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Infamous international hacking group LulzSec (Anonymous) brought down by own leader 3/6/2012

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posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by yeti101
reply to post by darkbake

It looks like the government had to threaten to take him away from his kids before he caved in.

The fact he was going to prison was the reason he would be away from his family. Should we make a law that says anyone with a family cant go to prison?

did he not think about his kids when he went on his crime spree?

He's the biggest fake the world has seen and shown himself to be a pussy.

I bet nobody from anon does more than 5 years inside. most will do less than 2 years or even probation. He couldn't even handle that.
edit on 7-3-2012 by yeti101 because: (no reason given)

Crime spree?! WTF are you talking about?!

Rush, is that you?

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by Snoopy1978

HECTOR XAVIER MONSEGUR, a/k/a "Sabu," a/k/a "Xavier DeLeon," a/k/a "Leon," the defendant, and others known and unknown, willfully and knowingly combined, conspired, confederated, and agreed together and with each other to engage in computer hacking, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1030(a)(5)(A).

1.DoS Attacks on Visa, MasterCard and Paypal
2.Hack and DoS Attack on Tunisian Government
3.DoS Attack on Algerian Government Computers
4.Hack of Yemeni Government Computers
5.Hack of Zimbabwean Government Computers
6.Hack of HBGary
7.Unauthorized Access to the Tribune Company's Computer Systems
8.Hack of Fox
9.Hack of PBS
10.Hack of Sony Pictures
11.Hack of Sony Music
12.Hacks of Infragard-Atlanta and Unveillance
13.Hack of the U.S. Senate
14.Hack of Bethesda

also over 30,000 credit card details stolen used to steal over $400,000 . Yes i would call that a crime spree.
edit on 8-3-2012 by yeti101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by yeti101

He was threatened with that.

Kinda disproportionate don't you think, even if it's not legit, that a hacker gets that sort of threat, when child molesters get no where near that?

I think so.

Sabu won't last a week imo.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by mainidh

what do you mean threatened? you mean the cops doing their job and charging him for the offenses he commited?

its not a threat its called enforcing the LAW. Sabu has only himself to blame and showed he's full of crap.

i'll be very disapointed if he avoids prison. how much of a scumbag do you have to be to incite your "friends" to commit more crimes while all the time working for the feds?

It wasn't enough for him to find out who they were but he egged them on aswell. The stratfor hack was done while he was working for the feds !! . Archaos is in a whole heap of trouble becuase sabu had the chance to talk him out of it but let him carry on like the good snitch he is. What a disgrace.

p.s for 12 counts of child molesting you could get 120 years. so i don't know what your talking about when you say "nowhere near what a child molester would get"
edit on 9-3-2012 by yeti101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by yeti101

"You're gunna be charged with...."

So, he folds.

What is it you don't get? He caved in given a threat. He's not going to get it. Despite your hate.

But that is why he folded.. But then, get a kiddie fiddler and they get 20 years... If that, because, I have no idea why.. someone can steal 100,000k from a company and get 6 years.

Yep, hackers are more of a threat to your way of life than a child molester or someone who actually takes your money.

Good news law advocates.

Ps. Show me any time a CP fiend has been done for 120 years. thanks!

edit on 9-3-2012 by mainidh because: (no reason given)

edit -

Molestation of a minor is a felony punishable by the minimum sentence of two years in prison for first time offenders for child molestation

2 years for one offense. And we're talking a place that ranged from this to the death penalty. 2 years.

Yeah, I think I'm not out of order to condsider a potential 100+ years and then 6 months, extreme, when compared to a first offence.

Not counts, but appearances.

You continue to hate anon all you want now.

edit on 9-3-2012 by mainidh because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by mainidh

There's pedos that are being indefinitely detained in california with zero prospect of release

show me a hacker thats done more than 5 years in jail. One conversation with his lawyer would have told him concurrent sentences for hacking are an utter fantasy

he folded on the first night he was arrested so much for being the revolutionary he claimed to be. One whiff of the prospect of going to jail and he's singing like a birdie. It shoudn;t really surprise me how weak willed pc nerds are about prison but with all his tough rhetoric I was expecting more. Just shows you how fake he really is.

Although it is funny how he's totally humiliated himself to the entire world LOL

p.s you need to learn to read it states the minimum is 2 years. The maximum is 10 years. The minimum for hacking is a fine/warning
edit on 9-3-2012 by yeti101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by yeti101
reply to post by mainidh

There's pedos that are being indefinitely detained in california with zero prospect of release

show me a hacker thats done more than 5 years in jail. One conversation with his lawyer would have told him concurrent sentences for hacking are an utter fantasy

he folded on the first night he was arrested so much for being the revolutionary he claimed to be. One whiff of the prospect of going to jail and he's singing like a birdie. It shoudn;t really surprise me how weak willed pc nerds are about prison but with all his tough rhetoric I was expecting more. Just shows you how fake he really is.

Although it is funny how he's totally humiliated himself to the entire world LOL

p.s you need to learn to read it states the minimum is 2 years. The maximum is 10 years. The minimum for hacking is a fine/warning
edit on 9-3-2012 by yeti101 because: (no reason given)

Ahh so we agree pc nerds should not get such sentences? Especially unemployed hispanics? Sabu was as you are aware, that. And we agree that he is a little boy playing the fool? no?

He has indeed humiliated to the entire world. Oh lulzsec.

Does he deserve the potential sentence? Does he deserve 5 years? Does he deserve 1 year?

I wont bother with comparisons, but his crime is not worth 1 year. not in my books. So many white collar crimes (which was the focus of my original intent not the actual laws) get away with real crimes and get away with far less.

