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Many Of You Will Not Believe Some Of The Things Americans Are Doing Just To Survive

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posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Kyprian
reply to post by OldCurmudgeon

Let me add, from 7+ years working the homeless field, that it isn't as easy to get back on one's feet as some might think. Imagine being told you aren't qualified for benefits - because you and the mother of children are married. Imagine being told that no, losing a foot isn't enough cause for disability. or, so sorry you lost everything when you came home from Afghanistan - but this housing is for people who have NEEDS. Truly, the are times when modern America enrages me.

Let's stop b******* and start thinking of actual SOLUTIONS. Not that you're bi***ing, sir, just a general comment to the board.
edit on 16/2/12 by Kyprian because: clarification

I can promise you Karpian... IF I am ever in a position again to help and make a difference... I certainly will as I have seen the bottom, and I have met people, families who live in their cars, I have been there and see and heard small children say, "mommy, do we get to eat tonight" I'm a 64 year old hard nosed SOB, and I broke down and sobbed when I listened to the little girl.. I had $17 in my pocket and I gave it to the dad as I have a house (thanks only to my sister) and food in the pantry to eat thanks only to our meager SS earnings.

The question for you my friend whoever you are and the rest of those of us who care... what does one do?
Our living Presidents and most of congress are so far out of touch with reality as to defy being in the same universe.
It seems half the working public openly complains about all the worthless people who draw welfare benefits and sit at home and do nothing.
We have commercials where people beg for money to take care of animals and beg for money to send somewhere outside the US... how about our own poor...
Contrary to what Romney, the idiot wealthy elitist, the social services systems is not just broken... it is a JOKE...
And yes you are correct... we have hundreds of soldiers coming home everyday to 'no jobs', no health insurance, and no chance to give their children a reasonable life.

IF I could go back now and redo things, I would tell the banks, credit card companies and other creditors to piss off and I would have donated that more than $350 grand to poor american families which to quote our idiot politicans, "have slipped thru the cracks"...

edit on 16-2-2012 by OldCurmudgeon because: Bad spelling because I am pissed off

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by kn0wh0w

illegal human: Tresspasser.
Close enough?
For instance, someone waking in your front door unwanted.
Or someone crossing your border illegally.

Or... stealing an identity, using fraudulent documents, over staying a visa, etc.
If we simply call them undocumented immigrants, it is an insult to all the immigrants coming here through the proper channels and with respect.

The fact remains the same, whenever ICE deports an illegal, there is a citizen that quickly and easily takes his/her place.

There are now many companies getting caught for hiring illegals and are being fined. There are many States making laws against illegals so that our own citizens can once again be employed and care for their families. Unless all States do the same, we will have illegals being mistreated and citizens falling through the cracks.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by jjkenobi

I know a certain number cannot get help in some places because they do not have an address or bank account.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 07:00 PM

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by aboutface
reply to post by jjkenobi

I know a certain number cannot get help in some places because they do not have an address or bank account.

There are also people who make a dollar or two above the poverty limit, so are denied any benefits. Like a measely dollar or two will help these poor people.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 08:41 PM
This is the exact reason that my mouth fills with regurgitated bile everytime I hear someone like Sarah Palin say what desperate times we are in. That this is the most pivotal election with dire consequences.

She says these things right after she exits a private Jet.

The ones who bitch the most about how dire things are, are the ones who dine on beef Wellington and Chardonnay.

Real Americans don't need to be told things are dire. We are the ones who are suffering!

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by kn0wh0w

This is both disturbing and disgusting,what type of "people" could squander billions of dollars on an illegal war on the pretext of keeping America safe when they won't even feed their own citizens for christ's sake!

Still as long as the mineral deposits in Afghanistan are secured so that there is enough lithium for batteries for the next generation of smartphone! really if this does not incite US citizens to take their country back,nothing will.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 10:43 PM
Hey, if you gotta dumpster dive to survive, you might want to start blaming the U.S. government for sending all our jobs overseas, starting with NAFTA.

We can't solve the solution by going to another continent like we did in the 1600's. Just about every plot of land in the world has someone else's flag on it now. Only place we got left to move to is the Moon or Mars and that aint happening ever.

The only chance we got to clear our debts would be a world war and then we would have to forsake the rest of the world and go back into isolationism and become self sufficient again, which has been phased out. Most people in the U.S. would die because they wouldn't know how to plant a garden, much less what seeds look like or even how to water them and the barter and trade system would have to be reimplemented and 99% of americans can't make anything worth trading because all the old trades are mostly forgotten.

Or, we could all switch from using cash money (including gold and silver) in favor of using 100% electronic cash which is more likely to happen and is happening right now as you just about can't use a check anywhere anymore or cash and as is, everyone (including me) uses debit cards for everything now, so a biometric chip or "Mark of the Beast" is the next obvious step on the menu.

