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Stop Bashing Us Military Folks.

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posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:02 AM
I'm writing this in response to this thread.

People are so quick to chime in and immediately Bash anyone with Military ties on this website. It seems that the overall opinion by most around here is that we are just a bunch of war mongering, blood thirsty, brainwashed sociopaths who are hell bent on killing all who don't agree with us.

They always seem to fail to ask any questions of us or our service before the attacks begin. We are never asked our reasons for joining the service. We are never asked if we joined the military prior to the current wars or not. We are never asked our opinions of the wars and the people in charge. Everyone just assumes we all signed up to go to Iraq and Afganistan specifically to kill for fun because we are all sicko's. While yes, there are bad apples in the military just like anywhere else that doesn't give credence to the actions of a few around her. I have no problem with people being critical of our military as long as it is respectfull and informed. I actually welcome people with oposite opinions of mine because we are all different and have different opinions and that is the best way to learn in my opinion.

I guess I would just like to see a little respect used before all out attacks occur over prejudged opinions of other ATS'rs. I try not to judge others at least until I know enough about them to properly do so. I am just asking for the same thing from everyone. Although this is not a perfect world and I'm sure that I will be attacked in my own thread here, I just wanted to throw this out there to all the narrow minded people who attack before they ask. Peace to all and Semper Fi.
edit on 10/2/12 by usmc0311 because: forgoten word.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by usmc0311

I'm sorry but if military folks deserve a bashing then a bashing they will get, same as anyone else. Being in the military doesn't mean you get special treatment you know!

The thread in question shows a group of Marines posing for a bloody stupid photograph, which i would bet most, if not all, now regret posing for. They did something stupid and opened themselves up for bashing. Therefore it is rather ridiculous to complain about them getting said bashing from ATS members.


However, i will agree that an admission of being in the military does seem to attract unnecessary abuse on occasion. As you say, people join the military for a variety of reasons and it is wrong to tarnish the majority because of the actions of the few - we apply this to other walks of life so the military should be the same. However, the soldiers in the thread in question were just stupid and wrong and therefore criticism is entirely justified.
edit on 10-2-2012 by Flavian because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:08 AM
S & F.

As a military folk myself I completely agree. Dont let those few bad seeds ruin your opinion of the whole group. I know a few bad ones myself but the majority of militay, when you actually take time to get to know them are the better type of person in this country. Wholeheartedly compassionate about their fellow countrymen and upright citizens.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:09 AM
I only have problems with people who have joined the military since about March 2003.

Southeast, MI is awesome.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:12 AM
The policy makers are the problem not the boys and girls on the ground. If there was any accountability for the highers ups folks wouldnt be so quick to jump on those who are simply following orders by going to war.

Its not fair to blame every "jarhead" when one goes outside their programming

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:13 AM

"In Haig's presence, Kissinger referred pointedly to military men as 'dumb, stupid animals to be used' as pawns for foreign policy."

Why not get angry with the folks that put military men in harms way to progress political agendas? Not going to do a lot of good to rant at those here with open or close minded opinions.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by CalibratedZeus

I wouldn't say they were necessarily the better type of person, just another type of person - brothers and sisters to other ordinary members of the public.

All walks of life have idiots, military same as everywhere else. Personally, i think the ones in the military are the ones that should be used as cannon fodder but that is just a personal opinion. It appears that the idiots in Uni, on the other hand, are the ones that end up in politics!

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by Flavian

I personally don't believe that photo of Marines justifies bashing the military as a whole. but I respect your opinion and I commend you for being honest. Thank you.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by CalibratedZeus

Thank You I hope others read your post and re-read it because that is the most important issue here.

edit on 10/2/12 by usmc0311 because: poor spelling

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by applesthateatpeople

Yeah and that's one of the most left out questions. I joined prior to 911 and so did many others on this site. We can't forget though how many young men and women who were tricked by 911 and all.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by Maponos

exactly one of points . thank you for your input.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

I am angry at the higher ups for all the crap we've been through on their behalf. That is one of the most left out questions of all. Just because we served does not mean that we agree with their agenda. Thanks for your thoughts.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:25 AM
If you joined the military, for whatever reason, you signed up TO KILL PEOPLE. Does not matter that it is sanctioned by the crooked govt, or that you are brainwashed into thinking THEY are attacking YOU. That is your "job". If you can't see that, I can't help you out, can't do a brain transplant online. That is the military's function, and any idiot knows that.

