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Ringing in my ears whenever someone approaches. Does anyone else experience this?

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posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 10:14 PM
Nice, this thread drew a bunch of new members, must be a lot of people interested in this subject! I get ringing in my ears too, and have a large personal space. If people I don't know well get within 4 or 5 feet of me, I get very uncomfortable. I also feel heat on my head or face from the direction of someone smoking a cigarrette, usually before I smell the smoke, which is funny since I don't smoke and the smell triggers migraines so I am pretty sensitive to the smell.

Do you guys get "exploding head syndrome", where you hear a loud noise inside your head, often as you are falling asleep (in which case it wakes you up)? I do, and last night, in the early morning before the sun came up, I heard my little dog who passed away last month, bark. Right after that, one of my other dogs, who is the only one left that currently sleeps in the room, responded. That was really interesting as it seemed like she heard it too!

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 11:03 PM

originally posted by: LexiousGZ
I hear ringing noise too!
Does that mean we have special ability?
Just wondering.

Yes, it means you have the special ability to hear a ringing in your ears. Smh.

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 05:14 PM
I can guess what it is. Human energy fields go way out, even 10 feet away from their body, some less, some more. When someone approaches, this timbre in your senses shows up, and somehow in your body you have habit-formed a nerve that does a little intense wiggling into making a sound when you encounter their energy. It shows up as a frequency pitch.

I had a through the wall termite detection microphone that I used, and when stretched out and turned on, even if someone is on the other side of the wall of my own home where everybody knows, no termites, no speaking sound even, their body aura gets picked up on the detection equipment as if they had a high pitched radio frequency field around them. It's natural, everybody has one, that's how we have readings on an EEG machine. With a long enough antenna you can pick up biofields of other beings too.

I guess it is the sense of their energy patterns giving some bio-feedback tone when you hear the frequency. A disharmony. Perhaps even there is a sickness energy either on you or them that creates the disparity of tone in perceptions. I wonder, is this the left ear or the right ear you pick this up, or is it more nervous? Do you have braces or metal facial implants? Do you have a metabolism that is high in minerals like magnesium and zinc, are you a high metabolism person? I would think you would be with the higher calcium density of your body to pick up something like that.

If you could identify the tone in a musical note, that might be able to find out something more.

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 01:41 AM
a reply to: eyesontheskies

Wow. The same here on most of what you said. First time I heard someone say it was in back of the head. I knew that's what was coming before I read it when you said not in the ears because I have the same and my doctors just told me its tinnitus. I also feel people's emotions and thoughts but not all the time.. When I'm not using drugs or a lot of caffeine things get weird.

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 03:52 AM
a reply to: eyesontheskies

I experience a funny thing with ringing in my ears, that may or may not have the pattern I percieve (it might just be my brain creating patterns, I have no way to know for sure).

There is a traditional saying in France that if your right ear is ringing, it means someone is thinking or speaking well of you, somewhere; that if your left ear is ringing the opposite is true (someone is criticizing you negatively).

I have repeatedly found that times I noted ringing in one or the other ear, I subsequently found out about someone who was speaking about me negatively or positively, in accordance with this principle.

It's just sort of random observation, of limited interest, but that I find curious. It raises questions like if our brain somehow picks up thoughts being produced by others which focus on ourself, and expresses that to our conscious awareness with such signals? I don't know. Just wierd.

posted on Aug, 25 2016 @ 12:46 AM
Ditto!! You describe it to a Tee. Christian. Not Catholic. "like i am being observed but not actually being communicated with." All my life. I thoroughly enjoy talents given from above like intelligence leading to situational awareness and now this calamitous visitation on the WWW here and now. I have not told a soul about it. What made me Google it today after decades? Who is to tell. Each and every time it is a stranger gazing at me in the distance FROM BEHIND. No exception. Bastards never wave, say hello. nothing. Stare from distance. This is typically in a large crowd even. When there is no one, in today's world; I assume call is being recorded and pulled or I am being yelled at too much, or too much coffee. That is normal as I work on the phone. One customer complained of "Mexican Sun Burn" from Wireless. I did not think they were crazy contrary to popular opinion. I do have Paranormal background. Official like the Ghostbusters but not a movie or Bologna. I do not go down that avenue simply because I debunk everything no matter what. It helps to have some basic understanding of physics and detective work. That is not to say I do not believe in spirits or other intelligent entities whether physical or telepathic not to be confused with schizophrenia. There is a major difference. That never ends. This is enlightenment. I noticed we thought I had high blood pressure getting older and it was Wifi making matters worse possibly. I turned off like 4 routers and no more high blood pressure concerns from ringing of the ears. I noticed strangely things at night so real we can hardly believe those close to me can finish not only sometimes each other sentences but what happens in (1) dream. One in particular I had a 64-bit system (Dream was 30 years ago) with strange code that got attention from literally EYESINTHESKY. We were being rounded up to be saved. From what? Seemed like ourselves or just land. We had to be in the air. It was a craft. Silver Shiny. Military. Possibly US NEW WORLD ORDER. It started out as me being or he being the guy with a stick rapping on the top of this thing. It was also seen as 3rd party. So perhaps the 3 of us did it. First man with medals on chest then us. We got in. The program to make it go was given to me by unknown forces. The program must have made this thing go. That was when we recall the picking only certain people up. I was a child. The reason remains unknown to me. Maybe just lucky. They were interested in "THE PROGRAM".
Another dream (2) was like a tornado was going on. We hid for the basement. It was just my father and I. It was our agreed upon safe spot. It was like a #ing alien took my dad's brain. He had higher IQ than Einstein. Months later he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. It was like that or he knew too much secret # nobody wanted anybody else to know. It was all so sudden and strange after that 2nd dream and experience.

