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Global Revolution Underway

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posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:09 PM
Found this earlier and thought it was a good read. Truly we live in remarkable times.. When in the past have we had a global movement that exists beyond religion and country with a common goal. It is a beautiful thing to see and in my eyes is the beginning of a shift.

Saturday's global rally in over 600 towns and cities worldwide was a momentous event. A month ago, the Occupy Wall Street movement managed to pierce the veil of the matrix. The puncture has now become an unsealable rip in the fabric of Empire. Gas is escaping rapidly from the balloon. We are seeing the inception of a global insurrection that will not end until the dominant system is overthrown and replaced through a planetary metamorphosis.

The mainstream media continues to play down the Occupy phenomenon, critiquing its lack of specific demands. Specific demands are pointless, because the entire political, social, and economic system in which we exist has rotted out from the inside. Demands would suggest that there is a way to reform the present system, but no reformist initiative is possible.

The rest of the article is well worth a read..

Whilst I watch what is going on around the globe I cannot help to wonder about things like timewave zero and entering a new age. Is it possible that what we are seeing here is a wayning of the old powers and the start of something... We can but hope and wonder.

Either way the world has spoken:

and this is not a protest of violence it is meant with peace and love in that its power resides...

edit on 2-11-2011 by purplemer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by purplemer

Occupy and Recreate.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:33 PM
On the other hand? Maybe the globalists are correct to get rid of all these troublemakers,reduce population to a "controllable amount. " (500million good? We could spread out and keep a few workers)

Just sayin.... Could you imagine if 5 BILLION people got pissed off at the other 500million?

Hmmmmmmm Interesting.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by purplemer

I really love the idea of a global awakening.

But I'm concerned that the "Occupy" movement could be either a trap--as other posters have mentioned--or that it could be used to create the proverbial "order out of chaos", i.e. the ol' problem-reaction-solution scam. The lamestream media seems to be working overtime trying to create our reality for us, as usual.

I'm also concerned about the list of "13 demands" presented by at least some of the protestors--more governmental control is NOT the solution--it's the PROBLEM, and that should be clear to anybody with a pulse, who's been even remotely paying attention for the past 10 years. FREEDOM is what we need, and that's not what we've been getting.

Best case scenario: even if it started with a "Kontrol" agenda, it's too late for any agenda to control it now.

And hopefully worldwide freedom and emancipation (but not constipation) will be the result.


posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:24 PM
History is nothing but a story that real people live.In every story there are heroes and villains as long as the OWS doesn't draw first blood they will be the heroes of the story. so if you want to help the cause maintain the peaceful image until you no longer need it then you can start the revolution,rebellion,riot. If not you will never get the people behind you. they will sit at home watching the forces of the law grind you into the dust.stay strong

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by bakedbluedevil

Nice reply.. Acts of mass civil disobdiance have strength in non violent protest.....

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 08:20 AM
you know this has been my thought for a long while. since the wikileaks "epidemic". i've seen the transition and out with the old in with the new.

right now the opposition is change and how most people are scared of it. we area creatures of habit. people will fight tooth and nail to keep the status quo, because it provides some type of safety net, even if only in their imagination.

the system is broken and anyone with a truly free mind can see it. those who do not oppose change or who in fact welcome it will be the ones whom benefit the most.

idk what tomorrow is gonna bring, but this movement started with Egypt and won't stop till "London bridge falls down" there may be a world war first(their choice not ours), but once that starts the wheels would have already been set in motion and the end of this paradigm is already set in stone.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by stuncrazy

You are right I think its all linked in with WL and the arab spring. It is the same movement. Lets hope change can happen without a physical war...

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 12:06 PM
Am I the only one that has noticed (first pic) that the vast majority of the world's population has not joined the movement?

And it would be nice to see the protest levels per spot...because I see my city marked (I hope it is mine, it is really close), but our protest is a whole of 15-40 people...out of a city of 1 million...hardly indicative of the 99%.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 12:12 PM
Yes!!!! This is exactly what i like to see. We need more of this type of communicating going on between the members here because alot of them,(despite what they say or post) are more close minded and afraid of the machine than they will admit. so kudos OP

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by purplemer

all the movements happening throughout the world, are truly inspirational....and we do indeed live in very interesting times...maybe the people of the world will all come together and work as one, to justify the injustices, to help the poor and malnourished, and to also help other open their eyes to whats really going on in the world.....

good stuff

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 04:41 PM
At the beginning of any movement the general public are stuck in the mindset that "I like what I'm hearing and seeing but what can I do to help"and that with the polarized political situation in the world the people that are lucky to have anything resembling prosperity will almost fight to the death to keep their crumbs.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by bakedbluedevil

I know the greed is a sad state of human conditioning. Maybe wi can learn through time to do things differently..

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:57 AM

You got to love these kids...fron Anon Florida..

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 07:44 PM
Another pic... If anyone else has any good pics please post them too...

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 08:42 PM
Humanity functions like a heartbeat, it has for practically all known history.

Right now I think we are right at the spark of another beat.

Make a quick burst of evolution, then absorb it for a while.

Its a grand sort of circadian rhythm I think.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by bakedbluedevil
History is nothing but a story that real people live.In every story there are heroes and villains as long as the OWS doesn't draw first blood they will be the heroes of the story. so if you want to help the cause maintain the peaceful image until you no longer need it then you can start the revolution,rebellion,riot. If not you will never get the people behind you. they will sit at home watching the forces of the law grind you into the dust.stay strong

As long as OWS doesn't draw first blood?

Presenting, Scott Olsen:

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by peck420
Am I the only one that has noticed (first pic) that the vast majority of the world's population has not joined the movement?

And it would be nice to see the protest levels per spot...because I see my city marked (I hope it is mine, it is really close), but our protest is a whole of 15-40 people...out of a city of 1 million...hardly indicative of the 99%.

Fact- Most occupy supporters never been to a protest... Yet.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 03:29 AM

Occupy Portland

edit on 18-11-2011 by purplemer because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-11-2011 by purplemer because: (no reason given)

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