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A personal Gun story you won't see on the news!!

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posted on May, 12 2011 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by DInglis

Lol i like your comment on 'emotional assault' haha so true, Our country's legal system is a joke, If someone entered your house through an open window and had a bat or crowbar or something, no doubt if you took it upon yourself to disable him via one of his legs or something, You would be the one thrown in the cell for assault.........

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

the ideal weapon for a woman is a
loaded pistol in a .22 mag, .25 or .380 cal.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by slugger9787

@slugger - I love your enthusiasm!

@network dude - He is a redneck!! Your just calling it like you see it!

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by DInglis

Wow awesome thanks for the heads up will definetly invest in one soon, Ive got this great little baseball bat that i got in the states a good few years ago, its smaller than the average baseball bat, but its just as thick and hard wood, makes it lighter but still as robust as a big wooden one, Very good for a *weaker* person, or more relevantly, a woman !

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by network dude

Well you know. It was just one of those redneck, bikery afternoons.

I clean up well though, I promise.

I'm kinda glad I was redneck looking, because I don't think the preppy look would have helped my situation any.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by Vanishr
reply to post by DInglis

Lol i like your comment on 'emotional assault' haha so true, Our country's legal system is a joke, If someone entered your house through an open window and had a bat or crowbar or something, no doubt if you took it upon yourself to disable him via one of his legs or something, You would be the one thrown in the cell for assault.........

I remember a while back there was a couple guys tried to rob a old farmers house (with guns) and the farmer was alone inside took out his shotgun and nailed one of them as they came up his stairs and to this day that farmers in jail , now whats to say if he used so called "reasonable force" they wouldnt have gave a few bullets in the chest ?
Your right the legal system is a joke and doesnt protect the people who are trying to keep there houses and familys safe

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by slugger9787

My girlfriend Tammy would disagree with that.
She's kinda partial to the M-60.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 08:37 AM
While we are here I'll add my own story that wont be added in to statistics. I was at the local pharmacy picking up a prescription which they only filled half of because that is all the insurance company would cover. I told them to fill it up the rest of the way and I would pay the difference, and let it slip what it was... Ambien. Now i had noted the creeper standing around doing more or less nothing but listening but didn't pay him too much attention. So i stand at the counter for a few because there is nobody else in line, get my filled scrip, pay and go on about my way.

As i'm walking to my car, lo and behold creeper comes out behind me and says "Hey man, you want to sell me some of that?" To which i reply "Nah, i need it. Nearly don't sleep as it is." With that he mumbles "you think you need it" and starts walking towards me folded pocket knife in hand. Instantly i throw my meds in the open window of my car and my right hand rockets in to my jacket and grabs the grip of my pf-9 and he stops right where he stands. I give him an upwards head nod, he turns and walks off. I tell the pharmacy what happens word for word and they call the sheriff for me and that pharmacy has not seen hide nor hair of that dude since (he apparently was hanging around all day that day).

I'm happy i didn't have to draw but was surprised to find out how ready i have gotten myself just from basic practice. And i was amazed how many calculations go through your head (or at least mine) so quickly when that stress level piqued for a moment when i saw the knife.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 08:49 AM
OK, I'll tell the New Orleans story now.

This happened back in 2006. I was in New Orleans for a National Convention, and I was staying down in the French Quarter. There was a trade show going on also, but New Orleans was still pretty abandoned compared to pre-Katrina days.

Several of us guys had won National Awards, and some of them were pretty fancy, like Rolex Watches and Diamond Rings.

Of course, we had to hit the strip clubs, casinos, and nightlife while we were there. So, I went out with a large group, and then we broke up into smaller groups as the night went on. A guy in one of the other groups was walking into a club, talking about his new Rolex (stupid), and all of a sudden he got blindsided, robbed, and two men ran out. The guy was cut pretty bad, so he went to the hospital for some stitches. My group heard about it via text message.

