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Massive Protests in Spain - Live Stream

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posted on May, 22 2011 @ 02:13 AM
Oh, and let's not forget directly from the horse's mouth...

The Road to Socialism USA:
Unity for Peace, Democracy, Jobs and Equality
Download PDF version

2.Capitalism, Exploitation, and Oppression
1.Capitalism in the Era of Monopoly and Imperialism
2.Internationalization of Economic Life, Transnationals, and Capitalist Globalization
3.the World Balance of Forces
4.Present Features of Capitalism
3.The Working Class, Class Struggle, Democratic Struggle, and Forces for Progress
1.The Working Class and Trade Union Movement
2.Democratic Struggle and its Relation to Class Struggle
3.Special Oppression and Exploitation
4.Multiracial, Multinational Unity for Full Equality and Against Racism -- Core Forces for Progress
5.Additional Social Forces for Progress
4.Unity Against the Ultra-Right
1.The Ultra-Right
2.The More Realistic Trend
3.Defeating the Ultra-Right
5.Building the Anti-Monopoly Coalition
1.An Anti-Monopoly Program
2.A Labor-led People's Party
3.The Left in the Anti-Monopoly Coalition
4.The Immediate Transition to Working People's Power
6.Bill of Rights Socialism in the U.S.A.
7.The Role of the Communist Party

LET THE WORKERS UNITE!!!.... Right?... Come back to us when ONCE AGAIN all they deliver are empty promises and instead more oppression and injustices are done..."in the name of the workers and/or the people"...

Been there and done that...thanks but no thanks.

The younger generations of today don't know the damage that these movements made to the world. We are seeing it today, yet the same talking points and the same claims are being made today and again the younger generations who have no experienced this before are falling for it, and the NWO elites are counting on this exactly.

edit on 22-5-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 02:22 AM
And if you watch, and listen to the video given by one member, here they are giving EXACTLY THE SAME TALKING POINTS as older social/socialist democratic parties/movements, together with "Progressives" gave back in the 1910s-1960s...

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by sevensheeps
Where have you people been? Friends of me are there and they are smashing some windows and cops are beating up some people for no reason.

After the "arabic spring", I hope we have a nice "Spanish Summer", or even better, an "European Summer"!

could there be an "American Fall" ?? oops...that sounds a little ominous....

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by DarthPhobos

Originally posted by Watts
What's goin on in the world??

The real revolution worldwide started a long time ago, unfortunatly the US of America & its lamp dog follower countries like us here in the UK & france arnt being told about it, looks like were late to the party again, keep squabbling about border issue's, heath care systems, royal weddings & what ever else keeps the public bickering while your president & our prime minister continues to pilvage our rights & finances from under our eyes, the rest of the world has had enough, unfortunatly we might be still in denial & perhaps a little slow. As most of the Elite live amongst us, its in their benifit to keep the population preoccupied with Osama news, IMF leader news, royal tours & other politicial nonsense, keep looking in this direction & you wont notice whats going on over there
edit on 21-5-2011 by DarthPhobos because: (no reason given)

Australia needs one.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:11 AM
I'm in Spain, Barcelona.

Today is election day here. These elections are not for Presidency, but municipality (everywhere) and autonomous community (in some regions). "Autonomous community" is a political division more or less similar to "states" in US or "countries" in UK.

Things are going peacefully. Demonstrators are still sitting on the squares across the country, there are 20.000 at Puerta del Sol in Madrid (which has been taken as the symbolic heart of the movement and is in fact the place where it all began). There's people sitting in all major capitals, Barcelona, Seville, Palma de Mallorca, Valencia, Malaga, Salamanca, Córdoba, Granada...

These are not anti-austerity protests. It's a lot more than that. The protest is focused on the system as a whole: democracy has been somehow subtracted from the people by the political parties.

The thing is that this is a general feeling across the country. Surveys made throughout the country have been placing "Political Parties" (as a whole) as the third reason of disgust for the average Spanish, just right after unemployment (which is at the 20%, 5 million people) and the economic crisis.

