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Is being anonymous on ATS the right thing? I dont think so.

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posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

LOL Thank you protoplasmicTraveler. Thats exactly what I wanted to say but I lacked the motivation to type it. (You put it better than I could of anyway.)

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:03 PM
Perhaps we should all just send in DNA samples & urine too. Let's go all the way with it.

No thanks, any good spook should be able to gather all the info they need on me anyway.

Why make it easier?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:05 PM
There is NO WAY that ATS would ever do this.

Because the competition would then set up an anon site and all the traffic would go there.

Look at any other pay site vs. free site - who won?

Even small obscure boards are either ad supported or they beg for donations. "Making" you pay drives people to the less hassle competition.

Same goes for anonymity. People will choose the anon site.

As far as private sales enterprises go (such as ebay) - these might ask for more info due to sales transactions, etc. Probably a CYA move on the site's part.

This is just discussion here. Personal info is really not needed.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by kenny71
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

LOL Thank you protoplasmicTraveler. Thats exactly what I wanted to say but I lacked the motivation to type it. (You put it better than I could of anyway.)

Your welcome. It kind of reminded me back when I was in the Travel Business (before the Internet) and I could as an agent get an airline ticket pretty much anywhere for next to nothing and pretty darn quick.

Every once in a while there would be some argument with a vendor, who would swear up and down they didn't say this or promise that. I would say look, you don't get it, I know you are in New York City on Park and Lexington, don't think I won't get on an air plane right now and walk right up to your desk and see if you have the guts to lie about this to me to my face.

Believe it or not I could be such a convincing actor some people really thought, wow this guy might be nuts enough to do that, and then they would rethink their position and then do the right thing, saving me from having to follow through with the bluff.

In all seriousness though, how many of us are going to hop a plane to track down a fellow poster, harass them at their job or try to discredit them with their employer, friends or family, or sue them, or take violent revenge because of what they said on ATS.

I think we could all likely agree that anyone who would go to that extreme isn't really the kind of person who probably does very well outside of an institution!

I know everyone gets frustrated now and then, with other people, even anonymous strangers, but what might be adding to your own frustrations is decreasing another posters frustrations.

People shouldn't take them selves so seriously that they are on the verge of having an ulcer or committing murder because of what people post on the Internet.

Well unless you are a very real person, really being smeared, online, with a whole lot of slanderous lies, made up by someone pursuing a petty grudge or vendetta, just screwing around or jealous.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Good points. Dare I ever challenge someones thread on deep sea mollusks and it curtains for my family. Oh Whiffer name ever.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:24 PM
How many times do I have to say to some of the "people" on here. It is not about the money.

that was purely for validation of credit card. Nothing more.

The thread was about credibility of sites like this.

Is it credible? I am skeptical at best. Too many wackos posting things that have no consequence or result.

too many people posting BS stories of predictions, alien probing, how their dream was so vivid they are sure they were being contacted by god and all the headings STATING "real proof" or "this IS what happened" etc but all once you read the OP post its just another attention seeking dialogue of continuous BS.

then all the armchair "experts" who are again trying to be something they are not. Their reputation means nothing to them as cos if they get outed or banned they come back on under a new name thing and start again.

All in All every time something of note comes up someone derails it and sidetracks it and make it sound like a lunatic came up with it. For outside people....just a bunch of crazy people trying to harm society.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:24 PM
I don't conduct myself any differently on ATS than I do in real life. For me its about personal accountability and integrity. I am a grownup and take responsibility for what I "put out" into the world. I don't need anyone to police my behavior for me.

That said I guess I do like my anonymity in a couple of respects. Change is the only thing that is constant. I certainly wouldn't want to be "branded" by a post that I had made many years earlier if in hindsight it seemed short sighted and uninformed. After all, the things we do on the internet stay on the internet forever, we all have our own personal autobiography to some extent.

