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16 rise from dead in brazil floods

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posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 12:01 PM
Dear people who think this is a miracle...

Guess you guys missed the "miracle" of a woman being dead for 17.5 hours, going through rigor mortis, and coming back to life afterward.

There are youtubes of her interviews and was on MSM and medical sites. Just research it. You missed your miracle.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by Advantage

It just shows how very amazing us humans are. Fantastic story.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 02:00 PM
I get skeptical when I hear of coming back to life 'miracles'. To me, a true miracle would be an embalmed person coming back to life.

Anyway, I don't intend to knock anybody's faith. Not my intention, not my style. But just think of the big picture: thousands of victims of floods. 'Drowning victims' are notoriously tricky. They may appear dead yet actually be drawing enough air to survive. So 16 out of thousands seems a reasonable number. And think of the thousands of victims. How carefully were they examined before being declared dead? Were they re-examined? How often? Rescue personnel had to have been strained to the max, trying to handle the situation..

And why were these 16 chosen to be saved among all the victims? Just askin'...

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by mishigas
And why were these 16 chosen to be saved among all the victims? Just askin'...

Because those were the lucky ones that had "rise in the name of Jesus" yelled at them. They should be using this simple technique in morgues worldwide.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by mishigas
I get skeptical when I hear of coming back to life 'miracles'. To me, a true miracle would be an embalmed person coming back to life.

Anyway, I don't intend to knock anybody's faith. Not my intention, not my style. But just think of the big picture: thousands of victims of floods. 'Drowning victims' are notoriously tricky. They may appear dead yet actually be drawing enough air to survive. So 16 out of thousands seems a reasonable number. And think of the thousands of victims. How carefully were they examined before being declared dead? Were they re-examined? How often? Rescue personnel had to have been strained to the max, trying to handle the situation..

And why were these 16 chosen to be saved among all the victims? Just askin'...

You are one hard core conspiracist. So you want to see Pharoah Tut Ankamum (spelling?) come back to life before believing in miracles? Anyway just kidding.
But on a serious note why have majority of mankind stimatize death? If "God" created life and death, then why would he care to bring people back to life? I often wonder which is more valuable to "God", life or death. Until people learn to accept that those people dying in the brazilian floods are just like the recent mass death of birds and fish all around the world, this miracle thing would continue to gain a strong foothold.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer

Originally posted by mishigas
And why were these 16 chosen to be saved among all the victims? Just askin'...

Because those were the lucky ones that had "rise in the name of Jesus" yelled at them. They should be using this simple technique in morgues worldwide.

EMS raises the dead all the time. Its called "waking the dead".
Heroin overdose" deaths".. they stop breathing and etc.. ONE shot of naloxone revives them within minutes and they "wake up". Its scary to watch.. seriously. Youd SWEAR the person was dead.

The human body is amazing and any Dr who is being truthful with him or herself will admit that we still do not know what the exact point of death is. They call it by brain death most of the time.. but as you can see with my previous link and if you research further.. brain death is NOT the end all of determining when life ends. ANYONE who has ever worked in an ER or with EMS for any amount of time can tell you that death doesnt always mean death and people who have been declared brain dead at times wake up as if nothing really happened.

Like the link I put up.. dead 17.5 hours and rigor mortis.. wakes up and is totally functioning normally. I have NO doubt that many in these disasters "raise from the dead" considering that when dealing with a disaster I can imagine that the person hasnt been monitored for prolonged brain death and etc. 16 resurrected folks is probably even a conservative amount IMO.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by pro-all

You are one hard core conspiracist. So you want to see Pharoah Tut Ankamum (spelling?) come back to life before believing in miracles? Anyway just kidding.

Hey, I believe Humpty Dumpty was pushed!

But seriously, these eyes have seen too much to be easily fooled.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 03:40 PM

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 04:50 PM
sorry but I don't buy it, since there is no video of it or a real statement from these people or their families.

But, being said that, it would be amazing if that was true.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 05:08 PM
Here's another article on the story

theres also a pdf on there where you can download the original article from the brazilian news website along with the odiaro news site link too.

