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Men and Child support. What is the answer?

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posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 01:20 AM

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer People
The Socialist Party recognizes the human and civil rights of all, without regard to sexual orientation.

1. We call for the end of all anti-gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBTQ) restrictions in law and the work place, the repeal of all sodomy laws, and the legalization of same-sex marriage.

2. We call on all schools to adopt policies and procedures to address and prevent student violence and to ban discrimination against GLBTQ people throughout the educational system.

3. We call for a federal ban on all forms of job discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

4. We are committed to confronting the heterosexism that provides the fertile ground for homophobic violence, and support all efforts toward fostering understanding and cooperation among persons and groups of differing sexual orientations.

People of Color
The Socialist Party recognizes the intimate link between racism and capitalism and demands the elimination of all forms of discrimination in housing, jobs, education, health care, etc. We are committed to the creation of a pluralistic society that defends and promotes a multicultural/multiethnic presence in both the public and private spheres. The Socialist Party rejects the social construction of race and we commit ourselves to the eradication of racism.

1. We strongly support affirmative action, civil rights, and anti-discrimination laws and programs to end institutional racism.

2. We call for reparations from the federal government for its role in the slave trade and the genocide of Native American nations, with the reparations programs administered by the oppressed communities themselves.

3. We support the efforts of people of color to self-defense, self-determination, and to organize independently for their liberation.

4. We oppose all efforts to declare English an official language, and call for an end to all language discrimination. We demand that all public and private institutions provide services and materials in the languages of their communities.

5. We call for enforcement of Native American treaty rights, support for tribal schools and colleges, living wages on Native American reservations, and democratization of power and wealth in tribal governments.

6. We call for strict legal penalties for the police practice of racial profiling, and we particularly condemn the targeting of Arabs and Muslims since September 11.

7. We demand an end to police brutality and all forms of harassment against people of color and ethnic minorities.

People with Disabilities
The Socialist Party recognizes the human and civil rights of all, without regard to physical or psychological differences. We deplore media stereotypes that focus on a person's disability rather than on their strengths and abilities, and the physical and social barriers that prevent the full participation by people with disabilities in vital spheres of life.

1. We call for full enforcement of all sections of the Americans with Disabilities Act so that all public and private buildings, facilities, and modes of transportation are accessible to disabled people, and every effort is made to employ persons with disabilities.

2. We oppose any effort to limit the protections of the Americans with Disabilities Act by restricting the definition of who is considered a person with a disability, and we call for an amendment to the act that would permit punitive damages for the complainants in ADA cases.

3. We call for enforcement of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that mandates equal employment practices and physical accessibility for entities receiving federal funding; and call for the removal of the prohibition against the right of private action presently contained in Section 504.

4. We call for full funding for a network of support for people with physical, mental, and developmental disabilities, including home assistance, recreation centers, guaranteed income, voting access, and quality control in residential facilities; and for the inclusion of people with disabilities on all local and state governing boards and commissions.

5. We call for the continuation of full Social Security benefits for people with disabilities who are able to work part-time, and affirmative action quotas for hiring people with disabilities at union wages.

6. We oppose any efforts of the federal government to further limit access to SSDI (Supplemental Security Disability Income Insurance) by restricting their definitions of who is considered a person with a disability..

7. We call for the full funding of high-quality education and training programs for people with disabilities, and an expansion of the Individuals With Disabilities In Education Act (IDEA) which would include greater funding for the hiring of paraprofessionals in public schools.

8. We call for an amendment of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) to include a prohibition against the denial of credit based on disability.

The Socialist Party recognizes the right of seniors to a dignified life, free from economic hardship, social isolation, and discrimination in employment and credit. Sufficient income, housing, health care, medication, and access to social services must be guaranteed to all elders.

1. We oppose the privatization of the Social Security system and the use of Social Security trust funds for any other purpose, such as offsetting the federal deficit.

2. We demand that the Social Security system remain entirely within the public sector, with funding derived from a steeply graduated income tax on all income, earned and unearned.

