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Legislators confronted with chemtrail concerns

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posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 08:12 AM
Chemtrails have multiple applications from NOAA to Dept of Defense.

Take it or leave it...the truth of the matter isnt contingent whether you believe it or not. You can chase your tails playing the "Im right and you are wrong" game til your blue in the faces

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by shagreen heart

they are spraying, because normally, the natural vapor trail effervesces very quickly and dissapears into the atmosphere, simple as that.

The only people who teach and believe this are "chemtrailers". A contrail (what you see) is water and pollutants. A cloud is water and pollutants. Therefore a contrail will act like a cloud. Clouds do not disperse quickly, do they? They can last for hours and travel for miles.

watched the metallic particulate sparkle down on them

And they tested these particles to see their content? Lots of things sparkle in a flashlight. Like dust. How could they determine where the particles came from? Just making the claim doesn't make it so. There are other easier sources for sparkly dust than a planes exhaust 30,000+ away.

see how much aluminum you're carrying, how much aluminum is in your soil, water, flora and fauna in your area.

Or you could look up the aluminum sources. Aluminum is the most abundant metallic in the ground and the third most abundant element. Aluminum is everywhere. It always has been. All tests I've seen from "chemtrail" sources are ground based and do not take into account all other possible dirt. If it's in the dirt, it's in the air. And the source (looks like an advertisement of sorts), states that.
I've watched planes throughout my life as well. I'm 49. The trails back then (and in all the pictures of skies taken since the end of World War I) are like the trails now. There are more planes now, so there will be more trails.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 08:42 AM
Interesting sidebar since I was debating the frequency of earthquakes yesterday:

North Central/ Northeast Indiana had a M4.2 trembler this morning. And I missed it. Dang.
While not very geologically active, we do get a couple of these each year. It's nothing new, nor are they increasing in frequency.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by Rockerchic4God

Yes, there exists plenty of information validating the existence of chemtrail spraying.
I have an analogy, hopefully it doesn't offend a chemtrail debunker (seems really easy to do.)
Have you heard the "don't p*ss down my back and tell me it's raining" saying? Well, when it comes to chemtrails, people all over the world are saying that. And, there are scientists and other professionals making documentaries and writing papers about this phenomenon.
So, "don't spray and tell me it's cirrus clouds" seems really appropriate, and perhaps won't offend the thin-skinned.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by Human_Alien

Dont they prevent hurricanes or divert them from reaching the coast?

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 09:32 AM
I have read almost all of the comments in this thread, and I would like to say a couple things.

Fist of all, if you go around with a free mason symbol on your avatar on this website you are just looking for trouble. Let's put all the conspiracy theory stuff aside and just look at the fact that it is just a boys club. No women allowed... Kinda like the KKK doesn't allow black members. Yeah - not a fan.

Eward Griffin co directed the documentary that Karen Johnson dropped off at the house and senate. Oh and don't worry he has real scientists testing this stuff. Scientists that care about science - not lining their pockets. For those that do not know who Edward Griffin is - He wrote the book called the Creature from Jekyll Island. It is about the Federal reserve. Most people that know about the subject will agree that the conspiracy theory behind the federal reserve is not a conspiracy theory at all. I would consider him a credible source.

I would also like to point out that the charts of earthquakes in previous posts were of US locations only. Since the person that brought this up as a possibility for effects of chemtrails also brought up sink holes I can only assume they were talking about this possible effects world wide since the sink hole phenomenon only happened outside the US, or at least the majority of them did.

Just my thoughts.

edit on 30-12-2010 by nottheonlyone because: Edit to add that the earthquakes are not possible effect of chemtrail, but that it is some sort of cover up or solution to a bigger issue.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by Stewie
reply to post by Rockerchic4God

Yes, there exists plenty of information validating the existence of chemtrail spraying.
I have an analogy, hopefully it doesn't offend a chemtrail debunker (seems really easy to do.)
Have you heard the "don't p*ss down my back and tell me it's raining" saying? Well, when it comes to chemtrails, people all over the world are saying that. And, there are scientists and other professionals making documentaries and writing papers about this phenomenon.
So, "don't spray and tell me it's cirrus clouds" seems really appropriate, and perhaps won't offend the thin-skinned.

Its not us "debunkers" that get offended, its the chemmies that do, because as soon as we ask specifics, or when we correct the multitude of falsehoods that you all spout, instead of thanking us for giving you correct information, you call us then government paid disinfo agents.

Its just part and parcel of conspiracy theorists to then lump people with opposing views, then into the conspiracy, especially if they have any kind of expertise.

How many chemtrail believers actually ask questions of pilots to learn more? Or ask people who know about weather? You all know the answer, because it does not happen. Thats why chemtrail believers end up embarassing themselves anytime they try to comment about aviation, and look foolish, and then can not back up what they claim, and usually disappear rather than admit that they did not know anything.

