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Timing of National Guard's Deployment to Southwest Border Stirs Confusion, Anger

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posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 05:03 AM

Timing of National Guard's Deployment to Southwest Border Stirs Confusion, Anger

The 1,200 National Guard troops expected to arrive Sunday on the southwest border for reinforcement won't finish deploying until late September, federal officials say, stirring confusion and anger among Arizona lawmakers who thought the deadline was Aug. 1.

President Obama announced in May he would send National Guard troops amid growing concerns about border violence stemming from illegal immigration and drug smuggling. Many called for a military presence along the U.S-Mexico border to assist border patrol agents as Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed a controversial law making illegal immigra
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:

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Mexico asks court to reject Ariz. immigration law

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 05:03 AM
As they say, "Better late than never" I suppose, and yet, one can not help but wonder if this delay is just more reaction by the Administration over Arizona's recent immigration legislation?

I am sure Obama's administration expected the judge that ruled on the case, to rule "more" in favor of the federal stance. Although her ruling weakened the AZ Legislation, it left several provisions in place.

The violence that has been rapidly escalating on the boarder, needs attention from somewhere, either the feds or more appropriately, the individual states.

My biggest question is this: Will they be armed with loaded weapons?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 05:40 AM
Loaded weapons?

We can't have a possible international incident happening because they have to defend themselves!
I hope people remember the Beirut barracks bombing in '83. We sacrificed over 400 of our boys because they weren't allowed to keep their guns loaded lest an "incident" occurred.
This idea is creeping me out. Deja vu anyone?

The administration will probably want to take their guns away too and will arm them with welcome wagon kits printed in Spanish showing available services, housing and jobs for our southern "visitors".

Frankly, I don't see what use a few hundred guard per state would be. It's going to take many more than that to seal the border, though that's probably why they are only sending this many. Shuts the states up and keeps the border wide open. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED............

[edit on 1-8-2010 by Asktheanimals]

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

It also hit me as a "token" gesture at best.

The public outcry over the immigration issue is tremendous and of course they are troubled over the polls on the upcoming elections.

If they put them out there in anyway NOT equipped to defend themselves and protect their brothers in arms, then we will know if we are right or not..

My money is on us..


posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 06:42 AM

How Ironic!!! I never brought the subject up in the reply below on another thread but I submitted it specifically due to the border situation. I cannot picture any president (well, maybe Junior) allowing the USA to let our borders be abused the way they have. If our Russian president had ever served in our military, he might have a different perspective of things. As well as have more pride in our country.

Originally posted by CBS01

This country has changed so much in the last 25yrs or so it's saddening. A time traveler coming here from as recent as the 1980's would be shocked. To be clear, I'm referring to the way the USA is governed currently. (I'm not referring to the technological advances & other things a time traveler would notice.)

Here's a thought, maybe the time traveler would be more surprised we have tolerated the government to empower itself to the point it has? I believe we, as a country, only recently started waking up to the fact our gov.'t at some point changed their priorities. If we don't turn around the government before it reaches a certain point, will it be too late to do anything about it? That's what concerns me. I strongly believe we have to find the right person in the next election.

For anyone who thinks Obama hasn't had time to turn the country around, I agree. I'll say this though. He's had plenty of time and opportunities to show if he's capable of turning this country around and guess what, a Ouija board, used with 1-900-psychics and a Magic 8-ball stands a better chance.

This country needs leadership so bad it almost makes me wanna cry for its future. Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth, which I'm entitled to as I pay my ATS fees every month.

Sincerely with American blood,

Anyway, 1200 troops? What the he11 is he thinking? I think a couple of those drones could do a better job than 1200 troops. Plus, it would minimize casualties. Excuse the sarcasm here, but does "casualty" mean they were just killed in a nonchalant manner? That's a disgrace to all soldiers if you ask me.


[edit on 8/1/10. by CBS01]

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 06:47 AM
The above poster makes a great point.

If we can use those awesome drones to terrorize, I mean fight some war overseas, why cant they be deployed in our own country to protect our borders?

