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EU MP Mario Borghezi, Bilderberger foe, introduces EU Parliament declaration to end UFO/ET secrecy

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posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 04:05 PM
There is no question that “UFO/ET’s” “exist”. Thousands of people have independently seen and described similar/identical experiences – beings/crafts. Witness is the measure of truth in our society.

The question is simply: Are the ET’s “God”, or not.

Certainly, the evidence suggests godlike powers. UFO’s appear and disappear, defying the laws of physics, for instance.

I have been working with ET’s for 25 years, and I can tell you that God and ET are the same. Everything is predestined (predetermined). 911 was an act of God. The BP spill was an act of God. God is the God of the “Old Testament”, at times very brutal.

God hates religion.

There is a hidden language in the English language. The translations will announce the presence of God.

Crop Circles are acts of God.

The appearance of Sunspots in the shape of the Haitian Island group on the day the Haitian Earthquake hit, and the same thing appeared several weeks later in the shape of another island group, which was hit by a earthquake. Then, at the start of the Canada Olympics, 6 sunspots appeared in the shape of the Olympic symbol.

The wide realization that GOD is here, has always been here, and is the same as ET/UFO will come later this year, and Nations will not be the vehicles for the realization.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by wcitizen
Borghezi seems to be one brave man.

Not really, just a politician trying to get more support from people that do not know him.

He and investigative journalist Daniel Esturin exposed the Bilderberg Group at a EU Parliament press conference on 1 June 2010.

Exposed? Do you think that the EU politicians do not know about it? I know about the Bilderberg group for many years, and do you know why? Because it's talked about in the media, even in the media from a Portuguese member of the group.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 04:37 PM
Mario Borghezio is well known here in Italy for being a racist and active anti-islamist not to mention he had several trials issues.
This is just BS.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

I never really understood people who say this kind of sentences, it gives the impression that you know more than others.

but this is your point of view and no need to debate

and by the way i'm not a robot i'm a just an alien

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by the_denv
Disclosure? There are hundreds/thousands of reports from the British released (MOD) documents, and to this day - nobody cares.


Those documents are just a bunch of reported UFO sightings. There's not a shred of proof anywhere to be found in them, so why would anyone care?

Releasing files does not = "disclosure".

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 05:11 PM
I have to say the timing of the debate of this 'announcement' is quite brilliant. Take the attention of the U.S. off the Gulf of Mexico and focus it somewhere else, like the SKY instead of the OCEAN!

Just like all of the media the world over focused its attention on the public memorial of Michael Jackson last year when the POPE was pushing for a one world economic system behind closed doors. Or were they closed? Maybe they didn't need to be since everyone's attention was on their televisions that day.

I'm just saying, nothing like a huge conspiracy to distract you from the huge danger happening on our planet.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 05:15 PM
I think the rabbit hole goes way to deep at this point for the US to disclose anything relating to UFO's. They are so tightly rapped up in the lie, that I belive it would take something very special for discloser to happen. And if that were to happen it would have to be an event of epic proprtions that would be seen by the masses. And then as stupied as they think everybody is they would try to pass it off as the ever popular "swamp gas"
Nice find though.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by CharlesBronson74
I think the rabbit hole goes way to deep at this point for the US to disclose anything relating to UFO's. They are so tightly rapped up in the lie, that I belive it would take something very special for discloser to happen. And if that were to happen it would have to be an event of epic proprtions ....

You are completely right on the first part of your post! Thank you for bringing this up!

In order to protect secrecy and national security, information has been suppressed using criminal acts, which is why individuals in the secret govt sector do not come forward. The criminal justice system would simply crucify them unless they are granted complete amnesty in exchange for the complete truth. That way - and ONLY that way - can the truth ever be told. Once it is out, we can use the technologies the way they were intended to be used and work together to fix the environmental crisis facing our planet.

If we continue to misuse our environment as we currently are, the human race will not exist much longer on our planet and life will not be worth living in our final days. The potential end of human life on Earth seriously concerns the aliens because they have a huge investment in us. And because they respect the fact that this planet IS ours, their assistance can only be minimal and they need our help to make the biggest changes. We need their technology to fix our planet and THEY need our govt to dislcose the truth so we can work together.

We all need each other and we all need to work together in a place of love and forgiveness. Otherwise, it will NEVER happen!

So I ask everyone . . . can you put your anger aside (no matter WHAT the crime is) to grant this secret govt amnesty if it means receiving amazing technology that will save our planet? Can you and WILL you? Because I am in. As much as I write to my elected govt officials complaining, this is one letter I'd be willing to draft and post for everyone to copy and paste into their own document and mail to the White House.