Years before dream 2 and after dream 1 there was some emotional content. I puffed a gust of air and broke a candle in 2 across the room. Dad's eyes. Priceless. We did not argue much or my integrity was never brought into contempt again. Still have the candle. Taped.

About a year after that point to a glass in a bartender's hand. Asian. It shatters. His eyes. Once again. It was a Martini.

People my age and I am not old are dying. I do not want the topic dropped. It is very interesting to plunge into what many consider S I X T H S E N S E from those who have something.

One of the replies stated you have what is known as "The Mind Reader" personality. One can tell other's intentions often before they do. It is said.

I sort of jumped into this without reading each post completely. The previous French perspective is sweet and simple on the which ear is ringing. Sort of like the which palm is itching other other body part. If one finds themselves scratching their head? Wrong discipline.

This thread made me join. I read what I needed and jumped on it. Nothing to be afraid of I am masking my name but not my IP. This would indicate these beings or this phenomenon is under 2.4GHz. We stop at 20Mhz. Human ears do anyway. If you do think it is some strange being perhaps a frequency disruptor will make them think twice. As far as having animals around to detect strange things I am a fan. Back to the abilities. One time Internet was down for 2 weeks. The second it kicked on a very special cat let out a sound he had not made before or since. That cat I thought was from the Men in the Black simply because he always had an interest in the computer and Internet. In fact showed me short-cuts on the keys randomly or would just love to think deliberately. But why all these years the hot key that amazes me today. No human ever showed me that. Coincidence? I think NOT! Ever get the out of body experiences or ability to do dream control? Other controls? This seems like a dead thread Jim must have discovered the Ancient Alien series. How could such a insignificant pattern and observation expand now we have a clear platform to explore these enigmas. Cheers.
edit on 25-8-2016 by anonymous11111 because: Preview button was unseen.

posted on Aug, 25 2016 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: eyesontheskies

Lol ive had high pitch ringing in my ears, aka sound of silence/wilderness, ever since i became a Born Again Christian. Praise the Lord

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 01:34 PM
Were you bitten by a radioactive spider? If so, that's just your spider senses tingling.

Alright, enough being funny. But if you consider it consistent enough to be an actual thing, then it's potentially useful even if annoying. Means you'll always be aware the the extent where it's not easy for anyone (or anything) else to sneak up on you.

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: eyesontheskies

Dude I have the same thing since my childhood. Especially worked for me when I was wrestling with my cousing when we were kid. My mom would be very angry so I used that thing as an alert so we used to stop fighting and continued playing Amiga as if fighting never happened.

Then it changed. Now its not people but beings when they come close... Disturbing sometimes.

Edit: Some more info. I tried to communicate with the beings but they never answer. Sometimes I get scared and stop concentrating on it. Sometimes the humming is very loud; one of my friends who has some ability to see things saw some orbs while I had that humming. The sound of them for my friend was like binary code. For me its humming.
edit on 29-8-2016 by belkide because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2017 @ 09:07 AM

originally posted by: eyesontheskies
For as long as i can remember, i have always been able to know when someone is approaching. Like i can be just sitting on the couch and then suddenly i will get like a tingly sensation at the back of my head and i will hear a mixture of ringing and electricity or something in my ears and then i will get a knock at the door or my mom will open her bedroom door and walk into the room i am in and it isnt just at home, its everywhere, its like i can hear the stirring of the air or something. And my entire life this only happens to me when someone is approaching but lately this is happening to me at night when im trying to sleep and its actually kind of scary because i will be laying there with my eyes closed and i will start to feel tingly in my neck and hear the weird ringing electricity sound and i feel like something is watching me and closing in on me and then i open my eyes and there will be nobody there. And i know for sure that i wasnt sleeping, my eyes are usually only closed for about a minute when this happens and this doesnt follow a pattern either which is also weird, this doesnt happen every night. sometimes it will even happen in the day time and i will even feel a breeze as if someone just walked passed me and its weird because im indoors sometimes when i feel this weird breeze. So is there anyone else on here that experiences this?

