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People who think the world is ending are mentaly ill.

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posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 11:43 AM
I think that people who say the world is going to end are not necessarily ill mentally, but they have an opinion of the world that is low enough that it really wouldn't be a travesty, to them, that it did end.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 11:43 AM
Everyone is wrong, the world will end on 11-11-2011, the reptillian overlords will be here at 11:11am and crush us all by 11:11pm.

Be prepared to be the slave to your reptillian masters, the 2012 hoax is just there to catch everyone off guard muhahahah!

Seriously, do you really think mayan primitives could've predicted the end of the world? if so, I want what they are smoking...

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by GrOuNd_ZeRo
Everyone is wrong, the world will end on 11-11-2011, the reptillian overlords will be here at 11:11am and crush us all by 11:11pm.

Be prepared to be the slave to your reptillian masters, the 2012 hoax is just there to catch everyone off guard muhahahah!

Seriously, do you really think mayan primitives could've predicted the end of the world? if so, I want what they are smoking...

Well then... I'm not paying my taxes this year.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by TheAmused

If being a member of ATS indicates that I have a mental illness, then I'd rather be mentally ill than be mentally dumbed-down-duh-Bart-Simpson-Shtoopified like 90% of the people who get all their "news" from the MSM -- and actually believe every word, a questioning thought or suspicion never troubling the almost dormant cognitive centers in their slumbering brains.

If being a member of ATS is a mental illness, then I darned well hope that this affliction has no cure, is communicable and continues to spread at an ever-increasing rate. Original thoughts are our mind's medicine, words that wake us are our addictive drug, opinions are worthy and actually sought after and listened to: be they in agreement with ours or totally the opposite, we welcome the chance to question and challenge not only other minds, but our own as well; sometimes we suprise ourselves and change our minds' long-held ideas or beliefs, or we help others to learn and develop and grow even as they are helping us.

If being a member of ATS is all this, then what a wonderful affliction we have!

Thank you, OP, for presenting your opinion and giving us all something to think about.

Because that's why we're here...

Long may the illness live!

Best regards,


posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 11:52 AM
No, it's fact. The Sun will explode some day, and the world will end.
edit on 23-12-2010 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by Frith
I'm sick of people attacking conspiracy theorists when organized religious believers which make up the majority of this planet's inhabitants get a pass on the crazy things they believe in just because they're part of much larger and more influential groups.

If conspiracy theorists are mentally ill then its equally so for anybody who believes in some type of spirituality. Worse because not only are they crazy, most people have no problem with it and consider it "normal."
edit on 23-12-2010 by Frith because: (no reason given)

I disagree. I think that the people who believe in absolutely no spirituality, and that everything is dead or inanimate matter, in the final analysis, are crazy.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

I kind of believe that the world is dead, but quite animate. As evident by the vast destructive nature of the universe. But it all is leading to death. A dead cold universe.

I do believe in God, and I believe in Spirituality. But God is kind of like the oil crisis. We have enough to get us to the next step. If we fail to work towards it, we are not going to get any more oil to run these gears. Thus with Christ and the book of acts there after, all "miraculous spiritual" stuff concluded. Mankind had advanced enough to write these things down and faith remains the only way to be a sure blind sheep for God. Oh sure maybe sometimes he makes an exception and some crazy stuff happens. But mostly, the time of red seas parting and empires falling to fire in the sky is over until Jesus returns. Now its faith, or nothing. And you know what? I like it that way. Keeps the world more simple. If a tree falls in the forest, some pixie didn't do it, some big foot didn't do it, the wind did it. Or decay did it. or some other biological process.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by TheAmused
its a phobia
anxiety .

ADDICTION TO FEAR Some people like fear, because in activities like riding a roller-coaster or during bunjee-jumping, we get an adrenaline-rush: a physical reaction to make us alert and ready for action - some people actually get addicted to this natural drug and get into extreme activities. This can easily lead to needing more dangerous situations more often, so they may tend to take ever increasing risks - until the parachute does not open, or the weather changes while climbing a steep, dangerous mountain slope......

