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Student Jailed For Throwing Fire Extinguisher!!!

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posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 09:42 AM

Student Jailed For Throwing Fire Extinguisher!!!

A student has been jailed for 32 months for throwing a fire extinguisher off the roof of London's Millbank Tower during the student fees riots in November
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 09:42 AM
I feel bad for this kid,he was protesting for a very worthy cause but Its lucky nobody was killed as there was a large crowd below,a moment of complete madness he will surely be regretting now.
I agree with the sentence but a young offenders institution is no place for a bright student,hes gonna have to grow up fast in there!
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 11/1/11 by lektrofellon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by lektrofellon

Apparently he is not all that bright if he thought throwing a fire extinguisher from the upper floors of a building into a mass of people below was a good idea..
edit on 11-1-2011 by Xcathdra because: finished the thought... stoopid phone calls.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

Good point

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 09:59 AM
If he does a degree in prison, will he have to pay tuition fee's?

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by lektrofellon

I find the entire situation surrounding that incident a troubling one. Personaly I had no issue with anything that happened that day appart from the throwing of that extinguisher. Trashing Millbank tower? Hell yes. The right thing to do, bloody tories want to put families and sick people out on the streets, make London flat out impossible to live in for anyone earning less than £100,000 a year, then they can pay for a refit of thier bloody offices, and they can shut up whining about it as well. Filthy lying finacial fascists the lot of them. I couldnt agree more with the general destruction of the property of the most traitorous group of scumbags spawned on the political stage since the Thatcher government , however, that cannot take away from the fact that an act occured which could have resulted in the death of any one who happened to be under that extinguisher when it landed.
As for growing up fast, I think that in terms of this young mans reaction to what he had done, he has probably sobered himself as an individual. I know that if I was contemplating having done such an irresponsible thing I would get older in the head and be quick about it! I cant think of anything more utterly shattering than realising how close you could come to killing a person like that.
However, I worry that the presence of the students on that roof, that the breakaway group itself was not entirely lead by students in the protest. The recent case of the green activists whose group was infiltrated by an undercover policeman, shows that protest groups are prime to be infiltrated, and that means they are also prime to be controled, coerced and herded by furtive persons incognito . I am reffering to the possibility that police agents might have been infiltrated into the Millbank group, and may have had a hand in inciting the violence that took place, which would have the effect of justifying making the policing of further protests more robust (read violent , sadistic, bullying , disgusting). Doubt we will see proof of that for another seven or eight years, should there be any to find, but thats how I read the situation.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by Fang

probably not!

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by lektrofellon

I feel bad for this kid,he was protesting for a very worthy cause but Its lucky nobody was killed as there was a large crowd below,a moment of complete madness he will surely be regretting now.
I agree with the sentence but a young offenders institution is no place for a bright student,hes gonna have to grow up fast in there!
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 11/1/11 by lektrofellon because: (no reason given)

Totally deserved prison sentence. The extinguisher landed directly between the line of police and those protesting. He could of just as easily killed one of the people who was protesting the same cause as he was.

The crowd below were even chanting 'stop throwing sh*t' and booed when the extinguisher was dropped.

I agree with the cause, just not with the way some individuals went about it. Namely this clown who took it way too far.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 10:05 AM
Got what he deserved.

Hopefully the rest of the violent mob get incarcerated at Her Majesty's pleasure for destroying public property and desecrating War Memorials. Why on Earth should I pay for their education and for the damage, from the protests, too? Ungrateful little swines.

And to think, we use to hang people for less in this country*

*was inspired by anger and meant to be facetious. Not to be taken literally.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by infinite

I think that where the war memorials are concerned, that was a travesty, but again I would be cautious in assuming that just because the news asserts that the major damage was done by persons who were protesting, that this is in fact the case. I see a much dirtier hand than thiers in all that, and I believe some things that happened that day, were simply done to ensure a lack of public support for the students.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Lol sounds like something out of the US history and government infiltrating groups.. The general mindset by the people assigned to infiltrate these groups said that of the 30 present at those meetings, 29 were government infiltrators lol.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 10:21 AM
Totally deserved it, I would of tried him for attempted murder if I could, someone could easily of been killed.

All I see students doing is getting drunk and partying, then they do something like this.

Who paid to put this kid away? Us
Who is now paying to keep him in prison? Us
Who's paying to have the spray paint and piss cleaned off the memorials? Us

The students cost the taxpayer alot of money that day. Why should they be given what they want?

