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Are People Waking Up or are They Just Being Reprogrammed?

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posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 05:26 PM
We hear it all the time here on ATS as one member after another proclaims they are awake. That more people are waking all the time. That the powers that be are in trouble because fewer and fewer people believe the spin that the mainstream news media places on events.

Yet one thing remains the same, those who consider themselves awake are not even in close agreement on many fundamental issues.

While those who are awake are quick to bandy about words like sheeple, and use the self descriptive “I am awake” to often establish a moral high ground in any given debate, the deep divisions between the awake on politics, political systems, religion, prophecies like 2012, and just whether there is a new world order cabal and who they are and what their agenda is are profound.

Many suspect programs like MK Ultra and other ultra secret government mind control programs have produced a surplus of Manchurian candidates over the years. People whose minds have been reprogrammed without their own knowledge to carry out a specific function years or decades down the line when a preprogrammed command activates their programming, who then might carry out any particular assigned act to create watershed or life altering events.

Subliminal Messages in Television, Music, Movies and Advertising including such technologies as Silent Sound Spread Spectrum and possibly the mysterious and hotly debated HAARP device might all be actively engaged to influence moods, thoughts and prompt emotional reactions and alter perceptions
Above is a article by the PPG Gazette that briefly describes Silent Sound Spread Spectrum and how it might be used in your digital cable TV.


Above is the Wikipedia article with the basics of the MK Ultra Program.


The above link is to HAARP Net a site dedicated to HAARP conspiracies.

The debate amongst conspiracy theorists, academics and armchair scientists rage on as to just what extent our governments or corporations might be employing such devices and techniques and if they even work, and in some cases if they even are, what exactly they can and can not do.

Yet the nagging question remains, if these things are real to what end are they being used.

Many consider 2012 to be a pivotal moment in earth’s evolution theorizing everything from a magnetic pole shift to a conscious shift to a shift of dimension itself. Many though insist nothing will happen at all, and it’s just one more poor interpretation of an extinct culture and history being marketed for profit.

Yet many people who consider themselves awake, will in fact try to reconcile these prophecies with others from Christianity and Eastern religions and disciplines to tie them all in together as something destined to happen.

Which of course begs the question what would cause a Christian or a Taoist to buy into these 2012 prophecies from a foreign culture with different deities?

Fanciful thinking, a desire to make it as much about those other religions and cultures as the one that it supposedly originates from or is there something else driving people to cross-mix these vastly differing religions, disciplines and cultures to all flow together.

Is it an awakening or is it a reprogramming?

Then we have the dreaded New World Order. We have heard one politician of prominence after another all over the world call for a New World Order, a global currency, a global environmental task force, a global religion, even a global government.

Most people are opposed to these things, mostly because of a belief in the security and superiority of their own nation, their own culture, their own currency, their own health system, and their own religion and their own national government.

Yet we see more and more amongst those who are awake, those increasing speculations and beliefs that their national political systems are broken, that their currencies and economies are being manipulated, that their health care systems are inadequate and rife with fraud, that there are impure elements within their own religion and that their national government has broken down and is dire need of restoration or repair of some sorts.

Is this an awakening or is this a reprogramming to turn against all those individual things on a national level that might ultimately lead one to conclude a global shared system would be better?

Are the awake, as awake as they think they are? If so how come they differ so vastly in regards to philosophy, politics, government, and religion?

Are people really awakening to reality, or are they simply being programmed for a new reality, a reality being promoted across the Internet, and across the Entertainment Industry, manipulated world and economic events and crisis in the present religious systems?

I find this an intriguing question.

What are your thoughts?

[edit on 5/9/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 05:54 PM
the minute you start to become more aware/intelligent
there will always be a new clever thing to distract you..
the psy-ops rolls along..
should you remain intelligent/aware and talk that way-
they will attack/ridicule or in someway neutralize you.
or if you persist - things could go badly for you.
they know how to intimidate. it's their main tool.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 05:57 PM
Delving a little deeper into Silent Sound Spread Spectrum this little known form of subliminal message has frightening potential.

The Department of Defense calls it Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS), and it also goes by the name of S-quad or Squad. In the private sector, the technology goes by the name of Silent Subliminal Presentation System and the technology has also been released to certain corporate vendors who have attached catchy brand names like BrainSpeak Silent Subliminals to their own SSSS-based products.

Like many technologies it was first developed by the military and is aleged to have been used in the First Gulf War for the very first time.

It is rumored to be able to broadcast right into the brain and cause a person to actually feel the emotions and sensations that the imagery created by the message then conjures up in the brain.

An interesting question then arises as to whether the often emotional reactions we have in regards to events as they are broadcast by the mainstream news media are in fact our own reactions or reactions we are being prompted to feel through this technology?

Fear and anger seem to be the two big emotions prevelant in much of the population today.

Sometimes in relation to events where it might not even seem a reasonable reaction.

