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CONFIRMED: Global Warming 'Ended 15 Years Ago'

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posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:53 PM
The thing is, the glaciers melting so fast is actually a reasonable question.

My guess would be that there has actually been warming, but that the period has stabilized and now we're dipping into a cool period. It would be similar to what happened in history. The "Little Ice Age" came after a long period of much warmer climate.

We've had a much smaller warming period, so it would make sense that the corresponding cooler period and plateau period would be smaller.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

The Daily Mail

Their 'scientific' proof is right next to advertisements for Jonathan Cainer horoscopes. You'll forgive me if I can't take this seriously.
edit on 29-1-2012 by relpobre000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:59 PM
People in Alaska have a take on the weather pics

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by relpobre000
reply to post by TrueAmerican

The Daily Mail

Their 'scientific' proof is right next to advertisements for Jonahan Cainer horoscopes. You'll forgive me if I can't take this seriously.

erm dont think it was a Daily Mail commissioned study...............

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 05:06 PM
I fully agree. In my opinion its a problem coming at us from two directions. First we are looking at a reduction in the number of Sun Spots and second we are looking at the earths magnetic pole doing a polarity reversal. Both of these phenomenon are allowing greater amounts of COSMIC RAYS to penetrate into the earth from not just the centre of our own Milkyway Galaxy, but also from extra galactic space, other galaxies too.

Lack of Sun Spots was the cause of the Maunder Minimum from 1645 through till 1715 which is refered to as a Mini Ice Age. However, people do not realize that we are actually living in one such period right now too. Lack of Sun Spots causes a collapse of the Heliospheric Bubble that surrounds the Solar System that normally is protecting us from getting bombarded by Cosmic Rays. So with out the heliospheric bubble we are currently being bombarded by extra higher levels of Cosmic Rays.

The Earths magnetic field is, according to National Geographic, currently "imminent" to go into a polarity reversal. The fields strength is weakening as I write this. This weakening as prelude to a polarity reversal allows Cosmic Rays to penetrate into the earth.

Cosmic Ray Induction brings on greater amounts of mist and fog and clouds in general, which then block out sun light, thus causing the world to get colder and colder. The Cosmic Ray Induction that gets into the ground is increasing the number of volcano erupting as well as earthquakes too. The ash thrown into the upper atmosphere is blocking out sun light thus making the world colder and colder.

Thus let us not under estimate the disaster confronting us. Cosmic Ray Induction is going on right now and is observably cooling the world. My theory is that there is going to be a Super Volcano eruption some where in the world that will tip the balance such that we are certainly going to suffer the onset of the next major glaciation cycle. On average the earth suffers a major glaciation each 100,000 years. This cycle is called the "Milankovich Cycle" and has to do with changes in the earths orbit around the Sun. Orbital perturbations caused by the gravity of the outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

The law that I live by and which is holding us all bonded is called PRAECEPTAE CAELENIUM (tm). I did not read it in a book. You will not find it in any book. It was revealed to me by audio clairvoyance during the celebrations of the New Millennium in 2000. Summed up it basically means no sex no drugs and no violence. (1) From eternity to eternity, infinity to infinity, there be the one absolute. The One True God. Her names are many but she be the one true God there be no other God. The one judge there be no other judge. (2) La Deus Nostra, Notre Dame, Our Lady, The Holy Spirit, the cause the maker Cosmica. (3) Angelic powers of truth and beauty and righteousness be sure to be loving Her Holiness Above with all your mind and with all your heart and with all your strength. (4) So as to be pleasing to Her Holiness Above therefore do not be serving the masculine. (5) Do not be and do not allow masculinity into positions of government. (6) Honour and respect the virgin pureness of the christae. (7) Honour and respect the Immaculate Conception [parthenogenesis] reproductive process of the christae. (8) Do not fornicate or adulterate or sodomize. (9) Do not bully or torture or murder. (10) Do not lie. (11) Do not steal. (12) Do not be covetous. (13) Do not be jealous. Copyright NGL(c)2000.

He who trusts in violence to be his security cannot speak that he trusts in God to be his security.


edit on 29/1/2012 by CAELENIUM because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican

Anyone care to argue with

30,000 measuring stations

worth of data?

Cause you're going to need 31,000 reasons to even get me to flinch.

Yes. Show me the data from your 30,000 weather stations please.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 05:15 PM
I found this article over at WUWT and thought I would share ... Alaska On The Rocks

From the “weather is not climate” department, the sea ice is in early and thick in Alaska. It makes me shiver just to look at the picture. They had to use an icebreaker to get fuel to Nome. ps I posted this in another thread the mods might close so I shall put it here ..peace

edit on 29-1-2012 by the2ofusr1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 05:31 PM
we have had the coldest and worst winter up here in Alaska, and are still having it. Valdez has had record snow, like 30 feet or something, we have had 18 feet and counting but its the darn cold that gets me, the sub zero days are just too much and we have had far more of them this year than last. our winters have been getting colder and longer, not shorter and warmer. I would think if we were warming up, we would have shorter winters at the least, that would make since, and the tanker that used and ice breaker to get fuel to Nome had to stretch a fuel line a long way because they couldn't even get close to the town to pump the fuel.
I have lived up here a long time, since the 80's and we used to have warmer winters, but they have turned real nasty over the last several years and I think they are going to get a lot worse.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by mcamp2011
we have had the coldest and worst winter up here in Alaska, and are still having it. Valdez has had record snow, like 30 feet or something, we have had 18 feet and counting but its the darn cold that gets me, the sub zero days are just too much and we have had far more of them this year than last. our winters have been getting colder and longer, not shorter and warmer. I would think if we were warming up, we would have shorter winters at the least, that would make since, and the tanker that used and ice breaker to get fuel to Nome had to stretch a fuel line a long way because they couldn't even get close to the town to pump the fuel.
I have lived up here a long time, since the 80's and we used to have warmer winters, but they have turned real nasty over the last several years and I think they are going to get a lot worse.