When the Mark of the Beast comes, you have the option of taking the mark and being able to provide for your family or dying, as no mercy will be given for those who choose to cling to the old system which will fail in a few more years. The price for this mark, may be your very soul. You have the option of having a full belly and living for a few more years or dying and keeping your soul. Eveyone is going to die anyway, so why take the mark?
(this ofcourse is making the assumption it will even be this way and there is no gurantee the Mark of the Beast will be that simple)
edit on 16-2-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 10:58 PM
me and my wife and son were homeless for around 4months....we lived out of our truck in oregon for a while...after it broke down, someone bought it from us for $750 so we used that money to fly to hawaii, thinking if we are going to be homeless why not

so we lived on the beach in kona for a few months, was awesome..except for needing to walk miles everyday for food...we eventually got a tent and there were nice people who would find odd jobs for me to earn money so we could live...

lots of angels on this world as well as people who do not care, i pray more people wake up, as we are all angels...just lots of people do not know of reality, they see themselves against the world when in reality we are all family and on this ship together...

i went to school and i work now, but it is so tough to make enough money for rent and food and gas...


please lets change this...

lets change our economy to something fair and real, remove most taxes, end the bs wars, remove inflation, get back to reality...

whats gonna get it done? teamwork

love, joy, truth

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by Ixtab
As long as the top 1% can keep jammin the airwaves with FOX propaganda and fillin our TV sets with images and adverts of how shiny life is in America, no one will ever have a clue whats going on.

Looks like you're guilty of being brainwashed by propaganda too. You forgot CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, etc. For some reason, you singled out ONE news channel. Pathetic!

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by kn0wh0w

It's atrocious and despicable. If they had a capital gains tax cut, all would be right in the world. Why does Obama hate America?

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

So 50 million unemployed Americans is propaganda. Nice spin.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by chiefsmom
I don't think it is all due to lack of compassion.
There have been too many reports on the news lately about people using this bad time to POSE as homeless, and just rake in the dough for themselves. That is certainly not helping the cause at all.

But, most towns, even as small as ours, have reputable donation centers. That's where the help should be going if you can afford to do anything at all.
edit on 16-2-2012 by chiefsmom because: sp

I call complete BS on this post.
If I have a home, the best I can get by pretending to be homeless is less than what I have now.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by jjkenobi
Why are these people eating rats? Why aren't they collecting food stamps and welfare and unemployment and section 8 housing free cell phone service mega tax credits (child tax credits, EIC) TANF Medicaid, too many to list.

List of US Government Funding programs

Probably because of the line ups and bureaucracy it takes to get into those programs. I think the seriousness of this problem is real. I often hear that the unemployment numbers do not reflect the drop out rates.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 11:49 PM
Most the stuff i hear coming from Americans, both on ATS and other places is always a sob story. You know what, the USA is not the only place with unemployment rates that are high. Australia is doing bad as well, with 80,000 jobs lost this month, and major factories closing down. Don't reply with "But Australia has a smaller population," it's bull#, when you compare the unemployment in Australia to the USA, it is just as bad, taking into account of course the population rate. Britain is also doing bad, as is France, in fact the whole world is in poverty, not just the USA.

I am sick of hearing whinging stories, that "America has it the worst." You know what; what about the people living in Africa? What about the people living in Asia? They are far worse off than Your country, or my country.

Thank you

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by OldCurmudgeon

Nothing to really add but dude you are the man for speaking the truth. I imagine it sucks when you are in this and the POS oh POTUS is on a month vacations at a time and parties at the house maybe when the first lady takes airforce one on a shopping trip. sad, sad, sad

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by calstorm

One word: Africa. Imagine life there...then get back to me. Send positive thoughts and frequencies for them and those else in need.

edit on 17-2-2012 by Only1King because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 12:14 AM
edit on 17-2-2012 by Only1King because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 12:14 AM
edit on 17-2-2012 by Only1King because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by Ixtab
reply to post by chiefsmom

America is not set up to deal with mass unemployment, theres not a great deal to do, especialy in an economy. Unless of course your government implemented some extreme World War 2 socialist style work programmes. But thats communism and thats bad.

Since when was socialism synonymous with communism? That's news to me...

Social programs are needed in times like these more than they ever were. These people are not responsible for the world wide economic crash - the greedy corporates are the ones we should be blaming here. Maybe they should be the ones paying for the social programs needed right now to aide the poor. Fair being fair... Tax the sh#t out of the corporates and the banks and use the money to help those people they screwed.
edit on 17-2-2012 by jimbo999 because: (no reason given)

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