To you thats pissy, to ask for details, specifics, facts, corroboration, instead of dealing with vague accusations, allegations and youtube videos, and fuzzy contrail photos.

Look at how many chemmies do not still understand that the air up high is still cold even in summer? And the idea the jets can actually be flying at different altitudes, does not occur to them either. Or link to the same photos over and over, that were explained long ago. Never any actual photos of chemplanes, no evidence of any kind of infrastructure that would be required.

What is even more funny, is how EVERY summer, chemmies post about the lack of chemtrails. And EVERY winter, they post about how there are more spray days and more chemtrails. Hmmmmmm

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by nottheonlyone
Fist of all, if you go around with a free mason symbol on your avatar on this website you are just looking for trouble.

incredibly intelligent. I bet you can tell if a guy is smart just by the color of his skin too.

Forget for one second that I am a devil worshiping world dominating elitist who eats babies.

go here and click your country. Then I want you to ponder. Don't speak, don't type, just think. If "they" are spraying you and have been doing so for a while, it must be good for you.

Now you can go back to judging people based on their avitar.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Rockerchic4God
If you just do these two things, you will see indisputable FACTS.

please just do this


thing for me.

click the link and ask yourself what is really going on. The evidence you claim to look at needs to factor in things like this.
edit on 30-12-2010 by network dude because: fixed link

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 02:16 PM
Unlike most 'conspiracies' this one is set a part from all others seeing, we can't trace the source. We cannot even begin to.
Is it the government? NASA? Russian? Cuba? Monsanto? Aliens? No one knows but at the same time, no one can deny this either.

If these weren't chemical trails then we'd see them all the time. Because after all, planes varies...and condensation occurs. But that is NOT the case.

These are sporadic at best. And sometimes, no matter WHAT the weather (cold, hot, precipitation, arid etc) we have lattice-like skies despite the condition.

I can not answer the person who asked: why isn't this happening in his neck of the world because I don't know the motive at all.
I can venture guesses but that would not behoove or explain the reality of this 'event'.

Denying this is to live a lie.
Realizing this is to acknowledge there's something going on.
And just because you are aware of this doesn't mean we HAVE to have the answers. It just doesn't work that way.

So whoever is behind this...........................good job!!!!

So.....deny all you want.
Although it's mind-boggling when you do, it doesn't effect our awareness at all!!

Life is great.
This world however, is very questionable.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 02:23 PM

Forget for one second that I am a devil worshiping world dominating elitist who eats babies.

Wow! You actually eat babies. That is just sick. What a confession!

I like how even though I clearly stated that I was leaving the conspiracy theory aside, and also simply stating based on the common views of members of this website your avatar is going to attract attention. Maybe you can provide some links to threads claiming that free masons eat babies.

Now you can go back to judging people based on their avitar.

Judging by your avatar.......
I would say that arguing with you is a waist of my time. So have a nice day.

My only mission in posting anything here was to add to the topic by the OP, and I think I did that. I could really care less about arguing with people and trying to change someones mind. My focus is always on helping the reader better understand the topic the OP presented. If anyone of my posts ever helps anyone "wake up" then I have done my part.
edit on 30-12-2010 by nottheonlyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by network dude

Ah, what the heck, I'm board any way. Here I will show you how simple common sense and logic will blow holes in debunkers views.

So I thought about this one Thing.

I thinks that the statement below says two things about the subject at hand.

Life expectancy The average number of years a newborn is expected to live with current mortality patterns remaining the same.

#1 The number of years a newborn child is EXPECTED to live based on CURRENT PATTERNS. Well that is just and educated guess then isn't it... or wait there is another word it's a... Theory. Current patterns are changing all the time. The pollution is cities creates breathing difficulties in young children and elderly. I don't suppose that issue is getting any better is it? What about the crap they are putting in our food. There are a lot of things that are changing the possibilities here if you consider the only data they have to pull from are people that are elderly now - not years and years from now. The people that are elderly now did not live their entire lives in these conditions. Which brings me to number two....

#2. If chemtrails have only existed for about the last decade then life expectancy has nothing to do with the subject. 80 years from now, with chemtrails in existence for a lifespan you can come back to me with this information and prove me wrong.

edit on 30-12-2010 by nottheonlyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by superluminal11

Chemtrails have multiple applications from NOAA to Dept of Defense.

Care to share your sources for that information?

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by nottheonlyone

Let's put all the conspiracy theory stuff aside and just look at the fact that it is just a boys club. No women allowed...

Guess you don't know as much as you think you do. I'm not a boy, never have been.
In one way you are correct, though. Sometimes people start treating me as though I am stupid, because I am a woman. I've not understood where sex had anything to do with understanding science or not. I've found the majority of "chemtrail" believers seem to be men and do not understand the most basic of meteorology.
Or anything else.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:04 PM
WOW..... we get the same debunkers on these threads each and every time. Each time the ignorance stays with them.
firepilot is a know it all and stars15k is kind of a secluded uneducated housewife.