3. We call for the inclusion of all state and local government workers within the Social Security System.

4. We call for the right of retirement at age 55 a minimum annual retirement income of $25,000, tax free, and protected from inflation by cost of living increases.

5. We call for a cap on Social Security benefits so that no beneficiary receives more than three times the income of those receiving the minimum.

6. We support an increase in home service, including home-delivered quality meals and the provision of personal aid devices and physical therapy, so that older people can remain independent in their homes and community.

7. We call for jobs and training for seniors who do not wish to retire.

8. We support the formation of publicly funded and democratically controlled senior centers that provide opportunities for social and recreational activities and community involvement.

9. We call for the election of advocates and ombudspersons by assemblies of seniors and caregivers to ensure the protection of residents’ rights in nursing homes and a stimulating environment in group and nursing home situations.

10. We support hospice care, and a person's right to die with dignity in a manner of their choosing.

The Socialist Party is a socialist feminist organization that recognizes that a struggle against habitual male dominance and patriarchy must go hand in hand with any struggle against capitalism. Therefore, we pledge our opposition to all forms of sexism, and demand equality in all aspects of life.

1. We demand full support for every woman's right to choose when, if, and how to have children, including the right to free abortion on demand at any stage of pregnancy, without interference or coercion. Clinics providing abortion services must have the full protection of the law.

2. We call for the repeal of the Hyde Amendment and all other legislation that limits access to abortion services, thus denying "the right to choose" to millions of women, particularly low-income women, women of color, and young women. We demand full reproductive freedom for all women by removing all discriminating barriers to reproductive rights and reproductive health care.

3. We call for the banning of all involuntary sterilizations. We oppose the performing of any medical research or medical procedure without a woman's full knowledge and consent.

4. We demand that local governments place a priority on preventing violence toward women, with coordinated programs to educate, provide shelter for women and children, and vigorously protect women from their abusers.

5. We call for the decriminalization of prostitution and demand that sex workers, just like all women workers, are guaranteed a full range of health, social, and legal services; and working conditions free from harassment, violence, and exploitation

6. We call for 16 months paid leave to be shared by new parents or in its entirety by a single parent, and the expansion and full-funding of high-quality child care facilities.

7. We support comprehensive educational and training opportunities, comparable worth laws, and affirmative action for women. We believe that women should be able to enter any occupation they choose, without hindrance.

8. We believe that women should be free to improve their working lives through unions and other organizations, and that work at home, including child care, should be shared to enable women to fully participate in society.

9. We call for organizational structure based on mutual consideration and respect, rotating leadership, gender balance, and processes that welcome and enable open and equitable participation in discussion and decision-making.

The Socialist Party believes that the right of all children to nurturing, protection, and education by caring adults must be staunchly upheld, and that a young person does not have fewer rights because he or she is a minor. Therefore, we believe that all Constitutional and human rights belonging to older people belong to younger people as well, and must be defended with equal vigor and determination

1) We support the immediate ratification by the United States of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

2) We call for children's allowances that will help ensure that every child's basic rights and needs are satisfied in a stimulating, empowering, and caring environment.

3. We support free, quality care and education for all children and young people, federally financed and community controlled through democratically elected local boards that will include youth members.

4. We support the rights of minors to be free of any kind of child abuse or neglect whether physical, mental, emotional, or sexual.

5. We oppose measures that increase responsibilities and penalties on youth ostensibly to curb crime.

6. We call for an end to military draft registration, and an end to military recruiting in educational institutions.

7. We call for the abolition of parent consent and notification laws for reproductive health services, including abortion.

8. We call for the right to comprehensive sex education in school that includes birth control methods, STD protection, and information about being GLBTQ.

9. We call for the lowering of the voting age to 15

10. We oppose age-based curfew laws.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

Glancing over that list I can see things I agrre with and things I don't. But you are far off topic now. Start a socialism thread.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by CobraCommander

I am posting the ideology that took your child away from you as we speak. WAKE THE HELL UP!

