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Chick-fil-A "non-story" exposes the Hypocritical agenda of LGBT Community.

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posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by SepticSheepHerder
This thread = a sad day at ATS

Inequality and Hate = sad day every day.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 02:01 AM
Same sex marriage should not be allowed or even considered. Gay / Homosexuals should not be legally reconized because not only is it common sense that off spring is not produced, but sexual disease and other infections are much higher of a risk in the gay community.

I honestly do not want to be forced to be around gays. It is absolutley disgusting to me, and infringes on my morals and values that have been held strong in the United States of America ... since i dont know ... its creation.

Gay marriage is not an evolution but a degeneration of Human Kind.


Gay people should not have equal rights in Marriage because Gay Marriage shouldnt even be reconized. There is no equality in gay marriage because it doesnt exist.

Go be gay, but dont try and destroy morals and traditional values. It is none of my business what you do in private.
edit on 7-8-2012 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 02:10 AM
What's the definition of bigotry? Intolerance of other peoples views or beliefs or something like that? So, if you publicly state that you believe marriage should be between a man and a woman, you will have tons of gay bigots storming your property, protesting, posting hate speech all over the internet, and Nevermind the legal and political ramifications...

And what does getting married have to do with insurance or visiting loved ones in the hospital? THESE are the issues, are they not? These are the things that need ti be changed. I shouldn't have to marry my best friend in order for him to see me on my death bed. And I shouldn't have to marry someone If I want to pay the extra money to have them included on my insurance plan.

Let the straight people keep the definition of marriage between a man and a woman, and let gay people or anyone, see another in the hospital if prior permission has been given by the patient or whatever. And if I get insurance benefits at a job, I should be able to name all my children, plus one other person of my choice. Be it a friend or wife or complete stranger.

Guys, we should not be fighting each other! It's the insurance companies and their stringent policies that allow them to give eachother big old bonuses at the end of each year.

It's the hospitals and their policy of only allowing a family member to visit. Some people HATE theory freakin families! And some people consider their best friends family to be their family. My (now ex) girlfriend's dad was more of a dad than my real dad was!

You want to protest somebody? Protest against the real root of this problem! Marriage IS between a man and a woman. It's because nature designed a penis to fit into a vagina, and for a baby to be the result. It has nothing to do with love, but NATURE. Gays can still have a union of love or whatever they want to call it. And they shoukd be able to share insurance and see eachother in the hospital. That's a no brainer! But just compromise a little.. leave marriage the way it was, and attack the real root of the problem! Greedy Insurance companies and stupid hospitals!!! Then everyone gets what they want.

Just don't change marriage. Cause what will be next? I can legally marry a dog? Why not, if I love my dog then its the same as gay and straight marriage right?? What's next, Can I legally marry my mother? Why not? If we love eachother then its the exact same as animal, gay, and straight marriages, right?? What's next? Can I legally marry myself? No! Just leave it the same... If we have to change it for you, we will have to change it for everybody. If you want to change something, change the stupid laws that say "you have to be married to do this or that..."

If you are gay, and you fall in love with someone and you wish to spend the rest of your life with this person, then by all means, have a ceremony! Invite people! Serve food if you want! Have a contract drawn up that says if this person engages in sexual activity with any other person, they will be relieved of half of their belongings... Or of you are all for open relationships like swinging or threesomes or orgies, then have any variation you wish of such a contract.

Because that's all marriage is... A BUSINESS CONTRACT!!! And you don't really need that to be in love! Instead of gays and straights fighting each other, let's get some legislation to change the laws that are at the root of this conflict!

It's just another example of the elites playing us all against each other. I honestly don't care if gays get married. I just wonder, like I said, if we change it now, for them... What group will demand a change next? How far will this go? So, maybe we should look for other options... The elites have convinced gays that they want marriage. They don't want marriage. They want fair insurance benefits for their loved ones and they want to visit each other In the hospital.

People should be able to see each other in the hospital. Don't tell me there's no other way to do it safely without getting married!

People should be able to share their insurance benefits with anyone they live with and spend their life with! It's all about greed!!!!

Address THESE issues! The REAL issues!!