These people are actively calling for a Real Democracy, and the looks and mechanisms of this Real Democracy are being discussed and planned in these squares.

It seems there are 600 cities across the World following this movement.

EDIT: I forgot to add one interesting thing, in sociological terms.

Spanish society is -as many others- "complicated" because being Spain the addition of several Middle Age Kingdoms and having gone through a Civil War 80 years ago, there have been nationalist feelings and claims in some corners of the country for a long long times.

This movement has even wiped out those feelings. That's more than interesting, it's important because gives idea (at least for a Spanish citizen) of the DEPTH of this movement. It's totally social. A peaceful riot of the citizens all over, non-echoeing their national feeling, wherever this might be rooted.

edit on 22-5-2011 by AboveTheTrees because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 07:47 AM
There are some very nice High resolution photos (44 photos) to watch here:

A Defiant 'Spanish Revolution'

Since May 15, residents of many cities around Spain have been demonstrating against the country's ongoing financial crisis, its politicians, and its bankers. The spontaneous protests are the largest since the country plunged into recession in 2008, and they're made up mainly of young people who have set up camps in main squares across the country. Called "los indignados" (the indignant), the May 15 Movement, or simply 15-M, they are fueled by frustration with austerity measures, apparent indifference from politicians, and serious joblessness. Spain's unemployment rate for those under 25 stood at 43.5 percent as of February -- the highest youth unemployment rate in the 27-nation European Union.

Cred for the link goes to our ATS member xavi1000 who posted the photo-link here:

Very nice High resolution photos!

edit on 22-5-2011 by Chevalerous because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 09:49 AM
BTW, been warning about this for some time now. Even though a lot of the protestors really want something good out of this, what the global elites want is nothing new.

Published on 12-10-2009

By Jurriaan Maessen

“The governments of Europe, the United States, and Japan are unlikely to negotiate a social-democratic pattern of globalization – unless their hands are forced by a popular movement or a catastrophe, such as another Great Depression or ecological disaster“

Richard Sandbrook, Closing the Circle: Democratization and Development in Africa, Zed Books limited, London, 2000.

A 1991 policy paper prepared for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) by self-described ‘ecosocioeconomist’ professor Ignacy Sachs outlines a strategy for the transfer of wealth in name of the environment to be implemented in the course of 35 to 40 years. As it turns out, it is a visionary paper describing phase by phase the road to world dictatorship. As the professor states in the paper:

“To be meaningful, the strategies should cover the time-span of several decades. Thirty-five to forty years seems a good compromise between the need to give enough time to the postulated transformations and the uncertainties brought about by the lengthening of the time-span.“

In his paper “The Next 40 Years: Transition Strategies to the Virtuous Green Path: North/South/East/Global“, Sachs accurately describes not only the intended time-span to bring about a global society, but also what steps should be taken to ensure “population stabilization”:

“In order to stabilize the populations of the South by means other than wars or epidemics, mere campaigning for birth control and distributing of contraceptives has proved fairly inefficient.“

In the first part of the (in retrospect) bizarrely accurate description of the years to come, Sachs points out redistribution of wealth is the only viable path towards population stabilization and- as he calls it- a “virtuous green world”. The professor:

“The way out from the double bind of poverty and environmental disruption calls for a fairly long period of more economic growth to sustain the transition strategies towards the virtuous green path of what has been called in Stockholm ecodevelopement and has since changed its name in Anglo-Saxon countries to sustainable development.”

“(…) a fair degree of agreement seems to exist, therefore, about the ideal development path to be followed so long as we do not manage to stabilize the world population and, at the same time, sharply reduce the inequalities prevailing today.”

“The bolder the steps taken in the near future”, Sachs asserts, “the shorter will be the time span that separates us from a steady state. Radical solutions must address to the roots of the problem and not to its symptoms. Theoretically, the transition could be made shorter by measures of redistribution of assets and income.”

