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Don't Respond to Obvious Trollery, Just Alert It

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posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: Pimander

Nothing sinister. I'm a big boy and can look after myself.

Doesn't seem like it.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: peppycat

Here's some examples of what we consider "Trolling"

Political Trolling:

Someone making statements like "All Democrats are idiots" or "All Republicans are morons"

This applies with all political ideologies, and is not allowed here on ATS - except in the Political Mud Pit. That's what that forum is for.

Religious Trolling:

Someone making statements like "All Christians are (insert something negative here)"

Making a blanket statement about any religious group in a very negative way.

Other Trolling Examples:

Saying anyone who is critical of BLM are racist.

Saying anyone who supports BLM are idiots.


So one form of trolling is anyone making a blanket statement or painting with a broad brush any one group with negative comments, slurs, insults, etc.

Another type of trolling is: Doing something just to see what happens or to start problems.

Good examples of this is:

Someone starts a thread, only because they want to see if they can get people angry and upset.

ATS is for discussions, not reactions. We're here to discuss things, not see how angry or upset we can get people.

So that's some example of what we are talking about. If you see it, alert us to it. Try not to feed the trolls though. That's what they want, and normally it will be those that feed the trolls that end up in trouble with us.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: eriktheawful

You guys don't seem to know what trolling is. It's not someone being offensive to another party. It's intentionally pissing people off.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: Domo1

And of course making blanket statements about groups of people in a negative way has NEVER been used to piss people off intentionally?

Re-read my post.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: eriktheawful

I don't need to read it again. I have basic reading comprehension skills. The OP and yourself don't seem to know that trolling isn't a blanket term to throw all rule breaking under.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: Domo1

Making negative blanket comments indeed is used on here to piss people off Domo. It gets used all the time, and the results are quite evident in the amount of very angry responses we end up having to remove.

So yes: Blanket statements about certain groups on here in a negative way can be considered trolling by us (staff). The results of those statements do indeed make people angry and upset, and is normally done by individuals to get that type of response on purpose.

If you don't understand that, I can't help you. But blanket statements are indeed used to troll people.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: eriktheawful

So why are the troll posts and threads mainly left there and you punish the people that get angry about them?

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to: Nexttimemaybe

They don't seem to understand what trolling is.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: Domo1

Trolling on this site is whatever this site's admin says it is.

Don't like it? Start your own site with your own rules and your own definitions of what trolling is.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

No, that's not how it works. Trolling is what trolling is. The admins can enforce whatever rules they want, but they can't change the definition of words.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: Domo1

I disagree.

Application of the term troll is subjective. Some readers may characterize a post as trolling, while others may regard the same post as a legitimate contribution to the discussion, even if controversial.

This site's admin has decided how they apply the term troll in the T&C's.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 11:19 AM

Digital Technology. Informal.

to post inflammatory or inappropriate messages or comments on (the Internet, especially a message board) for the purpose of upsetting other users and provoking a response.
to upset or provoke (other users) by posting such messages or comments.

In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion,[3] often for their own amusement.


ATS Staff is well aware of what trolling is.

Blanket statements can be (and have been) used as a trolling tool.

Don't agree with how we moderate? No problem: the door is up there where it says "Log Out". No one is keeping anyone here on ATS.

Think something should be changed? No problem: it's called the Board, Business and Questions forum. Start a thread. That's what it is for.

Have an issue with how something was moderated, or see something that needs attention: again, no problem, use the Complain or Alert buttons. That's what they are for..........however, most people instead would rather gripe about thing, or decide to engage the trolls themselves.

Most on here have no clue how we do things back here and instead think we moderators are "lone wolves", when in fact, we discuss things. Someone thinks what someone said is trolling. Many of us back here behind the curtain take a look at it and give our opinions on it, and we (staff) are made up of a lot of different people with different backgrounds and cultures, so our opinions vary.
Sometimes we all agree about something, but sometimes we do not. Sometimes we agree that we think someone is trolling. Sometimes we agree that it was not trolling but just their opinion that people reacted badly to.

This is a thankless job, which we do for free during our free time from our lives we have outside of ATS. Being staff means:

1) Trying to help take care of a place that we love very much, while most members think we do a crappy job.

2) Getting yelled at by other members because they do not like the fact that we actioned them for breaking the rules....and end up being called names and insults that would break the TCs if I repeated them here.

3) End up getting our hand bit when we try to help a member out. I've gone to bat for many people on here who I completely disagree with, but I try to make sure they get a fair shake.....only to have them send a PM to me telling me some insult about my ancestry.....

4) Having a hard time trying to participate anywhere because: MOD! Your a MOD! You're not allowed to have an opinion!

5) Constantly being told that we don't know how to do our jobs.....even though some of us have been back here for more than 10 years moderating........


posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: eriktheawful thank you for taking this time to respond. My main issue with myself is not telling if ones intentions are that of a troll and not simply discussing differing opinions, emotions, sentiments or subject/Topic... I try not to instill hate in my wording, ever... but feeling angry to me is different than hate, I feel it is good when folks can reconcile differences in opinion without being thrown through the shredder and tossed out like a fluffy rat.
I keep trying to learn, here.
I just hope if any one felt mad at something I post, then we can discuss in a civil manner, appropriate to t&c's...instead of thinking it is all done without explanation.
My intentions to be here is to learn and broaden my thinking, being ever mindful of every unique individual and not stepping on the wrong patch... hurting someone's feelings.
I might say I hate people, that is not true..why would I strive so much to understand them...i'm not darth Vader... more like Yoda...
Hope you can understand me,
I appreciate the moderation here and the nice people that I have met.
And I have hardly anyone to hold discussions with... everyone is so busy, working and what not.
So, thank you for responding and taking time to read this reply.
I sometime forget that I can log out and get a bit to eat, go outside get fresh air..ect...
Thank you again, take care.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: peppycat
a reply to: eriktheawful
I just hope if any one felt mad at something I post, then we can discuss in a civil manner, appropriate to t&c's...instead of thinking it is all done without explanation.
My intentions to be here is to learn and broaden my thinking, being ever mindful of every unique individual and not stepping on the wrong patch... hurting someone's feelings.

Then you absolutely "get" what ATS is suppose to be about!

And you're most welcome.

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 06:19 PM
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