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by StalkerSolent
A lot of this conversation has centered over the issue of gay rights. Gays have the same rights non-gays do, as far as I know. They can get married in every state, just not necessarily to people of the same gender.

To put it another way, we are NOT dealing with an equal rights problem here, unlike laws discriminating by race. (To my knowledge, there are no current laws that discriminate against gays, unlike segregation-type laws.) Rather, proponents of homosexual marriage are either attempting to (and in some states have succeeded) (A) manufacture the "right" of gay marriage, or (B) make everyone else recognize their inherent right to marry someone of the same gender. Some people will say A, and some will say B, but does anyone disagree with my basic premise?

I suppose the other way to look at this is that (C) gays don't have the right to marry the person they love, which assumes everyone else has that right. Anyone opt for C?

I can't believe I've never looked at this issue in this manner. You are correct and technically, yes they have the same rights as all other humans.

P.S. - I like how you cover yourself with "to my knowledge" and "as far as I know." haha

Putting my personal beliefs aside, I can't see how gay marriage is an issue.

Two people getting married is really going to bring down the moral fabric of this country? Some say yes. And I say, how? Is it because of the acknowledgement of those relationships? Those same people will still be living together in a relationship, acting as a couple, having children, etc... regardless of the marriage aspect. It will still be on the television, in mainstream media, etc... regardless of the marriage aspect.

However, I can see that for the gay couple and any children they have, it benefits them. They can protect their assets, get health insurance, make health-related decisions, etc...

Let's be real here though, Chick-fil-a is a strong Christian-owned business and very open about it. I don't see how this is at all shocking and real news considering that information.

My big issue with them? WHY do they have to be closed on Sunday? It never fails that I always crave it on Sunday. Even Jesus healed on the Sabbath.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by 3n19m470

I think there was an idea for a "union" as opposed to calling it a "marriage" for gays that was out there at one time? i just don't know what happened with that. It would give them the same rights, but allow for those opposed to keep "marriage" between a man and a woman.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 02:46 AM
Love to get my daily fill of hate on ATS, Sets me up for the day

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 03:00 AM
Hate to be this way, but I agree. I'm totally pro gay-marriage and all that, but this is just ridiculous.

I know more than one person who actually doesn't care either way about gay marriage, but they are compelled to be against it because of the way they were raised and religious doctrine. They're coming at the issue from the facts and attitudes that they know from their own world view.

That is one thing that I have to say about the conservatives: they're right when they point out that most progressives are extremely intolerant.

You can't call these people raving crazies when they go rabid over some board member being pro-abortion or something like that and then do the exact same thing over Chick-Fil-A's CEO.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by SepticSheepHerder
This thread = a sad day at ATS

Inequality and Hate = sad day every day.

I'm sorry, and I don't mean to be hateful, I don't hate ANYONE... but you can't have equality with EVERY little thing...

As a man, I cannot enter a women's restroom. But what if I feel like I am a woman on the Inside and have an operation and everything.. should I cry "inequality"? No, nature made me a man. I have to use the men's room and men's locker rooms and showers at the ymca or local pool.

Disabled people get preferred parking right in front. If the parking lot is loaded except one spot way at the back, and some disabled spaces in front, and my back is really sore from working all day, should I cry "inequality"? No. I will walk a football field while the person who is disabled parks right in front... Maybe they are crippled, maybe they are just partially deaf, or suffer obesity or depression... But I won't complain. Let there be inequality in this situation. I'm not gonna whine and cry.

The family that lived across the street was given about $277,000 when they moved into this country because they are refugees from Cambodia. I never got any money and I was born here. Do I cry "inequality"? Nope. Some things are just the way they are and I have to deal with it. That family was lucky to have escaped and I'm happy for them.

Because of affirmative action, I could be passed over for a job because they don't have the right percentage of black people working there. Do I cry "inequality"? No. Even though I'm white, I was not born into money and privileges. But oh well.

There is "inequality" all over. Some of it is bad, some is just nature. Cheetas can run fast. Should we go hunt then all down and chop off 6 inches of their legs to make it more equal? Birds can fly, should we attach a rocket jet pack to every other creature to make things more equal?

