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Chick-fil-A "non-story" exposes the Hypocritical agenda of LGBT Community.

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posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

Catholic charities just purchased more property for additional homeless shelters, this summer.

Of course they refuse any Federal Funding - - - because then they'd have to feed Gays.

Apparently its OK if Gays starve.

prove that lie or you are a liar!

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by MentorsRiddle
For as long as mankind has existed, there so has existed opposing ideals.

For years now I have witnessed a social epoch of epic proportions, unlike I have ever seen before. Political correctness is now the driving force of not only government, but most businesses.

Our society is becoming a society of whiners, and infantile children who get their feelings hurt way to easily.

Unfortunately for the stronger members of society, certain ears lean more towards minority opinion, and their backbone crumbles in their presence.

There will always be different ideas regarding every topic that exists in the minds of men.

The only proven way to keep the peace is for the majority to have their way, while the minority to be silenced.

The main stream media tries to force feed political correctness and fair play for all, down the throats of every individual.

Unfortunately the world is not fair. The laws of nature should be upheld: the strong survive – at least in social and political standpoints. Should this natural social structure fail, surly anarchy and unrest will follow.

In short: people need to stop whining. The majority should be spoken for, while the concerns of the few squelched.

Those damn negroes wanting the right to vote and marry whites and received equal treatment under the law.. How could they? But because they're a minority, the majority should rule over them, right?

Tell me in which case a single person's civil rights mean less than the majority's oppression of them?

Look up Tyranny of the Majority. If you think that's fair, then I can't WAIT until YOU'RE in the minority and someone gets rid of YOUR civil rights.

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 04:48 PM
And here is more on NOM.

NOM Reminds Us That Both Genders Are Represented in Polygamist Marriages

BY Lucas Grindley - August 06 2012

Marriage equality supporters had been passing around a graphical reminder that the "biblical definition" of marriage includes concubines, polygamists, and slavery. But the National Organization for Marriage has a different take on its meaning.

"Look carefully at the image and you will see that in ALL of the examples, both genders are represented," wrote NOM's Ruth Institute blogger Jennifer Thieme today. "This image reinforces the conservative position about needing a gender requirement, it does not undermine our position."

The graphic was being shared on Facebook to point out that the likes of NOM and Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy are misrepresenting the "biblical definition" of marriage. Marriage equality opponents say the Bible defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman while ignoring the other definitions it includes. Deuteronomy required any virgin who is raped to marry her rapist, for example. And men routinely had multiple wives (or concubines on the side).

+3 more 
posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by gncnew

Well said. I couldn't have expressed the same thing nearly as well. You really nailed it with that post.
Did you read the comments on the Epic Fail Kiss-In article?
For all the preaching of equality, tolerance and respect that the LGBT community does their hate and interolance against Christians is downright frightening.

The whole Chick-fil-a thing really put a bad stain on the LGBT "movement" as far as I'm concerned. It really showed solidarity amongs Christians.

Also, I don't think it's right to label some of these groups as "Anti-Gay". I could turn around and say all these "Pro-Gay" groups are really "Anti-Christian" so labels don't really help LGBT cause either. It really is hypocrisy on their part, and if they want to continue to be looked at seriously they should drop the name calling, labels, and in-tolerance they have shown lately.

They have gained quite a lot of ground for equality, and I think at this point it's in their best interest to throttle back before people start to push back in retaliation like we saw with Chik-fil-a.

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by gncnew

You seem to have left out where he donated to hate groups.

Personally we all have the right to say what we want. No matter how disgusting that speech may be.
But when you actively work towards denying other people their rights by way of dollars.
That's another thing entirely.

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by grey580

You must have missed the last 4 pages lol.

Seems to me that Annee is all about equal rights for everyone other than christians. I am not sure what equal rights the LGBT community is missing out on? They can get married outside of their state if they can't there.....thats about the only thing? Kids and adults get bullied every day for all sorts of ridiculous reasons from height to hair colour to....well, basically you name it. In the workplace people are bullied often....anything that makes one person stand out from the crowd makes them a target to these wretched people. Being LGBT doesn't make someone more entitled to special protections than someone with red hair. All people are entitled to equal rights, doesn't mean that everyone on the planet is going to honour that entitlement. They need to balls up and deal with accepting themselves. Stop getting so defensive over every single mistreatment and learn how to live in community with ALL types. Gays, Heteros, Blacks, whites, good people and bad people.

If they would just accept themselves and forget about taking everything so personally then we'd all be happier (this goes for everyone...)

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 06:13 PM
I guess I am lost on the semantics but then again, fuzzy definitions are always good and inflammatory.

Anti-Gay: To me, if someone is anti-gay they take an active role in anti-ing the -gay. Sort of like the Soviets were anti-Nazi in WWII. Bleach is anti-germ. A lit candle is anti-dark.

