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Threat To Game That Makes Hitler A Top Trump!

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posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

I have a German friend I talk to..
She told me how politicians there simply cannot even be patriotic. I (and she) thinks it's interesting, because it's the opposite in America.

Here it's considered pretty much the greatest insult or taboo to not be patriotic.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by Miraj

Usually I try not to respond to someone's reply but you said it's taboo NOT to be patriotic in America? Hmm, I remember the incident last year in which a California boy couldn't fly a flag on his bicycle, the children at a California high school who weren't allowed to wear American flag decored t-shirts on INDEPENDENCE DAY because the school said it was "inappropriate", or how about the many cases in suburban areas where people are not allowed to fly an American flag on their flagpoles outside their homes? Don't tell me to provide the dates and exact places for these because I don't have them. Our news channels show what's going on in America and we see. Don't deny that your country is enforcing anti-American values in your society, government and educational systems. It's taboo to BE patriotic from what I have seen.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Kids are smarer than a lot of people think. They really, truly do understand that Hitler is a bastard, that Grand Theft Auto is not real life, and that listening to Whitesnake doesn't mean they have to worship the devil.

This Tipper Gore BS must end.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

I totally agree with you. I think, IMHO, the kids of today are smarter than some of us may think they are. They are going to be the ones who have to decide which path we will take at the fork in the road. I am trying to be optimistic. However, when we as a society make a big deal out of a swastika being on a playing card, we have got to ask ourselves if censoring a historical fact is the right thing to do. No, I do not support the neo-Nazi movement of the original Nazis. However, what are we going to do? If we are going to accurately portray that beast Hitler, then we must show how he misrepresented an ancient Hindu symbol and let the children come to their own conclusions about the matter. I think we in society shelter the children to much due to lack of trust and all of the 'revolting' against the parents and society they are displaying comes from this lack of trust. We forget that we were children at one time and we all 'cried' out for people to hear us. Same thing, different era.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by Miraj

Yep.. It's really strange.
It kinda sends mixed signals. For one they clearly are still sensitive about it, but at the same time they try to censor all the things that hearken back to that time. I really think it's strange that the swastika is illegal and don't know why (maybe they think kids will pick it up as a cool ironic patch/pin and news pictures will spread across the world of lots of German teens wearing it and kill tourism, but I think that is unlikely) yet other acts put their shame of history right in the lime light.

I just hope they aren't heading towards an entire censorship of their history. I wonder what they teach in their school? It is their burden and if they really want to be shown as progressive they should do more than censoring an old symbol. They should be the most outspoken against genocide and tyrannical governments.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

They banned the swastika in an effort to distance the german people from the Nazi movement. During WW2 most of the german people were not Nazis, they simply fought to protect their home. While they were an invading force they were convinced it was an act of self defense, most of the German soliders were no different to the English, American, Australian, Indian and other soldiers.

So the german government, in a desperate move to seperate Nazi from German have banned the symbol of the Nazi party. This is a stupid idea but it's understandable.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

Kids are a lot smarter than people think and i find it amazing that adults forget how smart they themselves were at younger ages. I've worked with some young people in various voluntary roles and i have found that most kids are smart and decent people. They would play this top trump games and know exactly what was going on, they would know Hitler was a scumbag.

What I have also noticed however is that many young people are disillusioned with their place in society.

Imagine for a moment you are told on a regular basis that you are a part of a lost generation, a lazy generation, a violent generation. That message permeating so much of your culture and adults looking down on you, what do you think the effect will be?

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