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Are You A Bad Person?

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posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 02:28 PM
You know what i'm sure you are not, but you should ask yourself that question regardless.

The election is coming and too many people don't vote from their brain or heart, they just vote for the lesser evil.
Or at least what they consider the be the lesser evil

But voting for the lesser evil is still voting for evil
And what do some of these same people say?
They say I would vote for whom I truly want but he/she doesn't have a chance so it would be a wasted vote.
But isn't a wasted vote a wasted vote?

Fighting for the world/nation to become better was never about voting for the lesser evil or for the best card hand, it was and is always about fighting for what is right.

The worst part is some of these people are the most active politically
They work so hard to fight for the status-quo while screaming change
Even if these people are good-hearted their intentions are an integral part of "the system"

So everyone should ask themselves before making a decision whether they are a good person or not

People look down upon those that don't vote
I say if you vote for what you KNOW is the lesser evil....stay home while grown men make the decision that you can't!

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 02:33 PM
Well thankfully for once, we don't have to vote for a lesser evil in the coming 2012 Presidential election. Ron Paul is the 1st candidate in my lifetime that I actually agree with and can believe in.

Believing they will let him take that office over their Corporatocracy candidate shills is another story.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 02:33 PM
vote mitt romney...because why should you vote for the LESSER of two evils?

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

You are somewhat correct
But the fact that Ron Paul is a lone honest voice speaks volumes
Look at Ron Paul and candidates on both sides that he is running against

Shouldn't the front runners be Ron Paul, Dennis Kuccinich and independants?

There's a massive crisis going on and too many zombies lost in the political mist

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 02:37 PM
Why vote?

What change will actually occur?

Ron Paul will never be allowed to be in Office TPTB wont allow it.

Besides he would just be manipulated as well, IF he were to get into office. He does after all get a paycheck, and where does that check come from? The central bankers AKA TPTB

I would rather save myself the headache of voting for someone that wont change anything.

Besides, now i don't get Jury Duty.

edit on 28-11-2011 by Quickfix because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Quickfix
Why vote?

What change will actually occur?

Originally posted by Quickfix
Ron Paul will never be allowed to be in Office TPTB wont allow it.

Nothing will change, nothing with that attitude
go back to sleep

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Quickfix
Why vote?

Ron Paul will never be allowed to be in Office TPTB wont allow it.

if enough people made their presence known to the fact that he is the undeniable leader i don't think there would be a choice...they could simply break away and form a new republic. (my dream

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Go back to SLEEP!?

I do hope you are joking....

Voting is an illusion of choice....

Keep voting, cause the presidents will promise you the change you so desire, and they promist to give it to you, they really promise, so hang on to that promise cause change is coming.....

Like the promises Obama made....oh yeah...he never made it past Promise 1, which was Guantanamo.

If you really think Voting will change anything...just look at what happened to JFK, WAKE UP, VOTING WONT CHANGE ANYTHING.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by yourmaker

if enough people made their presence known to the fact that he is the undeniable leader i don't think there would be a choice...they could simply break away and form a new republic. (my dream

Isn't OWS a decent enough presence, well then they should put Ron Paul as the main guy they all support.

The people can't create a New Republic, it would be considered Treason against the U.S. corporation and they would be marked as Domestic Terrorists. Then Hello G-bay

There really isn't much the people can do.

The only Hope i see is at OWS. and "If peaceful revolution does not occur, Violent revolution will be inevitable." -JFK

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Quickfix
Like the promises Obama made....oh yeah...he never made it past Promise 1, which was Guantanamo.

If you really think Voting will change anything...just look at what happened to JFK, WAKE UP, VOTING WONT CHANGE ANYTHING.

What promises did Obama make?
He screamed Change and Yes We Can while never defining what he meant and masses of people voted him in despite that.

Voting records, you look at their voting records

Voting won't change anything?
No you defeatist attitude will not only not change anything, it will ensure that things stay the same and get worse.

The people are the engine whether you realize it or not!