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by thehoneycomb
reply to post by CobraCommander

I am posting the ideology that took your child away from you as we speak. WAKE THE HELL UP!

No child was taken from me.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by CobraCommander

Well then, I have armed you with the knowledge to not ever let it happen to you.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by thehoneycomb
reply to post by CobraCommander

Well then, I have armed you with the knowledge to not ever let it happen to you.

Son, you have armed no one with anything. You marched into a thread trying to spout a political agenda that has nothing to do with practical solutions.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 02:03 AM
I can assure you that I am not here for political reasons, I have been stripped of all my pride and forget everything that I own it is worthless. If I am only here to push a political agenda then I am a fool.

It may take some time for this to sink in and it will undoubtedly, I do not expect it to happen tonight. But in peace we are friends and if we are at war we are enemies and you can count your blessings as they come, but if you f# w my family you are definitely my enemy, I am not calling you an enemy but simply drawing a line in the sand and if you choose to cross it then I will hope thaat you have a firm reliance on divine providence and know exactly where you stand.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 02:07 AM
For those who are reading tonight please repost the points made on pages 69 and 70. I try to do my part and share what I have learned but in no means am I the authority, I just hope that this information can be useful to struggling fathers such as myself and my brothers ans sisters as well..Goodnight.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by thehoneycomb
I can assure you that I am not here for political reasons, I have been stripped of all my pride and forget everything that I own it is worthless. If I am only here to push a political agenda then I am a fool.

It may take some time for this to sink in and it will undoubtedly, I do not expect it to happen tonight. But in peace we are friends and if we are at war we are enemies and you can count your blessings as they come, but if you f# w my family you are definitely my enemy, I am not calling you an enemy but simply drawing a line in the sand and if you choose to cross it then I will hope thaat you have a firm reliance on divine providence and know exactly where you stand.

Drunk posting.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by CobraCommander

You got me there!

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 02:48 AM

Men and Child support. What is the answer?

Keep it in your pants!!!

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

Lol, cheers fellow traveler. I just went to the store for a beer, and got hit by the drunk bus. How's that for irony.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 05:54 AM
Listen to this women.

Carol Rhodes exposes the corrupt child support agencies

Edit to add...

This video was taken in 2007,four freakin years ago!

There shouldn`t be another day with this system.This is proof as well that the MSM is controlled,all you ever hear about is dead beat dads and those that commit murder suicide etc.

Years ago when this affected myself suicide rates for men were higher than the nations road toll and probably still is today.Also some of the nations road toll could be through men commiting suicide.Though we would never hear that through the MSM but drive safe adverts have always been on here in Australia as far back as I can remember.

edit on 12-6-2011 by gps777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 09:03 AM
Thanks for posting that video.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by Annee
The minute your zipper went down - - you became 50% responsible.

That's called biology.

50% responsible for a lump of tissue that the woman can unilaterally throw in the garbage.

If a man doesn't want a child he should pay half the cost of an abortion, nothing more.

Only the woman's unilateral choice can create a child.

When you make a unilateral choice you become 100% resonsible for the results.

That's called being an adult. Only petulant little brats expect someone else to pay for the results of their own unilateral choices.

edit on 12-6-2011 by SevenBeans because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by CaDreamer

I don't know how you feel, can only imagine...but i am sympathetic to your situations!

I have been a single mother since i was 19! He completely changed the day our son was born and took off on us a few weeks later...i think he was just scared when he finally looked into his eyes and realized how much the child was relying on him!

Needless to say we were friends still but he would pop in and out whenever it was convenient...$5.00 here and $5.00 there in support payments. When our son was 2.5years old he was put in jail for violation of probation...and then committed suicide a week before his release(i never understood this...and have always felt it was a very selfish thing to do). This tore me apart! And knowing that our son would never know his father or get to do things with his father, has just been completely devastating to me(and our son) ever since!

