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Something is just off....

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posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 11:25 AM
I am seeing some of the things you are. And some the exact opposite!
I am in PA. For three years we were the land without a summer. Rainy and cloudy all the time. Only medium heat.
Then last summer was a scorcher! In Feb. I noticed that I thought it was light out later than i thought it should be by about fifteen to twenty minutes. I based this on visibility during my drive home. Now, this summer our plants are huge. Corn should be "knee high by the 4th of July" well, more like chest high here. Our tiger lilies are insanely huge and look like prehistoric plants. We have been in the same house for five years. On July4 we can watch fireworks from the house. It was still light out when they started this year (at the same time as always). That was when my husband finally conceeded that it seems to be light later than it should be because it was never light out when they started before. Granted, I already said we had cloud cover for several years, but the amount of evening light is beyond what I would expect from cloud v. no cloud. We also have mountains to the west so the light should (always has) pretty much be gone shortly after the visible ball has dipped below the mountains. Not this year.
I do think it is odd. But, I actually like our new weather!

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 11:30 AM
So. Even in Australia... I have to assume at this point that it's global. I'm in the middle of Texas, by the way, and I'm never awake early enough to check sunrise, but the nights have been seeming to take a while getting here, and my mom did say her tomatoes were off-schedule.

So something is very definitely happening, but the scientist in me wants to eliminate the literally-impossible options, and it is literally impossible that the earth's axis, rotation, or orbit have changed in any way. Every astronomer on the planet would've committed suicide by now because the coordinates of stars would've changed too. Every plane would crash because its GPS would try to land it, say, half a mile away from the airport. The North Star (Polaris) wouldn't be the North Star anymore. It would be unequivocally impossible to cover it up or keep it hidden, I don't care how much the media tries to distract us. We'd all know about it by now. So it's something else.

Also impossible: the earth's magnetic field having any effect on sunrise/set. Our magnetic poles have been moving all around the place since the earth first cooled, and it's never caused anything like this. So it's not happening because of shifts in either the physical or magnetic poles.

Not sure what else can be eliminated yet. I'm still thinking through this as I type. (ATS is a great sounding board.) The OP's mention of the mysterious loud noises heard all over the world is helpful, though, because it reminded me that Everything Is Connected. Booming "jet engine" noises with no visible cause, mass bird/fish die-offs with no visible cause, changes in our diurnal characteristics with no visible cause, the complete lack of hurricanes this season (which I'll lump in with all "Climate Changes"), and all of it coming at the same time? That ain't coincidence. Could it all be connected, everything from all of that to the collapsing economy and Middle East uprisings and earthquakes in diverse places and the police acting like gang bangers and the very existence of Michelle Bachman? I wonder.

Must... find... common... element... if only I could tear myself away from Casey Anthony! Hey, maybe she's causing all this... (PS: no, I couldn't care less about her trial. People that do care need to get some damn perspective and realize the media is very much not on our side, but they won't. Too far gone.) What does it ALL have in common?

It all affects us, in generally non-positive ways.

Can't think of any other natural commonalities. These events cannot all be being caused by the same naturally-occurring non-man-made phenomenon... therefore, whatever the causative mechanism behind these bursts of weirdness, it ain't natural. Logic is steering me towards "This is all happening because of the actions of human beings." Intentional or not, humanity is why there's sunlight at 4:15 AM and no hurricanes. Humanity is the cause of the vanishing bees. Humanity must by definition be responsible for all events that have no natural cause. Either there are guys out there controlling the weather, creating earthquakes, making our atmosphere more reflective with chemtrails, and using the media they control to try to make us ignore it all... or about a dozen separate unrelated naturally-occurring physical forces of nature all managed to converge on us at once. And that's horse manure.

Someone out there, someone with abilities beyond our understanding, is screwing with us. There's no other conclusion. But who and, more interestingly, why? And why is it that those involved, those causing these things, are keeping it a secret from us? Use everything you've ever heard about, from the Georgia Guidestones to the Club of Rome to Nikola Tesla to Jesus Christ to Satan, when deliberating. The connection is out there somewhere, and it won't be where we expect to find it, so exclude nothing. Sometimes the absurd is where the best answers come from. I mean, nobody believed Pasteur when he started telling stories about invisible monsters that live inside us and cause disease. We now call them "microorganisms." We now accept as fact that which he was ridiculed for proposing.