Then i realized we are all on ATS why?
We are paranoid..
We all got our reason for being here..
biblical conspiracy
goverment out to get us.

list goes on and on..
We are all mentally ill.
We want fear We want fear of death.
We want the fear of maybe getting controlled.
So yes we are sick.
Otherwise we would go to website's that sing songs about lollypops and rainbows
edit on 22-12-2010 by TheAmused because: (no reason given)

A phobia is a fear of something...
Most people don't fear the world is ending.
Most just know it.
Some anticipate it.
Some deny it be it ignorarntly or blissfully.

Members of ATS also cannot be criticized for feeling anxious when they are constantly searching for the next unknown. Everyone feels like that when searching for something.

Members of ATS also feel insecure because if they find what they are looking for, they could easily walk away with a Target on their head or mockery brigades when they open their mouth.

I disagree wholeheartedly with your opinion simply because the subject to you reference this so called "sickness" is more of a battlefield of theories with way too many variables to calculate a victory.

The theorist you call sick can easily counter you with saying that "ignorance" is a sickness that many people have because of an inner displacement of OCD where people like order and never want things to change.

But to each his own I suppose.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 12:33 PM
I wouldn't say they're mentally ill, I'd say they're bored individuals who need more excitement in their lives...or maybe actually Get lives first.

But that doesn't mean a good % of them aren't delusional.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 12:36 PM
The world will end on 2012. The Mayan's were excellent at celestial time keeping. If it doesn't get destroyed a awesome and new paradigm will happen. Maybe we will enter a new age of enlightenment and spiritual advancement.

Or... The Antichrist comes and Armageddon will happen.
edit on 23-12-2010 by Subhuti because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 12:39 PM
Do the math....

Since quite a few religions think the end is near or prophesied it would've ended by now lets you know the mindset of millions of sheeple on Earth

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 12:39 PM
I am rather certain the world will not end anytime soon. It is not "the love of fear" that brings people to ATS or other conspiracy sites, it is the search for truth that is sadly missing in mainstream outlets! I got addicted to this site years ago when I learned that ufos and aliens could be real; before I thought that stuff was nonsense.

Over the years I expanded to other topics that were even more insane such as illuminati mind control, the influence nwo/illuminati has on governments, the influence aliens have on the illuminati, etc. Its all a vicious chain it seems.

Do I believe every conspiracy theory is always true? Hell no but at least I give them a chance to explain themselves before shutting the proverbial door on them. Now I am ten times more likely to believe ATS news then mainstream news, but I have to admit mainstream is becoming less and less mainstream each and every year. That is good news for sure!

People you think are crazy are likely not crazy. They simply have experienced different events in their lifetime that make them think differently. A truely crazy person would shoot his ex-girlfriend for not loving him enough or because she fornicated with another man. People who have a shallow thinking process and think everything is either black or white are the crazy ones. Generally speaking the more knowledgeable you become the less dogmatic you become. Dogma by itself is not a bad thing; its how and why you apply it that matters!

Another case of craziness, and which has always been rampant on planet earth, is the lust/thirst for power. Lately we are seeing an attempt by world leaders to de-nationalise and eventually globalise everything, seemingly for a good cause at first, till you get all the details of which none are good. Centralised power in the hands of the corporate elite is a terrible idea for obvious reasons such as the privatisation of industry, privatisation of parks, the privatisation of healthcare, privatisation of prisons, privatisation of airports/harbors/roads/etc, even the air you breath will likely be taxed in the future. The revealing of the global warming scam proved some people where lying through their teeth and had "good" reason to conceal their data. No one likes to get caught cheating especially when it involves trillions of dollars in taxation and an excuse to control our lives. The PTB will likely not cease their efforts, just because they had "a hiccup", but they maybe a little more cautious from now on and not take things for granted.

