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South Park Creators Threatened

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posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by Acid_Burn2009

Saw the episode in question , although I think I missed the end . To be frank, if the radical islamist factions of the world wanted to get all annoyed and throw a fit about the creators of South Park, then they should have done it a long time ago. They have beem poking fun at the inherant stupidity of the whole freaking world for a very long time now, and this wouldnt be the first time they have aimed thier razor wit and brutal humor at the muslim world.
Of course when its aimed at Christians, the worst that happens is an attempted ban, or a complaint or two. But Oh NO ! Cant be having a sense of humor if you happen to be of the muslim faith... oh dear me no ... Cant look at ones self remotely criticaly or with ironic ammusement at ones own short commings , like the rest of the blasted planet does... wouldnt be religiously sound would it.
What bloody rot.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 10:55 AM
Is this episode online anywhere?

Not the first part but the second, 201??

Can't seem to find it.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by blupblup

It airs tonight. Until then..................
see ................
Rush Congratulates South Park
South Park 200 - Industry Video

[edit on 21-4-2010 by bluemooone2]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 10:59 AM
Oh great now all the Muslims are going to accuse you guys of saying they dont have the right to say what they want in retaliation to others.I think its really simple, and it all comes down to freedoms. Those Muslims ARE FREE TO NOT WATCH the tv show.
Its not like they are being forced to watch the damn tv show.
They shouldn't be watching South Park anyways as it portrays a lot of stuff that Islam does not necessarily believe in. At the same point matt and trey dont have to listen to their stupid threats. Now to say Islam is a failed religion, not even close. Considering 1.6 billion of them and almost all of them follow it to a T, I would say they are doing something right. I dont think these guys on the websites understand the actual influence south park has. The majority of their audiance lies in college students and youths. And for anyone who thinks the show is garbage and poop humor, watch the god damn show till the end and you will see the teaches people more than your average Japanese amine show. The creators of the show are not stupid, they are witty and very intelligent people. They scrutinize the stupidity of the world, through the lives of 4 children from Colorado. For anyone who hasnt seen it, i suggest you just watch an episode and look passed the cursing and ludicrousness.
Whatever its not like they have South Park in Iran anyways.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by eightfold

How is that racist?

Disliking Muslim beliefs is not racist. I dislike Christians and Catholics and Hindus and all religions. That isn't racist. Bigoted or prejudiced, maybe.

But not racist.

I made no mention to skin colour or human race.

If anything, you're the one exhibiting racist tendencies by *assuming* a Muslim is of a race other than my own (which I am caucausian, by the way). You assumed when I said extreme Muslim I was referring to who...? Arabs?

You racist.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by bluemooone2

I'll wait a bit then if it's not online.

I'm in the UK too... so will have to wait until it's online.

xepisodes have taken it down and my other usual places don't have it either?

Hmmmmmm.... weird.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:05 AM
i love southpark.

i was blown away by the episode last week, and the way its playing out, i could see them doing something extreme and try and change society..

or, they could to the terrence and phillip thing to everyone again ! who knows, maybe they have made their point enough already!

the sp dudes are very clever, and theirs an actual good message in pretty much every episode if you can see past the extremeness (as said before)!

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by tribaltrip

You make a really swish point. No one HAS to watch something they dont like ! For instance, I dont like watching fascism at work, so I wont be wathcing a BNP rally video any time soon.
I dont mind when south park pokes some fun at my faith, hell if I cant allow my faith to be questioned or attacked, how the hell am I meant to know if its strong ? Another thing is this. I dont like that in the Muslim world , Christians are looked down on, messed with, and treated like crap. Should I start threatening people about that? NO ! Would anyone care to guess why ? Because its a crappy , pathetic way to get what you want. Its not tough , its not clever, its just utterly moronic.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:13 AM
I also note that Islam is against the pictorial representation of the human form perhaps even animals, so against this practice that they seem to agree that the artists or publishers should be killed. How do they get around tv and movies, no news readers or actors?

Still I can't help but feel like I'm being played by a hidden hand, desperate to make me angry and hate Muslims, next they'll be telling me that Muslims are mean to animals, kids and old folk.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
reply to post by tribaltrip

I dont mind when south park pokes some fun at my faith, hell if I cant allow my faith to be questioned or attacked, how the hell am I meant to know if its strong ? Another thing is this. I dont like that in the Muslim world , Christians are looked down on, messed with, and treated like crap. Should I start threatening people about that? NO


aint you ever heard of the crusades?! or the war on terror? im fairly sure people with christian interests have been doing this to muslims for centurys!

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:28 AM
Umm... AFAIK, South Park never *showed* Mohammad, they showed Mohammad *IN* a beer suit!

They knew it was going to cause an outrage, they even played on it in their show and I say good on 'em! Freedom of speech people! Don't like it? Bite your tongue! Not everyone is going to say things you like!

All I can say to the radical Islamists is this, Man up and quit whining! You sound stupid!

