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As predicted, copycat Dark Knight nuts are popping up

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posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 11:23 AM
In order to save you time, let me first say I believe James Holmes is simply a twisted individual who through his chosen field of study (the brain/neuroscience) went mad. (This is not another thread trying to find a reason/conspiracy behind Mr. Holmes). The shooting was a horrific act and this particular "conspiracy" arose because it is hard for us as human beings to understand why an individual would do something like this.

On to the point - I predicted copycats in the days following the massacre. We already know of at least two (where police were able to step in). Here's yet another:

External Link

To ignore this is what allows these people to follow through with their crimes. Stay alert!

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 11:49 AM
I'm afraid you're right. Sadly, there will be more. Among the FIRST things I heard the media report the morning of the tragedy when I awoke to find the coverage was how he set new records and new levels for his horror.

Yeah.. Thanks MSM. Every nutcase with a rifle and a pipe bomb heard that too. Records.... All time numbers... Oh brother. Yeah, I think we'll have more alright. The media can't help but remind everyone that someone does actually keep count and score, for lack of a better word. To some who do these things, I think that detail is a very serious one in their thinking.

Sometimes the media is better just leaving some aspects alone.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 12:10 PM
I have a theory that this is all part of a psychological programming operation. A basic example of monkey see, monkey do. After watching batman there are definite 'cues' that inspire ideas within one's brain telling them to rise up and fight. First of all there is a definite relationship between occupy wall street and Bane's army attacking the stock exchange. Then from there, these 'occupiers' go on to siege the city and hold it hostage. They start killing people. They attack and blame the rich. They're ideals are right there with occupy, except they kill.

The Aurora shooter was a statement and a trigger for copycats. He was the initial unraveling of the 'yarn ball' so to say. He was a neuroscience graduate which leads me to think they're calling out to college graduates. Wasn't occupy full of college grads? His going through a break up is a trigger for others because of the emotional distress that comes with love ending. Something to take people to a breaking point. His buying of weapons online was an example and I have recently seen articles on buying weaponry online in the news lately. There was even one on that described, step by step, how to get them.

There is no denying that movies influence our lives. Think about how many people act like characters in movies, use lines from movies, and are straight up obsessed with movies. They work on a deep psychological level, especially the subconscious. If you take things for face value you are left with nothing but the bright flashy distraction. It is VERY important to look at what the film is trying to tell you. Metaphors are everywhere. If you don't bring these themes to light in your mind your subconscious gets 'programmed' with them and you may, to no fault of your own, make decisions based on what kind of input you've had lately. This applies to a horrific news story of the biggest one man massacre in US history too. They want this in your head when you watch the movie.

Anyone have thoughts on this? I'd really like to analyze this whole situation from a psychological stand point based on facts and facts alone.


posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 12:24 PM
No offence but predicting that copycats will pop up after a nutbar going on the rampage is hardly a difficult one.

Happens every time.

I predict that whether this guy gets prison or the death penalty, some women will be writing to him asking to be his wife.

Happens every time.


posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 01:30 PM
I was about to say the same thing. The first thing my husband said when he heard about the shooting was, "Oh great, here we go, now all the copycat killers are going to come out of the wood work."

I think the fella is getting way more attention than he deserves, which will intrigue others who seeking attention in destructive ways.

It does everyone more good to stay focused on the victims, in my opinion.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 01:47 PM
I'll never understand what could drive a person to indiscriminately kill, I guess I'm not suppose to. I almost started a thread on this last night when I saw it on the news. It's nice to know this latest nut lives roughly 20 minutes from me, terrific.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 01:49 PM
I am most disappointed in the supposed thread he posted (on another forum or something?) stating his intentions that resulted in others cheering his plan and offering suggestions to make it successful. That alone is disgusting and not something to ever joke about.

Those are the copy-cat molds right there. Chilling that people could encourage such an act.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
I'm afraid you're right. Sadly, there will be more. Among the FIRST things I heard the media report the morning of the tragedy when I awoke to find the coverage was how he set new records and new levels for his horror.

Yeah.. Thanks MSM. Every nutcase with a rifle and a pipe bomb heard that too. Records.... All time numbers... Oh brother. Yeah, I think we'll have more alright. The media can't help but remind everyone that someone does actually keep count and score, for lack of a better word. To some who do these things, I think that detail is a very serious one in their thinking.

Sometimes the media is better just leaving some aspects alone.

It is frustrating how MSM turns these kooks into the next Kardashian reality show. There must be an appetite for it though or otherwise they wouldn't program it this way. What does that say about us as a society? The guy made a 10 minute court appearance. Back in the 60's or 70's, it would have been a 2 minute story on the evening news. Now there are multiple channels that program around it for hours - like the Casey Anthoney trial.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
I am most disappointed in the supposed thread he posted (on another forum or something?) stating his intentions that resulted in others cheering his plan and offering suggestions to make it successful. That alone is disgusting and not something to ever joke about.

Those are the copy-cat molds right there. Chilling that people could encourage such an act.

Can you share anymore information? Are you saying Holmes was a member here or on another sight? Anyone that posts that kind of stuff needs to be at least reported and questioned. It's one thing to debate conspiracy theories and what makes people do certain things, it's another to state evil intent and be cheered for it.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by flashtrum

No, it wasn't on this site. I'm not even sure how accurate it was--I saw it posted on an earlier ATS thread when the incident first happened.

I will try to find the page to link it for you. Be patient, there are many threads on this subject that I will have to search for. Thanks.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 04:09 PM
MK ULTRA is baaaaaaaaack......