Sachs points to the political difficulties of such proposals being implemented (because free humanity tends to distrust any national government let alone transnational government to redistribute its well-earned wealth). He therefore proposes these measures to be implemented gradually, following a meticulously planned strategy:

“The pragmatic prospect is one of transition extending itself over several decades.”

In the second sub-chapter “The Five Dimensions of Ecodevelopment”, professor Sachs sums up the main dimensions of this carefully outlined move to make Agenda 21 a very real future prospect. The first dimension he touches upon is “Social Sustainability“:

“The aim is to build a civilization of being within greater equity in asset and income distribution, so as to improve substantially the entitlements of the broad masses of population and of reduce the gap in standards of living between the have and the have nots.”

This of course means, reducing the standards of living in “The North” (U.S., Europe) and upgrading those of the developing nations (”The South and The East”). This would have to be realized through what Sachs calls “Economic Sustainability“: “made possible by a more efficient allocation and management of resources and a steady flow of public and private investment.”

The third dimension described by the professor is “Ecological Sustainability” which, among other things, limits “the consumption of fossile fuels and other easily depletable or environmentally harmful products, substituting them by renewable and/or plentiful and environmentally friendly resources, reducing the volume of pollutants by means of energy and resource conservation and recycling and, last but not least, promoting self-constraint in material consumption on part of the rich countries and of the privileged social strata all over the world;”

In order to make this happen Sachs stresses the need of “defining the rules for adequate environmental protection, designing the institutional machinery and choosing the mix of economic, legal and administrative instruments necessary for the implementation of environmental policies.”

Made a thread about the above a while back.

edit on 22-5-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 10:35 AM
Protests became violent..Police starts to use force
Other threads with more infos
edit on 27-5-2011 by xavi1000 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 01:37 PM
I'm not normally shocked by videos but what the police are doing there is completely ridiculous.

Hitting people for sitting down, hitting people standing around and doing nothing and even hitting the PRESS with their obvious press armbands.

All I can see in these videos are Police on a massive power trip...

Not sure how many of the videos have been posted in this thread but there's a few on here.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
Oh, and let's not forget directly from the horse's mouth...

The Road to Socialism USA:
Unity for Peace, Democracy, Jobs and Equality
Download PDF version

2.Capitalism, Exploitation, and Oppression
1.Capitalism in the Era of Monopoly and Imperialism
2.Internationalization of Economic Life, Transnationals, and Capitalist Globalization
3.the World Balance of Forces
4.Present Features of Capitalism
3.The Working Class, Class Struggle, Democratic Struggle, and Forces for Progress
1.The Working Class and Trade Union Movement
2.Democratic Struggle and its Relation to Class Struggle
3.Special Oppression and Exploitation
4.Multiracial, Multinational Unity for Full Equality and Against Racism -- Core Forces for Progress
5.Additional Social Forces for Progress
4.Unity Against the Ultra-Right
1.The Ultra-Right
2.The More Realistic Trend
3.Defeating the Ultra-Right
5.Building the Anti-Monopoly Coalition
1.An Anti-Monopoly Program
2.A Labor-led People's Party
3.The Left in the Anti-Monopoly Coalition
4.The Immediate Transition to Working People's Power
6.Bill of Rights Socialism in the U.S.A.
7.The Role of the Communist Party

LET THE WORKERS UNITE!!!.... Right?... Come back to us when ONCE AGAIN all they deliver are empty promises and instead more oppression and injustices are done..."in the name of the workers and/or the people"...

Been there and done that...thanks but no thanks.

The younger generations of today don't know the damage that these movements made to the world. We are seeing it today, yet the same talking points and the same claims are being made today and again the younger generations who have no experienced this before are falling for it, and the NWO elites are counting on this exactly.

edit on 22-5-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

Democracy was created by the elites heck even before the Euporean union Europe was doing just fine without
Democracy or the EU.

edit on 28-5-2011 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 01:56 AM
Another Spanish Civil War anyone?

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