmv link

and under it if it doesn't work is a link to

the video is under the "E tv schedule"

It's the very first link under it.

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 03:03 PM

I can see why Bush and Kerry don't want someone like him in the debates. What an intellegent person. So well spoken, so common sense minded, so right for the job. What a shame he doesn't have the proper media outlet. A waste of a leader! I only hope and pray that he at least gets the much needed 5% vote

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 03:07 PM
Good find

I�m still watching it, and I like the fact he knows America is becoming a Police State,
Bush has to loose or Free America is finished as the world knows it.

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 03:19 PM
Was I dreaming last night or did Ted on Nightline say that he got 29% of the ABC 13 local pole before the debate? In other words did he get 29% of Houstons' vote before last nights show? Something about the only pole they could find on something (issue?) where they were split three ways? It was late.

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 03:26 PM
I've watched this interview about 3 times now, i'll probably have it on repeat all night, I want to take it all in, it's so rejuvinating to hear someone so bright, informed, and well spoken...

And guess what, he's not scripted...

I guess that's what you get when you have an educated candidate....

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 03:36 PM
I've given much review to Badnarik, but this infomercial was as detrimental as any bad press.
He raises good points that I've brought up & many other ATS'ers as well , about free speech zones & the exclusions of debate. I liked that he took the Christian phalanx to task - well Imean the 'interviewer' did.
But, like Bush, Badnarik is an empty suit, though much less empty than Bush. You'd have to have some sort of degree to call yourself a scholar, no? His cliches were flowing and all encompassing, but the meat was lacking, he gave no plan on how he's getting us from our 'unconstitutional state' to his Utopia where the IRS is abolished, sales tax is abolished, ect.
The cathphrase is still a cathphrase, like Bush incessent nonsense of saying Kerry is a flip Flopper. "The lesser of two Evils" - well, that third evil is to champion a candidate who speaks of drastic changes to Federal government, and state government by extention & default, without outlining the steps he envisions will accomodate that end. Badnarik is a better candidate than Bush, but that's not too hard to do.

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 03:43 PM
Yes. There was a local pole (channel 13 the local ABC news did it) that Nightline showed because it was the only pole they could get that soon, or maybe it was Ted at the debate, I'm so used to seeing him on Nightline, I dont remember, it was a long day, about 20 hours yesterday making lost keys, anyway, Ted was talking about a three way split where he got 29% on the whole gig or some issue I dont know but I think he ment the whole show before or after the last debate I think it was after. If anyone saw it then they will know what I am talking about.

I really like this guy. I think libertarian is the key to our future.

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 03:44 PM
Whatever way you swing is fine by me, I don't understand personally how you can say that bush and badnarik are like the same people/ empty suits, and then say that kerry isn't?

I strongly disagree Badnarik is an empty suit... He is fighting really hard, he is really trying to get to the public so that they can see what's going on...

Kerry isn't even mentioning how he's going to do all these things he plans on doing, where is he going ot get all the money from when he says he's not going to raise taxes, that he's going to have an optional health plan like senators and congressmen have, how he's going to send more troops over to Iraq, train them properly, give them new equipement, the education system is going ot be better, all these promises and what? he still can't explain where he's going to get all this money from if he's not going to raise taxes...

If anybody is an empty suit, it's kerry... And bush is wearing the jacket, and kerry is wearing the pants...

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 03:54 PM
I would love to see Badnarik as president
I think we would be A LOT better off than with Bush or Kerry
if I were old enough to vote, I'd vote Badnarik

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 03:57 PM
As our founding fathers so eloquently said:

"when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new guards for their future security."

The two major parties have shown us the long train of abuses and usurpations. Casting my vote for some one else is a step toward throwing off such government, and I believe Michael Badnarik to be a worthy guard to our future security.

Badnarik Forum

I strongly believe that if there is going to be a revolution in our century it's going to be because of the libertarian's, and I can see why the neo cons and democrats are afraid.

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by UnknownOrigins
I would love to see Badnarik as president
I think we would be A LOT better off than with Bush or Kerry
if I were old enough to vote, I'd vote Badnarik

When corporate media giants get old and grey, it will be your generation's job to carry a torch, and i'm glad you would vote Badnarik, and you could make a huge difference in your generation if you start getting involved in politics, by the time your a grown man you could be changing the political arena, it's going ot have to change because what we have now isn't working.

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 04:08 PM
My friend ran for the House a while back under the Libertarian Party and lost but did quite well. He got something like 25%

The two party system is a joke. They dont stand for anything anymore like they used too. Now they just babble on both sounding the same bacause they have no other party to fear, or do they?