So, the night plays on, my group dwindles down, and before you know it, I am alone at 2 a.m., on foot, and a good mile from my hotel. I had flown to NOLA, and I had decided to not take my gun. So, I was unarmed, dressed "corporately" and the streets were now mostly deserted.

I started walking back to the hotel, and I was a little un-nerved knowing what had happened earlier. I had also seen a couple of scuffles earlier in the night, so things had been tense. I was walking down the sidewalk, and I realized that there were a million nooks and crannies and alleyways for someone to be lurking in and grab me. I moved over to the middle of the street and I was walking where the trolleys run. I figured I was safe going down the middle of the road, and I was about halfway back to the hotel, so I had started to relax a little.

All of a sudden this ghetto "whip" on rims cruises by slowly, then pulls in front of me into the middle of the road onto the trolley tracks. One guy gets out of each door, leaves the doors open and the car running, and they stand there and wait. My heart and mind start racing, and I quickly realized I had no options, except for my size and demeanor. There weren't any businesses that I could see open and accessible that I could run to. The hotel was much too far. My only weapon was an inkpen, and I looked like I might have money. The other idiots from my group had done plenty of advertising earlier in the night that we were worth robbing.

So, I never altered my stride, I made eye contact with each one, directly and slowly, I reached in and grabbed the inkpen for whatever it would be worth, and I held it like a shank. As I got closer to them, I made sure to "buck up" chest out, purposeful stride, deep confident voice, and I said, "What's up fellas?" I had the inkpen concealed behind my hand and forearm, so they couldn't see it, and it might have appeared to be a gun or a knife at first glance. The one guy was still on the otherside of the car, so I walked directly towards the closer guy. I figured I might have a chance to disable him quickly and at least fight one on one, instead of two on one.

As I approached, the guy slid to the side and let me pass and just gave me a little head nod. I didn't turn to look back, but I listened intently for footsteps, watched the shadows, and braced myself in case I was hit from behind, but I didn't turn and look, because I didn't want to appear scared. I never, ever act "preylike."

So, a few seconds pass, I hear the car doors, I turn and look, and they are making a U-turn and heading the other way.

Maybe they thought I had a gun? Maybe they thought I was a cop? Maybe they didn't have any weapons, and I looked like too much of a fight for them? I don't know how I got through it, but that was my scariest encounter ever..........up until last Wednesday!

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by network dude

Well you know. It was just one of those redneck, bikery afternoons.

I clean up well though, I promise.

I'm kinda glad I was redneck looking, because I don't think the preppy look would have helped my situation any.

you'd be surprised what a popped collar will do for you.

I just had a vision of that guy from swamp people who hunts gators with his dog. Bruce.

again, I am glad it turned out OK. I seriously doubt I could have handled that anywhere near that well.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Not as good as the first story purely cause there was no guns involved

None the less good thread (Y) good read (Y) respect to op, and good vibes to all

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:19 AM
Good thing it didn't happen in Illinois. This state has one of the most backward, useless attitude towards guns and citizens defending themselves that I have had the misfortune to see. In that situation you would have been told to call the police and wait for help. Can you believe that's the official advice in this state ?. That, or " Well, maybe you should stay close to a more populated area". BULL!!! I am a law abiding citizen and should be able to go anywhere in this state with out having to worry about the safety of my wife or family. But, nope, not here. Wait for help or run, that's your choice. Of course, I would never break the law and carry a weapon in this state, so guess I'll have to run.
P.S. By the way, we're gettin' the hell outta here and moving to Texas and these weapon laws are ONE of the main reasons.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:22 AM

Ladies and gentlemen, this story is just one reason why guns should remain legal for law-abiding citizens - felons and the mentally ill need not apply. The police can not always be there to help you, and more often than not their only role is to investigate your murder after the fact. Personally, I'd rather there be nothing to investigate. I'll add my story to the mix just for farts and giggles:

I have carried a sidearm since I left the Marine Corp some 30 years ago. When I was going to college in Detroit, married to my first wife, we stopped at a Wendy's drive-thru to grab some chow for the 5 hour drive to our cabin up north where we were going to spend the weekend. So I'm sitting there waiting on my Bacon Double Cheeseburger when a van roars in the exit lane of the parking lot and skids to a stop right in front of me. The driver gets out of the van with a tire iron and runs around to the passenger side where he pulls a woman out of the van, throws her to the ground, and raises the tire iron above his head.

