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Just another new guy

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posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 02:53 PM
To start it off I've been a lurker here for awhile now, I find this site very informative and entertaining at times haha. The older I've become (I'm 18) the more interested I am in alternative news and conspiracies, while I'm a skeptic I don't find a conspiracy in everything, something I've noticed from posts on here. So I've decided to stop lurking and join in on the action and contribute to this site, at least here I can talk about topics that my friends would just laugh off or just scratch their heads at, say something along the lines of "dude stop worrying just drink another beer/ take another shot". At times I feel like I'm growing up in the wrong generation, I feel like an outcast at times because I actually want to obtain knowledge rather than just accept things the way they are and just push it under the rug since that's what the government told me to do.

So I'll end it right here and say that I'm looking forward to posting here and having some intelligent discussions and learning, I have a lot to learn only being on this earth for 18 measly years.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by jjjigga

Hello there from just another member.

Welcome to ATS.

Sounds like you are years ahead of your age and many others, see you around.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 03:11 PM
Welcome to the action! Have fun posting!

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 03:22 PM
You maybe have only been around for 18 years, but you have already learned a vital lesson about today's world: Don't believe ANYTHING you are told (especially by the mainstream media), research everything, question everything, and draw your own conclusions. Keep your heart and mind open, and use your logic as a litmus test for every story and bit of information you hear.

My daughter is 19 and has the same trouble with her friends, she cannot talk to them about this stuff because they think she's tripping. They know so little and, what's worse, they don't WANT to learn.

You are on the right path. Glad to see you on board!

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by FissionSurplus
You maybe have only been around for 18 years, but you have already learned a vital lesson about today's world: Don't believe ANYTHING you are told (especially by the mainstream media), research everything, question everything, and draw your own conclusions. Keep your heart and mind open, and use your logic as a litmus test for every story and bit of information you hear.

My daughter is 19 and has the same trouble with her friends, she cannot talk to them about this stuff because they think she's tripping. They know so little and, what's worse, they don't WANT to learn.

You are on the right path. Glad to see you on board!

Thanks FissionSurplus!

My friends and the generation I live in is sooo focused on only their social lives, facebook, video games, etc. Don't get me wrong I participate in that as well, yet I think of it as that I'm just a spec of dirt on this planet and there are so many more issues to be discussed and solved, instead of just being indulged in yourself and not care. I'm hoping it can get turned around, knowledge is power and power is knowledge.

Thanks for all the welcomes.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 03:38 PM
Welcome to ATS...enjoy the ride...

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by jjjigga

You're most welcome. Kids like you and my daughter ARE the future, and that gives me hope.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 04:25 PM
Welcome jjjigga

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