I enjoy the diversity of the posters here. As others have said there are loonies, mentally unstable, young, old, blowhards, etc. The really question is; Who am I to decide who is credible and who isn't? When we start talking about banning people for whatever reason other than following basic T&C (which are basic play fair rules) we have all descended down a slippery slope. Isn't that exactly why most of us are here: to have the right to discuss whatever we want and to look for the TRUTH. For better or worse we are a microcosm of society right here on ATS.

I feel manipulated. I feel that I am caught up in a society that stopped considering my opinion a long time ago. I have found kinship in ATS. Most of us just want to know the whats and whys of whats really going on at this place we call earth. If someone in a tinfoil hat can help me than so be it.

I really do take offense that the OP has suggested that the owners of this site are foremost concerned with the bottom line profit of this site. I fail to see how you can reach that conclusion. I know nothing of Skeptic Overlord other than his conduct on this site but I am guessing that he's giving himself a big old face palm after reading your suggestions for restricting the very freedoms he has worked so diligently to provide to us. I can understand how one could hold that perspective, but, I assure you there is a whole cross section of society that has a different sort of barometer to measure their worth and contributions by.


posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by NsatatRisatoz
reply to post by MrRed

Oh I see, you are trying to get people killed.

Or maybe "MrRed" is really Barack Obama wanting to know everyones identity for NWO purposes.

You know the FEMA camps are empty and just waitng for people like the ones found here to fill them up.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by S1J1A1

I really do take offense that the OP has suggested that the owners of this site are foremost concerned with the bottom line profit of this site. I fail to see how you can reach that conclusion. I know nothing of Skeptic Overlord other than his conduct on this site but I am guessing that he's giving himself a big old face palm after reading your suggestions for restricting the very freedoms he has worked so diligently to provide to us. I can understand how one could hold that perspective, but, I assure you there is a whole cross section of society that has a different sort of barometer to measure their worth and contributions by.


YOU take offense. Grow up.

It is a business. You think people are out there just running sites for the benefit of you?
With out money a site like this can not run. You think servers are cheap?

You think offices are cheap? You think any of this is cheap. They got investors did they not.

Investor are in it for something. either money or something more important that money. to me there is only one thing more important that money to investors. Information.

So its a business, growing, getting sizable.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:30 PM
The internet is full of creepos. I'll pass on giving my personal information out.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:32 PM
I agree with everything you just said, i am tired of all the countless nameless idiots who have nothing more to claim then magical thinking, or idiotic behaviour, or moderaters deleteing your comment because you debunked them, it is getting ridiculas.

Also the pay free is a good idea, ATS makes a bit of cash, while the forums are full with a little less "insanity" as one were to put it. Many will not want to use thier real name, due to many members suffering from various mental disorders and sevre paranoia. So it will be hard to reach out to them.

On a lighter note if there is a calm mentally sane envoirment, i think ATS will thrive and have more professional view, so topics (to a normal person) dont seem so bizzare and possibly insane, if there is an organized effort put into something it will be of use.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:34 PM
schrodingers dog is my RL name ...

I had to change it from Lance Thrust ... short story short, I was young and needed the money.

Meh, we all have names, and most of us barely know ourselves ...
What's posting them on the web gonna accomplish?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:35 PM

You raise a very legitimate point. The anonymity of members here allows them to troll the boards endlessly and make ridiculous claims. However, your solution is not a very plausible one. It would destroy ATS by drastically reducing its traffic, as some other posters have already pointed out. Not to mention the fact that people have a professional reputation to maintain, and they don't need their employers knowing their thoughts about some of the sensitive topics discussed here on ATS.

You seem to be very hostile in your reaction to criticism on this. Just try to consider that maybe there are other alternatives. i.e. not feeding the trolls and ignoring ridiculous posts. The reason people act the way they do is because we encourage it just by responding.

Over and out

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Anthony1138

One of the best parts about ATS are the interesting topics involving someone who believes themselves to be an extra-terrestrial or an agent from some secret government department.