My point being....My son is 13 now...I CAN ONLY WISH that his father was alive so that i didn't have to answer all these questions he has...this has tore him up more then anything in his whole life! Over the years i have watched these girls be complete a**es to the fathers with the child support, i mean some deserved it, but these were woman that had great fathers for their children and they themselves were the ones chasing away the father, or useing the child against the father and spending the support on themselves instead of what the child needs (and believe me these children did need a lot of stuff) and living off the system....partying...ect. I felt so bad for these kids!

My aunt decided to not tell anyone who the father of her oldest son was until Social services FINALLY got her then it had been like 12 years....then when the guy found out,.....he wanted everything to do with this kid! Then don't she take him to court for child support because social services made her and then they went back to the day the child was born for back support...I just couldn't believe this and then guess what....the father backed away!

I also see your point with support in your thread....but woman could be more considerate of the fathers of their children! Yes i agree there probably should be a deduction cause most woman aren't like i! Like one gentlemen had stated they have four children...OKAY....until this year you could only really claim two and get actual credit for it, so why isn't the mother letting the father claim the other two?! She just on her high horse and being hateful...i mean as long as he is doing everything he can to help her out and make sure the kids have everything they need why not?!

I do have to ask with men who are paying child day care with their support can't you claim/get a deduction on that?

And for the woman that do what they are suppose to be doing with the monies....i do want to point out (i guess this is depending on the fathers wage though) It costs A LOT more to take care of children that actually live with you full time, then PT!! BUT i also know men that have great jobs and have to pay ridiculous amounts of money just for one child!!!!

I do think something needs to be done because OBVIOUSLY no one can have compassion for anyone anymore in this world when it comes to ex-relationships...there is always some one in the EX relationship that has to be an A*s and its very rare that it isn't that way!

I also think that the government butting their noses into families and snip all the time is what is driving familys apart and has alot to do with it!

My biggest pet peeve is seeing some guy that took off out of state leaving his children run off with some woman he met on the internet type crap and then decide taking care of her kids is what is more important then taking care of his own...and then re-appearing eight years later on his high horse demanding things and trying to have a say.... that makes me want to vomit!

So lots to think about/read there....sorry for rambling on. My main point was that Woman should just be happy that their children HAVE a father to begin with and let the child decide for themselves how they feel about that parent...cause how would you feel looking into your childs eyes every single day and seeing his pain inside and the depression because a piece of him is missing and he will never ever find it...EVER...and there is absolutely nothing that you can do to take their pain away..... all he can do is hopefully sooner or later is learn to cope with it and move on.

PS. again sorry for rambling!

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by dizzie_lizzie79
reply to post by CaDreamer

I do have to ask with men who are paying child day care with their support can't you claim/get a deduction on that?

No, Non-Custodial Fathers aren't allowed any deductions. To make matters worse Child Support comes out before taxes, but non-custodial's have to also pay the tax on the child support.

Originally posted by dizzie_lizzie79
reply to post by CaDreamer

My biggest pet peeve is seeing some guy that took off out of state leaving his children run off with some woman he met on the internet type crap

I think that is mostly projection. The whole "/tears husband ran away for his secretary" is mostly BS lies made up by feminist's and Hollywood to justify the current child support paradigm. When in reality women are by and large far MORE likely to divorce their partner for a newer younger model and much,much more likely to "meet someone new online and run away". So much so that I have to ask you if you yourself ever done this to a person, because your assertion reeks of self projection.

Child support is slavery. Those involved in it(receiving it) are slave masters and will be judged as such.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by CaDreamer

A legal obligation to help another person for nothing in return is slavery. Fathers therefore have a right to abandon their children. If other people cared so much about them, they'd take over where the father left off. Its so high and mighty of people to force people to take care of children when they them self would offer exactly zero to the cause.

If that were not the case, and fathers actually were right to be forced into slavery, then the system is still none the less entirely corrupt and immoral. Why? The money isn't going to the children! Its going to the mother who clearly spends the money flagrantly in many cases. The way it should work is that the mother buys something, and then the father re-reimburses the money if its something going to the kids that is actually *needed*.