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

Its funny but its true! We know for a fact that our police force here in this country do go undercover for years on end, living double lives, egging people on to get them in a position where they are vunerable to the law, causing a stink to get a reaction out of people. They provoke situations in order that those who have trusted and relied on them can turn around and clap the bracelets on them. Now I dont mind this , if it is ONLY being used against organised , for profit, criminal enterprise, and international terrorism.
But when such dangerous, and moraly questionable methods are used against people who are basicaly involved in a matter of democracy... at that point I become deeply suspicious of anything which casts the protestor (no matter wether they be green party activists or students) in a murky light.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 10:28 AM
He was a salad, 'scuse my French, showing scant regard for human life, and he fully deserves being clapped in the stocks and having rotten tomatoes, and, tit-for-tat, fire extinguishers thrown at him.

He hurt a valid cause by being a prick. He deserves to be punished.
edit on 11/1/2011 by TheWill because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/1/2011 by TheWill because: Trying word association rather than outright self-censorship

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 10:32 AM
I'm all for the protests and even a bit of a ruckus when the police incite it, but he's an imbecile. Like others have said, he could have easily killed someone.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by johnyelland1234

Good question, but heres a much better one. How can the government justify cuts in education , when the HMRC are loosing billions in evaded tax, from the people who own the HMRC buildings up and down the country? How can the government justify the cuts to education when the HMRC are WASTING billions more by paying the same company insane amounts of money, to do things which could be done much cheaper localy, rather than being done nationaly? Thats right, Mapley is a company which owns every HMRC installation in the UK, they are the biggest tax evaders in Britain, and if that wasnt enough, they are overcharging HMRC for all the services they provide to those offices and installations.
Employees of Her Majesties Revenue and Customs often find they need new office equipment. Say a mouse breaks, you or I would nip down to our local retailer and buy one for no more than fifteen quid. HMRC pay a whopping £68.99 because that is the price in the Mapely catalogue, and the HMRC are contracted to aquire office products and services from Mapely exclusively.
HMRC are not the only government organisation wasting money like this. If cuts are to be made, they should be made to idiocy of that nature, not foisted upon what was until recently a relatively harmless section of society, who are only trying to become better contributors to society by getting an education.
My support goes to the students because they have the right of the situation. It IS wrong that education should be paid for by the student to the sickening degree which has been ratified by parliment. It IS wrong that less well off children are going to have to drop thier dreams because they are to expensive to come true, and it IS wrong that because of the increase about which the protests were organised, this country will miss out on some extremely bright and talented people , who may now never reach the hieghts of science, arts, philosophy and politics, all because a programe of cuts was mis managed and badly aimed.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Some fair points but the principle concept behind Democracy is for the people to behave in a civilized manner and to respect the rights of others, whether they agree with it or not. Where in a Democracy does it allow protestors to attack, destroy, vandalize the property of others who are not involved in whats going on?
edit on 11-1-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

But americans have riots, too. (EDIT; i.e. should a nation that has riots no longer follow the democratic process?)

Also, as a sort of parable, many people in america have guns, because that's what they voted for, but some of them use those guns to damage other people's personal property... should we ignore the voice of the many just because of a few bad eggs?
edit on 11/1/2011 by TheWill because: made it less weird.

edit on 11/1/2011 by TheWill because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by TrueBrit

Some fair points but the principle concept behind Democracy os for the people to behave in a civilised manner and to respect the rights of tohers, whether they agree with it or not. Where in a Democracy does it allow protestors to attack, destroy, vandalize the property of others who are not involved in whats going on?

When the ruling classes ignore the will of the masses, that's not Democracy. It's Plutocracy. Where is the Democracy in government lying and going against the will of those they were voted in to represent? I'll anwser that, there is none.

Protest, violence and vandalism aren't the problem, it's a reaction to the problem. The problem will always be corrupt government spitting on Democracy and becoming self serving, anti-Democratic, plutocratic arses.

What else can the people do? Vote in another 'opposition' party?

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by TheWill

No.. I think some missed my point. Protests are fine, as its a true sign that freedom is alive and well. My point is the protestors in the UK, and even here in the states, protest actions / policies by the Government.

My point is in this case student in the UK are upset about the Government changing tution costs. So the students protested, again fine. Where does destroying personal private property (cars, windows, etc etc) come into play in the protest? Their beef is with the Government, not the car or shop owners.

Its like prostesting the manner in which a university does animal experimentation by going downtown and ransacking a book store while igniting cars out front on fire.

What do those items have to do with the protest, or even the reason for the protest? The same holds true for the US, and im not singaling out the UK here. I am just saying its one thing to take action to let the Government know you are pissed, its another matter entirely when those same people who are upset about money and cost to turn around and vandalise or destroy items who belong to people not involved, who now have to spend their own money to fix / replace the items destroyed.

Counter productive and undermines the argument about cost of education, even more so when they cause economic damage to others not involved.

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