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The Book of Enoch on Extraterrestrials

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posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 06:44 PM
Superb thread, Sky; it is always interesting and a pleasure to partake of your writings here; mayhap some will pay attention and learn from one of the class acts.

The book of Enoch has always been one of my favorites to ponder, especially the astronomical data and breakdown of the year cycles for the sun and moon, along with the descriptions of the sights he witnessed; for those who argue of the age of this written work, truly, other than basing one's theories on what little written facts scattered thru the different societies history and tales, how are we to really know?

So much was lost during the dark ages...

Excellent, old friend.


posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by whyamIhere
I have often thought about this subject...

My conclusion is: Too bad Adam and Eve weren't Chinese.

They would of ate that snake...

From the Nag Hammadi Library - The Apocryphon Of John elaborates on the genesis story found in readers digest form in the bible and has a different take on who actually appeared on the tree.

The Nag Hammadi Library - The Apocryphon Of John

"And our sister Sophia (is) she who came down in innocence in order to rectify her deficiency. Therefore she was called Life, which is the mother of the living, by the foreknowledge of the sovereignty of heaven. And through her they have tasted the perfect Knowledge. I appeared in the form of an eagle on the tree of knowledge, which is the Epinoia from the foreknowledge of the pure light, that I might teach them and awaken them out of the depth of sleep. For they were both in a fallen state, and they recognized their nakedness. The Epinoia appeared to them as a light; she awakened their thinking.

"And when Yaltabaoth noticed that they withdrew from him, he cursed his earth. He found the woman as she was preparing herself for her husband. He was lord over her, though he did not know the mystery which had come to pass through the holy decree. And they were afraid to blame him. And he showed his angels his ignorance which is in him. And he cast them out of paradise and he clothed them in gloomy darkness. And the chief archon saw the virgin who stood by Adam, and that the luminous Epinoia of life had appeared in her. And Yaltabaoth was full of ignorance. And when the foreknowledge of the All noticed (it), she sent some and they snatched life out of Eve.

"And the chief archon seduced her and he begot in her two sons; the first and the second (are) Eloim and Yave. Eloim has a bear-face and Yave has a cat-face. The one is righteous but the other is unrighteous. (Yave is righteous but Eloim is unrighteous.) Yave he set over the fire and the wind, and Eloim he set over the water and the earth. And these he called with the names Cain and Abel with a view to deceive.

"Now up to the present day, sexual intercourse continued due to the chief archon. And he planted sexual desire in her who belongs to Adam. And he produced through intercourse the copies of the bodies, and he inspired them with his counterfeit spirit.

The whole Nag Hammadi Library has much more elaborate versions of many bible stories and in talks about different life-forms, different entities etc.. many of which you will only find in the bible by a fleeting reference. If the bible mentions it at all.

All in all, I've read the bible a few times and read through the Nag Hammadi library quite a few times as well and I find the gnostic scriptures explain things with much more detail and clarity, more accurate context and better perspective.

Alas your sense of humor isn't lost on me. Har Har.
edit on 3/2/2011 by PuRe EnErGy because: emphasis

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:05 PM

Since they had sex with humans we must assume that they had bodies, that they were present in physical form

This is a reasonable assumption untill we get exposed to other possibilities. And that is the only way to approach these stories................possibilities.

In other versions, the watchers are psychic entities. These entities act like psychic viruses. They offer the host anything it wants in matters of the mind. The visions in the minds eye of the host are most impressive and he as well as 200 others, agree to have these "superminds" live in their bodies here on earth. Once these "minds" are in (and all were invited by the host's) they then start to use their great intellect to becomes leaders of communities. Their psychic powers have the ability to pass superior intellect thru DNA into thier offspring, and so for ten generations they had "supermen" being born, growing up, and joining the team. All these generations were long lived too.

These beings had a mission. This mission would take a long time to accomplish, but they didn't care, they had all the time in the world. And that is how they worked. They didn't use spaceships. They used an angelic code a "smart" coded sequence that found the smartest, and / or most useful creature in a given star system. They then used those creatures and that planets resources in order to lay claim to it. These concepts are the inspiration for the creatures called Yith, which are found in a few grimoires.

They are just stories, but just the ideas are disturbing. Imagine mind viruses taking over generation after generation of bodies so that they can build stuff on planets in distant star systems, and do...............whatever.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

I haven't been around here long but this is probably my favorite thread so far. Thank you for pretty much writing the Cliff's Notes for how I believe mankind came in to being. I've always been agnostic and thought that we were the result of apes being genetically modified.

I'm also pretty intrigued by the similarities between the Greek "Heroes" I read about in Edith Hamilton and these biblical giants that are born by the mating of 'alien' and ancient primitive man. A lot of this is seeming to add up now; I think it'd be really interesting for a lot of us here to go back and read the Bible with a modern and informed perspective

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 09:37 PM
The following link (time-machined from the old Brother Blue site) breaks down and excerpts BOE verses relevant to this discussion. Check it out, I'm sure anyone with an interest will find it useful:

Relevant Excerpts from the Book of Enoch

Same website here, but with 7 Chapters of well-researched commentary on BOE. Madame Blavatsky even makes an appearance:

"More and more we are finding that mythology in general though greatly contorted very often has some historic base.