[edit on 6/19/2010 by Nivcharah]

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by Nivcharah

Do you really think that there will be any people that will shift their attention from the Gulf of Mexico to this?

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

Maybe it's a distraction from the Cap & Trade tax. I'm just saying, keep your eyes peeled for what TPTB are trying to distract us from.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by Nivcharah

Exactly. I've been an advocate of amnesty in exchange for real enlightenment-progress for over a decade. Everyone needs a clean slate. It's just a matter of controlling, or overriding, one's ego enough to admit that what we've been doing is wrong... or wrong enough to be righted.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Nivcharah
If we continue to misuse our environment as we currently are, the human race will not exist much longer on our planet and life will not be worth living in our final days. The potential end of human life on Earth seriously concerns the aliens because they have a huge investment in us. And because they respect the fact that this planet IS ours, their assistance can only be minimal and they need our help to make the biggest changes. We need their technology to fix our planet and THEY need our govt to dislcose the truth so we can work together.

We all need each other and we all need to work together in a place of love and forgiveness. Otherwise, it will NEVER happen!

I think you've been watching too many YouTube videos. Your post is a pastiche of the many alien/New Age clichés that circulate the web.

Our world is heading for disaster. Only the aliens can save us. Our governments need to bring about disclosure, so we can all work together in a "place of love"... Once Upon a Time... Happily Ever After blah blah blah.

At what point does a rational person begin to believe this kind of fiction?

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by Nivcharah

OK, I will rephrase it.

If TPTB want us to forget about Cap & Trade, the Gulf of Mexico or whatever, do you think that news like this, that only a handful of people give any importance, will make anyone forget about the other news?

And do you think that even that handful of people will forget other news because of this, something that has no follow-up until October (apparently, and judging from what it says on the EU document)?

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 07:52 PM
You guys havent payed attention? The UFO case is allready disclosed.It has been on national tv. The governments of the world has allready informed that Extra terrestrial exist-

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by FOXMULDER147
I think you've been watching too many YouTube videos. Your post is a pastiche of the many alien/New Age clichés that circulate the web.

At what point does a rational person begin to believe this kind of fiction?

I don't get this information from youtube, web, etc.

A rational person believes this information when s/he has reason to know that it is non-fiction.

There is no point in discussing this any further with a Scully dressed in Mulder's clothing.

Originally posted by ArMaP
OK, I will rephrase it.

If TPTB want us to forget about . . . , do you think that news like this, that only a handful of people give any importance, will make anyone forget about the other news?

I'm not referring to this current talk of "Hey! They're going to disclose E.T. info!". I'm talking about an actual disclosure of what they really know taking place.

IF they actually release this as a full-disclosure thru the MSM as headline news on all the stations, THEN be very wary of WHAT they are trying to distract us from seeing/knowing that is happening covertly. Whether the secret govt is given total amnesty or not, I would be watching to see what else TPTB may try to slip thru/in as one last attempt at their power over the world.

IF it actually happens, be aware of what else is happening in the world. Don't watch it with tunnel vision and blinders on.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by Archirvion

Where and when was this disclosed?

I can't see the U.S. govt allowing a disclosure like this w/o attempting some sort of control to instill fear in us.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 08:16 PM
Just another symptom from the economic crash, put you own money to keep those secrets, we can't, thats the real message.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 09:44 PM
If 17 people have signed it so far, what does that mean? How many have to sign it to pass?

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 10:33 PM
Well..well...well, another disclosure being announce .... I'm sure they will disclose all sighting reports and that's it. It's not gonna be the kind of disclosure that we've all been expecting for years. They will not come out after years behind closed door and start announcing that " ET is real, we have been working with them for decades; there are 57 races out there and we are in a middle of a galatic war...yada..yada..yada." What I personally want is that there are several spaceships uncloaking themselves and hovering above major cities around the world and start beaming down the Grey, Annunaki, Pleiadeans, Andromedan or whoever. Then we can start talking.
Not gonna happen I know it, it's just my wishful thinking, guys.

[edit on 19-6-2010 by the_0bserver85]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by Peloquin
reply to post by k3rm1t

Of course we have a right to know the truth!

But we should prepare ourselves, that maybe the truth could be hard to swallow.

And that the consequences could be expansive and lead to dramatic changes in every single man's life.

Finally, the truth behind the UFO-enigma will be of nearly the same quality (and dimension) as the truth behind the question if there's a life after death.

It'll be mindblowing, to say the least.

I have to agree with this. If you think about it, how much of this would turn everything we have been taught on it`s head? Everything from religion, to our very history would be turned upside down.

How many could handle that?

Then again, maybe it would put us back on the right track if it did happen.

[edit on 20-6-2010 by FiatLux]

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