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Famine in East Africa: Why Does Nobody Care?

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posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by sonofliberty1776

At your local communities you will find muslims mosques, at such locations, just simply walk in and wait for someone to say can i help you, to which you will say are you guys doing anything for somalia can i help? i just paid 30$ for a small plate of rice and chicken at my local mosque. This was 2 days ago, they raised about 70,000$ in one night, thats canadian, higher then USD now. On top of that i believe the canadian government is matching the proceeds that this local mosque made. These people are trustable with money, as an ex-muslim i use to deal with these people all the time, all the money does indeed reach the families directly, i dont know about the government and who they are donating to though. Muslims are invloved with starvation. And being a Berber myself, and have lived in the turkish village of yasheer in algeria of 500 people for several months on multiple occasions. i have seen a lotta of poor people that get fed by local families and mosques all the time
they welcome anyone into their homes. Well, ive gone off tangent. However, my main point being, there is something being done right now, worry not my friends.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by jpmail

Not really. It is not my concern. I am more concerned about our problems here. Since I support ending ALL foreign aid, you should realize that I do not want the government to do anything about other countries issues. We need to fix our problems now.

I totally agree with this and I am not American. For over 40 years large parts of Africa have received AID yet nothing has changed. Africa is a welfare continent and until they start providing for themselves nothing will change.

Personally I would like to see all AID to every country stopped. I am sure someone will pipe up about how we kept them down used them as cheap labour and so on but I don't care it should not mean that we need to keep feeding, clothing and medicating large parts of Africa for the rest of time.

I could not disgree with you any more. I say the countries that went on to colonize africa raped them of their resources, built dodgy infrustructure and left tyrants in charge when they ran away to still be able to use them as puppets. Spain, france, portugal and Britain hurt africa. I'm just glad that those countries are slowly getting invaded by the people they went to "teach" and are slowly destroying them from the inside. Britain so far has been lucky as they are still getting the most "foreign aid" in the world...

So no, you can't just "leave them" they are the UN's adopted child now that got abandoned at birth.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by jpmail

Not really. It is not my concern. I am more concerned about our problems here. Since I support ending ALL foreign aid, you should realize that I do not want the government to do anything about other countries issues. We need to fix our problems now.

I totally agree with this and I am not American. For over 40 years large parts of Africa have received AID yet nothing has changed. Africa is a welfare continent and until they start providing for themselves nothing will change.

Personally I would like to see all AID to every country stopped. I am sure someone will pipe up about how we kept them down used them as cheap labour and so on but I don't care it should not mean that we need to keep feeding, clothing and medicating large parts of Africa for the rest of time.

I could not disgree with you any more. I say the countries that went on to colonize africa raped them of their resources, built dodgy infrustructure and left tyrants in charge when they ran away to still be able to use them as puppets. Spain, france, portugal and Britain hurt africa. I'm just glad that those countries are slowly getting invaded by the people they went to "teach" and are slowly destroying them from the inside. Britain so far has been lucky as they are still getting the most "foreign aid" in the world...

So no, you can't just "leave them" they are the UN's adopted child now that got abandoned at birth.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 04:36 AM
i've orbited the sun for about 33 times by now and there's no single moment in my life i'd recall that there was no famine in africa. i even remember bob geldof's campaign and "we are the world" back in the 80's. sending food, medicine, supplies is a prosthetic solution but still a sign of goodwill nonetheless. but the place needs serious measures to overcome it, provisional aid just can't cope with the dire condition in those countries. they need serious investment, serious education, serious revision in business, production, throughput. the place is like a computer that needs a completely new OS installation. the place needs a fresh start to get out of this vicious circle over the years.


Hunger has swept East Africa this year, spurred by poor rains and rising food prices. The U.N. estimates that 14 million people urgently need food aid, including 2.6 million in Somalia and more than 1 million in Kenya. In Ethiopia, 4.6 million people are at risk, and 75,000 children have severe acute malnutrition. Nearly a quarter-century ago, an outright famine led to Live Aid, an international fund-raising effort promoted by rock stars, which produced an outpouring of global generosity: millions of tons of food flooded into the country. Yet, ironically, that very generosity may have contributed to today's crisis.

