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South Park Creators Threatened

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posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by boaby_phet

Just one more slim window to slam Bush huh?

I can see how you would make the connection.

South Park makes fun of Muslim radicals.

Muslim radicals threaten South Park creators.

Bush is a lying Christian.

Yep, I see the connection.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 12:19 PM
there were several episodes involving the prophet mohamad and this is the first time i have heard muslims being pissed about it, what about the one about family guy that mat an trey were making fun of muslim terrorist groups retaliating over it? why didnt i hear anything about muslims being pissed then?

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by Subjective Truth

For gods sake people learn the difference between culture and religion. For example.. what you are referring to is middle eastern muslims aka ARABS that treat their women like crap and force them to wear hijabs(scarfs) and please dont call me racist, i know what im saying, Im also muslim, caucasian. im sick of everybody thinking of arabs when they say muslim. now remember kids.. Not all Arabs are muslim and not all muslims are Arab, now please stop generalizing about a religion as a whole when only some people of a certain cultural background and in some cases of extremist branches of islam do these things.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by ashanu90

There was a little thing in the news about it.

Each time South Park or Family Guy plays at showing mouhamed there is always a little fuss over it.

Whats funny is that the whole episode they was worried about showing him in fear of being blown up. So they work around it and put him in a bear suit.

Now the Muslim radicals are upset he was in a bear suit.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 12:23 PM
What is the deal with the False Prophet Mohammad not being able to be depicted? Was he horribly disfigured? Was he a forefather of the Elephant man?

What is the story here?

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 12:24 PM
I find this to be a bit much, muslims are pissed about this, but nobody mentions anything about budah snorting coke in the show?
yes I believe muslims are peaceful(sarcasm)

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4
What is the deal with the False Prophet Mohammad not being able to be depicted? Was he horribly disfigured? Was he a forefather of the Elephant man?

What is the story here?

If my memory serves me right it was to discourage the "worshiping of false idols" thing. And we all see how that turned out.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 12:29 PM
I dont know how in the hell this thread went from criticizing the SP creators to whether the war in Iraq is about god. Come on people, start looking at things objectively. This whole ordeal takes place in where? One place America. Not Iraq. If muslims wish to move to America they must get used to the dog eat dog world. Not I'm not going to stereotype but Muslims have never been intimidated by going to the govt and demanding actions be done all in the sake of allah, And you know that works, in some countries. Canada and England I can say for a fact are very open to muslims and I actually think they fear upsetting the muslim people. But this isnt the point, the point is it is America. Clearly enough AMERICANS love the show, I dont think they just LOVE it, but for many part of their everyday life. I mean the shows been on for at least 10 years. So with out a doubt South Park is a product of American entertainment, played on Comedy Central. If there is American Muslims who have a problem with it, then DONT WATCH IT. I understand where the Muslims are coming from, they dont want their prophet to end up like Jesus and have the next Mohammad super star on the big screen. BUT what they don't realize is that south park doesnt have a muslim audiance, the show is not a Muslim show. It is an American show with an American audience.
To the muslims : Mind your owns, this is an American show. Be the people you claim to be, and live in peace and be humble.
To the Christians: I understand why the muslims think you are not lucid, no one ever mentioned anything about jesus being on south park in more than enough episodes. Jesus had his own talk show. and remember SP also depicted god him self, in which god then claimed to be a buddhist, but if you want a good laugh see what they thought god would look like.
I am now caught, who are the better people the ones who can sit their and watch their prophet be mocked and take it as a joke or the people who hear that their prophet will be mocked and start making death threats.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by ItsAgentScully

Originally posted by Carseller4
What is the deal with the False Prophet Mohammad not being able to be depicted? Was he horribly disfigured? Was he a forefather of the Elephant man?

What is the story here?

If my memory serves me right it was to discourage the "worshiping of false idols" thing. And we all see how that turned out.

Oh like what the Catholics do to Mary, and the Saints. Thanks for the explanation!

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by TrueBrit

You are aware that Islamic crusades occurred well before the European Crusades.

Year 630 ... Muhammad launches the Tabuk Crusades with 30,000 jihadists aganist the Byzantine Christians.

Year 632-634 Muslim Crusaders reconquer the polytheists of Arabia.

Year 633 Muslim Crusaders , led by Khalid al-Walid (the sword of Allah) conquer the city of Ullays.

Year 638 Muslim Crusaders conquer Jerusalem

Year 711-713 Muslim Crusaders conquer Spain.

Year 809 Muslim Crusaders conquer Sardinia, Italy.

The history of Islam is a history of imperialism and violence. It continues today.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 12:44 PM
This is south park.
In the bear suit will be:
1) Cartman's Dad
2) Cartman`s Dad will most likely be Chef

[edit on 21-4-2010 by bluemooone2]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Acid_Burn2009

South Park is demon tv and I have been guilty of watching it. I stopped for about a year or so when I seen a evil show then I watched it again and this was the episode I seen and I was pissed for them even playing with any of the dieties they showed and how they portrayed them. So south park needs to be gone and I wont miss it at all. Poo they turned Christmas into a piece of poo really a piece of poo so to allow ones mind to be infected with such ignorance on a continous level will EVENTUALLY WEAKEN YOUR SOUL TO THE BS ABROAD..