At this point it is obvious this scumbag is trying to kill this woman, so I step out of my car and advance to within a few feet of him, ordering him to drop the tire iron: "Don't make me drop you dude," I said as I leveled the barrel of my .357 at his face. "I'll do it in a heartbeat if you don't drop the tire iron and get back in your van right now."

He didn't drop the tire iron, but he did get back into his van giving me the opportunity to make sure his wife/GF/hooker-he-picked-up got inside the Wendy's safely. As I turned and looked inside the Wendy's, I saw a restaurant full of people giving me a standing ovation. There is no doubt that by intervening I probably saved that woman's life, or at the very least prevented great bodily injury. I HAD to do it because there wasn't a cop in sight. Even if someone called right away (before cell phones) she would have been dead long before the cops got there. That is the ONLY time in 30 years that I have ever unholstered my weapon off of a shooting range.

I had a similar thing to the OP's story happen in Colorado Springs shortly after I moved there with my second - and current - wife of 23 years to take a job working as a reporter for CBS Radio on KVOR:

We had just moved into this beautiful little city nestled into the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, and my wife and I were still doing the tourist thing, walking up and down the main drag just to see what there was to see. It was a hot day, so we walked into a bar to grab a beer. Unbeknownst to us at the time, it was a biker bar - a fact of which we quickly came to be aware.

My wife is a beautiful woman, and back then she - like the OP's wife - was a head turner extraordinaire; she was garnering quite a bit of attention from the men in the bar even though we were at a corner table in the back trying to be inconspicuous. As we got up to leave, a couple of the bikers stood in our way. "Why don't you leave the little lady here for a while so we can get to know her a little better," one said with a smirk on his face. "Over my dead body," I replied, "and probably yours too."

I was reaching for the .380 I had in my back pocket when I heard a voice behind me that said, "I think you boys should leave my brother and his lady alone." I turned and saw a man wearing his biker colors and a Marine Corp baseball cap, sitting by himself at the bar, who obviously commanded the respect of the other men in the bar. He had noticed the Marine Corp T-shirt I was wearing, and being a former Marine himself, he wasn't about to let any harm befall us in what was apparently "his club."

"I don't believe you are just going to let this sweet piece out of here without paying a tax," the first biker said. "Not only am I going to let them leave in peace," my advocate replied to his minion, "but for disrespecting them in the first place you are going to pay for their drinks."

Had that man not been there to control his "boys," blood would have been spilled that day. No way in hell was I going to let a bunch of bikers run a train on my wife. I'm just grateful that it never came to that. We never did go back into that bar though; why tempt fate?

In my opinion, everyone (aside from the aforementioned exceptions) should carry a weapon AFTER being trained to use it. We can't always rely on the police to protect us because, well, they aren't always around to do so. There is legislation currently pending here in S.C. that will allow ANY person who would normally be allowed to own a weapon to carry it concealed without a permit. Personally, I think that ROCKS.

There were two concurrent studies done back in the 80's on two towns: one in Illinois where they totally BANNED the ownership of handguns, even in your own home; the other was a town in Georgia where the ownership of a handgun was REQUIRED of all citizens of the town. Care to take a guess as to what happened to the crime rates in these two cities?

In Illinois, where handgun ownership was banned, burglaries, assaults, rapes, and murders SKYROCKETED! The criminals were no longer afraid to break into people's homes and do whatever they wanted to the residents. In stark contrast, the city in Georgia experienced a drop in crime to levels not seen in the last 100 years. It would seem that burglars are loath to enter a home where they KNOW the homeowner is packin' heat.