I think 16 people raised from the dead is a pretty big number. Yes, some people come "back from the dead" because of all kinds of strange medical reasons, but it's essentially the same argument being used for the mass bird deaths-about how its "normal" and all.
Bird and fish deaths happen too, but the amount of deaths in so many different places is not usual. This is an awesome story.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 05:43 PM
If God or his holy spirit had prevented the disaster there would have been no need to resurrect a select few. This is typical Christian nonsense.Tripe like this just makes me more and more misanthropic. Thank God for making me an atheist.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

Even if it is, if it gives one person hope over there its worth it. Jesus works in mysterious ways.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 05:50 PM
Pic or video of the dead rising or it didn't happen.
Nothing else to say.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 06:27 PM
I am Brazilian and I have heard nothing of the sort on our TV. The news is on at the moment as I type.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 06:31 PM
My dad had stage 4 lymphoma that eventually took his life, but early on in his treatment, he and I attended a Catholic healing mass. He was a Catholic, but I was never raised with any religious teaching whatsoever. I was skeptical of the whole faith healing type scenario, but he insisted I go with him as I had developed cardiomyopathy of pregnancy while carrying my daughter. The condition causes congestive heart failure and is often fatal. Prior to my daughter's birth a couple of months before, I was showing symptoms but was misdiagnosed, so I had an emergency c-section and developed pulmonary edema that same night. My prognosis wasn't good, but I was managing along ok.
Anyway, I went with my dad and I just figured it would make him happy and maybe give him hope at the very least. When we arrived at the church, it was packed, standing room only, but someone gave up their seats to us. After a brief service and communion, we were lined up along the sidewalk outside, people on each side facing one another. The priest, who was supposed to be blessed with healing hands, walked along the sidewalk touching people and praying. Men stood behind each person being touched in case they fell down with the spirit of the Lord. Not everyone fell. Some just stood there like normal. Other collapsed to the ground, but revived quickly. When they got to us, I figured we'd both be left standing. My dad was not the kind of man to fake anything, so I knew when I opened my eyes and he was no longer standing beside me that something real had happened. He was lying on the ground where the catcher laid him, but aroused quickly and spoke to me. He seemed exhausted, like everything he had had been taken from him. He said he was fine, but this power came over him. He continued on chemo, and had three years of wonderful remission before his cancer returned and could not be stopped. He died, but I went on to continue raising my daughter, get married, and have another child that I was advised by my Dr. to abort to save my life(Cardiomyopathy of Preg. is nearly always fatal in the second pregnancy). I didn't and when I had heart test, they all came back negative until after my son was born and the damage strangely showed back up again. So who got healed? My dad or me or both. I'm no longer a raging skeptic and I love hearing the story of people rising and being healed.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 06:47 PM
A team of american nurses and doctors did this you say?
The progress in medicine those days are stunning!
And they resurrected partly rotted bodies (3 days dead, outdoors, under a blanket must have made the bodies beginning to rot) in the name of Jesus?
I always thought it was that other guy that raised zombies?

On the serious note - as much as I want to believe in miracles like that, a story without any substantial proof is to me - just a story.
The fact that it's mentioned on a christian healing website doesn't make it any more valid then if I would have just told you the same thing myself without backing it up in any way.

But hey, at least raising zombies in the name of Jesus is a new twist in the spreading of the angelic word.
Wonder what the pope has to say about that?

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 06:58 PM
It's bad enough that some here feel the need to ridicule other people's faith, but the part that irks me the most is when someone proclaims that they are an atheist, as if that gives them some kind of special knowledge.

We're all just spinning into infinity, folks.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by WeBrooklyn

your thread is very compelling. I am having trouble believing it credible. You heard this from a friend and give us pics from a website? that cant be visited. I understand that some sights use blocks when used by bloggers.
Further I read the Holy Scriptures to say that Christ died for the sins of the whole world.Further than that Paul said that to be seperated from the body was to be present with the Lord.
I am a christian and I am calling B.S. on this one...

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by mishigas
It's bad enough that some here feel the need to ridicule other people's faith, but the part that irks me the most is when someone proclaims that they are an atheist, as if that gives them some kind of special knowledge.

We're all just spinning into infinity, folks.

Agreed, Although I think the mocking lies in the story as well. Praise Jesus, blah blah dead rise?!?!?!?
The mocking of faith began when the story was hatched.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by THIRDEYETRIPPIN
WOW, IF this article is in fact telling the truth this is crazy. But, i can not see this being true. Defenately a scam to make people believe in Christianity.

Sorry to but in here but i noticed you took a little cheap shot at Christianity and called a scam to make people believe in Christianity, what makes Islam any different? in Islam they force by force to join it.

This will be very interesting if this news story is actually real rather then been a fake.

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