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Osama Bin Laden Killed in U.S. Raid

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posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM

Originally posted by DarthChrisious

Originally posted by majesticgent

Source of the image:

OK this is starting to reek more and more. When I saw the "celebration" outside of the White House on CNN, I saw people flashing symbols. Now again in another pic of said "celebration" at the White House they are flashing the same symbols again. I don't need to state which symbols are being flashed; just look for yourself. I am no conspiracy nut, but I can read in between the lines very well.

I'm no photographic expert, but something about that picture doesn't look right. The lighting or something is off.

CIA guy on the street: "Hey, how'd you dumbasses like to make 20 bucks?"

It looks like they emptied the pub out at George Washington University. Shameful.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:04 AM
okay so we got all these...
Japan Earthquake/Tsunami
Japan Atomic Crisis
Royal Marriage
And now Osama bin Laden death
All this in the same year... what are they trying to hid from us? the midia is so active these days... there must be something else going on...

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by truthorlies
Is anyone else having trouble with internet and satellite reception? My internet is way slow and my tv is really
draggy. Kind of odd.

So am I the only one?

Nope your not the only one, while i was trying to access earthcam my net started to be very slow, i thought that was strange because my net is faster.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM

Originally posted by DarthChrisious

Originally posted by majesticgent

Source of the image:

OK this is starting to reek more and more. When I saw the "celebration" outside of the White House on CNN, I saw people flashing symbols. Now again in another pic of said "celebration" at the White House they are flashing the same symbols again. I don't need to state which symbols are being flashed; just look for yourself. I am no conspiracy nut, but I can read in between the lines very well.

I'm no photographic expert, but something about that picture doesn't look right. The lighting or something is off.

CIA guy on the street: "Hey, how'd you dumbasses like to make 20 bucks?"

What symbols are soooo freaky? Personally, I did the metal horns towards the tv when I heard... am I in on it too?

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:04 AM
Full Disclosure? Are you kidding me?

When we got Saddam, we had him tried so that his supporters knew that he was going to be gone. When we got Manuel Noriega we got him alive so that there wouldn’t be any questions that Panama is under new leadership.

But Osama Bin Laden is killed with one bullet to the head I hear and we just have to take their word for it that it is true…

Osama has been dead for years. That is why he has said nothing about the turmoil in the middle east, Egypt, Libya, and even Iran in the past few years.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by gtfotu
He never did any terrorism himself per se, but he was the Al-Qaeda's main sponsor and all.

Who said? MSM or the other groups of professional liars?

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:04 AM
I've noticed that no news reporter is saying WHEN osama was killed..

they know that there has been a HUGE slip up

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:04 AM
I just heard that now that Osama Bin Laden is dead, they will be releasing his videos in a box set.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by Annee

I would like to read a list of his accomplishments if you have a link to them.

And what you said about Obama being a single man is true. I learned that from his presidency. That's why whenever I hear someone try to glorify Ron Paul, I say the exact same thing. Obama should be used as a lesson on how not to glorify a figurehead, because a single person cannot act alone, especially when they're up against an established institution.

But I also believe that an official should not become a turncoat on issues that he supported, issues that got him into office. Being able to do nothing is one thing, but speaking out in a completely different way on an issue that was once supported is entirely different.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by LosLobos

Originally posted by hawaii50th
CNN is the place for the sheeple peoples news, it's so ridicules how much information is coming out now. CNN might as well just come out and say flatly, who can make war against him now, he's so good he got Bin Laden.
And they all followed after the beast.
This has the perfect workings for a false flag and for a re-election.
Oh, it doesn't matter, what's going to be is going to be and that's just the gist of it.

Are you happy or not that OBL is dead? Either today or ten years ago?

OBL's death is relevant only in it's political value. Some people are slow learners.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

I'm just sitting back watching and wondering, do these kids even know what really happened? I know because I had a family member killed in the first TC that crashed to the ground, and I am NOT happy at all that only one man has been caught, what about all the other goons who killed my family member? when are people going to get REAL justice?

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:06 AM
the timing on this couldn't get any better!!