Just like I said in my last post, I am all for equality of seeing loved ones in a hospital or a prison or a military base or wherever. And the same with insurance. If I'm paying for it or working for it, its MY business who I share it with.

But marriage has always been between a man and a woman. If you really want a legal binding contract to express your devotion to one another, I'm sure there's probably a way to do that... And call it a marriage contract if you wish.

And if inequality is really the most important thing to you... Shouldnt gay marriage be the LEAST of your worries??? People are starving to death all over the world for Pete's sake!!!!!!! Dying for lack of a $1.00 mosquito net!!!!!!!

And guess what people... If you possess $30,000 USD or more in cash or assets, then YOU are a 1%er. You are part of the richest ONE PERCENT in the WORLD. 7 billion in the world, and you are part of the top 70 million. You wanna talk equality? Please... Don't get me started. I've done construction work in Seattle, I KNOW how much money is in the gay community. And I could never have an extra 30k sitting around. I can barely gather together a few hundred without hitting the streets to feed the homeless. And I don't dislike gays for any particular reason, and yes I know not all gay people are loaded with cash, duh... but I don't want to hear anyone complaining of inequality when they are spending a million plus on a house and tens of thousands more to make it look pretty, and god knows how much more on "decorating", painting and then "redecorating" and repainting everything again in a few years, "just because".

I'm really sorry, but, the plight of the gays is not the biggest problem we are facing today. Yes, some people are very hateful. People like the racist bigoted skinheads and KKK members and such. But they make up a very small percentage of the population. Almost every person I know has NO problem with gays and like me, they in fact APPRECIATE and ENJOY what gay culture has brought to the table. But gays (at least the ones who speak the loudest) make it seem as if they are surrounded by hatred and everybody hates them and they are faced with hatred at every turn... It's pathetic. I realize some tragic things have happened to some gays, and still more have experienced name calling and bullies. Guess what? I'm not gay, and I'm white, and I've endured bullying as a kid because I was poor and nerdy. I've gone home in tears before too. I was never accepted in school. And I can get beat up or killed just for walking through the wrong parts of my OWN neighborhood just because I am white. But I don't go crying inequality because I know that so many people have it worse! Maybe gays should realize that too... When you make a big scene it just annoys people who otherwise would have had no problem and would've been glad to help your cause if they had been asked...

People are dying and starving and sold into slavery, and THIS is the big issue on the forefront of inequality?????

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by 3n19m470

I'm sorry, and I don't mean to be hateful, I don't hate ANYONE... but you can't have equality with EVERY little thing...

Ummm, this is America, right? Where all men are supposed to be created equally? Ok, just checking.

As a man, I cannot enter a women's restroom. But what if I feel like I am a woman on the Inside and have an operation and everything.. should I cry "inequality"?

Yes, actually you could. See, you are trivializing the struggle of someone who is transgender. You clearly have no idea what its like and this just shows how privileged of an individual you are. They face these issues everyday.

Disabled people get preferred parking right in front. If the parking lot is loaded except one spot way at the back, and some disabled spaces in front, and my back is really sore from working all day, should I cry "inequality"?

Your back hurting would not count as a disability, your whining is just stupid. I mean do you think people with disabilities think their condition is worth it just for the parking space? Im sure they would like to just have a minor backache.

The family that lived across the street was given about $277,000 when they moved into this country because they are refugees from Cambodia. I never got any money and I was born here. Do I cry "inequality"? Nope.

You are American, you don't live in a country where there is constant turmoil. You don't know what they escaped, question though, how do you know how much they received? Did you ask them or are you just guessing?

Because of affirmative action, I could be passed over for a job because they don't have the right percentage of black people working there. Do I cry "inequality"? No. Even though I'm white, I was not born into money and privileges. But oh well.

Affirmative action applies to all minorities and you were born with white skin, there is your privilege.

Just like I said in my last post, I am all for equality of seeing loved ones in a hospital or a prison or a military base or wherever. And the same with insurance. If I'm paying for it or working for it, its MY business who I share it with. But marriage has always been between a man and a woman. If you really want a legal binding contract to express your devotion to one another, I'm sure there's probably a way to do that... And call it a marriage contract if you wish.