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 04:17 PM
It is monumentally more easier to play the spoiler than to play to win. LP is playing the spoiler, period.
I am for third party - I wanted McCain to run Independent in 2000 as well as get an Independent ticket going for 2004.
Libertarians have that same desire, but it's a bit more frantic. Snatching after Badnarik as the life raft can be explained as such.
Look, like I said, I've reviewed everything; I will never be guilty of what I blame the GOP for: blind dismissal of any point that isn't mine.
It's like writing a business plan ( if you've never written one , I suggest you master the exercise) you must look at the stage in life cycle fashion.

Is John Kerry perfect? No, but he is exactly the tonic we need today in this election. There is way too much going on to have another president, like Bush, who comes in & does nothing for most of his first year.
The dogma of strict constitutionalism is still dogma, and none of us can stomach the application of dogma that's taken control of the GOP.
As for my 'empty suit' charge: no, I wouldn't insult Badnarik by equating him on par with Bush; Bush is functionally retarded. But, Badnarik is not telling me anythin I need to know, on his web site or in his interviews. I want nuts & bolts; my attention span is endless if I'm engaged by the subject matter. The topics ( disband the IRS) have my full what? Tell me how the lost tax revenue streams are accomodated for & where the numbers balance. Tell me how the system is transitioned. Tell me how our troop deployments are modified. Tell me how our foreign aid is proctored. Tell me where international investment is encouraged to come back to a US made isolationist by Libertarian rule. Tell me how the US competes in the global sales cycles by being isolationist. Tell me how after we elminate social programs we gurantee a better governance by the private sector. Tell me where the incentive is for this new private sector goodwill to take over the existing millions on social services.

I can go on, but you get my point.....the promises have my attention, now show me the plan. That's the type of empty suit analogy I hold Badnarik/Nader/Bush in.

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 04:17 PM
I think they do fear the Libertarian Party otherwise they wouldn't have had Badnarik arrested

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time
I can go on, but you get my point.....the promises have my attention, now show me the plan. That's the type of empty suit analogy I hold Badnarik/Nader/Bush in.


Have you not looked at the plan??? They are very thorough.. I know your a liberal at heart, but I don't understand how you can say he's an empty suit, out of all of them he is a true freedom fighter and he is truly working hard for all of us, he isn't making empty promises otherwise he wouldn't be fighting as hard as he is...

Bush Kerry and Nader are all in the same, what kind of fighting are they doing, what kind of protesting have they been involved in, what kind of convictions have they put forth?? Their just trying to spoonfeed the American population and tell them what they need, what they will do for them...

How about just American's doing things for themselves? How about an American president making American people deciding first before the government does... How about a government that is about the people and not themselves??

This is why he isn't an empty suit, this is why so many people need to be woken up, and this is why my heart goes out to him because he's not full of # like the other clowns are.

How many times have the reps and dems done unconsitutional things and gotten away with it??

How come neither of them want to reduce teh size of the federal of government? If that happend our standard of living would be on the rise, we all would have more prosperity and liberty, and people would have more money in our pockets...

It's time to put out the camp fire. We can win,we're the ones on the front lines fighting for our rights, it's real, it's not made up..

They are anything BUT for the American People.

Not once have I heard kerry say the government works for teh people, not once have I heard Bush say the government works for the people and not the other way around...

Crazy people in this world... And their all at the top.

The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.
--Thucydides, The History of the Peloponnesian War


You will see on the far right hand side all the issues and if you click on any of them you will see in detail the plans...

[edit on 14-10-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 04:37 PM
You should see some of the people who run companies; they'd make Bush seem humble.
I think you're taking the empty suit charge too literally; I do like Badnarik, just not as president, and I think he's half the candidate that Ron Paul is. I do like many of the Libertarian ideals, but am still yearning for the blueprint; talk down to me, make believe I'm simple and each step needs to be explained out to me. They haven't done that.
I say let the LP put a plan out to win Congressional seats and succeed at it, so that they unavoidable in 2008.
Thank you, Mrs. TrueLies! ( so formal, call me Thumper if ya like!

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time
I've given much review to Badnarik, but this infomercial was as detrimental as any bad press.
He raises good points that I've brought up & many other ATS'ers as well , about free speech zones & the exclusions of debate. I liked that he took the Christian phalanx to task - well Imean the 'interviewer' did.

I dont see this.

How was this detrimental?

What part of abolish did you not understand? He does not propose to lead us to a Utopia, unlike Bush and Kerry both, he merely proposes to give us the freedom to lead OURSELVES, you know like we were meant to do from the start.

What part was a empty suit?

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 04:47 PM

We are not isolationists. We just do not believe in invading countries that have not done anything to us, or proping up dictators that rape there people and split the profits with us.

We believe that the best way to promote freedom around the world is to let them do what they wish as long as it doesnt harm us.

He doesnt propose to make up the revenues by any means. The government is not here to hold your hand from birth to death it is only hear to regulate trade and protect us from other countries.

Troop deployment is easy they will not be in ANY country but the USA.

Try going to the LP web site and going a little deeper. All your answers are there

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