Yeah, I actually discovered it when I was about 8 or 9, my father was trying to sneak in my room, but I could feel, and the ringing in my ears changed noticeably, so when I turned around, I caught him im the act. Throughout those years of when I first discovered it, I was also experiencing higher amounts of paranormal activity. I would be lying in bed and the door would open slowly, the ringing in my ear would go off, but when I turned, the ringing would disappear and noone was there. I saw your other similar post, even now as I'm 17, I'll be lying in bed, typically on my stomach, and it feels like someone is approaching you from behind fast, you don't know if someone's about to attack you since it's coming so fast, but then you turn around and feel like an idiot. I have this happen numerous times (3-5 times a day). I also hear feint whispers, sometimes some extremely quiet, but noticeable enough music in my ears. But do you ever get this weird like, really high pitched squeal, like a dog whistle, and it doesn't go away until your head, but the longer you try ignoring, the more unknowingly agitating it becomes. It's kindof like the ringing you get with a presence, but not completely the same. You get what I'm saying? I do not use this site this often, so I'll check back eventually, maybe. But if you do have a response, please feel free to contact me through email; [email protected]

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 10:35 AM
Hi I know this is years late and idk if you even have this account anymore but I go through the exact same thing!! At first it was just people. The ringing gets louder and more intense the closer they get. But it only happened when I'm unaware of them. But now it happened when I'm alone in the dark. I hear it and it gets so loud that I get scared and turn on a light. I don't know what it is. a reply to: eyesontheskies

posted on Apr, 20 2019 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: eyesontheskies

I knew I wasn't trippin! I have the same #ing thing. I'm actually freaking out because I don't know anyone who gets this sense lmao everyone gets mad at me when they try to sneak up on me and I hear them before they approach

posted on Apr, 20 2019 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: TaylorCarlene

I experience the same thing! most times when I'm alone or in the dark too not only with physical presences

posted on Apr, 20 2019 @ 05:02 PM
I get this too but it is not a ringing, It's more of a fuzzy feeling in the back of my head.
I feel it is more than just a change in air pressure around the room and actually some other phenomenon, primal instinct.

posted on Apr, 20 2019 @ 05:06 PM
Very Interesting OP....haven't read the whole thread yet, but curious about your age and the age of others who experience this. My daughter is in her 20's and describes many of the same things you have experienced, she'll say to me, " Don't you hear that ringing ? " lol, No I don't, ( btw I have good hearing with other things ) it's like she hears " vibrations " from TV's and other electronics and is hyper sensitive to people's vibrations too, but not sure she hears them when the people are out of view ?

I remember reading somewhere that younger people hear sounds that people over 30 normally can't hear, although you seem to have even more heightened senses to people's vibrations too, fascinating stuff !

posted on Apr, 20 2019 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: eyesontheskies

The electricity sound is really loud at nite.

posted on Apr, 20 2019 @ 10:38 PM
a reply to: eyesontheskies

I've had that "passing breeze" phenomenon happen with me couple times. I was told it happens when a spirit passes through your body.

The first time it happened, I was approaching the front door of my parents house, using the walkway when I felt a cool energy pass through my body as if the spirit was on the walkway in front of the house. I instantly got the chills and felt like I had the flu by the time I got to the front door and had a difficult time trying to turn the door knob. My sister was inside and opened the door when she heard me trying to open the door. She noticed something was up asking if I was ok cuz just minutes earlier I was ok. I headed straight for the nearest bedroom, got into bed and went to sleep almost immediately after i bundled up. It was unbelievably strange is best I can describe the whole "event"

I got up later and felt ok but was all drenched in sweaty clothes from bundling up.

The other time was the same feeling of passing through "something" but didnt get sick with chills afterwards. I think I posted this experience in the "experiencing of more than one paranormal activities thread".

posted on Apr, 20 2019 @ 10:48 PM
I also will occasionally feel someone's presence near me even when asleep sometimes. I think it's just our ears picking up on changing sound waves from movements kind of like a bit with acoustics.

posted on Apr, 21 2019 @ 02:19 AM
I have minor ear damage caused by an explosive decompression experienced in an aircraft when in the military, and also because I play drums part time in a band. It is experienced as tinnitus (or tinea).

It is a low level 8k freq. most of the time but flares up occasionally. The weird thing is that sometimes it completely stops... That is when I know something is up.

posted on Apr, 21 2019 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: AdmireTheDistance

You jealous?

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