Over time, sustained food aid creates dependence on handouts and shifts focus away from improving agricultural practices to increase local food supplies. Ethiopia exemplifies the consequences of giving a starving man a fish instead of teaching him to catch his own. This year the U.S. will give more than $800 million to Ethiopia: $460 million for food, $350 million for HIV/AIDS treatment — and just $7 million for agricultural development. Western governments are loath to halt programs that create a market for their farm surpluses, but for countries receiving their charity, long-term food aid can become addictive. Why bother with development when shortfalls are met by aid? Ethiopian farmers can't compete with free food, so they stop trying. Over time, there's a loss of key skills, and a country that doesn't have to feed itself soon becomes a country that can't. All too often, its rulers use resources elsewhere — Ethiopia has one of Africa's largest armies.

Why do we get aid so wrong? Because it feels so right. "The American people," says U.S. ambassador to Ethiopia Donald Yamamoto, "are simply not going to sit tight while they see children dying." Nor should they: a starving man needs to be saved first, before he can be taught to fish — or farm. But as the world rallies again to Ethiopia's aid, donors face a dilemma. "We're not getting to the real problem," says Yamamoto.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 04:38 AM
Guys, keep in mind muslim africans look out for eachother,what i would do is keep your money for things you are interested in saving. hey fukushima aint doing too well right now and if you think about this logically. whats better saving some africans with no potential to add anything to humanity (technoligcally mostly) or saving some asians whose race just invented poo that tastes like steak. WHICH IN FACT could solve africas food problem, so sht send your money to japan if anything, we need intelligence right now not more mouths.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 04:43 AM
Gosh I live in africa, I don't even like africa or africans for that matter, but saying its not the responsibility of the world when they have such extreme droughts is the most effed up thing I've ever heard.

Its like the American president saying and the rest of the country saying screw florida when hurricane katrina hit. "My local community also needs help".

How selfish can some of you Americans get?

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 04:47 AM

This pretty much sums up my view on the situation.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by sonofliberty1776

"Our" problems? Humanity is ONE species. The problems of one of us are the problems of all of us. Our lives are so short and insignificant that the least humans could do is help one another live happily, healthily and peacefully. There shouldn't be separate governments. There shouldn't be separate laws. All people should follow the same laws, be taught nothing but scientific fact, and be taught to respect all living life forms for they, like us, are the result of billions of years of the Universe in motion, since the beginning of all existence in fact. How differently your opinion would be if YOU had been born into a starving family in Africa, and had to leave your home to avoid being raped and murdered, but you died anyways trying to escape?

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by kykweer

really selfish as a matter of fact.

where is the rest of the world?

oh yeah, been there done that.

biafra anyone?

pics plastered all over of starving kids.

unicef what ever came around we gave.

thoes idiots have to stop killing each other.

sorry, i am more interested in the starving palistinian kids.

sending them dry wall and cement.
edit on 1-8-2011 by fooks because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 04:57 AM
nice video. keep in mind, dying in a war as a martyr is better then starving to death in unbelievably painful amounts of pain. however i have heard first hand accounts of something around 30-60% of money that goes to africa is rediracted to druglords, and corrupt leaders and what not

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 05:07 AM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
This pretty much sums up my view on the situation.

Ah yes, the Biafra civil war. Had forgotten about that one.
Started the trend of massive aid donations from the public. And yes, so effective in helping these poor people get back on their feet... oh wait. No it didnt. The people there are still killing each other and creating a poxy corrupt poverty striken #hole country.

But the video shows Live Aid, 1985.
Nearly 2 billion people worldwide watched and donated hundreds of millions of dollars, and yes, so effective in helping these poor people get back on their feet... oh wait. No it didnt. The people there are still killing each other and creating a poxy corrupt poverty striken #hole country.

edit on 1-8-2011 by alfa1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by fooks

America may be in a lot of debt but they still receive nearly have the wealth in the world, sure they are doing what they can, europe also contributes a lil.

But your suggesting America and europe should keep all the wealth that they have received from the whole world to themselves?

You are suggesting that America run a global dictatorship? Feeding off the poor?

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 05:16 AM
"Having been paid this weekend i have now made a donation to UNICEF UK"

OP, with all due respect, please don't do this again.

