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Chile Miners Rescue - Distraction

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posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 02:40 PM
I was just talking about this to someone. Why is this news? I honestly don't care about this story at all. I know, I'm so horrible because your news made an emotional presentation of this non-story, and made you think it was important.
I think we focus too much on if a news item was a distraction for a certain event, rather than just a general distraction from whats going on. Things that have been going on for hundreds of years,such as the banking and occult takeover, mind control research, rampant corruption and deception, etc. etc.
The news tells the consumers what to think about. If you're thinking about miners in Chile, then you already lost their game.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 02:40 PM
News crews supposedly heading for NYC after numerous reports of UFO activity above the city...can anyone in NYC confirm this???

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by time91
I was just talking about this to someone. Why is this news? I honestly don't care about this story at all. I know, I'm so horrible because your news made an emotional presentation of this non-story, and made you think it was important.
I think we focus too much on if a news item was a distraction for a certain event, rather than just a general distraction from whats going on. Things that have been going on for hundreds of years,such as the banking and occult takeover, mind control research, rampant corruption and deception, etc. etc.
The news tells the consumers what to think about. If you're thinking about miners in Chile, then you already lost their game.

33 miners were trapped for what? 2 months? Well, they survived the horrific nightmare and in my opinion, that is news and yes, I do care and yes, I'm very VERY happy these men are able to return to their families all in one piece.

They're heroes and so are the ones who saved them.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by jrmcleod
News crews supposedly heading for NYC after numerous reports of UFO activity above the city...can anyone in NYC confirm this???

Here are pics of the UFOs


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by jrmcleod

You know, I had this same thought as I was siting down at CiCi's eating my pizza while they showed this footage over and over again. Then today they had this huge thing explaining how they were rescuing the miners. I understand this is important, but it does seem a bit overdone.

It may be me, but it seems like it was a bit too easy as well. Mine accidents never go like this. Perhaps that is why it is getting all the coverage, but it does seem fishy. I hope everyone is ok, but I dont care to know any more than how everyone turns out in the end.

Conspiracy? Maybe, only time and a watchful eye will tell.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by jrmcleod

The alligation in your Post could be true , a Possible Distraction away from the Fact that the U.S. Dollar is facing Collapse due to the Banking Industry Scandal happening as we speak .

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 03:19 PM
It is true that the tabloids, magazines, etc tend to cover celebrity weddings, or who in hollywood has the flattest ass or worst liposuction, when there are far more news-worthy stories to be reported, it is, sadly a reflection on our celebrity addicted society. I don't think these stories are used as cover-ups, just 'consumer feed'.

On that basis, I am happy that this story has attracted the coverage it deserves.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 03:23 PM
I agree - while it is a "Good News" story, it hardly demands 24 hour coverage, to the detriment of all other news.

CNN started covering it yesterday, and have covered absolutely NOTHING ever since.

FOX News (I do bounce around the news dial) have been covering other topics, but seem to be the only ones that are.

The news websites are still quite active though with other stories. I've just shut off the news today and have been watching movies.

What I find interesting is that ATS is allowing a thread on this under "Breaking Alternative News". It's hardly "alternative news", it's mainstream news, and should be removed from that forum.

You're right. It's a distraction, and it is at times like this that TPTB tend to make their moves.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 03:25 PM
Is there a possibility that this is pre recorded and scripted?
Somethings not right here. No matter what you all say I stand by what I say. Something is not right here imho.
They beat the expected time to drill to them by how much? Pretty amazing well ahead of schedule. All prepared to a T? Yep could and most probably a genuine rescue I believe it is. What I'm saying is could they have deliberately waited to rescue miners until this particualr date? Media blackout focused on one event, Chile rescue.

Would really throw a spanner in the works if there was a quake.
Worse still imagine if it popped up on usgs 7.6 mag yet on the news not a sausage?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 03:25 PM
I think it might be more along the lines of a successful mining rescue mission since most end up dead , few or no survivors. Didn't they try new things for this type of rescue operation with NASA sending their special astronaut food?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by SeventhSeal

Originally posted by time91
I was just talking about this to someone. Why is this news? I honestly don't care about this story at all. I know, I'm so horrible because your news made an emotional presentation of this non-story, and made you think it was important.
I think we focus too much on if a news item was a distraction for a certain event, rather than just a general distraction from whats going on. Things that have been going on for hundreds of years,such as the banking and occult takeover, mind control research, rampant corruption and deception, etc. etc.
The news tells the consumers what to think about. If you're thinking about miners in Chile, then you already lost their game.

