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President Obama Insults Americans for Prosperity’s 1.2 Million Activists in Fund Raising Speech

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posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by maybereal11

Think Progress?

You are SOOOO funny!

My oh my, time to start putting together a list of members here that ONLY quote the progressive/communist propaganda sites.

Tell me mister communist, who funds these sites you and others keep posting?

Any idea? You know the first people the communist regimes destroyed after the apparatchik was in place? You got it, the ignorant that made it possible.

Too stupid and gullible to be allowed to survive. Couldn't have them muck up the NEW communist utopia.

If you are going to post crap from the propaganda sites, you should at least post a warning like-

Warning-Think Progress, Media Matters etc are propaganda sites funded by communists.

Founded on the ideals of the progressive movement at the turn of the century, today’s progressive movement believes that an open and effective government can improve the lives of everyday Americans by playing an active role in solving social and economic problems.

So, they are talking about the turn of the 20th century right? Where Wilson and his type existed? You know, totalitarian communists.

The ignorant these days.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 02:07 PM
Well, he's right actually. I don't know who the "Americans for Progress "are. Never heard of them. I don't know who runs them.

As a Democrat, the minute I see the words, "Tea Party" I associate it with all sorts of negative examples and extremist politicians. I see that they're against national health care, which to me means that they would prefer to see my retired husband with his many medications pay more than his retirement pension in meds each month ... or just "suck it up and don't take them."

I see they're against EPA regulation. Apparently the states are doing a wonderful job of regulating pollution in their eyes (so all the "red smog alert" and "orange smog alert" days we've had is a sign that our economy is doing good or something and we should just let it alone and live with the pollution because it's good for us. They think the EPA has no business telling polluters and illegal dumps to clean up their act (we had an illegal dump near here until the EPA stepped in and forced our city to clean it up. Because, you know, the state and city did such a (sarcasm on) GOOD job of regulating the illegal dumps (sarcasm off.))

Obama's right. I didn't know who these folks are. Now that he mentioned them, I read up on them. I sure don't like what's going to happen to us if they get their way!

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by mishigas
reply to post by mothershipzeta

When the vast majority of funding comes from one source - and a source that has a vested interest in opposing certain legislation - it's not "grassroots" by any stretch.

"What is it you think you've got there, Ryan?" One of my favorite lines from Clear and Present Danger.

So they received money from Koch. So what? Now, can you extrapolate that into some kind of crime? Don't think so.

No, there's nothing wrong with funding a group that supports your goals. But when the vast majority of a group's funding comes from a specific source, rather than from individuals, then you don't have a "grassroots" group - you have a special interest.

Oh, and the term 'grassroots'. Puh-leeze. Now you're just grasping at straws.:shk:

Grasping at straws? Hardly. But you're grasping at astroturf, which is tough on the fingers.

And besides, don't look at me. The OP is the one that called this multimillion dollar special interest group, paid for and staffed by the elite, a "grassroots" organization. Do you have a different understanding of what "grassroots" is?

A grassroots movement (often referenced in the context of a political movement) is one driven by the politics of a community. The term implies that the creation of the movement and the group supporting it are natural and spontaneous, highlighting the differences between this and a movement that is orchestrated by traditional power structures.

You want to support one group of TPTB, since you dislike a different group? That's fine. But you're still supporting TPTB. So don't try to claim some moral high ground that doesn't exist.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Tyrannyispeace
reply to post by maybereal11

Think Progress?

You are SOOOO funny!

There are numerous links/citations in any Think Progress article that go to independent sources. You somehow don't get those from odd.

So, they are talking about the turn of the 20th century right? Where Wilson and his type existed? You know, totalitarian communists.

And now, let's just repeat what Glenn Beck tells us.

It's so easy to find GB's fans. They will just throw up something inherently ridiculous - something with only the most tenuous connection to reality, but of course have nothing to back it up.

So, what is it about Woodrow Wilson that made him a totalitarian communist?

Comments of David Frum, a conservative author:

What sins against conservatism did President Wilson commit?

Yes, the Sixteenth (income tax) Amendment was ratified under Woodrow Wilson. But the thing was set in motion long before Wilson entered national politics. If you feel very strongly that the income tax is wrong, you should direct your complaint to William Howard Taft: He was the president who proposed the amendment to Congress. And when the revenues from the tax arrived after 1913, President Wilson and the 63rd Congress used them – not to fund social programs – but to replace tariff revenues. That’s a good thing from a free-market point of view, right?

Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law. Until the day before yesterday, that was also a good thing from a conservative point of view.

Wilson was less hostile to big business than either Taft or Theodore Roosevelt. His racial views were deplorable, but they were a big improvement over, say, Andrew Jackson’s, of whom most conservatives still think at least moderately well. Certainly you can acquit Wilson of any hint of social radicalism: he hated communism and was even a late convert to women’s suffrage.

The ignorant these days.


posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Tyrannyispeace
reply to post by maybereal11

Think Progress?

You are SOOOO funny!

Uhh...OK How about you look it up yourself then?

Are you claiming it's untrue?

How about the washington Post?

New York Times?