Could the broadcast media, be manipulating our emotions through technology to make us more inclined to favor an opinion or perspective?

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 06:01 PM
well PT you have covered quite a few topics
that each could have their own thread, lol.

But I'd like to deal with the "Awake"
theory momentarily.

People can still be awake and have differing
opinions. The awakened state does not
nullify freewill or choice. So even folks
who are awake may have opposing
opinions and not agree.

I would say that being aware and cautious
is a more descriptive term for the
awakened folks.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by p51mustang
the minute you start to become more aware/intelligent
there will always be a new clever thing to distract you..
the psy-ops rolls along..
should you remain intelligent/aware and talk that way-
they will attack/ridicule or in someway neutralize you.
or if you persist - things could go badly for you.
they know how to intimidate. it's their main tool.

I agree with this, but I am also wondering if since the best lies contain a kernel of truth, are we being prompted through various forms of manipulation to seemingly arrive at a conclusion, or a new level of awareness all on our own, which might actually then be, the level of awareness required to manipulate us towards a specific agenda.

You end up believing you arrived there by means of your own analytical process and elevation in thought and spirit but it then coincidentally happens to be the level of awareness and perception required to make a specific choice and change you are in fact being led too.

Kind of like a young child learning to ride a bike without training wheels, your parents put you on it, and start to push and told you they have let go, but haven’t. You are looking forward and peddling and imagining you are doing it all by yourself but when you turn around they are still there holding on and carefully guiding you.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by p51mustang


You hit the nail squarely on the head.

"They" are one step ahead of us.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 06:05 PM
and to be quite honest,
this topic and title would
make a great book.
Or maybe you already
had that in mind and
the comments here
will be used as reference

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
well PT you have covered quite a few topics
that each could have their own thread, lol.

But I'd like to deal with the "Awake"
theory momentarily.

People can still be awake and have differing
opinions. The awakened state does not
nullify freewill or choice. So even folks
who are awake may have opposing
opinions and not agree.

I would say that being aware and cautious
is a more descriptive term for the
awakened folks.

Here I thought this was a fairly condensed opening piece (for me anyway) yet it does touch on a few different possibly pertinent aspects in exploring the possibility.

I wouldn't expect the awake to all agree on McDonald's tonight, but to in theory agree on the fundamentals.

Things like government, religion, economy etc.

Yet there are very vast differences.

I do believe everything comes in stages byself, with people achieving incremental levels of awareness that open them up sequentially to different perspectives and some shared ideals, though not nessacarily in the same sequence.

For instance you might become more aware about the nature of government, and then currency, while someone else becomes more aware about religion and then debt.

Each new level of understanding leads to a new door or a choice of doors.

Yet is this really awake, and is some outside factor or source deliberatelly propelling you to certain doors at set periods for an agenda?

That's a question that is nagging on me.

Are we really awakening or are we being reprogrammed?

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by p51mustang


You hit the nail squarely on the head.

"They" are one step ahead of us.

I wonder if there is a way for us to ever get one step ahead of them?

Or is that impossible since the powers that be are always driving events?

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
and to be quite honest,
this topic and title would
make a great book.
Or maybe you already
had that in mind and
the comments here
will be used as reference

No, I am far too lazy to write a book, though there is no shortage of people who wish I might become more ambitious in that regard.

I think it will make for a lively discussion though, and maybe even as you put it a more cautious stance on being awake.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

An excellent thread and perfectly timed in my view.

The concept of Awakening is being misunderstood or misappropriated by various sectors of our Culture, and the very few genuine people who are Awakened can see through this.. yet are more than likely not becoming involved due to the need for Equanimity.

My experiences show me that their is subliminal programming going on all the time in every avenue of Media.. this level usually garners the Plebs well as they race through life at 400mph to gain the extra dollar needed to support their desired Lifestyle.. which is too fast to see the signposts along the way.

And, in spiritual circles globally I've noted a massive push from within that is malevolent in agenda.. despite the flowery words and concepts used to attract the Followers. From my perspective it is designed to mislead, to be complex enough so that Followers do not ever really Awaken even though they are being led to believe they are.

At this level I see disinformation being the norm rather than the obvious intruder. Being a now retired psychic I was aware of the "metallic feel/taste" to some of the "information stream".. for want of better words to use there... that informed me there is a program in place using ULF frequencies to broadcast disinformation that is picked up by people as thoughts and with many lower grade psychics as "Their Truths", etc.

From my understanding, divide and conquer has always been the main agenda in play, in order for those who do hold the majority of power to remain so. So I see no reason why this small group would not use all and any Tools available to them for that purpose.

And if that means using disinfo agents in all aspects of Internet communications, then I would say it is in play for sure. To me the drive is to increase the divisions, to forge opposition to each other's ideals and way of life, to engineer our perception limitations so that we do not see through the chinks in that armour, etc.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 06:15 PM
People are waking up just in time to be lulled into an even deeper and longer lasting sleep.

