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Mad Hatters coming out on April 15, 2010

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posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 05:15 PM
April 15, 2010 will mark the anniversary of the Tea Party Movement. This movement has come a long way since its inception along with the criticism they have received. The movement's supporters voicing their concerns over BIG Government and policies has been constantly attacked as being haven for racists and the homophobes. The critics couldn't be further from the truth.

While the critics have tried to portray this movement as something they are not, this April 15, 2010 their will be a group out their doing their best to make sure the critics wishes do come true. I am sure during this April 15 and after this day, we will have plenty of coverage of the type of behavior that the MSM and critics have longed fore.

Below is an outside source article detailing the future plans of one organization to feed the hunger of MSM and critics desire to portray the Tea Party Movement as something they are not.

Outside Source

Its sad to see that when a group of individuals want to take on the role of personalities they are against just to make a point which isn't even the truth.

Well, lets see what happens in 3 days.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 05:46 PM
September 12, 2009 was a wonderful turn out here in Tallahassee. We had people on the steps of the capital building giving speeches. We had picnickers, and hundreds of waving flags. There was not a single incident of violence, and I never even witnessed an argument. There was no police or security involvement. There were tons of political candidates there campaigning. There were tons of kids running and playing. It was a humbling and invigorating experience!

Here in North Florida, our Tea Party is comprised of sandal wearing, Jimmy Buffet worshipping hippies, side by side with rough neck boggy boys from the swamps! We have high ranking state officials, and housewives speaking out on the same agendas! We begged our supposed representatives to attend and speak, but they were too afraid!

Now, less than 9 months later, the Tea Party has become a Prime Time News staple! Our little group has grown form 3 or 4, to 25, to a few hundred. In September, about 2000 people turned out at the capital, but for April we expect over 10,000!

Back in September, we were searching for high moral characters willing to run for office, now we are approached daily by would-be candidates and incumbents begging for support!

The Tea Party is a real force to be reckoned with. It is not a Republican establishment, it is not a racist establishment, and it is not some violent militia group. It IS a real political movement that is seeking to SACK THE INCUMBENTS, FIRE CONGRESS, and get some regular folks with morals and integrity into the system.

In my opinion, the Tea Parties represent the last real chance to save and change the government without violence. If they are marginalized and hijacked by FOX news and MSM, and if this November does not see real change in the election boxes, then the country has some real things to worry about! For now, I hang my hopes on this dedicated group of regular folks!

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 05:54 PM
By the Way,

Last year my 3 year old son ran up and down the steps of the capital building while some very well known people were speaking. He drew a lot of laughter, and the attention of the speaker. It was such a family friendly event, but you won't see that on the news.

I wore my "Vote or Get Sodomized" shirt, that me and 2 other buddies started wearing on every election day for the past several years, and that shirt did make the local news! Originally 3 people wore the shirt, because P.Diddy's "Vote or Die" campaign was so ridiculous and made no sense. We decided to make an appropriate shirt that at least made sense. Now, on election day in this town, you will see dozens of these T-shirts! People make them on their own!

The news decided that a picture of my T-shirt was more significant than hundreds of waving flags, and children playing in front of speakers. Go figure! Even our local news is tainted. Ratings over content! BOO!

Also, BTW. I know of at least 20 people with Concealed Weapons Permits, and many more in law enforcement that carry 100% of the time. They were all at the event, and nobody ever saw a gun, or made any outlandish attempt to exert their 2nd amendment right. The few stories that made the National Media, were probably the only few such "mad-hatters" in the whole country! But, look who made the news!

I will post pictures from this years event. Someone will have to show me how, but if someone will help me, I will get a lot of photos and start on new thread first thing Thursday Morning!

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 06:32 PM
Hi, and thank your for sharing your experiences. Just be on the look out for these provocateurs as they only have one goal in mind and that is to give MSM the substance they have been looking for.

I am no expert on uploading myself but the the following thread helped me out, How To Upload.....