While the lower 48 is having one of the warmest years on record. So what does that mean?

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 05:44 PM
Anyone provide the science for this please.....

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by chrismicha77

Here is a theory that is out there:

And now this latest story — the USDA confirms that indeed WARM LATITUDES have shifted north — what once was the climate of New Orleans Louisiana to North Florida is now the Climate of South Missouri to North Carolina !!! Plants will be able to live in these warmer new climates developing… thus some tropical species will thrive in temperate zones.


In my opinion — this all can now be put together into one narrative — THE EARTHS MAGNETIC POLES HAVE SHIFTED .. this is not wild conspiracy talk .. it is now being confirmed by stories like this USDA announcement.

Here is my most recent post from two weeks ago — showing that that NORTH POLE HAS MOVED to Russia:

I don't know about how likely this theory is, but I thought I'd put it out there for others to consider.

Don't shoot the messenger.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by purplemer
Ok I found this that might help .. What in the world is going on with global temperatures?

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 05:57 PM
I found the report issued last week by the met office Here

The other report Here is titled Met Office 2012 annual global temperature forecast and shows data clearly showing warmer years than average since 1998 and yes a few were cooler but that was because of the La Nina effect.

In reply to the OP your links have nothing to do with the report issued last week so what report are you talking about? I presume you have read it?
edit on 29-1-2012 by minor007 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 06:01 PM
Science changes all the time. The planet is changing and has done since day dot. With or with out humans the planet will be just fine. While there is dollar value on climate change nothing will happen, The earth is one huge place and to think Humans can change back or slow climate on the scale of the earth "510 million square kilometers"is silly. What ever happens, happens. We are only here for the ride. So strap on hang on and enjoy the ride.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by chrismicha77

Originally posted by mcamp2011
we have had the coldest and worst winter up here in Alaska, and are still having it. Valdez has had record snow, like 30 feet or something, we have had 18 feet and counting but its the darn cold that gets me, the sub zero days are just too much and we have had far more of them this year than last. our winters have been getting colder and longer, not shorter and warmer. I would think if we were warming up, we would have shorter winters at the least, that would make since, and the tanker that used and ice breaker to get fuel to Nome had to stretch a fuel line a long way because they couldn't even get close to the town to pump the fuel.
I have lived up here a long time, since the 80's and we used to have warmer winters, but they have turned real nasty over the last several years and I think they are going to get a lot worse.

While the lower 48 is having one of the warmest years on record. So what does that mean?

Its called regional weather patterns and these can go on for years and be just the opposite of world weather trends.
Right now Alaska is freezing but other parts of the US are in a drought.
this is normal and part of the la Nina and or El Nino weather patterns

Now for glaciers you may not see regrowth for 20 to 30 years after global cooling starts because the regrowth starts as increased snow on top of the upper reaches of the glaciers and can take a 100+ years before it reaches the face of the glaciers.

Plus increased ground water flowing under the glacier from mountain runoff takes years to slow and for the ice flow rate over this runoff to slow.

To truly understand the normal fluctuations of climate change you have to look at Paleoclimatology of the last 3 million years of ice age we are in.

And yes we are still in a ice age and have been for 3 million years. and this ice age has been fluctuating between glacial and interglacial periods and will continue to

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 06:49 PM
in australia we have had a hottest day on record pretty much every year for like 5 years

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 07:11 PM
I think we contributed a little but that we're in a highly charged part of the cosmos, and the Mayans knew we would, along with many others in history.

Because we do have meltings. And we also have methane gas bubbling up in the arctic and that is a really alarming thing.

The only other alternative is all of that information is hoaxed on high levels and they've been using weather modification, ie HAARP AND UNDERWATER NUKES TO DO THIS.

Its either one, or the other, or both.

But the ice age cometh after the crapola and changes that create it. The crapola is warming and/or NUKES.

I just think we only contributed but when I say we I mean, this school's board of directors really contributed to this in a HUGE WAY. Their CORPs, their OIL INDUSTRY, their SUPPRESSION OF TRUTH!

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by tetriswoooo

depends where....

Last years summer in melbourne was the coolest and wettest that I can rememeber. Mainly due to the la Nina that was affecting the east coast.

This year also it has only started getting hot now, the last week of january with only feb left of summer. December was reasonably cool for the fiest month in summer.

Our summer are becoming shorter.

I still see a cooling in general.

The question will thw world handle sudden global cooling if it happens?

Climate refugees?

The amjority of the northern landmass will become glacier.

No one can predict how the southern latitudes will change since we havent been around long enough.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by mcamp2011
we have had the coldest and worst winter up here in Alaska, and are still having it. Valdez has had record snow, like 30 feet or something, we have had 18 feet and counting but its the darn cold that gets me, the sub zero days are just too much and we have had far more of them this year than last. our winters have been getting colder and longer, not shorter and warmer. I would think if we were warming up, we would have shorter winters at the least, that would make since, and the tanker that used and ice breaker to get fuel to Nome had to stretch a fuel line a long way because they couldn't even get close to the town to pump the fuel.
I have lived up here a long time, since the 80's and we used to have warmer winters, but they have turned real nasty over the last several years and I think they are going to get a lot worse.

I'm hoping we have a good summer but I think it's going to be cold too unfortunately. As long as it doesn't rain for a month again.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:33 PM
Right everyone - back to raping the planet!

For pity's sake will they make up their minds? All this money spent on computer modelling etc and we still don't know. Guess they will be having a right laugh about all this in 50 years time - laughing at our ignorance!

That is, of course, only if anyone is left to laugh.

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