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Educated Families Rejecting Vaccines

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posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by Whyhi

It's your "science" that causes cancer .. maybe it's the "real deal" to you, but you can shove it. Thanks.

Your labels and and insults don't change the fact that your programming has failed, people are still smart enough to see through the lies. Society won't tolerate you for much longer, you know.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by harryhaller

We were having a discussion no need to start the insults.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by harryhaller

Well your dog is ugly.


posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by Whyhi

Thats a bit tough to prove though, right? I can prove if I have a particular disease through a number of quantitative measures. I can not prove that I have been made sick by a vaccine in the majority of cases. This situation is further excerbated by the fact that the drug firm/government complex has an incentive to develop mechanisms to prove I have a specific disease so that they can sell me medication to treat/cure it and toss a ton of dough into that effort. On a related point, they have every incentive to show that vaccines don't cause conditions and toss a ton of dough to do that.

As far as the airbag goes, it is not an analogous argument. In many cases I have to take a vaccine, against my wishes. Were I to choose to I could either buy a car without an airbag (an older model) or pay to have the airbag removed. I am not forced to use the airbag while I am forced to take the vaccine.

From a statistical perspective, I am not likely to get into a car accident in the odds are against it. The vast majority of accidents don't cause airbag deployment. In those that do and I was to discover that I was likely to be injured by both the accident and the airbag, I might again choose to not use the airbag. Again its my choice.

I'm not anti-vaccine. I am against pushing vaccines for diseases that are extremely rare and for which there are adequate treatment. I am most certainly against any mandatory vaccine that is not for the treatment of a highly contagious disease and that has had very significant study, including the long-term effects.

From my perspective the drug companys mostly create poisons to treat conditions, many of which are not real quality of life altering conditions. Those drugs have side effects that require other medications to correct and the cycle.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by Whyhi

Polio eh?
Ever hear of the Sister Kinney method?
How about Orgone therapy?
Both worked for Robert Anton Wilson.
Also try reading the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine before talking about Vitamins and Nutrition.
Perhaps even the work of Nobel Peace Prize winning Doctor Linus Pauling.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Whyhi

People dying as a result of "abusing" drugs...
Opremazole is known as Prilosec and given out for Acid Reflux, a condition most doctors misdiagnose as being an abundance of gastric acid instead of not enough stomach acid. Proton Pump Inhibitors have horrid side effects including nausea,osteoperosis,sudden death, heart failure,cough, diharreah, propecia, cancer, etc..
shutting down the production of gastric acid creates an environment that leads to a build up of toxins not killed by gastric acid. You are supposed to use the pills for 2 weeks. Most docs will tell you to take them for as long as you need, months,years,etc.
The point is that most pills have horrid side effects and in some cases are not even needed but are used due to not wanting to work with the patient to change things in their lifestyle to help the disease.
Allopathic medicine has it's place and is very useful for emergency situations but the grim reality is that most of our remedies effect the symptom and mask the overall problem. We also overuse antibiotics which lead to things like MRSA. Some docs will hand out Erythromycin if you have a sore throat that is viral without even doing a strep culture. That is not needed. Vitamin C taken to orthomolecular levels is Antiviral,ant biotic,antipyretic, anti fungal, and has shown great use in cancer treatment. Do not take my word for it. Look at the facts. That is not even going into herbal medicine or TCM, Ayurveda, etc. Just basic nutrition. The RDA for nutition in the USA is set at the bare minimum amounts to keep you from getting Scurvy, Beri Beri, and other nutrient deficient diseases. Every body is different andf has different needs as far as supplements.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 07:37 PM
Vaccines have worked for me and have given me very minimal side effects and I believe it's much better to prevent it than get it and have to try to get it treated so I'm not complaining. By the way I don't know why everybody is against pharmaceutical there are many reputable companies out there who also make other medicines, not just vaccines.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by Bobby131

This is very true. There are many reputable companies that make medicine. It's just alot of those companies are fueled by profit instead of patient care. My aunt is in R&D for one of them. She agrees that there are a plethora of side effects and that most people are over prescribed drugs and not warned fully of any of the dangers of interactions etc. Some of these companies also have history with the Nazi party and the experiments that went on during the Holocaust.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Whyhi

So is yours ...

4 Nov 2010 ... "Obama stands by passively while republicans walk him like a dog." -- ed shultz

Bobby, i'm sure a lot of things "work for you", just don't force anything on anyone else, ok? Because that's what's being done. And if it's "diseased people" that worry you, just take another vaccine for it.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by Whyhi

Yes, it's all a wrapped up PR statement against the matter, but don't blame us for drawing such hard conclusions on the monstrous issue. They're neither short-sighted conclusions, and, important to note, not based on pseudoscience but on alternate science. The unmentionable holistic awareness that dispels the many myths of the medical industry, etc, etc To say modern science has the answers when the corporate industry behind works on doctors education through and after university, offers perks for subscriptions, and then sees the doctors turn around and fail to use the same medicines and treatments they proscribe patients for their serious illnesses! For example, how many doctors will take chemotherapy?

Antibiotics are cited as one drug that does work, which their reasoning follows to say, leads people to believe in the mountain of "propaganda" generated by vaccines. We haven't touched on RFID/WFID chip concerns here, and maybe we should. It depends on how much topic-pressing you'd see as on-topic in this thread.

Did you mention, and then laugh, about pseudoscience? Your science? Implemented from the bowels of the universities to duped out professionals who usually know better? Here's some helpful information about the science of governing science then/ as the world works.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Protocol No. 8 : Provisional Government

"Conventional cancer treatments are in place as the law of the land because they pay, not heal, the best."---John Diamond, M.D. & Lee Cowden, M.D.