It's common sense really.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:24 AM
Really glad everything worked out ok for you mate, For the people who said he should have let it go on... I don't live in America but if he did have to resort to using his gun to even just wound the people, coulnd't he then have been done by the law?

I'm from UK so we can't legally arm ourselves. I'm only 20 but I grew up in one of the routhest areas in my town where I had a lot of touble wiht the local gang. Now I've moved away and got a GF and I get so worried being out at nighttime when I'm with her because I know if anything happens I have no way to protect us other then my fists, I'm sort of skinny and never been in a fight in my life. They can do what they want to me though but my main worry is if anyone ever touched her.

I would never start a fight I don't need to and I would always try walk away.

Either way I hope whoever they was get caught. One q'tion.. might be a bit silly but could the chance be they was making room in the back for the bike? Maybe thinking she needed help?
edit on 12-5-2011 by Spacedeck because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by DAVID64

Oh ya, the police were at least an hour away, and that is if my cell phone would have worked at all. Maybe they would have gotten there in time to recover the bodies before the alligators and vultures ate us.

Texas and Florida are tied for my #1 and #2 best spots to live. I also love Oklahoma and Missouri where I grew up. Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi have good things and bad things about them, but I could certainly stand to live there. You'll never find me in NY, Cali, DC, or Illinois.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:28 AM
I am glad you and your wife are safe, but I hope you recorded the license plate, descriptions of the men and woman in the truck and reported them to the police. Based on your account and solid instincts, these people were up to no good and worse, the descriptions of their actions seem to imply a sort of practiced technique. Maybe they have done this before and maybe they will again unless you are able to stop them.

As an aside, I live in FL and we hit the state parks with some regularity. I have a beautiful wife and three young pretty daughters, so I'd like to know which park this is please.

Thanks for posting.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by OldCorp

Interesting story sir, i do like your picture, and the looks of that gun
all this talk of guns makes me want loads of guns lol, Damn the UK.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

My big brother always told me and my sis never to look like the victim because you're more likely to become one. He sort of was a tough guy so I always took his advice. I never try to put myself in those positions, though being a woman and having no permit to carry. I live in a rural area and have had a couple strange guys pull into the driveway with some phony excuse or another, I figure they were casing the place. It helps to have big dogs, they typically alert me when someone pulls in the driveway, though not always. And of course I have a handgun that I know how to use. I specifically asked my husband for a .357 revolver as that to me is the easiest type of gun that I'm completely confident in using. He wanted me to use his gun, a semi-auto and I said nope, I want what I know and can use even in the dark. Honestly, I hope to never, ever have to use it. I get such an adrenaline rush just target practicing sometimes and I think, oh my gosh, it would be insane to actually shoot at another human being.

Loved your New Orlean's story, by the way. I could picture the shadows and alleys and the car and're a good writer.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
Texas and Florida are tied for my #1 and #2 best spots to live. I also love Oklahoma and Missouri where I grew up. Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi have good things and bad things about them, but I could certainly stand to live there. You'll never find me in NY, Cali, DC, or Illinois.

Just wanted to add Vermont to the list as a potentially good state to live in.
Assuming, of course, that you can stand the winter.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by Spacedeck

Either way I hope whoever they was get caught. One q'tion.. might be a bit silly but could the chance be they was making room in the back for the bike? Maybe thinking she needed help?

Very possibly! Maybe they were just good old country folks attempting to help the girl in distress. That is exactly why I didn't over-react. I would hate to assume the worst.

I typically trust my gut feelings, and hers too, and we both felt they had bad intentions. They also could have spoken up and said they were just trying to help, but they didn't say a word to us. They didn't smile or anything. I am 99% certain they had very bad intentions, but that little 1% is the reason for showing restraint and caution, and never making any assumptions about the situation.

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