Never forget that.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 11:42 AM
Well seems most of us are in agreement that something is definitely going on. Makes a change from having others coming into a thread denying or calling it all a hoax, how things change.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by Thought Provoker

I like the way you think. I also prefer to look at things on a scientific level.... give me the calculations!

However, when you say: "...and it is literally impossible that the earth's axis, rotation, or orbit have changed in any way"

Take a look at this and let me know what your thoughts

Now... I pretty much think everything I see or read in the news and on t.v. is a big fat lie. However, why would the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology make such a claim? And two other things I noticed about this is one, many institutes and scientists made the claim but never followed up with any results or impact the shift might have to our environment. The claim was made, end O story. And two, it's not the first time an earthquake of such magnitude caused a shift. If you look at the big picture, a 4 inch shift is nothing compared to the mass of the Earth. Then again, what if it is?

Like your comment on microorganisms, and how I like to remind people that smoking used to be good for them... what we know as fact today will most certainly change tomorrow.

Yes, all things are connected. Again, I agree that the answer to the question is more important than the question itself. Even more important than that, to me, is the answer to "why" is everything like this kept under wraps?

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Skorpiogurl

Okay, yes, every earthquake has some effect on the earth's axis of rotation, but never enough to be an annoyance to astronomers. The North Pole not pointing at Polaris anymore would turn them into astro-lemmings.

Consider something: this quake moves the axis a little this way, then another moves it a little in another direction, and another, and another, and given that the overall total historical distribution of earthquakes the world over has been fairly uniform, happening on all sides of the planet that is, the net effect on the axis of rotation is negligible even with so many accumulated alterations. I promise, swear, avow, and affirm to you that the geometry of earth's march through space has not changed significantly enough to make the sunrise an hour early, and any scientist who proposes such a theory should be laughed out of his pedigree. This isn't another Pasteur situation, where I'm just being closed-minded and set in my status quo; this is hard physical fact. Let's put it this way: if the earth's axial inclination is off enough to change sunrise/set, then the entire planet is encased in a hologram that's fooling us into thinking nothing has changed. QED.

But if someone used chemtrails to surround the earth in a reflective sphere for some reason, and someone's using Whatever to create earthquakes, and someone's controlling hurricanes, and someone's rigging elections, and someone's ruining economies, and someone's profiting off suffering, and someone's dictating what the media tells us, and someone's spreading diseases so they can "vaccinate" every living soul with Whatever, and someone's fracking most of the earth's surface, and someone's dumping millions of barrels of Corexit into the millions of barrels of oil in the Gulf, and someone's designing nuclear power plants on the coast of an ocean but making them vulnerable to tsunamis, and someone's fomenting rebellion in every Arab country, and someone's deliberately under-educating kids (they're easier to control that way), then we need to be looking at SOMEONE when looking for the cause. Not Elenin, not natural processes, not even God.

This is all, somehow, Man's doing, even if it's through supernatural (or super-technological) means. It might be Voldemort trying to destroy all the Muggles, but it ain't Nature. We need to find Voldemort and take him out... or we're all dead eventually.

Okay, back to CNN, everyone. I'm sure there's some.... sporting event or something that requires your rapt attention. To distraction! Clink.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by Thought Provoker

Okay, okay... nicely stated. And again, I agree with what you've said here. I don't think you're being closed minded, I just have to look at all of the options, even the ones I don't agree with, before I can decide which way to go on something hey?

Maybe we should move this to the secret society forum?

Sticks and stones and yeah, distractions... everyone look over here, quick!!!!!!! pay no attention to the man in the corner...

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by Skorpiogurl
reply to post by Thought Provoker
Maybe we should move this to the secret society forum?

Or maybe that is the problem. We have fora where people talk about politics, fora where people talk about religion, fora where people discuss earthquakes, fora where people whisper about conspiracies, fora dedicated to discussions about fora... metafora...... wow, I think I coined a new word. Anyway, what we need is to bring everyone and everything and every fact and every bit of wisdom contained within the human race into one virtual forum where everything can be discussed at once. Only then can answers and solutions arise. But of course, the trolls would come and ruin it all. We just can't have anything nice. I wonder why they don't realize they're in just as much danger as the rest of us? (And that, too, is a fact that must be considered.) We need a Deep Thought computer so every symptom and observance and measurement and location and opinion can be collated into one Master Data Object; after that, it'd be effortless to find whoever's doing all this crap. I'll see if IBM will loan me Watson for a month or so...