I can discuss a lot of things to make a case why we live in a sick world but many things are pathetically obvious and we choose to ignore them. Cancer has been a known disease for almost a century and we keep hearing x,y,z pharma company is "getting close", YET where is the cure? Could it be that the PTB don't have the nerve to tell people we want a small global population so they are easy to control but since you won't accept our plans we have to do it covertly? Granted a global population of 50 billion is a terrible idea but we are still at 8-9 billion and could achieve a harmonious human-nature balance at 15 billion BUT it takes honesty and goodwill to convey the message properly. If all they have is DECEIT then they will simply keep their wretched plans to themselves and carry on with their genocide plans; perhaps its a luciferian ritual the mayans and aztecs that worshipped "nature" by sacrificing humans and animals to please "the gods".

Some things NEVER change. Sure we have more technology, but technology itself cannot change how you think nor can it feed a billion starving children in africa, nor can it stop nuclear armeggedon between "the right" and "the left" which is simply an illusion. It only helps raise awareness IF you want to learn NEW THINGS and have the patience and time to learn. Most people just watch celebrity pictures and chat on facebook as though that is all you can do! They don't know what alternative sites are and what they are missing unless they stumble here some way.

I went off-topic and in no possible way covered everything.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 12:46 PM

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by Subhuti
The world will end on 2012. The Mayan's were excellent at celestial time keeping. If it doesn't get destroyed a awesome and new paradigm will happen. Maybe we will enter a new age of enlightenment and spiritual advancement.

Or... The Antichrist comes and Armageddon will happen.
edit on 23-12-2010 by Subhuti because: (no reason given)

-The Antichrist does not exist.
-The Mayan calendar does not predict the end of the world.
-No new paradigm will happen.
-We won't enter any kind of age but continue to live in the same corrupt world as we're currently in.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by Paradoxos

$5 your post is removed due to you not being able to hold a civil discussion without profanity or bigoted terms.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by TheAmused

Starting off your thread with lol is bad form in my opinion and makes me less inclined to take your ideas seriously. That said, yes, I am mentally ill, in the hip-hop sense of the word.

Originally posted by TheAmused...Otherwise we would go to website's that sing songs about lollypops and rainbows
edit on 22-12-2010 by TheAmused because: (no reason given)

Are you also a fan of Lollipops& It's the best site ever, now if they could only get around to adding sunshine... oh that's right, that's not slated for instatement until 2012.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 01:16 PM
OP you could well be mentaly ill. Or MENTALLY dyslexic, should I categorise you as dumb now. Its funny you think your on to something here. This is standard troughs for most people so much so that nobody else would make a thread about it. Not that it applies to us/them its just that's the kind of opinion that people who don't visit sites like this think on average.

You opinion is not only wrong its very basic in that its the surface thoughts, you haven't went very deep. The psychology of one individual is very much based on there life time of experiences, and now we are all here on ATS are minds got here through different experiences hence we are not all driven by the same reasons. Oh if the pope, Obama or even DR Phil started coming to ATS now they are mentally ill correct?

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 01:21 PM
I have focused my entire life on the idea that my human experience is the most important thing in the universe.

What a sad lie I have have believed this entire time.

I have put together a short movie for those who cling ever tightly to their material world. It is not informative, it is short and to the point.

The world is not in a state of destruction, it is in a state of change. Our world has experienced untold calamity for billions of years and from the plateau's of growing consciousness I will shout out to you a simple truth to remind you of our indomitable nature which is a reflection of the planet.

The reason why we are incredible, awesome, infinite, god's children (In whatever sense pleases you)

And for the record, we will always be here. This is our home. But it is important to remember that you are not your human experience. You are more then this. That part of us that is divine is being recognized now more then ever during this age of communication, for the first time in thousands of years all corners of the world are able to observe one another and allow their minds to connect.

I am reaching some of you in South America, Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, Egypt, Russa, China.

This is a miracle. One forged from our own ingenious desire to speak to another human being.

The world will be fine, we will be fine - We are in a state of constant change.

edit on 23-12-2010 by Gradius Maximus because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by TheAmused

People need to chill out...

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 01:24 PM
No you are wrong and a bit twisted say that about ever one on this site

There are hidden messages on T.v becuase think about how adverts makes you feel, hmmmm i sure do want a coke round about know kind of advert.

ATS is not a breeding ground mentaly because thier all F***** up before they get here.

i could go on all day and 1 by 1 turn your arguments on thier arse's

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