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America: The Grim Truth

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posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by predator0187

I wanted to add to this for the reason I have been to australia! I will say I got sick while there and they do have REALLY good health care I only sat in The waiting room for 5 mins . I will say the service was the best I have had! So I will say I agree with this thread 100%. Nothing will change with America unless we say something and stand up and be heard but I will not hold my breath. There is one thing we can comprehend "People should not fear their government, the government should fear their people!"

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 07:27 AM
Whole heartedly agree with you on many points in the OP..i started a thread awhile back to explain to those who were calling me 'anti american' exactly why i hold such distaste for the country... only for no one to actually get my point at all lol.. well, some did thankfully.. but having also escaped said prison of a country, i will never.. ever even consider moving back there for anything.. and the feeling of dread washes over me when i think i will have to return one day for a week or so due to family and loved ones still living in the hell hole. Its the last thing i want to have to do, ever.. I also agree with what you say of the standard of living there in the U.S..the work ethics are harsh to say the least.. over all what i noticed as an adult living there, was all those elite who control the place want the people working themselves to either physical or mental exhaustion each day, get home eventually, eat their chemical and gmo packed foods, zombie out to the tv before falling into bed, only to wake up to start it all again.. giving the majority of the people little to no time to think for themselves, or to look around them too much..instead, those in charge, of course want the populace to be more concerned with consumer goods and television programming.. there are always exceptions to those who do not buy into this entire system..but so very many do.. i could go on for ages with the issues of living standards there compared to other places i have been.. no country is perfect, and no countries histories are blood free..but there are still, by far, far better countries to chose to spend ones life in. Thanks for this thread, and i am glad to hear you as well have escaped the 'test tube nation' with no desire whatsoever to return.. understandably so!

Edited to add: Sorry, i have just realized that the artical is from another person than the OP himself, but most of what i wrote applies anyhow
sorry for my slowness today lol

[edit on 7-4-2010 by Full_Vision]

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

Oh I have no doubt that you are honest and sincere. I too support America, however I think as far as healthcare is concerned we could be doing much better, especially for those not living on 5 acres.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by AlreadyGone
Let's see... I have a 3rdworld life style, a slave to the corporations, and don't live as well as a taxi driver in Singapore....OK.

I do have a house on five acres, own..not mortaged... but own the 45 acres of timberland/farm behind me, own land in a neighboring county, have a place at the coast on the intracoastal waterway of NC...paid for, have a daughter in college who will graduate in another 3 semesters with honors, only owe on my truck...the car is paid for.

Yeah, sounds like you are right... my life sucks.

Its very nice to read that your life has gone so perfectly, truly i am, however, you are one of the few that it does work so smoothly for.. you are in a minority..

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 07:53 AM
Pull your head out people, stop believing the T.V.

NOBODY goes bankrupt in Australia from medical bill, that simple.

People do not die of starvation in Australia.

People do not freeze to death in Australia because they can't afford heating.

People are not shot in the streets on a daily basis in Australia.

An average person can become the leader of my country. Not so the USA.

The USA is broke. China owns you. Your manufacturing industry is propped up by your Government.

Believe it or not, Al Qaeda has already won. How much for your pride?

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 07:53 AM
30 years ago I visited India and stayed in a fairly rural area. The people where very poor in general but the humanistic quality of life was very enviable. Today I would say life is somewhat worst for Indians with a combination of more crowding and a high middle class. Where you could enjoy a walk before is now non-stop trucks, cars, motorcycles. As far as "living" their life, I would agree most people have a better life then the plastic world of the uSA. Humanistic terms I believe the uS, in general, isn't a high quality of life, but working with people from other countries, I know that the people in the uS tend to be poor communicators and anti-social to a greater degree than most others. Every place is different. But, I agree, people in the uSA don't know what they are missing. They are habituated to a very shallow standard of life.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by GoodFella

Originally posted by Subjective Truth
reply to post by predator0187
I would rather live here then in Europe. I can shoot my gun and I dont have sensors on my garbage and I dont have government run media. The progressive movement that has swept Europe will come to a end it is only a matter of time.