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by Thought Provoker

I've been reading all of these posts with interests, and it's refreshing to watch a productive discussion unfold without the tension of "I'm I'm right" back and forth.

In response to you, Thought Provoker, I completely see where you're coming from. I'm a web data analyst, and I work with HUGE amounts of data everyday, and very comfortable working in that capacity. However...knowing from personal wouldn't be clear who or what was at fault. All you have there is data overload...and as many ways to interpret the data as there are people on the planet.

Even if by miracle a consensus was reached, then the question would come down to: "Now what action do we take, and who gets to decide?" And that would also have lots of personal preference. I totally understand your frustration and need to know, as well as feeling that if you had more and complete information then you'd (we'd) finally (FINALLY) have some answers. (That's what makes a good analyst...why?....Why?....WHY? )

One of my personal lessons from 11 years of being a data analyst has been that, no matter how much information and hard data I can get my hands doesn't actually give me any more control over my circumstances. It doesn't make me feel any more secure about what's happening in my place of work, in my home, or anywhere in my life. All I truly have control over is my reaction to what does happen... and that comes from inside of me.

I know...that's hokey as hell. But, it's been especially helpful in this day and age. Too much is happening at too fast a pace. Data alone is not going to be what saves us, or helps us, or gives us peace. I still look. I'm still fascinated at what is happening. I'm still curious as to what it all means and where it's going. I still read and discuss it. But, I've had to let go of thinking & feeling like I have actual control over it.

Totally fascinating thread by the way. Besides other things that have already been brought up, all I can add at the moment is that I've noticed how dry the leaves are on many of the trees. From a distance, they look like they're trying to turn red/brown as if it's Fall. But when I actually go look at them up close I see that they are actually brown and dry. And it's not all of the leaves, just the top part of some of the leaves. The two trees outside of my bedroom window have half of the leaves dried up dead and crunchy and the rest are green and look perfectly healthy. (I'm east of Seattle)

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 09:00 PM
Oks it is now 2:58am in the morning and I just looked outside my window, and it is getting light already. I myself find this rather bizzare to say the least. This time last year it was pitch black,

Any have any thought on this.

edit on 13-7-2011 by Laurauk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by Laurauk

03:04 here - and i see twilight - thats normal - get a grip

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

Excuse me stop being flippant. There is general concerns amongst members who have commented on this thread. With regards to the changes which are happening on this planet. An I can see you are trying to bait, it will not work.
edit on 13-7-2011 by Laurauk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Laurauk

yes - i am being flipant - because you are clearly so utterly clueless - and no i am not " baiting " you

time here - now 03:51

still twilight

still nothing wrong - the only people who are " concerned " are the mongs from the ` coalition of the clueless `

heres a hint - later today , or friday - go to the reference section of your local library and ask to see an almanac

and actually look up what the predicted sunrise time for the uk is - and the periods of twilight

then check the publication date

having done all that - ask yourself how " they " managed to publish the correct sunrise time - not twilight periods - but when the sun actually rises

PS - all sunrise times assume a flat horison - if you have hills to the east of you - the sun will rise later - and obviously if you live on a mountain top it will appear early

i shouldnt need to tell you this - but i suspect its nessecary

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

And your more clueless than I am, as I stated at that time last year, this did not happen. Is why I found it odd. You can bait all you want I am not falling for someone who goes out their way to demoralise other members on ATS, as you have the reputation of doing so.

I will stick by what I have previously posted, something is definitely not right with the way change are happening on this planet. If you cannot see this, then your the biggest fool in here. You may think this is a personal attack, you done the exact same thing tome. Now where is that ignore button.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by Laurauk

well - just for you - and the others in the coalition of the clueless - i started a thread this morning


the sun is rising at the correct time and in the corect place i dont care what you THINK happened last year - because all evidence indicates you are wrong

PS - are you going to look up the sunrise times in a print source that predates last year ? or just runaway whinneing about how skeptics abused you ?