I'd rather leave it up to the user to personally filter through the BS and legitimate information, while enjoying all of the random threads and comments that circulate the forums.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Anthony1138
I agree with everything you just said, i am tired of all the countless nameless idiots who have nothing more to claim then magical thinking, or idiotic behaviour, or moderaters deleteing your comment because you debunked them, it is getting ridiculas.

Also the pay free is a good idea, ATS makes a bit of cash, while the forums are full with a little less "insanity" as one were to put it. Many will not want to use thier real name, due to many members suffering from various mental disorders and sevre paranoia. So it will be hard to reach out to them.

On a lighter note if there is a calm mentally sane envoirment, i think ATS will thrive and have more professional view, so topics (to a normal person) dont seem so bizzare and possibly insane, if there is an organized effort put into something it will be of use.

thank you.

That is what I am saying. Its nothing sinister, just making the experience better for some people. If there was a charge that coul dbe invested back into the site (which is already great).

Most people here just like to use things for free and still expect top notch service. Every time ATS goes down for a few mins....mass conspiracy ensues.

I think weeding out the wierdo and obviously infiltrators and idiots will enhance the site.

Well bed for me now!

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog
What going on? Ha Mr Redd, this business that you speak of has never asked for money from me or you or anyone else I have ever talked to on this site. I understand how the money is made in such ways but the way its going for ATS it would hardly seem lucrative. Didnt you say it wasnt about the money? Try weeding out the wackos on farmville. (hands in pocket whistling)

edit on 18-10-2010 by kenny71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by BobbinHood

You raise a very legitimate point. The anonymity of members here allows them to troll the boards endlessly and make ridiculous claims. However, your solution is not a very plausible one. It would destroy ATS by drastically reducing its traffic, as some other posters have already pointed out. Not to mention the fact that people have a professional reputation to maintain, and they don't need their employers knowing their thoughts about some of the sensitive topics discussed here on ATS.

You seem to be very hostile in your reaction to criticism on this. Just try to consider that maybe there are other alternatives. i.e. not feeding the trolls and ignoring ridiculous posts. The reason people act the way they do is because we encourage it just by responding.

Over and out

Thank you bobbinwood,

Your thoughts are very interesting and yes there could be some problems.

Hostile is warranted as i am one person defending insults and accusations left right and center.

You see, a lot would not be so vocal face to face. they prefer to battle out of sight. Leaving the door open to attacking in droves with no repercussions. Life has consequences and we need to know that.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by MrRed

Originally posted by ProjectJimmy

Originally posted by whaaa
reply to post by MrRed

You First...

political affiliations....
Children names/ages...
Spouse ....

That should do it

I'm with you on this one mate!

As for the OP, MrRed, again what kind of information do you want to know? What must be verified here and what should the ATS public at large be allowed to know about members in your opinion?

I just want each person who wishes to post opinion or threads to have a FACE that is of YOU. Plus a first name. This can be varified with the owners of ATS......through a system.

NO OTHER details for members on members.

BUT A REAL FACE pic and first name confirmed by the ATS admin.

Thats all.

Unless you dont have any faith in the owners of ATS?

They already have some of your details. So you trust them that much. Or dont you?
edit on 18/10/10 by MrRed because: (no reason given)

Ok I'll go ahead and do this change in good faith, now in 2 days will you do the same? within an Hour I will have my face up, and see about changing my handle.

There couldn't figure how to change my handle, so my First name is in the picture. But if you haven't changed yours in 48 hrs. The point is taken.
edit on 18/10/10 by Shadowed because: additions

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:09 PM
What you are suggesting is more "shoot me the messenger" type of an environment, rather than an open forum that promotes at atmosphere where anyone can say whatever they feel is needed to be said regarding a particular topic.

You are suggesting an atmosphere that sticks less to the issues and more on personal attacks.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:16 PM
It's a good practice to give as little personal information as possible on any social networking site. I don't care if it's this site, facebook, or whatever. It's just common sense.

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