I look forward to you photos from the events.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 07:15 PM
I'm sure Mr Soros will give you a big cookie for your anti-American post.
I would debate you further on how significant the Tea Party movement is, however, it seems it would be akin to me telling Stalin, that communism is bad.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by Violater1

Anti-American? How would you portray what I have said so far as anti-American? Nothing can be more American than the Tea Party Movement, which is BTW 4 out of 10 participants identify self as Democrats.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by prionace glauca

I'll admit my confusion.
Non-homophobic people will be wearing ¨Vote or Get Sodomized¨ shirts pretending to be homophibic to illustrate the actual inclusive nature of the Tea Party as opposed to that portrayed by the media?
Some sort of political Victor/Victoria?
Why not kill two birds with one stone and adress the racism issue as well?
Have several ¨provocateurs¨ dress in flowing lavender Klan robes and drag an Oh-So Flaming cross up the courthouse steps.
If you're gonna come out, at least do it with the flare a fag would.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by 23refugee
reply to post by prionace glauca

I'll admit my confusion.
Non-homophobic people will be wearing ¨Vote or Get Sodomized¨ shirts pretending to be homophibic to illustrate the actual inclusive nature of the Tea Party as opposed to that portrayed by the media?
Some sort of political Victor/Victoria?
Why not kill two birds with one stone and adress the racism issue as well?
Have several ¨provocateurs¨ dress in flowing lavender Klan robes and drag an Oh-So Flaming cross up the courthouse steps.
If you're gonna come out, at least do it with the flare a fag would

I never really thought of the homo aspect of the shirt? Thnaks for pointing that out. It wasn't intended that way, and you are the first in 6+ years to point it out. However, I don't think homosexuales want to be sodomized by their government any more than anybody else, so the shirt still makes much more sense than the whole vote or die campaign.

The racism aspect is covered by the great turnout of black folks at the event. They don't like his politics any more than any one else does. Of course a lot of black folks were very happy to see him get elected. I am white, but I was happy to see Obama win. Now, I can admit that I was wrong, and it is time to fix it. But, Obama is not the main target of the Tea Parties. All of the deeply rooted Congress and political regime is the target. Obama is a small part of it, but getting Obama out wouldn't really fix anything. McCain would have been equally damaging. In my opinion, things would have went down even faster if McCain had won. As long as we keep electing lifelong politicians, we won't get anywhere. They are all part of the same system.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

What makes you think your vote will count now? Do you know about the Supreme Court's decision on Citizen's United vs The Federal Election Committee? Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. ___ (2010), was a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court holding that corporate funding of independent political broadcasts in candidate elections cannot be limited under the First Amendment.

Am I being too cynical? If you think I'm wrong I'd like to hear about it...

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 09:25 AM
As with any group, it is the malicious or extremist actions of the few that garner the most attention. Unfortunately, it is the haters that stick out like a sore thumb for the Tea Party movement and that is their Achilles' heel.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by orbitbaby
reply to post by getreadyalready

What makes you think your vote will count now? Do you know about the Supreme Court's decision on Citizen's United vs The Federal Election Committee? Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. ___ (2010), was a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court holding that corporate funding of independent political broadcasts in candidate elections cannot be limited under the First Amendment.

Am I being too cynical? If you think I'm wrong I'd like to hear about it...

Well, it isn't that I think you are wrong. I (along with most of the populace) think this is the last real chance at a non violent take back of the government. Hopefully, the polling numbers between now and November, and the actual election in November will be strong enough that TPTB will take notice and act accordingly.

If we as a population turn out in mass, and if we overwhelmingly vote to upend the system and make a statement, and if it is obvious to the common person that this has happened, and then somehow the MSM reports something different. . . .then, all the eager Revolutionary types will have their day!

That is my opinion. I hope the Tea Parties work, but there is the chance that you are correct and the entrenched political parties will ignore the will of the people, and then they will have to be plucked out like ticks!

As for me, I am fully prepared either way, and I will continue to believe that the political machine will work as intended. If not, well, I think a lot of people are completely prepared for that too.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by orbitbaby

Finally such a decision was achieved. The ruling also upheld that foreign entities are still barred from participating. But one thing is for, all those union dues, sorry I mean donations actually will have some competition from the other side of the ballpark.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 01:45 PM

I liked this thread.

To reiterate my earlier point. I don't disagree with the OP, the Mad Hatters probably will be coming out, but they won't be welcome, and they will only be involved just long enough to get their picture taken and make some news. They will be run off fairly quickly, if they are disruptive, but when the news comes on at 6, you will see 15 seconds of madness instead of 8 hours of picnicking and patriotism.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 01:49 PM
I agree with you totally, Tea Parties Events at the heart of it all are a big ol' backyard party. If one were to take poll as to how diverse the Tea Party group is, they would be surprised to know that not only the media is hyping up whites as being the only representatives but 4 out of 10 are democrats.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Homo aspect ?