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 02:59 PM
voting republican is not the lesser of two evils. It is the bigger of two evils. There is not candiate that has compassion or a heart for the poor disabled, and elderly. Ron Paul wants to cut medicaid/medicare, social security and HUD which is in charge of low income housing. He wants to cut necessities for the poor. There is a HUGE difference between buying a second house or buying a loaf of bread?
What makes someone a good or bad person? Am I bad person because I want all people to survive and have an equal change at life. How can be for a republican or ron paul yet give everyone a speech about not voting for the lesser of 2 evils? There is no such thing right now. I will vote democrat again only because it is the lesser of two evils. The only party that I would agree with is a Humanist party that bases laws on human needs not human greed.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

I vote for 3rd parties .. I try to tell others to do the same, but few if any ever listen. The two party polarization in this country is to strong to fight. Even those that partake in grassroots movements, ie, Tea Party or OWS won't vote for 3rd parties. They will vote for "new" candidates (or in OWS case the same) because they feel that by going out in the streets, shaking a sign and rambling demands means they are listening now.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Since I can't tell what is in anothers' heart,I have to guess
what kind of person they are.In time their actions always
speaks louder than words.
I got my fur rubbed wrong the last time and now we're all
paying for it.With head hung low...I voted for Obama,America,
please forgive me.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by dreamseeker
Ron Paul wants to cut medicaid/medicare, social security and HUD which is in charge of low income housing. He wants to cut necessities for the poor. There is a HUGE difference between buying a second house or buying a loaf of bread?

First of all he is for a transition period
and the secondly you can't force people to pay for others
All the services that you speak of are all bankrupt, interesting how you left that part out

Originally posted by dreamseeker
What makes someone a good or bad person? Am I bad person because I want all people to survive and have an equal change at life.

As mentioned, i'm sure many of these people who should ask themselves this question are well intentioned.
However you want to force people to pay for others, I cannot ever agree with force.
You should have every right to decide where your fruits your labour goes!

Originally posted by dreamseeker
I will vote democrat again only because it is the lesser of two evils. The only party that I would agree with is a Humanist party that bases laws on human needs not human greed.

So you agree that you ARE voting for evil?

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 03:19 PM
I wish politicians were held to account for their promises.. What you see it what you should get in the packet....
edit on 28-11-2011 by purplemer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by purplemer

I will give some politicians the benefit of the doubt.Their promises were
not realistic or were forgotten as soon as they were elected.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

What promises did Obama make?
He screamed Change and Yes We Can while never defining what he meant and masses of people voted him in despite that.

Voting records, you look at their voting records

Voting won't change anything?
No you defeatist attitude will not only not change anything, it will ensure that things stay the same and get worse.

The people are the engine whether you realize it or not!

Heres your voting Fraud

I know voting wont change anything, its not about attitude, its about facts and evidence.

"Give me the control of a nations money, and I care not who makes the Laws." - Elite Central Banker

The Fact of the matter, money controls the laws, and who controls the money?

Do politicians control the money? what about the President?

It all boils back down to money, no matter who you are.

Voting for puppet 1 or puppet 2 wont make a difference, they both work for the same people.

The people aren't the engine and you must realize that, money is. The Bankers control the people they send them to war to die for their investments.

Haven't you learned, money is more important than people? Haven't you learned Money is the law?

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by dreamseeker
voting republican is not the lesser of two evils. It is the bigger of two evils. There is not candiate that has compassion or a heart for the poor disabled, and elderly. Ron Paul wants to cut medicaid/medicare, social security and HUD which is in charge of low income housing. He wants to cut necessities for the poor. There is a HUGE difference between buying a second house or buying a loaf of bread?
What makes someone a good or bad person? Am I bad person because I want all people to survive and have an equal change at life. How can be for a republican or ron paul yet give everyone a speech about not voting for the lesser of 2 evils? There is no such thing right now. I will vote democrat again only because it is the lesser of two evils. The only party that I would agree with is a Humanist party that bases laws on human needs not human greed.

I guess you think the Taxocrats will be any better? The Dems want to keep them poor and trod upon. Welfare programs are used to subjugate us. It's the worst form of slavery because the people in the programs don't know they're slaves. They think they're being helped.


posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Quickfix

What change will actually occur?

Ron Paul will never be allowed to be in Office TPTB wont allow it.

Besides he would just be manipulated as well, IF he were to get into office. He does after all get a paycheck, and where does that check come from? The central bankers AKA TPTB

Ron Paul has already declared he will wave the majority of his salary, and his fundraising comes primarily from folks like you and me.

As far as TPTB, I have said from the beginning that Ron Paul is even more dangerous dead than alive. Talk about a Martyr! He is already 78, he is a true patriot, and a man of intrinsic integrity. He would be happy to die for his cause, and all of his supporters would bring down the house if that happened!

Nope, Dr. Paul has them cornered. Either they ignore him, endorse him, or kill him, and any of those 3 strategies only makes him MORE POPULAR!

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

He would be happy to die for his cause, and all of his supporters would bring down the house if that happened!

Indeed, bring down the house would be an understatement .. the likely reaction would be apocalyptic, biblical, like nothing seen since the Civil War.

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