Border Drones.

Maybe I will email the white house and suggest this.

[edit on 1-8-2010 by hotbakedtater]

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by CBS01

How Ironic!!! I never brought the subject up in the reply below on another thread but I submitted it specifically due to the border situation. I cannot picture any president (well, maybe Junior) allowing the USA to let our borders be abused the way they have. If our Russian president had ever served in our military, he might have a different perspective of things. As well as have more pride in our country.

Originally posted by CBS01

This country has changed so much in the last 25yrs or so it's saddening. A time traveler coming here from as recent as the 1980's would be shocked. To be clear, I'm referring to the way the USA is governed currently. (I'm not referring to the technological advances & other things a time traveler would notice.)

Here's a thought, maybe the time traveler would be more surprised we have tolerated the government to empower itself to the point it has? I believe we, as a country, only recently started waking up to the fact our gov.'t at some point changed their priorities. If we don't turn around the government before it reaches a certain point, will it be too late to do anything about it? That's what concerns me. I strongly believe we have to find the right person in the next election.

For anyone who thinks Obama hasn't had time to turn the country around, I agree. I'll say this though. He's had plenty of time and opportunities to show if he's capable of turning this country around and guess what, a Ouija board, used with 1-900-psychics and a Magic 8-ball stands a better chance.

This country needs leadership so bad it almost makes me wanna cry for its future. Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth, which I'm entitled to as I pay my ATS fees every month.

Sincerely with American blood,

(Below is not part of quote.)

Anyway, 1200 troops? What the he11 is he thinking? I think a couple of those drones could do a better job than 1200 troops. Plus, it would minimize casualties. Excuse the sarcasm here, but does "casualty" mean they were just killed in a nonchalant manner? That's a disgrace to all soldiers if you ask me.


[edit on 8/1/10. by CBS01]

[edit on 8/1/10. by CBS01]

[edit on 8/1/10. by CBS01]

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals

The administration will probably want to take their guns away too and will arm them with welcome wagon kits printed in Spanish showing available services, housing and jobs for our southern "visitors".

That was a racial comment and I am quite offended.
What about Cantonese, Mandarin, Italian, Farsi among many others.
We do not discriminate here in the good ole USofA, we take everyone’s garbage.
We must stop racism in the USofA abolish NASCAR NOW!!!

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

Because these birds of freedom must have terrible optics as they kill more civilians than combatants is why.
Just one reason of many.

Fer mah baad spellification.

[edit on 1-8-2010 by g146541]

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 10:30 AM

This nice couple in Arizona are suddenly finding that their back garden is a battle field. For some long years they were observing smugglers using a path through the valley. They encountered armed men. It frightens them but they have no choice and no where else to go to. Let us hope that the deployment of National Guards will bring a close to the smuggling. Let us hope this nice old couple will not be too disturbed by the conflict.

If the Pentagon deploy the kind of weapons being used in Afghanistan then the smugglers will be wiped out in no time. I am refering to the usage of the UAV armed drones now commonly used in the military all around the developed world. They cost a great deal less than fighter jets and yet seem to be more effective. Especially in counter insurgency operations.

[edit on 1/8/2010 by CAELENIUM]

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 10:33 AM
I bet some Arizonians would be even more nervous if the guard were deploying faster with what's going on there with the protests and the sheriff threatening to call SWAT on the feds? Did he really do that?

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 02:03 AM
reply to post by semperfortis

Who is surprised that Obama has reneged on another promise?

Does anyone really believe Obama CARES about the safety of Americans along the Mexican border?


posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 07:10 AM
Drones would be fine for surveillance along the border but that;s about it. I highly doubt they would be blasting people with hellfire missiles regardless of whether or not they were armed. I for one don't think we should be turning our border into a war zone any more than it already is.
Enough national guard troops could physically deter illegal crossings and that's really what we need - not drones shooting everything that moves on the Rio Grande.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 07:18 AM
Token troop deployment will be completed just prior to the US elections. That's it, mystery and confusion removed.

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