So if you want to claim you are "just trying to feed your family" or whatever, well, you could also join MS-13 or any other drug gang. You will make a LOT more money, and kill a LOT less people. You could also just do crimes. You would be stealing much less, and killing less people as well.

That's why they want to get you in young, so the brainwashing will take. Adults would see through all the BS from day one.

If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. These birds will come home to roost eventually.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by usmc0311

I disagree with you that obligatory respect should be given to military personnel.

I give respect based on the actions of the individual. Your uniform means nothing at all to me.

When a sniper team poses with the lightning bolt S's of the Shutzstaffel, you damned well better believe they know EXACTLY what they are doing. This is a very prominent symbol, right up there with the swastika. Don't try to school me on the ancient meaning of these symbols, because I am already aware of them and it's irrelevant. We're not in ancient times - we're in modern times and these symbols are tied, in the minds of modern man, to Nazi Germany.

So, if you want respect do something that deserves it. Speak out against illegal wars of aggression. Uphold your vow to PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION FROM ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. Refuse illegal orders. Stop showing us time and time again that the majority of individuals in the military are incapable of making good decisions/thinking for themselves and speaking out against the atrocities that have and will continue to occur against innocent people who have no idea why you're even in their town!

Oh, and if you want my respect - DONT defend idiots who make HORRIBLE decisions just because you are "brothers." If you want my respect you'll stop giving obligatory respect to anyone in uniform and instead think for yourself.

Automated and unquestioning support/respect is a huge part of the reason we're in the mess we're in and the entire world hates us. Everyone has been so taken with the past 60+ years of US propaganda glorifying the military and it's conquests that people forget to stop and think for a second, they just get wrapped up in patriotic fervor and call the meat filling the uniform "hero." I have long thought this was complete bolshevik - and I hate the mentality of those that served that I owe them something. I don't owe you anything at all, least of all obligatory respect for fighting a war that I have been against 100% of the time. I don't care when or where you joined, or if you are serving a combat role or otherwise. You have signed your life away to one of the most imperialistic and corrupt governments to ever exist - why should I give you my automatic respect for that?
edit on 10-2-2012 by TinkerHaus because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by usmc0311

I agree but it does justify the bashing of those particular marines. However, as i also said in that thread, i think it was stupidity rather than malice. I know plenty of squaddies over here in blighty that regret some of the things they got up to while enlisted - i don't mean war crime type things but rather things that seemed a good idea at the time due to the macho rubbish environment they are in. As a soldier you will know the sort of thing i mean, posing for stupid pictures, playing certain games that are a good idea with your fellow soldiers but when you think about them after seem incredibly foolish and stupid, etc.

I honestly think if those marines had stopped to think, they wouldn't have posed for the picture (or if they had, it certainly wouldn't have posted publicly!).

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by Flavian

yeah everything is just messed up right now. Thank you for puting your opinion out there for us. I just want people to think about what they post before they do it. I always ask myself what would people of other opinions think before i post so as not to instigate a confrontation. Thanks.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by usmc0311

My whole 2 cents on the military, and those who serve it, are that we are paying men and women to give their lives and liberty for the express purpose of one) to bend over for Congress and TPTB for a fat paycheck in a crappy economy, and two) they believe what their government tells them.

I pity that they listen to their government and have sold their wings for a semi-respectable living, but I'm happy that they are at least supporting themselves.

To each their own, you know?

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by CaptChaos

This is what I'm talking about. Do you know how many jobs in the military are not directly combat related. No offense but you seem to be reiderating my point that we are all grouped together in an ignorant fashion. Although I disagree with you, thank you for your honesty.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:29 AM
I have this problem - I really respect military men/women, it was always my unfulfilled dream to join.

But I and everyone else is sick and tired of the people in control, using the armed forces as their personal heavy's.

And its getting worse, the last 2 wars at least have been totally unjustifiable - if only from a legal standpoint, and now NATO is eyeing up at least 3 more countries.

It has to stop, and if the military are honourable - then you guys need to start thinking about who's side your on, the Government's or the People's?

You might not believe my view, that dictatorship is here - well if you don't agree you will see it come.

Please, start organising your brothers and abide by the oath you all took.

Thankyou and good luck

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by usmc0311
reply to post by CaptChaos

This is what I'm talking about. Do you know how many jobs in the military are not directly combat related. No offense but you seem to be reiderating my point that we are all grouped together in an ignorant fashion. Although I disagree with you, thank you for your honesty.

I actually have a lot of respect for your restraint to this idiotic post.

(i mean this restraint in your response to CaptChaos)
edit on 10-2-2012 by Flavian because: (no reason given)

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