And the interesting thing is that one myth which occurs over and over again in many parts of the world is that somewhere a long time ago supernatural beings had sexual intercourse with natural women and produced a special breed of people."

Freemason interest in the Book of Enoch (At least one particular Freemason anyway) suggests that many people of varied backgrounds have also considered it to hold some special knowledge.

In 1773 Scottish Explorer--and Freemason--James Bruce rediscovered the Ethiopian Book of Enoch after 1500 years:

Bruce was a Scottish nobleman, a direct descendant of one of the most powerful families of Scottish history. He was also an initiate of Freemasonry, which in Scotland could trace its roots back to the so-called Rite of Heredom, first instituted in early medieval times and later incorporated into the Royal Order of Scotland.’ This in itself was a chivalric military order of honor and valor founded on the rites of the Knights Templar by James Bruce’s own illustrious ancestor, Robert the Bruce, following the celebrated defeat of the English at the battle of Bannockburn in 1314. Bruce himself was a member of the Canongate Kilwinning NO. 2 lodge of Edinburgh, known to be one of the oldest in Scotland, with side-orders and mystical teachings entrenched in Judaeo-Christian myth and ritual.

Freemasonry is an organization with innumerable secrets, and many of these would have been known to the extremely knowledgeable James Bruce. For instance, he would have been aware that in Scottish Masonic tradition the patriarch Enoch, Noah’s great-grandfather, was looked upon as one of the Craft’s legendary founders, since he was accredited with having given mankind the knowledge of books and writing and, most important of all to Freemasons, to have taught mankind the art of building.

Then there's the alleged connection to the BOE with John Dee and the "Enochian" Language of Angels/Enochian Magic(k).

So it seems that 'spiritual' folk of all persuasions have accepted the reality of these "entities." And, further, that they could be contacted and communed with.

This would seem to suggest that whatever the "Watchers" are, they seem to be more interdimensional in nature. Is the Book of Enoch the final 'key' to the mystery of us?

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by whyamIhere
My conclusion is: Too bad Adam and Eve weren't Chinese.
They would of ate that snake...

The 'Serpent' gave us knowledge... the other guy got pissed off because he wanted to keep us ingnorant sheep...

I believe you have it all wrong. The 'Serpent' didn't give us knowledge. The 'Serpent' tempted Eve to disobey a direct commandment of God, her Creator. Adam and Eve only knew good before the 'Fall'. The were innocent and free from the blemish of sin. Once they of the fruit, they knew within their hearts they'd broken a cammandment and therefore tried to hide from God. If anything, Satan had made sex 'bad' and a shameful thing, which was beautiful before they sinned.

Sound familiar?

There are no familiarities since there has been only one Adam and Eve in the process of Creation.

So just who was the bad guy? The reptilian or the guy that expects blind worship and absolute obedience?

In the reality of life itself, are there any instances where rewards are given for breaking the rules?

"the Lord is thy Shepherd... though shall not WANT..." Say MMMAAHHHHHHH

It's "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want..."

I may be mistaken but you're misreading this. It means that everything that we need shall be provided for our comfort. We shall not have a feeling of wanting something. Lucifer WANTED a part of Heaven and see where that got him.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:32 PM
Brilliant post, Sky.

I often wonder why there is so much poo-pooing of Sitchen, and yet I have seen no one offer alternate translations of the Sumerian texts... And reading what he came up with, I am hard pressed to imagine an overall radical departure. Sure a word now and again might be mistranslated, but the scene description of Ea creating Humans... Just can't see how that would look different with a word or two changes.

I am of the opinion that, indeed, we were a created race by ET's. And, it would seem, we are watched. [smile]

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:47 PM
Nice thread Sky. You got me to open my personal copy of the Book of Enoch again. I had a few passages underlined when I read it a number of years ago. The wording differs from the sacred-texts online version. I have the version translated by Richard Laurence when it was published back in 1883. Here's a comparison of a few interesting texts.

Chapter LXVII (R.H. Charles edition 1917)

11. And those same waters will undergo a change in those days; for when those angels are punished in these waters, these water-springs shall change their temperature, and when the angels ascend, this water of the springs shall change and become cold.

Chapter LXVI (Richard Laurence 1883)

14. And when the angels shall ascend, the water of the springs shall again undergo a change and be frozen.

How did a person from the hot middle east know part of the world will be frozen from this deluge?

Chapter LXV (R.H. Charles 1917)

1. And in those days Noah saw the earth that it had sunk down and its destruction was nigh.

Chapter LXIV (Richard Laurence 1883)

1. In those days Noah saw that the earth became inclined and that the destruction approached.

How did a middle eastern person know the planet was going to tilt from the deluge event?