- economy boost ($ is low)
- take some of the attention away from the unusually timed birth certificate
- possible martyr attacks on USA thus creating jobs boosting the economy

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by DarthChrisious

Originally posted by majesticgent

Source of the image:

OK this is starting to reek more and more. When I saw the "celebration" outside of the White House on CNN, I saw people flashing symbols. Now again in another pic of said "celebration" at the White House they are flashing the same symbols again. I don't need to state which symbols are being flashed; just look for yourself. I am no conspiracy nut, but I can read in between the lines very well.

I'm no photographic expert, but something about that picture doesn't look right. The lighting or something is off.

I know
happy multiculturalism in front of the white house.

that is odd



posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:06 AM
those kids look like they are dressed for a concert, also the USA flag is shopped obviously if you look close
and why would a mob of kids that young all be celebrating together over a terrorist!?
obviously a lame but clever photoshop

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:06 AM
Folks. Just accept this.

You know the saying... beating a dead horse?

This is what this is.

He has been dead for years.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by LosLobos

Originally posted by hawaii50th
CNN is the place for the sheeple peoples news, it's so ridicules how much information is coming out now. CNN might as well just come out and say flatly, who can make war against him now, he's so good he got Bin Laden.
And they all followed after the beast.
This has the perfect workings for a false flag and for a re-election.
Oh, it doesn't matter, what's going to be is going to be and that's just the gist of it.

Are you happy or not that OBL is dead? Either today or ten years ago?

I don't think finding happiness in someones death is a good thing. If someone commits a crime, yes they should pay, but it's not up to me to celebrate in that persons end.
What I don't like about all of this is how easily led people can be. Something stinks big time with all of this.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:07 AM
Whoa, this thread is moving like lightning!

Originally posted by LosLobos

Originally posted by Nyiah
We just created a martyr for the worst possible people. They'll avenge him, you watch

Pandora, you can have your box back, I think we're done with it now

Oh come on man! You guys will turn a victory into a defeat because you HATE OBAMA.

Nah, I don't hate Obama. I don't worship the ground he walks on, either, I'm a little on the pro side of center. Nothing inherently good or bad to say about him, really.
The thing is, while for a split second upon hearing the news I did think "Hell yeah, sweet! USA! USA! I stopped right away and thought if I was thinking that, what were his associates and co. thinking?? Certainly not a damn thing good, for sure. I dropped that tempting nationalism/patriotic bullcrap like a hot potato and thought outside the good ol' sheeple box.

We Americans, we're damn stupid. We keep getting out the baseball bat and hitting the hornet's nest, and then we have the audacity to bitch and complain when we get stung. Then we turn around and swing at another one. It's like a sick compulsion for us, we taunt and harass everyone out there who hates us, and in this specific case, we took the cake. Now they have a rock solid excuse (to them) to hit us back. I highly doubt Bin Laden's death will solve or reduce the problems we ignited. I think all we've done is pour jet fuel on the fire.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:07 AM
I apologize if the this really doesn't add to the conversation, except as a "man on the street" observation, but I was at the local pub tonight when the news of Osama Bin Laden's death broke, and I can honestly say the air was electric. I don't think I can ever recall seeing normal, everyday folks being that jubilant before. Even our local football team winning the Superbowl a few years ago didn't really compare. The bar was packed full for a regular's birthday and when the word came across the wires, the place erupted in cheers, backslaps and handshakes. TV's were turned to all-news stations and cell phones immediately sprouted in peoples hands as they searched for news about the take-down.

As far as I am concerned, this is a great day for the United States of America.

Now the only thing left to do is to wrap his body in bacon and feed him to the hogs so he doesn't get his 72 virgins.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by Threadfall

I accidentally starred your post while I was explaining to my wife what a 'shill' was. For the record, I disagree with your gubbmint-loving statements and pseudo-mockery of the conspiracy theorist community.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by truthseekerlady77

Originally posted by AndrewJay
Is there a reason Fox News is spelling the name "Usama"?

I noticed this as well.. And the only thing I came up with is, that because Osama's name is so similar to Obama's name they switched the spelling... What's really funny to me is After I came up with this being the reason, Geraldo slipped and said "Obama is dead" I couldn't stop laughing I was like you changing the name to not appear to be obama's name was an epic failure.

It is a play on USA


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