So what did CFL do that threatened to wipe out the -gay? No one has made that clear to me. Since the great "Kiss-In" was totally fail, perhaps it was unclear to the LGBT community at large too.

What disturbs me more is the opposite of anti-gay. Which one do I take? Am I pro-gay or anti-......what is the opposite of gay? I guess one could argue heterosexual but that is not an opposite. As sexuality is more a spectrum than two point on ends of a line it gets confusing. But for arguments sake, I will go with anti-heterosexual. So pro-gay or anti-heterosexual. The Blue and the Gray. Yankees and Mets.

Does that mean anyone who is pro-gay is actively seeking the undoing of heterosexuals world wide? Well, since I am heterosexual myself, gays must be out to get me. Snuff me out, do me in, put me on ice, have me sleep with the fishes.

Maybe if the LGBT community chose to embrace my differences in their language, I would feel less threatened.

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Because they are a minority.

Protection from majority that doesn't think everyone should have the same Equal Rights.

Sorry about backtracking but why does a list matter? The Bill of rights already provides such protection.

The 9th amendment states: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 07:06 PM
Actually, I myself have done a LOT of volunteer work, I volunteered at one Salvation Army store and shelter for over 3 YEARS alone, and I can tell you who makes all of that happen - GAYS & LESBIANS, along with retirees. From animal shelters to homeless shelters to nonprofit anything, go take a look and you will find the "obviously" gay and lesbian crowd are extremely involved in volunteering.

During that 3 years, I saw almost everyone who came in offering to volunteer. The ratio was extremely skewed towards LGBT volunteers, no comparison.

Originally posted by gncnew

Originally posted by TXRabbit
Interesting that you mention hypocrisy....

Really? You think? Call your local food bank or shelter, ask them who volunteers the most...

I think you may want to get some hot sauce for that crow you'll have to eat.

Churches do 95% of the volunteer work at places like that. In fact, if you do some research, you'll find that churches or other faith based organizations simply give more to charity.

Here is a link to one study - not the end-all-be-all, but a start. Report

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 07:14 PM
And by the way - Seeing the donations of gay & lesbian couples over those three years, 6 days a week - They consistently brought in AMAZING donations, extremely nice things that made a lot of money for the homeless shelter, which was almost always housing women and children.

That's right, gays contributing to a Christian org that doesn't accept them, for the sake of helping others.


So this thread really makes me mad. I don't get too emotional over the issue, except where kids are involved, but the nerve here, argh!

Like I said above, seeing so many gay and lesbian couples bring in so many nice things, to a place where they get looked down on for obviously being a couple, and always being gracious and just all around awesome!

And then seeing SO many straight people bring in garbage to basically dump for free, or yell at me and others because we wouldn't take the stained mattress or broken tv. Gay and lesbian couples would vomit at the idea of that!! Never once did any of them yell or bring in garbage!

The HUGE numbers of gay and lesbian volunteers who I've personally seen give their time, money, and love for their fellow humans, and the crap they have to take directly or over hear while giving that, they deserve better than this kind of talk.
edit on 6-8-2012 by maus80 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 07:14 PM
I just wanted to put in my word regarding the establishment of this country and it's ingrained Christian values. We are given freedom OF religion not FROM religion. Laws are in place to reflect the customs and norms we as a society deem important. If these laws are based on religious values it is because that is the will of the people through our elected officials. That is how our government works.

Don't be mad the Christian side is "winning". Obviously by the looks of things this week they are not the weaker group.

Christian marriage deserves protection just as much as anything else. You can argue the history of marriage all you want, say it is not a Christian only tradition, it was taken from pagan traditions or whatever. Today the majority of Christians view it is a sacred ceremony, a religious ceremony under God, and one with very strict rules. They are just standing up for what they believe and have just as much of a right to have their beliefs and rights protected as anyone else.

EDIT: Also I do not see why a civil-union is such an insult. It would allow all the same rights under marriage while still protecting the Christian definition of marriage. A compromise. A middle ground. What is the big deal with just having another box to check? After all that's all we are to the people up top, just a check in a box.

IMO this is all just obvious distraction by the MSM. We are broke, the system is almost impossible to fix, and no one seems to care.
edit on 6-8-2012 by WhiteSpectralMirror because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-8-2012 by WhiteSpectralMirror because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-8-2012 by WhiteSpectralMirror because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-8-2012 by WhiteSpectralMirror because: Stupid grammar mistakes typing quickly and not rereading.

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 07:14 PM
Am I the only one who doesnt know what the heck is Chick-fil-A is?

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 07:15 PM
Sorry for the second post, my internerwebz is being slow and real crappy lately.
edit on 6-8-2012 by Aktulu because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by maus80

Since this is a subjective story it could be highly likely that your community has an above average number of LGBT people. I think this topic deserves a larger sampling than that

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by WhiteSpectralMirror

Christian marriage deserves protection just as much as anything else. You can argue the history of marriage all you want, say it is not a Christian only tradition, it was taken from pagan traditions or whatever. Today the majority of Christians view it is a sacred ceremony, a religious ceremony under God, and one with very strict rules. They are just standing up for what they believe and have just as much of a right to have their beliefs and rights protected as anyone else.