In the UK alone for nearly 30 years we've 'donated' EVERY year to Comic Relief, Oxfam appeals, Red Cross, Action Aid, Band Aid, Live Aid all at least 20 odd Million every time they have a 'drive', usually much much more than that. Where has it gone? Arms dealers and corrupted government officials - and to the charities themselves so they can waste it on further marketing. Just don't do it. The British government recently gave 38 million. With that kind of money I could find contractors who would rehouse ALL of the current Sudanese refugees; OK it wouldn't be perfect accommodation but it would be a damn sight better than tents. Where's it gone? With all the accumulated money over this 30 years, in both aid and 'debt relief' Africa should be much more advanced. But it isn't. Ask yourself why. Then when you come up with the answer, ask yourself if you're willing to donate again. I used to donate but then I followed the money and realized that those stick thin kids don't get a damn penny of it I refused to be taken in by this worldwide ponzi for arms deals.

This is why nobody cares about East Africa; it doesn't mean we don't care about the people. Don't scorn others for not wanting to perpetuate a lie and hang onto what little money/resources the government allows us in our own country.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by kykweer
reply to post by fooks

America may be in a lot of debt but they still receive nearly have the wealth in the world, sure they are doing what they can, europe also contributes a lil.

But your suggesting America and europe should keep all the wealth that they have received from the whole world to themselves?

You are suggesting that America run a global dictatorship? Feeding off the poor?

ya, you got a problem wit dat?

like we need their rice.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 05:32 AM
Perhaps the world is finally being consistent with the neo-Darwinian religion that they preach/subscribe to.

- there is no absolute moral right or wrong, just one's opinions vs anothers
- therefore we can't force our beliefs on others (that would be just as bad as those Christians)
- humans are just highly evolved pond scum, why should we care there is no value between them and mold
- survival of the fittest, more resources for the "fittest"
- suffering is not so bad (bad doesn't exist by the way, its just a matter of opinion), the only difference between it and pleasure is different chemical reactions in the brain, we don't get angry over vinegar reacting with baking soda (that would just be silly)

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 05:48 AM
If we were an advanced civilisation in the moral sense - we would be able to solve this problem but we aren't as a human civilisation ready to help our fellow human beings, is it their fault they were born into that situation? - no - I hope in my next life that I am not born into that (famine and war etc) as the rest of the world does not care

As an earlier post said this has been going on for at least 30 years, and in that time nothing seems to have progressed so no wonder everyone is becoming apathetic about it - hopefully the next generation will solve this as this current generation can't or won't

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 05:50 AM
It breaks my heart to see people starving ... aid is sent (or so they claim) and the bad guys intercept the aid for themselves. Sending money doesn't work ... bad guys always get the money. Remember the organization, CARE? When friends were stationed in South Korea and saw first hand what CARE does ... they kept most of the aid for themselves. Seems the bad guys somehow always get the goodies. I know that years ago a lot of money was sent to the president of an African nation for aid for his people ... what does he do? Builds casinos.

I don't see how anyone can just sit by and watch children starve to death. Hillary Clinton wants the U.S. to send the Muslim Brotherhood money to fix Egypt's sewer system. hahahahaha!! Let them fix their own!!! I'm sure I could find better use for that money!!

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by Wirral Bagpuss

I can't speak for everyone but what can we do?
Other than a monetary donation which we hope will reach them, what can we do?
There is out cry and marching in the streets.
To tell you the truth I am not very well off and always a little bit hungry myself.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by Wirral Bagpuss

Are you serious? If you want to help these people stop donating, stop sponsoring children and for god sakes stop caring. Why? Because when enough people die we might reach a point where the population can support itself regardless of dictators, faminie's, wars etc

I am gonna go out and call it equilibrium.
edit on 1-8-2011 by viraldisease because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-8-2011 by viraldisease because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-8-2011 by viraldisease because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 06:13 AM
Maybe if we sent a couple of ships down the Red sea, ships full of food instead of oil ect. Then the pirates in Somalia could hijack them and give the food to the starving people? Or how about the east african warriors sold their weapons and bought tractors an tools to work the land and grow their own food? No thats a silly idea, its better to just rob murder and steal.

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