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by Laurauk

Laurauk: Thanks for taking the time to notice these small things and add to this discussion

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

Hmmmm... not sure what to say about that. Typically if I don't agree with a comment or topic, idea, suggestion or whatever I just keep my mouth shut and move on. But anyway... you are right, the sun rises and sets at the indicated times. Except for the couple of mornings a week that I wake up to actual sun shining in my windows at 4:30 a.m. Oh well, perhaps I'll sleep with sunglasses on going forward

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by Skorpiogurl

My husband and I were looking at the astrological calendar and around this time the moon was going void of course a lot - for longer periods that usual.
I had meant to post this bit of infor but lost the thread. A VOC moon, we believe, make things feel really stuck and off. It wasn't long back it seemed like it was more VOC than it was in sign.

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by Thought Provoker

Agreed! Let me know how you make out with IBM...

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Skorpiogurl
And something else that is interesting... If anyone happens to read the thread in Fragile Earth about the strange noise in the sky, great video and sound btw, I researched this some and similar to the issue with time being off, people from all over the world are also questioning this noise that has no point of origin. And to further complicate things
I read a bunch of comments from people saying something to the effect of: "Time is off somehow and recently every day at the same time I have been experiencing strange noises from the sky" (general quote).

Maybe the two are related somehow.

I found someone who had the following theories on the time issue: Please keep in mind that the theories below do not represent my personal belief or opinion, I just found it interesting and wanted to share...

First, everything in life (as we know it) follows the Golden Mean, Phi, 1.61803. It can be represented with the fibonacci sequence spiral. If everything follows the Golden Mean, time does as well, or our perception of it at least. If 2012 is point-zero, that would mean it is located at the zero-point of th fibonacci sequence, which is virtually a point of infinity. If we go back the spiral, values become bigger, and in our case, time is decelerating. That would be right to say time is speeding up, or rather compressing on itself, as we move towards 2012.

Second theory: The schumann's Resonance is the heart-beat of Earth. It has been the same for million of years (or so we think), but it has been dramatically rising for 10 years now. It is very unusual. It is said it is speeding our perception of everything, including time, and that today, 24 hours feel like 16.

The noise and the axis being tilted further than it should be are definitely related if you put Elenin in the centre of the picture. The volcanos the earthquakes need I go on. But that is only the start. Of things being off. On this page is the good cop bad cop routine, you girls being bullied. Though you can take it. They dont want a mass panic. A word to the wise however ; put the comet dead centre and it all makes sense ; Zionism , everything. Also you have 0 minutes to comply.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 07:59 PM
I'm going to go against the grain in this thread as I always seem to do. I'm in Glasgow, been on this earth for 40 years and since my teens when I started getting into pubs / clubs and being thrown out of them in early hours of the morning, or just sitting out in the park all night and now I get to see twilight in the morning because I have an odd sleeping pattern. In all this time I have never ever recalled anything unusual in the rising or setting of the sun. It can be light-ish all night here, not quite as light as the far north and it can be twilight one minute and the next thing you know the sun is peeping over the horizon. I can't speak for any other city but if sunrise is what I perceive as being normal here then it stands to reason that it should be normal the world over.

As for plants / veggies / fruits we had a slightly late start to summer. Spring came with a bang for a couple of weeks in March / April when we had a mini heatwave giving plants a good start but then with the weather turning cooler again into late May and a terribly wet June (which is usually one of our better summer months) we probably had plant growth slow a bit. I always go by the cherry trees and they had their crop done and dusted a couple of weeks ago, just a week or two later than normal. One thing that I will say that suprised me is on a car journey on Monday we passed maybe 3 or 4 fields of corn which is a crop that I've never seen here, usually too wet and not quite warm enough so in my mind this is testament to warmer weather (dont want to say global warming) that we appear to be getting in the long run.

I understand people like to see the unusual in things but sometimes we need to find the practical or omit the practical before we seek out the strange. Not everything in life can be "weird" and I dont care how many people say that things are "weird" or out of whack, until I see hard solid evidence backing up the "weird" I shall stick to what I see every day and have done for years.
edit on 19-7-2011 by Ficargul because: Missed part of paragraph.

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