Who is denying Christians their marriage???? In Massachusetts where gay marriage is legal, there are plenty of Christians getting married every day, in those huge Catholic cathedrals they have in Boston. If you are a Christian and you want a Christian marriage in a Christian church, no one is stopping you!!!! If Christians view as it as such a sacred religious ceremony, and that's their reason for fighting gay marriage, how come atheists can get a marriage license? How come satanists can get a marriage license?? No one has yet answered this question for me. Why is divorce legal, if Christian marriage is such a sacred religious thing to be protected by law?

EDIT: Also I do not see why a civil-union is such an insult. It would allow all the same rights under marriage while still protecting the Christian definition of marriage. A compromise. A middle ground. What is the big deal with just having another box to check? After all that's all we are to the people up top, just a check in a box.

There is no compromise on equal rights. That's why blacks don't have to sit at the back of the bus anymore. They could have just compromised and been happy to get to sit on the bus at all, right? NO!!!!

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by natters

No, I have lived all over the USA, and this has been true everywhere I have done volunteer work. Gays & Lesbians do a LOT of volunteering, that is just how it is. You won't find a good, worthy Christian org that isn't full of gay and lesbian volunteers.

I have also been witness to enough donations, thousands upon thousands in places across the country, to know that gay and lesbian couples consistently make higher quality donations.

It's not even like that is a competition though, and everyone who selflessly gives is doing a great thing. It's the obvious chest-puffing, "Aren't I really doing you the biggest favor." and the obvious disposing of trash or hazardous material. Far from all straight contributors are like that, but I've seen ZERO gay or lesbian couples do that, ever. It was embarrassing to be able to tell that the gay and lesbian couples were aware that they were probably being judged, but wanted to do their part anyway, and their part was the best I've seen.

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by namehere

Originally posted by Annee

Because they are a minority.

Protection from majority that doesn't think everyone should have the same Equal Rights.

Sorry about backtracking but why does a list matter? The Bill of rights already provides such protection.

The 9th amendment states: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

The Bill of Rights didn't initially help blacks, or women. They had to be added as a protected class. Unfortunately, you have to do this, as there are many, many people in this country who want to treat certain groups of people as second-class citizens, so you have to force them not to. Sad, but true.

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by kaylaluv

I did not say anyone was denying Christians marriage, they are fighting to support their ideal of marriage.

And there is no way to compare the current gay pride movement to the black peoples civil rights movement. How about we just don't have separate boxes for race then? Check human or not human huh? There is nowhere near that level of discrimination. It's quite the opposite in practice, if you don't accept gays you become the target. I have seen it.

Stop saying people cannot voice their opinion and fight for what they believe is right. Just because someone is Christian doesn't make their voice and opinion less valid. If they believe gay marriage is wrong, let them fight their fight. Ultimately the will of the people will win out, and whatever decision that gets handed down will be no more than a bone being thrown to us to show "we CAN make a difference" and "the side of GOOD won".

EDIT: And if you think a gay person is a second class citizen today I would go seek out an elderly black woman and see what she has to say about discrimination.

edit on 6-8-2012 by WhiteSpectralMirror because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by WhiteSpectralMirror
reply to post by kaylaluv

I did not say anyone was denying Christians marriage, they are fighting to support their ideal of marriage.

And there is no way to compare the current gay pride movement to the black peoples civil rights movement. How about we just don't have separate boxes for race then? Check human or not human huh? There is nowhere near that level of discrimination. It's quite the opposite in practice, if you don't accept gays you become the target. I have seen it.

Stop saying people cannot voice their opinion and fight for what they believe is right. Just because someone is Christian doesn't make their voice and opinion less valid. If they believe gay marriage is wrong, let them fight their fight. Ultimately the will of the people will win out, and whatever decision that gets handed down will be no more than a bone being thrown to us to show "we CAN make a difference" and "the side of GOOD won".

EDIT: And if you think a gay person is a second class citizen today I would go seek out an elderly black woman and see what she has to say about discrimination.

edit on 6-8-2012 by WhiteSpectralMirror because: (no reason given)

And yet again, my question gets sidestepped. Why do Christians not have a problem with satanists getting married, or atheists getting married? Isn't God against Satan? Isn't being an atheist going against everything God stands for? Why isn't atheist marriage wrong? Why isn't satanist marriage wrong? Why isn't it wrong for people to marry strictly for money?

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 08:22 PM
One of the parts of the owners interview. that was overlooked, and I think a big part of his statement. was his emphasis on the fact that his and other family members marriage was their first. This seemed to me to a bigger slam on divorce than gay marriage. Just what I saw. And I wonder how come it didn't get no play?

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