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Bin Laden 'living comfortably in Pakistan'

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posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 07:13 AM
Okay, just to be the devil's advocate here... let's assume good ol' OBD is indeed alive. Wasn't it the FBI that said they couldn't arrest him for the 9/11 deal because there was no proof he was behind it? Now they want to blame him? Granted I don't follow news about OBD lately so may be missing something...

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:29 AM
OBL is dead. That's why there hasn't been any new footage of the geezer for years now. The recent audio is a joke. He either took shrapnel in Tora Bora or he died of kidney failure... He's just a bogey man that the PTB can pull out of a hat come election time...


posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:53 AM
I think he's dead too, anyone can copy a voice with the right audio equipment, and that's just from the public sector.

The crap they try to scare us with lately just makes me laugh, it's like they're not even trying anymore.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

Gee , I guess Ol' Bin got a New Set Of Kidney's during the last 9 years ? I wonder if he still visits Elvis from time to time down in Mexico ? ...............

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:08 AM
Benazir Bhutto said it on the Frost show that Bin Laden was dead.....

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by booda

Benazir Bhutto said it on the Frost show that Bin Laden was dead.....

Is that why she was killed?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by Doujutsu

I wouldnt like to speculate but this was edited out of the main Frost show.....

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:18 AM
It wasn't long ago that the breaking news was that OBL was living the life of Riley in Iran.

So, who's zooming who?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 11:03 AM

Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- Osama bin Laden and his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri are believed to be hiding close to each other in houses in northwest Pakistan

Sooooo... they're buried near each other in northwest Pakistan?

That's interesting. I didn't need to know that. I wasn't planning on visiting the grave to plant some flowers.

But thanks anyway, CNN! You tried. That's all that matters.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

Osama bin Laden, AKA (US passport holder) Timothy Osman (issued by his employers - CIA) has shaved off his beard and spending his days on a beach in Florida with (the real) Saddam Hussein also a former employee of same said organisation, before they executed one of his many lookalike double's (who had completely different shaped eyebrows that went straight up at an angle instead of bushy curves - sorry don't care how much time you spend underground in a bunker YOUR EYEBROWS DON"T CHANGE SHAPE).
Would be funny, if it wasn't true:

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Hongkongphooey
reply to post by Hefficide

Osama bin Laden, AKA (US passport holder) Timothy Osman (issued by his employers - CIA) has shaved off his beard and spending his days on a beach in Florida with (the real) Saddam Hussein also a former employee of same said organisation, before they executed one of his many lookalike double's (who had completely different shaped eyebrows that went straight up at an angle instead of bushy curves - sorry don't care how much time you spend underground in a bunker YOUR EYEBROWS DON"T CHANGE SHAPE).
Would be funny, if it wasn't true:

Sounds like a major conspiracy!

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 12:52 PM
Here is the CFR talking about Drone attacks in Pakistan. What a flippin joke.CFR Drone Attacks Pakistan

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:59 PM
Of course he is, if he isn't dead already. That should draw a clear connection to the CIA at least, since the CIA and ISI and seemingly very cooperative friends. Many of us have already been drawing connections between the ISI and 9/11, seeing how it is alleged that a good chunk of change was funneled by the ISI to the hijackers. It would now only make since that they are sheltering him too. Of course, the government and official theorists will try to distance the CIA or elements within the government from the ISI by saying that it is a shaky relationship and we don't want to push too hard because they are an ally in our war on terror, however I don't buy that for minute. I believe that the ISI and the CIA (to include many prominent government officials) have a much more firendly relationship than what we are lead (or allowed in some cases) to believe.

Our government isn't pushing hard against Pakistan because of a shaky and necessary relationship with the Pakistani ISI or government, rather, they aren't pushing hard against Pakistan because they are co-conspirators and close friends. They work together in their deception.

That's what I believe anyway.


posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by projectvxn
It is my opinion that the Pakistani ISI is responsible for bankrolling and training the hijackers on 9/11.

I don't have much to say on the topic besides my direct knowledge that the hijackers were seeking pilot training in the U.S (Arizona) my uncle teaches pilot lessons in phenix (he refused upon a gut suspicion)

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by co_creator

That doesnt mean they werent pakistani trained operatives. Read this.

It is my belief that the ISI orchestrated the 9/11 plot. It is the reason why KSM's civilian trial is such a controversy. I believe KSM is really a Pakistani operative. Anyone can make up a backstory and assume an identity, but an intelligence agency can make it true.

The question for me is, why won't the US finger Pakistan?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 07:25 PM
Oh man, not this bull# again. I'm sure he's not even alive anymore. All of the so called videos of him relaying messages to his fighters and martyrs are such fabrications it's not even funny. Has anyone bothered to wonder why a man with a reasonably large budget for fighting a war can't afford a HD video camera and continues to use frigin beta-max or whatever crap quality media to send his messages with. It's almost like the PTB are laughing directly at us....I can imagine them now editing some crap footage of a lookalikey OBL giving some inspirational speech as they film it on their 1980's shoulder sized camera.

Re: Bhutton's conversation. Did see that at the time. Doubt that's the reason she was offed, but all the same it probably wouldn't have helped.

We (Western/UN) have been taking a hammering in Pakistan lately with all of our vehicles "going missing" or being set on fire. They do have nukes though, and that's usually a reason we start wars with people isn't it? :p Maybe we should invade them instead....

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 07:50 PM
Hmm,it must be election time the only time we see any stories on Tim Ossman and Alciada is when one of the so-called parties are worried about remaining in power.

edit on 073131p://5126 by mike dangerously because: needed to reedit.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:32 PM
This how CNN Spins it

and i lol ed to this

NATO official says Osama bin Laden and his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri are believed to be hiding close to each other in houses in northwest Pakistan.

Do they take us for fools? bin laden is dead and died years ago.
i am not surprised CNN covered this story afterall all news networks are working with the Pentagon.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by projectvxn

Really? why hasn't the US fingered israel.

Pakistani's weren't arrested and detained on 911. Like these israeli's.

Chertoff, Pearle, Wolfawitz, Feith, Zelikow, Zakhaim (sp?), Silversteen, jeez not many pakistani's in that list. Where do these people's loyalties lie? israel or america?

Although the ISI, CIA, MOSSAD are all closely tied together.

whoops guess I'm an anti-semite. lol

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:20 PM
Wait what?

I thought he was in Waziristan?

Now he's in a Pakistani safe house watching TV?

edit on 18-10-2010 by In nothing we trust because: (no reason given)

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