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Romney, Mormonism and Behavioral Modification

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posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

like a boarding school, that in actuality act as behavioral modification programs designed to impose specific attitudes if the child is not aligned with what parents think their child should be

Well, how ironic that the public schools are the very opposite in that they use behavior modification and values clarification to remove parental influence from their children and make them conform to the demands of the State.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by Judge_Holden

The Simpsons!! I agree with this part of their dscipline. I think Simpsons is one of the most degrading parodies on the American family ever, not to mention a parody on blue collar workers. I never liked Simpsons and I never liked Sesame Street.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
Well, how ironic that the public schools are the very opposite in that they use behavior modification and values clarification to remove parental influence from their children and make them conform to the demands of the State.

Not to mention how much they charge for it. Which can exceed two hundred thousand a year. No wonder there are financial connections within the GOP hierarchy...and no wonder they never reject/expel -

Some of our key features include:

Near-zero rejections/near-zero expulsions

Highly consistent behavior modification treatment

No or minimal psychotropic medication

Beautiful community residences and colorful, attractive school building

Behavioral education procedures, with one computer per student and self-instruction systems, enable every student to learn

Innovative, individualized reward systems

Optional intensive treatment if rewards alone are insufficiently effective

All behaviors are charted daily and posted online daily for parents to review

Students and staff are monitored with digital video monitoring systems on 24/7 basis

From their site

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by Judge_Holden

I want to point out that I have heard such things about Mormons and intelligence agencies, and I am not doubting that some recruiting practices are geared towards Mormons. But the same has been said about Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as Jews, and while it may be unfair to individuals of a different religious stripe, it proves nothing about your point. Might it have something to do with the fact that Mormons (as well as Jehovah's Witnesses) do adhere to strict health standards, removing nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, and other such artificial stimulants from their lives? Might it also have something to do with the fact that Mormons hold the American Constitution, as well as American society in general, very highly in their belief system? I tend to think that those have more to do with this than anything else, especially some absurd claim of ties to mind control.


Mormons are also great bouncers in bars. Samoan's are one of the major and fastest growing Mormon groups. They tend to be good size - don't drink - have good moral training - - - etc.

In my experience - - Mormon's are taught early on to respect their country and abide by its laws. Mormons are major proponents of education - - for both men and women. Some of the early women doctors on the west coast were Mormons - - sent to eastern colleges by the church.

I swear - - people who lack any real knowledge of Mormons - - need to just shut up.

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Annee
I swear - - people who lack any real knowledge of Mormons - - need to just shut up.

I know it is isn't the entirety of the Mormon religion, my first girlfriend was a Samoan Mormon (Friends with her on facebook and we have come to an agreement, more or less, to not discuss the election). It's important for me to state, once again, that this is a thread based on circumstantial thoughts that I see...based on experience and based on a topic that no one seems to be doing any research on. It's rumination that seems relevant to me and I implore people to make sure that they don't associate all of Mormonism with this topic - which, to be frank, is kind of unlikely due to the fact that this is a conspiracy site and the only people reading this are either the nsa or other tinfoilers...

More loose connections...

Britney Spears's manager has quit – issuing a statement Monday just hours after her lawyer also stopped representing her.

"It saddens us to confirm media reports that we have terminated our professional relationship with Britney Spears," her management company The Firm said in the statement.


Why is the Brittany Spears relevant here? Primarily because of the following footage which have had mind control "theorists" wondering about...Time Stamp begins at 1:04

The above excerpt is relevant because it shows Spears was connected to The Firm, Inc., a Holly wood management firm for musical talent. When I first wiki'ed them about a month ago, She was listed on the page as one of their former clients. She's no longer there, can't prove that but such as it is.

Romney has another indirect financial connection shown by Gawker.

In the entertainment world, Sankaty High Yield Partners II loaned $1.9 million to Harlem Globetrotters, International, which ought to earn Romney a little street cred with the Obama team, right? It also owns pieces of the Firm, Inc., the Hollywood talent management company that has worked to advance the careers of such paragons of GOP propriety as Limp Bizkit and Britney Spears, and Warner Music Group, which has of course brought you acts like the Pimp Squad Click, Big Kuntry King, and Mac Boney. Who let the dogs out!


This may be another unsubstantial connection with no direct link but it is posted here due to the other indirect connections to keep all the ruminations in place.

Per the same Gawker link, he is also associated substantially, approx. 200 million, in CRC Health...the largest behavioral health provider.

"Today, CRC Health Group has become the largest provider of specialized behavioral health care services in the U.S."

edit on Thu, 13 Sep 2012 17:12:07 -0500 by MemoryShock because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2015 @ 09:56 PM
You are on to something i feel..... back in the 1990's hundreads of mormons came out and told of satanic ritual abuse, incest etc, the temple rituals where triggering the memories, satanists reversed the rituals according to therapist, author and researcher Judy Byington 22, she tells the story of Jenny Hill and her multiple personalities ... poor girl....mind control, ritual abuse, the works
judys work with Jenny promted an inquiry into ritaul abuse by Ezra Taft Benson i believe in the 1990's, some members got excommunicated but i couldnt see there was anbody charged which i thought was bull#.

Not saying this is a mormon problem as their are satanic mind control cults operating within all religions, growing and grooming mind controlled people is nothing new one need only read some history to find out how disturbing life in those high profile circels is

posted on Mar, 5 2015 @ 10:48 PM

originally posted by: Aussiegal
You are on to something i feel..... back in the 1990's hundreads of mormons came out and told of satanic ritual abuse, incest etc, the temple rituals where triggering the memories, satanists reversed the rituals according to therapist, author and researcher Judy Byington 22, she tells the story of Jenny Hill and her multiple personalities ... poor girl....mind control, ritual abuse, the works
judys work with Jenny promted an inquiry into ritaul abuse by Ezra Taft Benson i believe in the 1990's, some members got excommunicated but i couldnt see there was anbody charged which i thought was bull#.

Not saying this is a mormon problem as their are satanic mind control cults operating within all religions, growing and grooming mind controlled people is nothing new one need only read some history to find out how disturbing life in those high profile circels is

Do you have any data to back up your assertions?

There are "off shoots" of the official legitimate Mormon church. All organizations are made up of people. If those people are into alternate beliefs --- they aren't really Mormon ---- or Mormon in name only. I just think it's important to differentiate.

22 Faces author Judy Byington caught lying?.

edit on 5-3-2015 by Annee because: (no reason given)

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