Fact Check?

How many sources would you like?

You are capable of an internet search aren't you?

Or were you just hoping to squeeze your eyes shut, cover your ears and pretend that the "Americans For Prosperity" President wasn't scumbag who worked for Abramhoff and protected a child prostitution ring?

[edit on 12-8-2010 by maybereal11]

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by astrogolf
reply to post by mishigas
Hopefully, he'll make the mistake of visiting Arizona, where Sherrif Joe will ask him to show his birth certificate.

Sounds about right...Arpaio would ask for something he's not legally entitled to request, then he'd try to arrest him for not complying with his illegal request. Because, as we and Arpaio know, a local sheriff can ignore the Constitution at will. It's what the Founders intended.

I'd pay to watch that play out with the Secret Service. But only on video; I wouldn't want to be anywhere close to the line of fire.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by maybereal11

Originally posted by Tyrannyispeace
reply to post by maybereal11

Think Progress?

You are SOOOO funny!

Uhh...OK How about you look it up yourself then?

Are you claiming it's untrue?


How many sources would you like?

You are capable of an internet search aren't you?

Or were you just hoping to squeeze your eyes shut, cover your ears and pretend that the "Americans For Prosperity" President wasn't scumbag who worked for Abramhoff and protected a child prostitution ring?

Glenn Beck hasn't told him what to think about Abramoff and his supporters, so he's withholding judgment until Glenn gets around to ripping into Republicans and right-wingers.

I'm sure that will start any day now.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by mothershipzeta

For your info, Beck did a show about 3 days ago on how BOTH parties are the problem.

But hey, let us all get into a circle jerk and have some fun.

Seems to me, those that cannot look at more than the two sides presented, are the ones that are blind.

Sorry, Constitutional Libertarian here.

You know, a liberal when it comes to social issues and non interference in other country's affairs.

And a conservative when it comes to fiscal discipline and economic freedoms.

Sorry to tell you circle jerkers in the Dem/Communist fold, YOU are the ones being played, BY YOUR OWN IGNORANCE.

edit to add-Wondering why your communist in chief is fighting wars, taking over business, running Gitmo, YOU KNOW, GW on steroids!

[edit on 12-8-2010 by Tyrannyispeace]

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by maybereal11

Just because he didn't serve time, doesn't mean he isn't a criminal.

Oh please, maybereal, I expected better of you. Guilt by association? Seriously...

He also worked with Abramhoff to lobby congress to continue to allow slave labor, rape and prostitution...all in the name of Jesus...Great group you are defending here.

You should be banned for twisting the facts like this. You sound like a Phelp's Churcher. Shame on you.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by mishigas

He also worked with Abramhoff to lobby congress to continue to allow slave labor, rape and prostitution...all in the name of Jesus...Great group you are defending here.

You should be banned for twisting the facts like this. You sound like a Phelp's Churcher. Shame on you.


I know it sounds too twisted to be true, just reporting the facts though.

At the time the Federal Gov. had issued a report that the chinese labor was being used in prostitution, being forced to get abortions and was essentially being kept in prison quarters.

He composed and sent out flyers to religious groups asking them to encourage congress not to enforce labor laws on the Islands.

That flyer...and I quote...
mailers claiming Chinese workers “are exposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ” while on the islands, and many “are converted to the Christian faith and return to China with Bibles in hand.”

Like I said...I provided a dozen different sources, google around it's all right there.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by mothershipzeta

What good does it do to go off topic?

Obama has been the most divisive President in my memory which goes back to JFK. Never before have we seen a Presidents operatives cause as much division as we are seeing now. This is a repeat of the 1960's and that is not a good thing.

A Leader, a real Leader, brings people together for a common cause. People who can not do that are not leaders.

As an Independent I'm not locked into defending bad behavior due to Partisanship.

Over and over again, Obama has ignored the will of the people he serves. Over and over again he has shown he does not believe in a truly representative government and has shown a desire to control speech and the media.

It's not this one group, no matter who funds them, it's the general attitude of his Administration. He has surrounded himself with Elitists who don't even bother to hide their disdain for the average citizen they serve. The key word here is serve.

He is slowly stripping Congress of all their power, moving him closer and closer to the Dictatorial powers he seems to want. He could not make it clearer he simply does not care what the vast majority of us want. The ranks of the Independents are growing really fast out of disgust at the arrogance of this man.

He has openly flooded the Unions with money and rewards while ignoring the people who create the jobs. Unemployment is going back up. Have you seen the latest reports? He takes money out of the pockets of the wealth creators and gives it to others to buy votes and no matter how you spin that, it is a fact.

Narcissists make lousy leaders unless your in their inner circle and his inner circle is like a who's who of radicals. Just look at the job histories of his Appointees.

If I were a Democrat, I'd be pissed off to no end. He is now tearing that Party apart. The question is, is this intentional or is it just because he is personally a jerk? I think the latter. When he does answer a real question, maybe once a year, his anger and disgust is obvious. I've worked with people just like him and I know this guy could give a crap less about anyone but his wealthy, powerful friends.