Europe will fall apart under the weight of the progressive movement. They have promised everyone everything and they can not pay for it. Rich countries will turn against poor countries and it will end up in war just like it always does.

I still think America is great because as soon as we notice that we are becoming progressive the power begins to switch. Obama and the progressive are on borrowed time in America they will be left out in the cold.

We have a new health care bill for one reason because the baby boomers were about to enter the system and the old system was about keeping people alive for as long as they could with no thought of the cost. They had to fix so they have made the system to be able to ration care it is the simple truth.

This is what living in USA does to your head.

Nope it's the truth.

I’m sure the foreigners will jump all over an article like this for the simple reason to inflate their ego. I wouldn’t want to move to Europe now, because it really is going to fall apart in the next twenty years. Australia and Canada are the only options.

Harsh working conditions you say? Not really compared to other places. Having a strong work ethic is not a bad thing.

The European union is going to fail most likely. I wouldn’t mind living in Canada, not much of a difference compared to the US.

The lazy people will state how bad this country is. You can do anything if you apply yourself. The best colleges in the world are here. Too bad Australia is becoming just as materialistic as America and fat as well.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 07:54 AM
A one payer health care system has ultimately failed everywhere that it has been tried. If it has not failed yet, it is going bankrupt much like the social security and medicaid programs in the U.S. This makes absolutely no sense.

And to the uneducated person that stated that we are slaves to corps. I say it is better than being slave to a all powerful government.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 08:07 AM
I'm glad you Americans enjoy living your way of life, keep it that way. That doesn't rule out the fact the OP is right in its global opinion, if you consider global statistics and the opinion of most people living outside the US.

Please don't read it as an attack or an attempt to piss you off. It's merely a comparison between American life standards and your perception of it, versus foreign life standards and foreign perception of yours. MaxBlack (12th post in this topic) describes it rather accurate, I think.

Originally posted by Subjective Truth
I would rather live here then in Europe. I can shoot my gun and I dont have sensors on my garbage and I dont have government run media. The progressive movement that has swept Europe will come to a end it is only a matter of time.

And I would rather stay here in Europe - so we both are where we supposed to be, not? Compared to the freedom we enjoy here, the US looks like a zero-tolerance police state (but so does the UK and Italy).

I'm also glad you're not shooting your gun anywhere near me without having a licence to do so.
Murders with firearms - global statistics

I don't have sensors on my garbage either, and don't expect those anywhere soon

I especially love the fact we have public broadcasting (next to commercial), it makes me better informed on important issues, more critical and yes, smarter than when I would live in a society where television is mainly commercially based (although let's not minimize the influence of decent education).
Check out this study, it was released just a couple of weeks ago: James Curran - Mediasystems
An excerpt:

We address the implications of the movement towards entertainment-centred, market- driven media by comparing what is reported and what the public knows in four countries with different media systems. The different systems are public service (Denmark and Finland), a ‘dual’ model (United Kingdom) and the market model (United States).

The comparison shows that public service television devotes more attention to public affairs and international news, and fosters greater knowledge in these areas, than the market model.

Public service television also gives greater prominence to news, encourages higher levels of news consumption, and contributes to a smaller within-nation knowledge gap between the advantaged and disadvantaged...

As for the progressive movement: in the last 150 years they gave me voting rights, better work- and life conditions, equal treatment of men and women, the right to strike, decent and affordable healthcare, a secular society, quality education, freedom of speech, less oppression, more equality ...

But hey, this is just my perception - it's ok to differ.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 08:09 AM
An all powerful government.

The USA had the most corrupt form of government in the western world.

You have no democracy, only the scraps from multi-nationals and for that you are now paying the price.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 08:12 AM
Please explain to me why any medical procedure could possible cost $100,000 USD or more.