Lots of people see the term sodomy as referring to gay sex only. Not technically correct, but people can be touchy.
Homo is perjorative, much like Teabagger. But worse. I'd be suprised if no-one had pointed that out.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 10:02 PM
Explanation: S&F!

Personal Disclosure: American politics currently and unfortunately reminds me of this... [for the Baby Boomers]

And For the Gen X's...

And for the Gen Y's...


posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by 23refugee

"Homo" is an abbreviation for "homo-sexual" which is a politically correct term, although even "politically correct" now has a lot of negative connotations. I figured someone would point out the fact that I used homo, but I didn't feel like typing the whole hyphenated version at that moment.

In my opinion, sodomy has nothing to do with homo-sexuality. Not all homo-sexuals participate in the practice, and many hetero-sexuals do participate in it, so anyone that makes the connection with sodomy and homo is misinformed.

And, honestly, nobody in 6+ years has mentioned that aspect of the shirt. I have had dozens of people get their picture taken with me, and I get thumbs up and compliments everywhere I go in it. Most rational thinkers realize that the government is indeed giving us an economic and statutory suppository against overwhelming polls from the Constituents that say we don't want it.

And, this isn't an Obama, or Healthcare, or Bailout message, although it applies nicely. Like I said, we began wearing the shirts 6 years ago, during Bush days. In my town, most of the hatred is toward Representative Boyd, a Republican, that is a long time Congressional Member, and sits on several committees, and constantly ignores the will of his Constituents, but somehow always gets good press coverage in the "Tallahassee Democrat" (our main local paper) and the local news stations. Despite calls, faxes, letters, and visits number 8 to 1 against the BailOut he still voted FOR it. As for Healthcare, he ran TV ads stating exactly why he was opposed to it, and now he is running ads as to why it is such a beneficial Bill and a good thing for Florida? He literally went out the backdoor of all his TownHall meetings in the face of angry constituents, but somehow he is consistently re-elected?

"Vote or Die" makes absolutely no sense, and it is false. But, "Vote or Get Sodomized" makes perfect sense, with a little humor mixed in. If you like, make a "Vote or Love Your Chains" shirt, or a "Vote or Kneel" shirt, or to really irritate the Obama crowd, "Vote or Bow" shirt.

Political Correctness will be the end of this Country, and especially when the things deemed politically incorrect are sometimes factual, and the people that are claiming to be offended are uninformed of the actual practices. I refer to my earlier comments about sodomy, and the suicide thread where the joke about immigration led to a suspension and a suicide, even though the target of the joke was involved, and amused, and is now missing his dear friend?

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
And, this isn't an Obama, or Healthcare, or Bailout message, although it applies nicely.

Yeah, good thing it isn't a "Bailout" message and people stuck by the original concept or else Sarah Palin would get boo'd off stage. The glorious Tea Party speaker SUPPORTED THE BANK BAILOUTS! And now she is a keynote speaker.
Let's, as part of the Tea Party, cheer someone who supported the bank bailouts. Hypocrites much.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by DiabolusFireDragon

Are you really that angry over the support Gov. Sarah Palin was giving during the elections? During the time of her support how much information was there regarding what if we didn't support? All I ever came across was the doomsday that would befall the USA if no one did anything, do you remember that?

Maybe I can remind you of some of the other election highlights that were promised several times by then Junior Senator Obama and they go something like this: I will air all negotiations on C-Span, I will not raise taxes on people making under 250k (still laughing on that one), I will not sign a healthcare bill that comes from the reconciliation, I am going to change politics in DC, I am a centrist, yada yada yada.

So tell me again why you are mad?

Sir, you are the HYPOCRITE.

[edit on 14-4-2010 by prionace glauca]

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by prionace glauca

Riiggght. Just because there were so many ignorant people who fell for the "we gotta do something" and throw money at the bankers doesn't mean there weren't people who were intelligent enough to see through the BS. You know, like someone who called all the economic mess that's going on right now. Oh, who would that be... Hmmm... Somebody who represents the roots of where this movement came from. Oh, yeah, Ron Paul.

BTW, why are you mentioning Obama? Are you inferring since I don't like Palin, I must support Obama? LOL.
That, buddy, would be ignorance. Deny it.

[edit on 4/14/2010 by DiabolusFireDragon]

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