I like the Richard Laurence version because it uses words that bring shocking meaning to the passage.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Thanks for this very interesting information. I had heard of the Book of Enoch before but I guess I never really gave it much though until I read your post. Now I am on the case and am gonna read it. I love learning new things, its why I come here well that and to comment on some things I feel pretty confident that I know. However its always good to keep an open mind.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by zorgon

there are also texts in hindu culture pointing to earth being balanced on the head of a serpent (sheshnag i.e. cobra).
Maybe this might be actually true as it is written or maybe pointing to something like the serpent protects the earth but written in some hidden words, but no real proofs as such.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
Brilliant post, Sky.

I often wonder why there is so much poo-pooing of Sitchen, and yet I have seen no one offer alternate translations of the Sumerian texts...

Ther eis plenty more likely correct translations of Sumerian text, one just has to look

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:37 AM
Sky, you nailed it ! It is simple and it fits perfectly. I'm gonna go ahead and believe this because as far as I can tell with out considering the Bible and all scripture ? Mankind has amnesia and I believe even that amnesia, is evidence of the flood.. Without Gods word we don't know where we came from, why were here, or where we are even going. So all the truths of greek history have been labeled myth by TPTB. But lies don't live like that. Only truth so it's really easy to see that truth has been labeled mythology. Truth lives forever while lies usually die with those who tell them. A most excellent thread Sky.

Wait, I already do believe this. See? Amnesia !
edit on 3-3-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-3-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by Intelearthling

Originally posted by zorgon
The 'Serpent' gave us knowledge... the other guy got pissed off because he wanted to keep us ingnorant sheep...

I believe you have it all wrong. The 'Serpent' didn't give us knowledge. The 'Serpent' tempted Eve to disobey a direct commandment of God, her Creator. Adam and Eve only knew good before the 'Fall'. The were innocent and free from the blemish of sin. Once they of the fruit, they knew within their hearts they'd broken a cammandment and therefore tried to hide from God.

Actually, and not trying to derail the thread here, but zorgon had it right. He was paraphrasing a bit, but:

Genesis 3:22-23
"And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken."

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by randyvs
Sky, you nailed it ! It is simple and it fits perfectly. I'm gonna go ahead and believe this because as far as I can tell with out considering the Bible and all scripture ? Mankind has amnesia and I believe even that amnesia, is evidence of the flood.. Without Gods word we don't know where we came from, why were here, or where we are even going. So all the truths of greek history have been labeled myth by TPTB. But lies don't live like that. Only truth so it's really easy to see that truth has been labeled mythology. Truth lives forever while lies usually die with those who tell them. A most excellent thread Sky.

Wait, I already do believe this. See? Amnesia !

However much credence one wants to give The Terra Papers, it is interesting to note that a worldwide "mind wiping" was done about 7,000 - 5,000 years ago according to them. This would explain Egypt's "sudden" appearance as a fully developed society, with little to show them "growing up." Personally, I suspect they are the closest to the truth we have, and though the details before Ea creating Humankind differ radically from the Sumerian texts (which look like they were written to justify taking gold off planet and the enslavement of Humans), the details that match in both accounts of that one scene are impressive. Ea and a female (I have seen several names for her) gave their essence to activate the life-force in the Beings they were creating. The 250 genes Humans share with no other species, perhaps?

So I think the Papers are for real, and I believe they are the more accurate account.

Anyway, yeah. Induced amnesia.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:56 AM
Excellent thread...just one comment.

Eve was not talking to a snake. She was speaking to an bright, shining upright being who was
serpentine in appearance, and who was trying to bewitch her with lies.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by troubleshooter

A reptilian...?

Actually... I rather bet so.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by zazzafrazz

Originally posted by Amaterasu
Brilliant post, Sky.

I often wonder why there is so much poo-pooing of Sitchen, and yet I have seen no one offer alternate translations of the Sumerian texts...

Ther eis plenty more likely correct translations of Sumerian text, one just has to look

Would you have links?

I haven't found a comprehensive translation of the Enki Tablets. Would appreciate it if you could find one!

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

The Book of Enoch answers several mysteries. The age old question "why didnt the Gods leave evidence of their stay" is answered by the very policy of non-interference.

I am interested as to where you find that in that book.

I could read the book of enoch now and look for it but it's a long read lol.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
reply to post by troubleshooter

A reptilian...?

The Hebrew word is an adjective not a noun... it describes how the being appears, that is serpentine in appearance and perhaps manner... what is referred to as a 'reptilian' is closer to the meaning...
...than is the animal we call a snake.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 01:17 AM
Crystal Links i believe has it and called the cumerian texts
Have you ever heard of the Voynich manuscript? check it out very interesting

and if you look at my quote
for in truth, all is myth, myth is all
i agree there is a lot more to myths then they want you to know

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