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by CX
No offence but predicting that copycats will pop up after a nutbar going on the rampage is hardly a difficult one.

Happens every time.

I predict that whether this guy gets prison or the death penalty, some women will be writing to him asking to be his wife.

Happens every time.


None taken. Point is I guess we are really taking a nosedive as a society. Or at least it seems that way. I could be wrong but it seems as if this happens way more in the Western culture.. It took Jack the Ripper years to carry out his deeds. It took this guy 5 minutes to either kill or injure almost 100 people. I know - there are the suicide bombers in the east, but that's religious fervor which is indoctrinated at a very young age. What drives the Mark Barton's and James Holmes of the world down this path?

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by hottoboggan
I have a theory that this is all part of a psychological programming operation. A basic example of monkey see, monkey do. After watching batman there are definite 'cues' that inspire ideas within one's brain telling them to rise up and fight. First of all there is a definite relationship between occupy wall street and Bane's army attacking the stock exchange. Then from there, these 'occupiers' go on to siege the city and hold it hostage. They start killing people. They attack and blame the rich. They're ideals are right there with occupy, except they kill.

The Aurora shooter was a statement and a trigger for copycats. He was the initial unraveling of the 'yarn ball' so to say. He was a neuroscience graduate which leads me to think they're calling out to college graduates. Wasn't occupy full of college grads? His going through a break up is a trigger for others because of the emotional distress that comes with love ending. Something to take people to a breaking point. His buying of weapons online was an example and I have recently seen articles on buying weaponry online in the news lately. There was even one on that described, step by step, how to get them.

There is no denying that movies influence our lives. Think about how many people act like characters in movies, use lines from movies, and are straight up obsessed with movies. They work on a deep psychological level, especially the subconscious. If you take things for face value you are left with nothing but the bright flashy distraction. It is VERY important to look at what the film is trying to tell you. Metaphors are everywhere. If you don't bring these themes to light in your mind your subconscious gets 'programmed' with them and you may, to no fault of your own, make decisions based on what kind of input you've had lately. This applies to a horrific news story of the biggest one man massacre in US history too. They want this in your head when you watch the movie.

Anyone have thoughts on this? I'd really like to analyze this whole situation from a psychological stand point based on facts and facts alone.

I haven't seen this movie yet but I did see the last one a few times. I did come away on one hand thinking Heath Ledger gave a great performance but on the other being really disturbed with his "speeches" in the movie as the Joker. (He had such a hard time sleeping after that he got hooked on sleeping pills which led to his death). Add stuff like that being passed off as nothing more than "entertainment" with our obsession with such films and a seemingly increasing number of disturbed/disenchanted/disappointed individuals in our society and you have a recipe for Aurora.

Entertainment leading to the deaths of performers and consumers. I confess to enjoying movies like the Avengers but I'm starting to re-think what I should be consuming as entertainment.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
I am most disappointed in the supposed thread he posted (on another forum or something?) stating his intentions that resulted in others cheering his plan and offering suggestions to make it successful. That alone is disgusting and not something to ever joke about.

Those are the copy-cat molds right there. Chilling that people could encourage such an act.

It's sad that people feel so alienated that they have to take revenge on innocents to feel justified in their own reality. The people who cheer this evil could easily put that effort into DOING something positive to change society instead of resenting it and choosing to destroy instead of build. That is definately indicative of societal decay

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by flashtrum

Yeah, doesn't look like it's exactly concrete--just something I remember in passing while browsing through the first threads on the subject. at the bottom of page 22 is where I first heard about it, I think. The very last post at the bottom.

I seem to remember a screenshot of the post in question, but I couldn't find it through ATS search. Sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up without being able to verify that it was a real or not. I'm just promoting hearsay at this point. I apologize for that--I know that's not on par with ATS standards.

edit on 28-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by HamrHeed

I agree with you totally. Doesn't it take just as much time, effort, and energy to destroy as it does to create? It's sad that so many do not see the wisdom of simply doing good when it requires the same measure as doing harm.

In the's just a choice. In my very humble opinion, that is.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Scamzarilla
MK ULTRA is baaaaaaaaack......

What is that another movie being made? Because in this case it's not real.

I think we as humans just have a hard time understanding that something so maddening could be carried out by one person. MSM absolutely has an agenda, but that said if one of ANY of these news outlets could get a scoop on co-conspirators (there is one thread that is getting a high number of starts saying the guy didn't even live in the apartment that he lived in), that news outlet would certainly break that story. There are conspiracies right under our noses. No need to create new ones.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by flashtrum

all earthquakes have tremors

Who opened the exit door?

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
reply to post by HamrHeed

I agree with you totally. Doesn't it take just as much time, effort, and energy to destroy as it does to create? It's sad that so many do not see the wisdom of simply doing good when it requires the same measure as doing harm.

In the's just a choice. In my very humble opinion, that is.

One very important lesson I feel that the younger people don't understand is this:
Negative output "snowballs" and is pushed downhill with the current trajectory of society.
We are the landscapers though.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by flashtrum

MK ULTRA may not be relevant in this incident, but it is real or at least it is to the CIA.

A CIA Inspector General report written in 1963 following an investigation into the Agency’s MKULTRA program.
CIA Report 63

As well as later by the Senate in a public inquiry;

A report from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence detailing an investigation into the CIA’s MKULTRA program, dated August 3, 1977
Senate Report 77

Besides if you want to see a decent mkultra movie just wait for the new Bourne movie, or watch the old ones.

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