I don't care if he spends 900 years in prison.. But he had better be convicted of a crime that warrants 900 years.

hacking? This weighs more than a physical crime? that surely has to be a joke and no one in their right mind can ever support it.

Drunk drivers get less..

but you want to argue the point, I do not. you win.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by mainidh

you do know he stole credit card details and sold them on the black market? he also stole from an auto parts suppliers ordering 3 engines worth $6000 each.

the internet is big business and as soon as you start screwing online e-commerce like Paypal , visa etc ecxpect the feds to come after you. Peoples businesses couldn't process payments becuase of those attacks losing them income affecting their livelyhoods

It sounds like you really have no idea how the world works or what impact cyber crimes like these can have. The laws are there to deter otherwise you'd have every pimple faced geek with a grudge doing untold damage, wrecking businesses and other peoples lives. Hope that helps you understand the gravity of these crimes and why the maximum sentences are set at the level they are.

Ahh so we agree pc nerds should not get such sentences?

you seem really confused about jail sentences . There's a minimum and maximum the courts decide how serious the offence is within the law thats been broken. Sabu would never do 100 years , the quotes you have seen for the prison terms are the maximum for each count if you are ordered to do them concurrently.

Technically he could be sentenced to 100 years but it would never happen. Although because he was a ring leader he may have done more than the others he would be looking at 5 max then good behaviour out in less.
edit on 9-3-2012 by yeti101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 11:04 AM
There are 2 kinds of hacker groups. Malicious hacking and Targetted hacking.

Malicious hacking are those whom are guided only greed, ego and self centredness. Those group that practices it are are responsible for the hated spam flood by advertisers and the stealing of personal data for money upon helpless citizens, by both single person and unconscionable big biz companies, seen around the world today.

This group deserves to pay for their criminal trespass and most often, this group will go squealing, sing like canary, screaming to the courts. But more often than not, this group are seldom charged or even brought to justice, for legislatives protect only the rich, powerful and big biz.

Targetted hacking are those whom are guided by a sense of frustration at injustices practised by unconscionable economies and societies that refuses to listen, to acknowledge wrong doings, to correct errors, upon helpless societies.

The hacking is but a social message to the unconscionable to be held accountable, to be aware of the pain they had inflicted upon societies. They do not hack just at anyone without a social cause.

When this group or person is caught, he cares not about whatever laws had been used to charge him, for injustice by that society existed anyway and expect no difference from it. By all means, give the worst, and the sentence will only prove it true that justice had been corrupted, and his social message aims succeeded, for others to be awakened..

The authorities best build more jail cells and increase the social budget to house and feed this group, and watch the economoy crumble overnight with no workers when they are sentenced. None will pay a fine. When 300 million citizens launch a simple mass DOS attack upon a socially unconscionable corporate or gov website, go ahead and charge all of them responsible...There is no smoke without fire .
edit on 9-3-2012 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by yeti101

Yes yes yess... ok..

Lets agree HE is a criminal. Lets agree to disagree on the fact that hackers should get more 'possible' time in prison than someone who actually commits a tangible crime.

Lets also agree that .. well he was an Unemployed criminal.

Lets also agree to disagree that hackers are evil.

Whew, can we shake hands now?

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by BrokenCircles
reply to post by dalan.

Originally posted by dalan.

Or maybe its because some people aren't tarded enough to fall into the belief that there is a group called anonymous. But, the people who actually hang out on the "anonymous" forums would know that.
It's ok. All will be fine, as long as you just continue licking on that anonymous lollipop that has been placed in front of you. Do not concern yourself with the details, such as where this lollipop actually came from, and how many others have already touched it.

Just close your eyes. Shut your mouth. And lick away...
lick lick lick lick lick away........

edit on 3/6/12 by BrokenCircles because: does it taste yummy and sweet??

a·non·y·mous (-nn-ms)
1. Having an unknown or unacknowledged name: an anonymous author.
2. Having an unknown or withheld authorship or agency: an anonymous letter; an anonymous phone call.
3. Having no distinctive character or recognition factor: "a very great, almost anonymous center of people who just want peace" (Alan Paton).

Yeah, I don't see anything in the definition of anonymous about a super-duper hacking group. I see a definition that describes a state that a person can adhere to. You know, like on the internet we can be anonymous, which means on the internet everyone is anonymous...which means its not a super-duper hacking group....its all of us.

Ta da.

A Republican and Democrat could both be anonymous at the same time.
A conspiracy theorist and FBI agent could both be anonymous at the same time.

So, good job derping, and I hate lollipops.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 11:17 AM
They should be treating him like the Gov. threatened.. A WAR criminal.. .Send him to Guantanamo and throw away the key... hes a domestic terrorist no matter how much you are infatuated with the guy fawkes mask...

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by dalan.

Originally posted by dalan.

Yeah, I don't see anything in the definition of anonymous about a super-duper hacking group. I see a definition that describes a state that a person can adhere to. You know, like on the internet we can be anonymous, which means on the internet everyone is anonymous...which means its not a super-duper hacking group....its all of us.
I have never said that it was a group of anything. 'Anonymous' is simply a word that people use when they do not want to be easily identified. That is all it is now, and that is all it has ever been.

It is easier to remain anonymous on the internet, than it is in other forms of social interacting. But to say that everyone online is truly anonymous, is far from the actual truth.

It is possible that you and I actually share a somewhat similar opinion in regards to what 'anonymous' is, but I was unsure of that, after your first reply to me. I stopped reading at 'tarded'.

Originally posted by dalan.

Or maybe its because some people aren't tarded enough to fall into the belief that there is a group called anonymous. But, the people who actually hang out on the "anonymous" forums would know that.

edit on 3/19/12 by BrokenCircles because: (no reason given)

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