Support SP!

Peace (where applicable)

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by boaby_phet

Im aware that the Crusades occured, and Im not proud of them. Its my opinion that they were a perversion of Christianity and not a paragon of the same.
The War "Of " Terror , is not, must not be associated with Christianity in any way shape or form. Most of the Christians I know are against it, and are active members of the Stop The War Coallition, an organisation which protests against all forms of armed conflict.
My faith cannot be held responsible for the stupidities of its past, only tasked with improving its future, and thats something I work towards all the time. My tolerance in comparrison to the tolerance shown by the Knights Templar, is gargantuan after all. The people to blame for the war on terror are neither truely christian , nor religious leaders. They are corrupt politicians, big money contractors, and lords of chaos of every stripe. They have nothing to do with Jesus or God.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:39 AM
My true hope for how this episode plays out:

It was really one of the other super-friends in the bear costume (Jesus, Joseph Smith, Buddha, etc) pretending to be Mohammad and all of this was for nothing.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by impaired
Religions are the most hypocritical entities I have ever heard of.


I will NEVER understand the hypocrisy and how their followers fail to see it.

This is why I get so amped up when it comes to religion.


We must keep it in perspective. As with the Christian religion there are many different faucets of the Islamic religion. From the extreme side that has posted this pathetic threat to those that will laugh right along with the rest of us.

With that said, I must second your statement on the hypocrisy of these many religions.

*Love thy neighbor (until he doesn't do your gods bidding then kill them)
*Be peaceful (until someone mocks you then kill them)

and blah blah blah. The hypocrisy of religion is displayed every day where I live. I live in NW Ohio. A small town. I'm used to the big city environment (well, used to be used to it). Where I live now everyone is nicer to your face. They say hi to you on the streets and make a point to wave at you from across the street. They don't mind looking in your eyes as you pass. I really like that.

However, when I get some of them on their own, these Christians begin to shred their neighbors with gossip. It's true hypocrisy at it's finest. Then again, I have some other Christian friends who wouldn't say an ill word against anyone. Even one that most of society believes would deserve the ill words.

Taking this into consideration, we must look at Islam in the same light. Just because one pathetic idiot cuts someones head off due to THEIR view of THEIR religion doesn't mean that ALL of Islam is like that. Just because one Muslim goes and bombs a group of people doesn't mean that another will do the same.

Just my food for thought.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:43 AM
I have a feeling the South Park guys are going to laugh this off and stop giving those threatening them their attention. If they were killed it only darkens the image of Islam in the western world. Its like that friend that is easily offended and rants about, sooner or later they everyone stops listening and lets go of their tongues.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

the war on terror has nothing to do with christians and muslims??

riiiiiiiiight !

i guess its just coincidence that it was the christan countries vs muslim countries, with george bush even calling it a crusade at one point!

and also, to quote bush .. " freedom is a gift of the almighty"

says it all really!

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Thepreye

Still I can't help but feel like I'm being played by a hidden hand, desperate to make me angry and hate Muslims, next they'll be telling me that Muslims are mean to animals, kids and old folk.

This is what I feel is an ongoing effort by quite a few here on this site. With so many hate 'Christians' and hate 'Muslims' because of this and that, I believe it is an all out attempt to get people to hate religion in general. Then again, religion (or the leaders that continue to turn blind eyes towards some of the bigger acts of disgust done by their members) has brought this upon itself.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by boaby_phet

I think you just made a mistake in your argument by posting that video. It is one of the FEW times that boy George actually sounded like he was sincere.

He admitted that he misused the term. People make mistakes. Especially him with his many 'mispeaks' in his speeches. However, he made some very clear statements. He made a claim that MOST Christians I know absolutely disagree with.

He stated that he feels that the two religions (and more actually) do worship the same god. That the bad guys worship a false one. In essence saying that he looks upon Muslims in the same light as Christians.

Then your quote about freedom. Well, he says that everyone has that desire in them. Meaning all people of all faiths. I don't quite get why you pulled that out as an example of Christians using this to start a war.

Because when it comes down to it this war is one of greed. Period. It was planned well before 911 ever happened by the rich and powerful. The ones that put boy George in office. The ones that put every president over the past few decades in office. It isn't a war of religious beliefs at all. It is a war to try and control the Middle Eastern Countries natural resources. So the rich can get richer while the rest of us get sucked dry. Then the cycle will reset and the histories will be re-written and they will start it all over again. That reset will probably happen, unfortunately, with a great war.

So, I just wanted to point out that I feel you shouldn't have used this particular video to try and support your argument.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:59 AM
Kind of funny that the SP creators was mocking the extreme muslims in this episode and those muslims turn around and do the same exact thing they was being made fun of for.

Kind of hit it on the head.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by dariousg

are you kidding about the bush video ... from that its fairly obvious he thinks he is doing gods work, he knew if he said that out loud he would get slaughtered!

its one of the worst attempt at lieing ive seen!

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