Guys, the post is about a former Arizona senator. Her and other politicians know chemtrails exist and they have concerns. Thats about it.
Stop trying to convince people that chemtrails don't exist because you will always fail. Not because we are all crazy chemnuts but because we can all see the obvious operations they do depending on the day.
The more you spout off certain things and don't answer certain questions the more you look like disinfo agents.
edit on 30-12-2010 by dplum517 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-12-2010 by dplum517 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by stars15k

Then you are not a free mason and that statement was not directed at you.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by dplum517
WOW..... we get the same debunkers on these threads each and every time. Each time the ignorance stays with them.
firepilot is a know it all and stars15k is kind of a secluded uneducated housewife.

Guys, the post is about a former Arizona senator. Her and other politicians know chemtrails exist and they have concerns. Thats about it.
Stop trying to convince people that chemtrails don't exist because you will always fail. Not because we are all crazy chemnuts but because we can all see the obvious operations they do depending on the day.
The more you spout off certain things and don't answer certain question the more you look like disinfo agents.
edit on 30-12-2010 by dplum517 because: (no reason given)

And umm, we get the same chemtrail believers too. What does that have to do with anything. At least we do not do hit and runs, posting stuff that gets quickly debunked and then disappearing like many of you do.

I certainly do not know it all, but I guarantee I know more about aviation and meteorology than any chemtrail believer. Two subjects that chemtrail believers will do anything they can, in order to continue to know absolutely nothing about. It could keep you from posting videos with airplane pics that you knew nothing about and could not even defend or explain what you even posted.

edit on 30-12-2010 by firepilot because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-12-2010 by firepilot because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by firepilot

And umm, we get the same chemtrail believers too. What does that have to do with anything. At least we do not do hit and runs, posting stuff that gets quickly debunked and then disappearing like many of you do. I certainly do not know it all, but I guarantee I know more about aviation and meteorology than any chemtrail believer. Two subjects that chemtrail believers will do anything they can, in order to continue to know absolutely nothing about.

That right there proves you cock ass attitude that you are a know it all.
"Stuff" hasn't been quickly debunked all the time. You claim to know more about aviation and meteorology than any "believer." How do you know that? Ohhhhh don't, you can't.
I don't have degrees in those fields but I know enough and have enough common sense to know when a huge operation is happening over my head. I come from a family of pilots and have seen aviation my whole life so don't attempt to insult alot of people by saying you know more when in fact you clearly know less.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Stewie

Well, when it comes to chemtrails, people all over the world are saying that.

Because stupidity is worldwide. You cannot look up and tell anything about the content of anything that far away. It is impossible. Why do people keep claiming that? What is the visual clues to the content? What are the visual clues about intent? There isn't any.

And, there are scientists and other professionals making documentaries and writing papers about this phenomenon.

Citation, please. This is what we've been asking for as debunkers, something, anything that presents proof of what "chemtrailers" are always babbling about. You said they are there, please show us one.
Be warned, though. Carnicom claims to be a "research scientist". He is not trained in meteorology, geology, chemistry, climatology, aviation sciences, or any other pertinent discipline. Being a nuclear physicist does not mean you will understand about the pattern of wind visible in cloudforms. Being a astronomer doesn't mean you will know anything about the distribution of crustal elements.
Debunkers know about discernment of the science they read. We accept the word of experts. We expect the word of experts. They know what tests need to be done, how to do them, and how to read the results. They know how to get good samples, and how to use a control.
None of these features have ever shown up on any pro-"chemtrail" science tests.
And all a video shows is someone knows how to use a camera and a video editing program. Unless they are filming the process of testing, or are experts in a relevent field, "chemtrail" videos are pretty much a waste of time.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by firepilot

And right there in lays the misconception and deception.

Firepilot (whatever your name implies) let me make ONE thing perfectly clear (unlike our skies):
We are NOT believers. We are observers.
You are the disbeliever and the blinded.

This is not a matter of whether or not you believe in aliens, UFOs, Big Foot, Loch Ness monster or chupacabra. This is not being published on the front pages of the Weekly World News nor the back pages of a comic book.
This has been and will continue to be acknowledged by every walk of life and now, a Senator.

It may take a Ron Paul-type person to go after this until the day they die but fortunate for us, we have clout.

Show me ONE person of 'clout' who adamantly denies this.
Go ahead. I'll give you 24 hour to link me to a president, Senator, heads of NASA, an astronaut, a renown scientist or any household name, who has gone on record saying this is nothing but a figment of our imagination and yet another conspiracy.

Go ahead.

24 hours.

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