Separate but equal does not cut it in America.

And if inequality is really the most important thing to you... Shouldnt gay marriage be the LEAST of your worries??? People are starving to death all over the world for Pete's sake!!!!!!! Dying for lack of a $1.00 mosquito net!!!!!!!

There were people dying for a lack of a 1.00 mosquito net when those pesky blacks and women wanted equal rights too. We should have just ignored them.

but I don't want to hear anyone complaining of inequality when they are spending a million plus on a house and tens of thousands more to make it look pretty, and god knows how much more on "decorating", painting and then "redecorating" and repainting everything again in a few years, "just because".

Now all gay people are rich? And know how to decorate? Oh yes, I can tell you have lived a very unprivileged life.

But I don't go crying inequality because I know that so many people have it worse! Maybe gays should realize that too... When you make a big scene it just annoys people who otherwise would have had no problem and would've been glad to help your cause if they had been asked...

Lol, really because thats all you've done throughout this entire post.
edit on 7-8-2012 by acmpnsfal because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-8-2012 by acmpnsfal because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by gncnew

I don't see the hypocrisy here, because there isn't any.

Firstly, bravo to Oreo for the marketing masterstroke. It may not sit well with you, but they've noticed an opportunity to get shown in a positive light and they've gone for it. Nothing wrong with that.

The Oreo situation is a direct result of the mess that Chick-fil-A have themselves made - one wouldn't exist without the other. Why on earth was it felt wise to raise - and then answer - as apparently controversial a question as the right to gay marriage!?! This is the question we should be asking.

Evidently, striving to be treated equally constitutes having an agenda!

Perhaps i'm going mad.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 04:21 AM
Wow alot of issues swirling around this. Let me help take a step back and look at some condensed FACTS without the spin.

1. The founders were of the christian based (call them revisionst deist if you like) faith. They came from england who at the time TOLERATED NO OTHER RELIGIOUS group other than the church of england. This intolerance was well documented and along the line of islamic countries (example IRAN) and with a conviction much like the taliban. People were killed, beaten, ect for not being of the church of england.

The founding fathers clearly stated in the first amendment that there was to be "no state sponcered religion (aka church of america)" or "THE FREE EXPRESSION THEREOF". In other words it is quite clear that while you are free to worship any religion (or none at all) you like as long as ONE STATE SPONCERED. There is no "freedom from religion", right not to be offended, or seperation of church and state (FOR THE RECORD THIS DOES NOT APPEAR ANYWHERE IN THE CONSITUTION BY THESE EXACT WORDS).

2. Religious law has no place in the US is pure BS. If one chooses to use the tired old "natural law" they have NEVER REALLY LOOKED AT NATURAL LAW. Natural law (briefly) is if I am stronger/faster/more ruthless/ better armed than you and you cannot stop meI can take what I want from you. If I want a woman and the previous applies I can have her. Concepts like courts, innocent till proven guilty, protecting the young, do not apply. Most religions have rules against murder, stealing, private property/goods, ect. So to claim somehow they have no bearing on laws that protect us is BUNK. DO YOU REALLY WANT TO LIVE BY NATURAL/LAW OF THE JUNGLE?

3. A hate group is not defined so just because they (in the case of gay marriage) they do not agree with you. If the group advocates and carries out attacks on someone (example KKK or skinheads) then YES they are hate groups and should be legally dealt with. But just because they use their first amendment rights by saying "gays going to hell" or "against gay marriage" does not make them so. In fact while tacky and maybe against your views, IT IS NO DIFFERENT than when a pro-gay marriage/gay lifestyle group stands outside a church yelling ephitaphs and such things as "homophob"/"haters"/ect.
Now if someone or group (like the KKK to blacks) ACTIVELY PHYSICALLY ATTACKS someone for being gay, then the law should be enforced to the fullest. But NO SPECIAL PENALTIES due to it. Why should someone who is a white christian and attacked have their attacker get less punishment than if they were gay? Equal protection under the law right?