I hope he keeps right on insulting groups and intimating lies about them. I hope he keeps on trying to control speech and the media. The more he does that, the more certain his political demise will be. He made his, now its time for him to be contained. The Board positions and the speaking fees will make him fabulously wealthy and he can move to Martha's Vineyard where the common folks can't pollute his vision with their presence.

Sadly he won't get to hand Gore and Goldman Sachs the billions from Cap and Trade thank God. Even the DNC does not have the courage to deny that, nor have they because it's so easily documented.

OK, I'm done ranting or should I say pointing out the truth about this mean spirited, divisive man.

[edit on 8/12/2010 by Blaine91555]

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by Indellkoffer

Well, he's right actually. I don't know who the "Americans for Progress "are. Never heard of them. I don't know who runs them.

Ever hear of the "Oakhurst Bombers"? No? Uh-oh, time to get all paranoid!

Until you discover that that was the name of my Little League team...

As a Democrat, the minute I see the words, "Tea Party" I associate it with all sorts of negative examples and extremist politicians. I see that they're against national health care, which to me means that they would prefer to see my retired husband with his many medications pay more than his retirement pension in meds each month ... or just "suck it up and don't take them."

This proves that you know absolutely nothing about the TPM except for what you absorbed from drinking the Koolaid.:shk:


posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by maybereal11


I know it sounds too twisted to be true, just reporting the facts though.

Someone posted a video of Rachel Madcow interviewing him. There was a slightly better discussion of it in the vid. I suggest you watch it.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer
That still makes Obama a deceptive, lying jackass.

He needs a boogieman to blame for everything that's going on. No way in hell he's going to blame himself, or the Democrats. It's either going to be Bush (which many Dems have already done) or someone or some group.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by mishigas

I agree with Obama on this. There are dozens of really destructive PACs and 527s that have these wonderful names and marketing literature, and yet, when you do the research on them, they have deep ties with the same people who've been looting our Treasury for the last few decades.

I made my living running these people down and exposing their revenue streams. Follow the money is still the only way to really identify who the criminals are. Obama's right on target with that statement. He's a lawyer. He wouldn't make a public statement like that unless he could back it up with facts.

In fact, if there was any real controversy about his statement, the whole MSM would be sh*tting itself right now. I'm on the cable politico shows right now, and there's nothing. That's all you need to see to know that this statement he made is credible and defensible.

[edit on 12-8-2010 by NorEaster]

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by mothershipzeta

What good does it do to go off topic?

Obama has been the most divisive President in my memory which goes back to JFK. Never before have we seen a Presidents operatives cause as much division as we are seeing know. This is a repeat of the 1960's and that is not a good thing.

A Leader, a real Leader, brings people together for a common cause. People who can not do that are not leaders.

As an Independent I'm not locked into defending bad behavior due to Partisanship.

The GOP and its MSM shill network has been showering Obama with hatred since before he was even elected, and it's been relentless and even psychotic at times. And you're blaming Obama for causing divisiveness? Why, because he won't resign?

Okay, I'll assume that you're just ignorant and not partisan. I don't have any other options when evaluating your point of view in this matter.

Guess what? He's the president and he will be for another two and a half years. And even if the GOP wins the House and the Senate, you're still not going to "get your country back". There are tens of millions of us that are wide awake and waiting on you folks to give it your best shot, so pack a lunch.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

I am not a Republican so don't go there. The topic is Obama and his behavior. If you want me to do an equal rant about George Bush, I'd be glad to on a thread about him.

You can't fight facts by diverting attention. I guess you can if the person you are having a conversation with is easily duped. Spin is a political tool, but it is also the fine art of diversion and lies. The DNC trains their people well, as does the GOP. Two side of the same coin.

Divide and conquer.

Spin only angers intelligent people and makes the one doing the Spinning transparent. Can't answer to a issue with truth, change the subject. We know all about Straw Man tactics here I think.

Supporting an obviously bad person just because he is in your Party, just makes a person complicit.

George Bush was an incompetent boob. Obama is a deceiver and a genuinely bad person. In that way they differ. Obama is so far gone, he thinks lying and deceiving people is normal and acceptable. Why? Because he is real Narcissist. What does it matter to him what he says about the meaningless little people he walks all over every day.

See how angry it has made you towards people you don't know. Decent people who only differ in their opinions.

[edit on 8/12/2010 by Blaine91555]

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by NorEaster
The GOP and its MSM shill network has been showering Obama with hatred since before he was even elected, and it's been relentless and even psychotic at times.

You mean like the hatred and crap that Bush got after the 2000 election? "He's not MY president!" "He STOLE the election!!"

You mean drivel like that?

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by jerico65

Originally posted by NorEaster
The GOP and its MSM shill network has been showering Obama with hatred since before he was even elected, and it's been relentless and even psychotic at times.

You mean like the hatred and crap that Bush got after the 2000 election? "He's not MY president!" "He STOLE the election!!"

You mean drivel like that?

I underlined the relevant parts of that so you could read them a little better.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by Adevoc Satanae
I underlined the relevant parts of that so you could read them a little better.

Hey, thanks! That's great.

Before the election, they just called him stupid.

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