For example... the mother buys groceries. Okay, she pays one third and the father re-imburses the other 2/3rds because that is what the mother has spent on the children. And as for the shelter, the father should pay only for the cost of the additional bedroom needed for the children. He can also re-imburse the actual cost of clothing, up to a reasonable point like $250 per year per child. This is just an example of an idea of what a non-barbaric system may look like... obviously its never going to happen so I'm not going to argue the details.

The idea of sending someone to jail over not paying owed money is a barbaric debtors prison. People who advocate for it are the ones who belong in prison! Personally if I was divorced I wouldn't in all likelyhood be sending a dime to my ex-wife because that isn't who the money is supposed to go to. I'd offer to re-imburse for selected expenses and maybe go a step further than necessarily and help with more than just an extra bedroom or two if she couldn't get any housing. But any more than that and I'd straight up move out of the country because I am morally opposed to slavery and don't see how its much different than the 1700's when people owned blacks as slaves.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by korathin

Originally posted by dizzie_lizzie79
reply to post by CaDreamer

Originally posted by dizzie_lizzie79
reply to post by CaDreamer

My biggest pet peeve is seeing some guy that took off out of state leaving his children run off with some woman he met on the internet type crap

I think that is mostly projection. The whole "/tears husband ran away for his secretary" is mostly BS lies made up by feminist's and Hollywood to justify the current child support paradigm. When in reality women are by and large far MORE likely to divorce their partner for a newer younger model and much,much more likely to "meet someone new online and run away". So much so that I have to ask you if you yourself ever done this to a person, because your assertion reeks of self projection.

Child support is slavery. Those involved in it(receiving it) are slave masters and will be judged as such.

NO! I have not done this myself! I would not state such a thing if i had! I have a sister in law who's ex-husband did this..thank you very much...she was devastated! Its been over eight years since...and she has just finally moved on!
If you even read my post thoroughly you would of seen the fact that my oldest sons father is Deceased...thank you very much and the father of my other two i am am still with...we struggle sometimes with our relationship...but you know what....we love our children way too much to give up on our Love and our LOVE has NEVER been in question and never will be as far as i can see it because we both are people that talk out our problems and find ways to resolve them instead of just simply giving up on our family!! Even if something did happen between us...i would not have an issue with letting him claim at least one one the children as long as he was doing that part! So your whole hatred for woman pal....doesn't fly with me because i am not the Hoe bags that your referring too, maybe you should learn to be a better judge of character when it comes to woman...thank you very much!

Let me ask you something! Do you expect to have children and not help raise them?? From most of the men i have seen on here have absolutely no problem with is the fact of how much they are being kicked in the A*s for! I agree with them! A lot of men that are working their tails off to provide for their children AND themselves are paying way to much! But there are also men that just DO NOT GIVE A SNIP!!! I think this whole paying a certain percentage of your pay checks is NON sense!!! It should be based more along the lines of HALF of the average cost a month to care for a child...NOT a percentage!!

Does anyone get what i am trying to say here?
Why am i the bad guy? I am agreeing with most! I am also just stating facts that i know of and have observed over the past 13 years or more! And also the fact that woman should be more then happy with your child HAVING and KNOWING their DAD's!
edit on 13-6-2011 by dizzie_lizzie79 because: had to add to it, and mis spell

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by civilchallenger

The money isn't going to the children! Its going to the mother who clearly spends the money flagrantly in many cases.

I am living dirt poor and the old bitty up north is living like she is a queen. She has three different dudes paying her child support. LJ01 was played for a fool..

It's alright, it all comes full circle at some point and time.

I forgot to add that the state charges $3 a month for fees. It is a seperate charge that I tend to forget about(to say the least). I owe them $350 by July 1st or I am being held in contempt. I have the money, barely...but I am going to take my sweet time.

I am paying child support though.

edit on 13-6-2011 by liejunkie01 because: (no reason given)

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