4. Annie to you specifically naming somewhere that a christian organization was against gay adoptions. This was In ILLINOIS by catholic Charities. Now the TRUTH THAT WAS CHERRY PICKED OUT was that while they were morally opposed to gay couple adopting children (due to religious principals), (LISTEN CLOSELY) THEY WOULD TELL THEM/LEAD THEM TO ORGANIZATIONS THAT COULD HELP THEM ADOPT. They did not "slam the door in their face and not help them".
In other words they TRIED TO HELP THEM. So when the ALL THE FACTS COME THOUGH makes the gay groups look a little less like the "picked on group" by christians (catholics to be specific in this case).

5. If one cares to research the issue alot of people (churches included) had little problems with CIVIL UNIONS. In fact Illinois now has that and there may be disagreement, but little backlash. But when the gay groups DEMAND MARRIAGE BE APPLIED THATS WHERE THE PROBLEMS START. Like it or not THE TERM MARRIAGE THOUGH HISTORY IS MAN AN WOMAN. No amount of screaming changes that.
I honestly don't see why MARRIAGE being attached to it is SUCH A BIG DEAL? Unless one cares to admit that it is for some need of NORMALCY that its being such an issue?
If you get the rights call it life partner, commited relationship, or blue screaming MIMI for all the rest of us care.
Funny thing is I don't see gay marriage people protesting in front of the IRS DEMANDING MARRIAGE TAX BENIFITS/PENALTIES (DEPENDING)...HMMMMM

OK Back to the chick-fil-A issue. there are two basic FACTS YOU CANNOT DENY.

1. Due to the success of the number of people coming to buy chicken and the EPIC FAIL of the kissing protest.....THE GAY OUTRAGE IS A MINORITY.....GET OVER IT YOU LOST


Last I checked no where in the constitution it says your first amendment free speech is more important than someone elses just because you disagree/feeling hurt.

Get over yourself and if you don't like chik-fil-a CEO OPINION....THEN DON'T BUY THE PRODUCT

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 04:22 AM

Originally posted by gncnew

The LGBT Community really isn't quite the unseen masses they proport to be.

They are a well funded group trying to push an agenda.

To this point, I note the "outrage" that was posted everywhere about the intolerant religious right when they threatened boycotts of Kraft Foods and more specifically the Oreo brand.

purposeful media tactic used to drum up attention once again to push an agenda.

Contrast this with the the president of Chick-fil-A who was interviewed by a Baptist website and in that interview affirmed his support for the traditional confines of marriage and his non-support for gay marriage.

Now, Chick-fil-A didn't post on their facebook page, their TV ads, the newspaper, or even a tweet anything about not supporting gay marriage. They answered questions in an interview to a FREAKING CHURCH...

But that didn't stop the stampede from jumping all over them and attempting a boycott, protests, and for some GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS TO BLOCK CHICK-FIL-A FROM OPERATING IN THEIR JURISDICTIONS!?!?!

once again this is an example of a group(LGBT) taking an opportunity to push an agenda. it has nothing to do with chik-fil-a. it was just a convenient situation where they could claim "discrimination" and push the agenda of gay marriage. government officials OVERSTEPPED their bounds by trying to "force out" chik-fil-a.

IMHO LGBT should be as miserable as straight couples. let them have civil unions they can't do any worse than the current divorce rate.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 04:25 AM
That is one thing that I have to say about the conservatives: they're right when they point out that most progressives are extremely intolerant.

You can't call these people raving crazies when they go rabid over some board member being pro-abortion or something like that and then do the exact same thing over Chick-Fil-A's CEO.

Well said sir well said.

Funny how one group (conservatives) is intolerant but another group (progressives) DO/SAY THE SAME THING BUT IN THE INVERSE OF THE FIRST and they claim tolerance.

As my kids say EPIC FAIL

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 04:26 AM
If you truly believe that two people, who will love, covet and honour each other all their lives, who will make each other happy and support each other through the good and the bad, cannot recognise that bond in the manner they would wish because of the chromosomes they were born with, then you are mentally deficient.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 04:31 AM
One thing LGBT and their supports better realize (and I think some have by the lack of support at the protests against chick-fil-A) is this.