33 miners were trapped for what? 2 months? Well, they survived the horrific nightmare and in my opinion, that is news and yes, I do care and yes, I'm very VERY happy these men are able to return to their families all in one piece.

They're heroes and so are the ones who saved them.

I m happy too for all the guys that survived but seriously they could have just put a strap on the bottom of the screen telling us how many were saved in real time.
Even the Chilean earthquake on santiago ( their capital) didnt take that much coverage.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 03:32 PM
Oh how typical of the mindset on here! You must think your sooooo original. How ironic that you like to spit on the msm for what it is and still expect it to feed your paranoia. Is it the msm's fault if you have ADD? Multiple events are always simultaneously happening in this world and their relevance is relative to media or human concern. If secret rituals are supposedly being executed by secret Masonic elites, you’re not supposed to know, shhh! Just try to fill in the blank whatever your fears leads to. Hum, I wonder what is happening while we’re living our daily routine?

Oh yeah right! There was supposed be some E.T. invasion today. Hey, maybe even the aliens are postponing their invasion until all the 33 miners are rescued.

As if mighty aliens have to worry about some chillians miners stealing their thunder.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by Exv8densez

Your post doesnt show a lot of intelligence. You are talking as if you never realised what the MSM are and how they are doing it.

You too are on this website but i wonder why, you dont seem to have gained any knowledge regarding this specific topic.

Oh and no ADD for me thx.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 03:45 PM
I haven't read all the posts on this so forgive me if I'm repeating something that has been stated but ...
Sure it's a feel good story but when did the msm ever show us the good news for 24 hours in a row???? nope all this is , is people waiting for an accident l
It's like nascar the only reason anyone could watch a bunch of readnecks turning left all day is there might be a wreck.
The Kursk would have been a live feed if they could have done it , face it we are a morbid race.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by SeventhSeal

How are they heroes? I'm not saying rescuing people isn't great, but being rescued makes you a hero now? Sounds like a sound bite from the news. What a waste of time airing this worldwide.

How many dollars are we more in debt now, how many people died of preventable starvation, how many died of preventable disease, how many people died in wars with no legitimate reason, how many lies were sold to the public, how much money went to black budget programs with no oversight, how many people wasted time watching this instead of focusing on whats important, in those two months?

Its bad to say things like this but even worse not to say them.
edit on 13-10-2010 by time91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 03:50 PM

nope all this is , is people waiting for an accident l

Actually I think you have a point! I did watch quite a lot of it and I'll admit I was gripped by the possibility that something awful might happen.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 03:52 PM
What if the miners were not as deep as expected? timeframe between rescues roughly?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by jrmcleod


It makes perfect sense.

Yeah its great these men are being rescued, but why was today chosen to rescue them...what happened to months and months of drilling?

I wasnt holding my breath for the alien thing, but i do smell something fishy here...nothing on news websites and tv channels but this miner rescue thing...i bet if it were black miners theyd air it for maybe 5 minutes, probably a one paragraph summary on, and thats it...then probably show some other worthless story.

And i saw some post about a virus going around? A lot of my friends have been getting sick today, a couple going home...

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:18 PM
What I find weird about all this is not that the MSM are providing real time 24hr coverage of the rescue - that doesn't surprise me atall, it is quite a unique event for those men to have survived all that time and to eventually get rescued. My father was a miner and I hate to hear stories of trapped miners, I've been praying for those guys to get pulled out of there since I first heard about it and I've been looking for an update when I have a few minutes here and there hoping that nothing goes wrong and they get them all out.
No, what I find weird is people complaining about the coverage almost like they think they're meant to sit there and watch it all from end to end and like they've got nothing better to do than sit and watch TV all day. Don't you guys have anything else to do than to watch TV? I think they run the coverage like that so that people who do have to do other things, like go out to work, can dip into it when they get a chance and catch an update whenever that happens to be.


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:29 PM
This is just a case of people being ADDICTED to bad news and when good news comes it's has to be a trick.

Everyone in the world isn't evil!

Edit to say: If this is a distraction it's brilliant... Most of us don't care and the rest is keeping their eyes on the news waiting for "something" to happen... lol funny. Seriously America is the best country in the world, people can sit on the internet all day or watch tv and then not have to work, whats your government doing wrong?
edit on 13-10-2010 by kykweer because: (no reason given)

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