No reprogramming required, people are hardwired to be apathetic, gullible and easily manipulated.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
You end up believing you arrived there by means of your own analytical process and elevation in thought and spirit but it then coincidentally happens to be the level of awareness and perception required to make a specific choice and change you are in fact being led too.

wow, it's kind of ironic that you mention this
cuz I was thinking about this the other day
when some of us were discussing chemtrails.
Somebody had asked me what I thought
the purpose of the chemtrails were and I hadn't
thought of looking at it from a different perspective to
see if the chemicals were for good purposes.

I know that Barium which has been documented
to be in some chemtrails and it has a degrading
effect on the immune system and causes
high blood pressure.

But what if ... just what if
our government knows that
the earth is falling apart and destroying
itself and have made plans to
relocate some humans to another
planet which require exposure to Barium
on a daily basis. Would it not be wise
to condition us as humans to make that
transition? Of course you could not
alert us humans else we'd freak out.
So you do it in a way that is secretive
without our knowledge like chemtrails.

Just throwing out ideas since you brought
it up

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by Tayesin

Your thoughts are very similiar to mine Tayesin and I concure with your very wise and astute observations.

Awake is being bandied about by a number of agenda driven factions engaged in divide and conquer type agendas.

I sense and fear that a new programming is perhaps being implemented in different factions then being given the awake tag as a manipulative label to play to their egos and desire to be dominant.

Yet I conclude the same Hegelian principles are being employed of turning these awake factions upon one another so the result of that conflict simply takes all to that new level of programming and acceptance the powers that be want.

I often feel my best personal defense is to accept that the more I know the less I understand and to not let over confidence in what I imagine I know propel me to hasty or rash conclusions, but to keep searching and to keep asking.

To keep looking. To me that's the epitome of being awake, that endless quest to know and discover more.

But are many of the now described awake really in pursuit of the next level of knowledge and awareness or will they as history has shown simply try to impose their own newly acquired version of reality on others?

Excellent post my friend.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Just throwing out ideas since you brought

Interesting observation in relation to that experience with the Chemtrail Discussion.

This thread really is a throwing ideas threat out there, so please feel free to toss as many as you have.

We all learn through one another.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
People are waking up just in time to be lulled into an even deeper and longer lasting sleep.

No reprogramming required, people are hardwired to be apathetic, gullible and easily manipulated.

I wonder this too, are we just being raised to a new different level, where a new status quo is going to be foisted on us, and then just submit to it as history shows the general population usually does?

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

my intent was not to try to prove chemtrails exist
but that the chemicals being used in them might
meet the characteristics of that solution you speak
about. The media may be reprogramming our minds
but could the chemtrails be reprogramming our
physical bodies at the same time??? It leads
one to ponder since it all seems to be moving
in the same direction it's hard not to notice
the connection between the two.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
We hear it all the time here on ATS as one member after another proclaims they are awake. That more people are waking all the time. That the powers that be are in trouble because fewer and fewer people believe the spin that the mainstream news media places on events.

Good question Proto, are we awake?

One major aspect is missing which is evidenced by the lack of critical thinking, The powers that be don't want us to think. The programing starts the moment we are born by our parents, as they are programed also, and continues when we start school. You are programed by your programed teachers who tell you what to think and believe. They do not want to be questioned, if you do question them they tell you there is something wrong with you and you're labeled a troublemaker, someone who needs to be dealt with, that is another story.

Proto you may very well be right in that the powers that be want you to think you are awake. I don't believe we can ever be awake by following a Guru, reading books or the mainstream. Maybe the way to be truly awake is to follow your own intuition, that gut feeling when you know something is right, sadly most of us ignore it. You also need to question everything.

There are many here on ATS who say they are awake, but saying it and being awake are two different things, if you ask them why they think they are awake they cannot answer that question.

Proto good points and questions my friend.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

my intent was not to try to prove chemtrails exist
but that the chemicals being used in them might
meet the characteristics of that solution you speak
about. The media may be reprogramming our minds
but could the chemtrails be reprogramming our
physical bodies at the same time??? It leads
one to ponder since it all seems to be moving
in the same direction it's hard not to notice
the connection between the two.

That is a fascinating posibility as science has concluded so much of how the mind thinks and reacts is caused by chemicals in the brain.

Are the chemicals being used to make us more docile, more emotional, more aggressive, or with some other impact on our health, or to protect our health from something that they aren't telling us about?

Is it possible the chemicals from the Chemtrails make us more succeptible to something like HAARP broadcasts, or silent sound spread specturm?

Very provocative questions my friend.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
I wonder if there is a way for us to ever get one step ahead of them?

well this leads to 2 questions:

1) Do we really want to be 1 step ahead of them?

2) What is the true purpose for the reprogramming??
Is it sinister or benevolent in nature?

I mean really ...
if they do have some sort of mankind
saving scheme going on, do we really
need to thwart the effort? That may be a lil naive
in nature but it begs an answer from us

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