Once this preciedent is set on a governmental agency banning a business, not due to any breaking of law (in this case discrimination law) but the FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT of one's opinion.

It can come back to LEGALLY bite them in the butt when the tables are turned and THEIR BUSINESS who SUPPORTS THEIR VIEW, BUT DOES NOT BREAK THE LAW is banned.

Once the precedent is set you can't come back crying when you get what you gave.

Like the old saying says

"Be careful what you wish for. You will we darn sorry when you get it".

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by SepticSheepHerder
This thread = a sad day at ATS

Inequality and Hate = sad day every day.

Look in the mirror?

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by gncnew

To this point, I note the "outrage" that was posted everywhere about the intolerant religious right when they threatened boycotts of Kraft Foods and more specifically the Oreo brand.

Now we all knew that this would never happend because those toothless mobs need to feed on deep-fried Oreos at the local county fairs and NASCAR races, but none the less - we were all blugened to death with the outrage and condecention on these people for threatening to not purchase a food product because of the very public, very intentional PUBLIC FACEBOOK POSTING IN SUPPORT OF GAY PRIDE.

Now mind you - this was Oreo bringing the heat on themselves. They posted a picture on their facebook Fan Page knowing full well it would illicit reactions from consumers - many of whom would not share their views.

There is a very obvious difference between claiming pride in who you are, and in trying to impede the rights of others. It is not quite the same, for instance, to make a facebook page that says "I'm proud to be black!", as it is to make one that says "Black people are stupid and immoral!".

How can you not recognize the difference?

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 04:56 AM
How, in this day and age, can religion still be allowed to retard progress?

Sometimes it still feels like we are living in the dark ages.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 05:07 AM

Originally posted by milkyway12

Same sex marriage should not be allowed or even considered. Gay / Homosexuals should not be legally reconized because not only is it common sense that off spring is not produced,

Likewise, people who don't want children should not be allowed to marry, and those who are unable to have children for whatever reason also? Is that what you're campaigning for?

What a ridiculous argument in a time when we are grossly overpopulated, a small section of people want to spend their lives together without worsening that problem and you want to stop them?

What you are arguing for is actually forced reproduction. Why not go one step further and arrange marriages like they do in India, then you can also force intercourse and get those extra babies you're desperate for to further deplete our resource shortages.

Originally posted by milkyway12

but sexual disease and other infections are much higher of a risk in the gay community.

So now you're also campaigning to not allow anyone who either has a disease, or is at a greater risk for passing disease on to get married? Keep going man, there won't be anyone left to marry soon except old white Christian Bible thumpers.

Oh, and great thinking on the disease thing. Sexual diseases are passed on mostly by people sleeping around, so you have the genius idea of banning them from trying to become a partner for life with a single person they love. You're really on the ball. Banning gay marriage is really going to halt those diseases!

Originally posted by milkyway12

I honestly do not want to be forced to be around gays. It is absolutley disgusting to me, and infringes on my morals and values that have been held strong in the United States of America ... since i dont know ... its creation.

I honestly do not want to be forced to be around religious bigots. It is absolutley disgusting to me, and infringes on my morals and values that have been held strong in most of the rest of the civilized world ... since i dont know ... its creation.

Originally posted by milkyway12

Gay marriage is not an evolution but a degeneration of Human Kind.

Religious fundamentalism is not an evolution but a degeneration of Human Kind.

Originally posted by milkyway12

Go be gay, but dont try and destroy morals and traditional values. It is none of my business what you do in private.

Go be a religious idiot but don't try and destroy morals and impede on the freedoms of others. It is none of my business what you do in private.
edit on 7-8-2012 by humphreysjim because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 05:16 AM
I could care less about a legal union (note I didn't say marriage) between gays, either. However, their militant style is turning Middle America off. They somehow think we are so stupid as to not recognize that they want rights which are at least as good as the best out there but that they really don't care about rights for everyone. I suspect that some companies which have thrown in with the gay community (note, JC Penney's) will probably not be around much longer. I mean, this used to be the place for families to shop - now they are promoting it as the place for alternatives to shop. But the alternatives don't shop there. What kind of a dumb business plan was that?

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