[edit on 4/21/10 by Ophiuchus 13]

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 21/4/2010 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 01:06 PM

Why should anyone care if someone else depicts there savior in a negative light? - Raustlin

If you don't want trouble with the followers of a faith, why would you (in general, ie. the creators of SP) go out-of-way and insult their saviour? The fault of an "equal and opposite reaction" is two-fold, both "sides" have to control their actions. Yet who started it, who laid the first insult, or cast the first stone? One day, an increasingly outspoken team member of SP came to the conclusion, and convinced the rest howsoever easily, so make that episode. Did they consider the impact? Probably! South Park has to be one of the best nominees for how "infantile" western society is, even while I've had a few good laughs from the show. There's good in everything - see the difference and retain what's valuable for the benefit of all good intents in the future imo - but don't hold the creators of SP innocent in your minds for what is obviously an outrage to devout Muslims, and which was intended to be!

At some point you have to recognize that God is sacred, and so noble and highly intelligent as to be above reproach - yes, above reproach of human beings! One man will stop at the recognizance of their own impurity, and inability to "judge" our Maker of faults. They stop at 11. Another will discard all understanding the sacred hold, and carry on heedless, considering it heroic. Then they will adopt the cloaks of the heroic, and augment themselves with all human strength, seeking supernatural strength beyond, and exalt themselves as champions for their own glory. They progress to 22, and 33 in the world. Too bad they didn't recognize heavens outpost at the point they considered the sacredness of God. Now God has every right to consider them in judgement and fault, and commits them to their sinful ways, allowing the delusions of the world to cloak them also.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 01:22 PM
Sorry,not read the whole thread,but has it been postulated that the creators of southpark are in fact drumming up publicity for their 200th episode.

Creating a story about jihadis trying to kill them may draw in some extra viewers I would think...even if some are jihadis,its all more money for Matt and Trey.

Those guys have made a living out of attempting to piss off as many different groups as possible...Their board meetings must be a sort of debate about who to try to piss off next.

Got to give them credit,at least they are not racist-they go for any and all groups of folks.

From Jesus to the Amish,Jews to Scientologists,at least they are "equal opportunity" piss takers..

I bet they have some damned expensive lawyers as well,and I expect they have been well used.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Wildbob77

Yet you look at an extreme one-sided glance of militant activity. I'm not Islamic, but I'm also not blind to see how a militant portrayal of any force does not include the thousands of wholesome activities which also took place. How about that which we can't study because it was unrecorded - it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It's just a matter of study, of caring enough to see both sides, and to sensibly realize it exists. Let the truth fall where it will! There's nothing trite about Islamic history.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 01:40 PM
They already showed Muhammad in a episode once before, he was not in a suit he was just there. You can see how he looked, the episode was the Super Best Friends episode. This episode happen a few month prior to 9/11

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 01:50 PM
Haha classic.

As someone from a muslim family, I enjoyed that southpark episode. While watching it I knew something like this would happen. In the end it really is a ironicly funny.
These extremists are just embarassing.

South Park creators are geniuses.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4
What is the deal with the False Prophet Mohammad not being able to be depicted? Was he horribly disfigured? Was he a forefather of the Elephant man?

What is the story here?

The idea is for Mohammed not to be worshiped.

If you make statues or pictures of someone, they could end up being worshiped one day etc. Like jesus for example and mary.

It is ironic thou, that these extremists are appearing to do just that, they are making the world think they worship muhammed by acting in such ways, when they are supposed to be worshiping just allah. Muhammed is the messenger which they respect, not a god, so they need to chill.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by b0sanac
reply to post by Subjective Truth

For gods sake people learn the difference between culture and religion. For example.. what you are referring to is middle eastern muslims aka ARABS that treat their women like crap and force them to wear hijabs(scarfs) and please dont call me racist, i know what im saying, Im also muslim, caucasian. im sick of everybody thinking of arabs when they say muslim. now remember kids.. Not all Arabs are muslim and not all muslims are Arab, now please stop generalizing about a religion as a whole when only some people of a certain cultural background and in some cases of extremist branches of islam do these things.

This is the biggest issue with the 'hatred' seen on this site towards Muslims. People simply generalize that Muslim means brown skinned desert dweller that lives in mud huts. Well, quite a few still do. That's because it is the images they are shown in relation to that religion by the MSM and so on. Muslim does not mean black, brown, white or yellow. It's not a race. It's a religion. And as with many large religions we have MANY different cultures that are a part of it.

To take that point further, I will touch on my point again. Not only does a large religion have many different cultures but it has many different views within the whole by many different groups. You will have the ones that follow the peaceful message 100%. They don't buy into the 'using violence against the infidels' BS message being portrayed by the many extreme groups within the religion.

Just like with Christians. I know that many here in this part of the country (again, NW Ohio) think of caucasians when they think of Christians. It's because that's what they see when they go to church. There are few people of color where I live (which I'm still trying to get used to). A few Native Americans, a few hispanics. That's it. That was the real culture shock for me in my move from Seattle.

So, if people would remove the blinders of hatred that they hold simply for the religion and think with an open mind I think that the ill intent towards ALL of Islam in this thread would probably lessen a little.

Regardless of what I have been told fervantly over and over before by some of this site, I simply will NOT believe that the Muslims are trying to take over the world. LOL

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by _Phoenix_

Excellent point. Muhammed is not to be worshipped even by Muslims. He is the messenger of God (Allah). That is what is taught.

What kills me though is that the post you quoted has the person doing exactly what puts Muslims backs up. By blatantly calling Muhammed a 'false prophet'. The other remarks are just silly and not comprehending of the actual reason that that religion doesn't approve of images being created of people or things.

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