Why are doctors put on a pedestal. The are only human mechanics.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 08:19 AM
People in the US seem to suffer from 3 things
1. Materialism
2. Selfishness and Self Centeredness
3. Denial and stupidity

The net profit will be collapse of the nation in a steady downturn (sometimes slowly , sometimes quickly)

It is unconstitutional to have taxation without representation.
Flying planes into IRS buildings wont fix things.
However...not filing and paying taxes from over 200 million citizens will send a most rude message.

Only problem is 97% of the populace have a doctrine of individualism rather than collective community and brotherhood. Reason why the super wealthy families survive within secret order collectives and the slave citizen that champion individualism remains the slave.

200 million of you could never agree not to file taxes on April 15th much less collectively agree on any other subject.

Enjoy the will only become worse.

[edit on 7-4-2010 by superluminal11]

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by predator0187

Well, you didn't need to create a thread for me to have realized this fact. I have only been to a couple of countries, however, it was pretty easy to see that they have much more freedom, more resources, and overall...more intellect.

Thanks for posting though. Others definitely needed to see this thread.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by predator0187

At least the citizens of the former Soviet Union knew that their news was bull#

Thats so true!

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 08:39 AM
I live in the UK which I think is going downhill fast due to the fact that our government are retarded and instead of improving the country are bent on destroying it.

As being a wealthy country relative to its size and the UK accepted and is still accepting more migrants then it should. The overall quality of live goes down hill.

Some of these migrants of specific country's (I don't need to mention them because we all acknowledge who they are) do not and will not work to contribute to our economy. Generally they just want to sit on their ass, be provided for and to show their gratitude for all this they return the favour by being generally unpleasant and involved in petty crime.

It would also help if we did not get involved with supporting our cousins the Americans with their pointless wars.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by AlreadyGone
Let's see... I have a 3rdworld life style, a slave to the corporations, and don't live as well as a taxi driver in Singapore....OK.

I do have a house on five acres, own..not mortaged... but own the 45 acres of timberland/farm behind me, own land in a neighboring county, have a place at the coast on the intracoastal waterway of NC...paid for, have a daughter in college who will graduate in another 3 semesters with honors, only owe on my truck...the car is paid for.

Yeah, sounds like you are right... my life sucks.

I have to agree with this quote. Well at least the sarcasm involved.

I too have been all over the world courtesy of the US Military. I have seen and done ennough to make me sure that I will always welcome my return home.

It is my responsibility to make sure that I don't go bankrupt from being sick or injured. My responsibility! Not your's or my government's. That said, it is not my responsibility to pick up the tab for those that can't or won't take responsibility for their own well being.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 08:56 AM


posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by ExPostFacto
reply to post by predator0187

I never understood why they didn't simply do a single payer system and make it optional. I know many people that would rather do that than pay an insurance company for the same insurance.
That proves it is about controlling money.Should always be optional.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 09:10 AM

it is not my responsibility to pick up the tab for those that can't or won't take responsibility for their own well being.

Whose responsibility is it then?

I read this on ATS all the time, the whole " my guns, my money, my freedom" mantra is just so selfish. Whose job is it to look after the ones who cannot look after themselves? With that attitude they should just be put down so no one has to be burdend, right?

I want to add that the OP is someone's personal opinion. We all have our own based on our life's experiences. It's not an insult, and I have no bad wishes toward America, in fact I have the greatest hopes that things get better, mistly because my brother and his family are kind of stuck, I left, but I have no kids.

As for work ethic, just because I don't have to work 60 hours a week with a weeks vacation ( Should I dare to take it) doesn't mean I don't have a good work ethic. I do not live to work, I work to live, I just have to work less then most to do so, and that's not because I am rich, or in some super job, it's because it's more culturally acceptable to have a life outside of work here. It's because I don't spend more than I make in order to keep up with the neighbours. It's because I didnt' go into debt to fund an education, it's because I don't have to worry about getting sick and not being treated, It's because I can take a year off if I get pregnant, it's because I won't be destitute if I lose my job ( which is why I happily pay my taxes, just in case).

Yes, people should take responsibility, but there should be a safety net, it's why I pay taxes so that I too can benefit from just in case.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 09:11 AM
And Barry's health care bill just made things even worse.

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