"Finding a cure for cancer is absolutely contraindicated by the profits of the cancer industry’s chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery cash trough."—Dr Diamond, M.D.

"We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their idea of research is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison."—Glen Warner, M.D. oncologist.

"Chemotherapy is an incredibly lucrative business for doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies…..The medical establishment wants everyone to follow the same exact protocol. They don’t want to see the chemotherapy industry go under, and that’s the number one obstacle to any progress in oncology."—Dr Warner, M.D.

"Just a word about vaccines. I tell all my clients not to take the Pneumovax (vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia), and under no circumstances take the flu vaccine. just don't bother. There's no evidence that these vaccines work in people with AIDS. But there's a lot of evidence that the vaccines are very detrimental. As far as general HIV vaccines go, they're being researched to the tune of a lot of media hype, supposedly to protect us against the AIDS virus. Well, there is some disconcerting evidence and statistics that won't go away, that the AIDS virus may have been introduced into our population by means of a vaccine. And I can tell you no one is ever going to stick an "AIDS vaccine" into my body. I'd rather take my chances with the AIDS virus. At least then I know what I'm dealing with, rather than whatever virus is in the so-called vaccine."--Joan Priestley, M.D.

There’s a reason 75 percent of doctors say they’d refuse chemotherapy if they ever got cancer themselves: They know something you don’t.

But the secret’s out now — because the simple truth is that you CAN survive cancer without chemo, and I have all the proof right here. M.C. Douglass

On the AIDS virus and vaccine :

What he meant was, the Russians at the time were fronting the theory, developed by East German biologist, Jakob Segal, that HIV was a lethal germ engineered in Maryland. A biowar US creation.

My book instead proved that HIV – wherever it came from – was a harmless retrovirus that was being used as a cover story to explain/conceal an emerging depopulation operation in the Third World. HIV was also a cover for other agendas outside the Third World.

As long as AIDS is the target of WHO/UN "humanitarian" efforts, the actual causes – which are easily reversible – of death in Africa, Asia, and Latin America are allowed to remain and fester and expand.

Thabo Mbeki, the president of South Africa, has been a major thorn in the side of the depopulationists. He knows that HIV does not cause human disease. He knows that the front-line drugs for AIDS, especially AZT, attack the bone marrow, where certain cells of the immune system are manufactured. Thus CREATING what is called AIDS through pharmaceutical means. In particular, giving AZT to pregnant mothers is a major goal of the depopulation effort.

So don't worry - we already have our points of view on the industry right where they ought to be. You don't have to fix those "for us". Airbags are external to the body, and hopefully never get used.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by ANSPHAR

Yes, true.
Like Sandoz Pharmeceuticals.
And Albert Hoffman.
Lysergic acid diethylamide anyone?

The single high point in an otherwise disasterous industry.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 09:06 PM
I have worked for two vaccine manufacturers. I guess that would indicate that I've worked for the "enemy".

Either way, I wouldn't take a vaccine if it was free and came with a bonus. That's just me. You do as you see fit.

One was worse than the other but even the second one used adjuncts that were clearly things your body was never meant to metabolize.

Smile and take your shot. I'll pass.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 09:07 PM
So, I'm assuming most of the posters here are working under the assumption that the increasing life span and eradication of smallpox have nothing to do with Western medicine and/or vaccines?

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by stupid girl
My two small children have had their basic immunizations for polio, measles, mumps, rubella, but that's it.

That's what I plan on doing for my two little ones. The basics and that's it. You shouldn't need a flu vaccine every year that's ridiculous. I'm glad I'm allowed in my state to have a religious exemption for vaccines. No one is ever going to tell me what I'm required to put in my children's bodies.
edit on 5-11-2010 by casijones because: oops

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by harryhaller

I'm not forcing it on anyone, I don't even live in the USA. Where I am you voluntarily go and get it and most people do. I've never taken the seasonal flu one though, I hear it goes into the muscle and my doc has never recommend the seasonal one.

edit on 11/5/2010 by Bobby131 because: added to post

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Edward Jenner's smallpox vaccine has saved countless lives there's no two ways about that.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:41 PM
I know it's late in the thread, but I get a giggle from the Measles worry.

In the 60's parents with kids who hadn't had Measles, Mumps or Chickenpox would go visit other people who's kids did have them. I suppose to those raised in later times this was a crazy thing to do.

Anyway, it didn't harm us back then and I'm still kicking around well enough all these years later. I rarely get sick.. maybe once in 6 or 8 years I might get a touch of Flu, but I am a smoker too.

Back to the topic

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by Tayesin

Measles is one of the top ten diseases that kill children worldwide. You're think of Rubella, which some people called "German measles" and isn't nearly as deadly.
edit on 11/6/2010 by VneZonyDostupa because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by VneZonyDostupa
reply to post by Tayesin

Measles is one of the top ten diseases that kill children worldwide. You're think of Rubella, which some people called "German measles" and isn't nearly as deadly.

No, I'm not mistaking the two.

Rubella is something parents do not want their daughters to come into contact with. Back in my childhood days it was plain old Measles we were introduced to from other kids. And again, it didn't harm us at all.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 06:12 AM
Vaccines are not black and white issue. Its all about weighing the benefit / risk ratio - risk of vaccine side effects vs. risk of contraction and severity of given vaccine and disease. In case of vaccines against dangerous infections, which were used for a long time with very good results, it is proven that pros far outweight the cons. I am pro-vaccination against these diseases, even mandatory - we cannot allow the children to pay for stupidity of their parents.

In case of "new-wave" vaccines against relatively mild seasonal infections, it is not that sure if pros outweight the cons. Therefore it should definately not be mandatory.

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